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Publisher : STIKes Mandala Waluya Kendari

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36566/ijhsrd/Vol2.Iss2/35


Background: The high number of people living with HIV / AIDS until 2018 has created a negative stigma for HIV / AIDS patients in Boro-Boro Village, Ranomeeto Sub-District, South Konawe Regency. The purpose of this study was to determine the factors associated with negative stigma for HIV / AIDS patients in Boro-Boro Village, Ranomeeto District, South Konawe Regency Methods: Type of research is quantitative method with a cross-sectional design with a population of 585 people. Sampling technique usedd accidental sampling technique with a sample size of 83 respondents. Analysis data used the chi square test. The independent variable in this study was knowledge about HIV / AIDS, perception, and education, while the dependent variable was negative stigma for people with HIV / AIDS. The instrument of this study is a questionnaire. Result: The results showed that there was still a high negative stigma for people with HIV / AIDS with n = 69 (83.1%). There is a weak relationship between knowledge and negative stigma for people with HIV / AIDS with a value of X2 count 4.110, 0.255. There is a weak correlation between perceptions and negative stigma for people with HIV / AIDS with a value of X2 count 7.338, ? 0.331. There is a weak relationship between education and a negative stigma for people with HIV / AIDS with a value of X2count 5.551, ? 0.291. Conclusion: Researchers suggest to Ranomeeto Primary Health Care to conduct more frequent health education about HIV / AIDS and form village cadres by providing accurate knowledge about HIV / AIDS, for further researchers to add and look for variables that are closely related to negative stigma for people with HIV / AIDS in the community.
Overview of Recurrence Mental Health Disorders in Community Umi Rachmawati; Islamiyah Islamiyah; Firman Firman
Jurnal Keperawatan Jiwa (JKJ): Persatuan Perawat Nasional Indonesia Vol 8, No 4 (2020): November 2020
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.26714/jkj.8.4.2020.515-520


Mental health problems found in the community require comprehensive treatment, as the disease can cause recurrence in the past year after undergoing hospital treatment despite still taking medication. This study aims to find out the picture of recurrence of people with mental disorders in the commut. The design of this research is a type of quantitative research that is descriptive narrative, the population in this study is all people with mental disorders who are in the working area of Poasia Health Center Kendari City and live witha care giver, asmany as 24 people, sampling techniques using purposive sampling techniques obtained as many as 20 respondents. This research was conducted in June 2020 in poasia health center working area of Kendari City, Southeast Sulawesi Province. The data collection tool uses a questionnaire containing the characteristics of respondents and a mental disorder recurrence questionnaire. Data analysis in the form of univariate analysis in the form of frequency distribution. The results showed that almost all respondents experienced a relapse with a high relapse category after undergoing treatment at the hospital.
Tindakan Keperawatan pada Klien, Keluarga dan Kader Kesehatan Jiwa dengan Diagnosa Keperawatan Isolasi Sosial di Komunitas Umi Rachmawati; Budi Anna Keliat; Ice Yulia Wardani
Jurnal Keperawatan Jiwa (JKJ): Persatuan Perawat Nasional Indonesia Vol 3, No 2 (2015): November 2015
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (361.029 KB) | DOI: 10.26714/jkj.3.2.2015.13-22


Social isolation is one of nursing diagnosis that found on the client's nursing schizophrenia. The aims of this paper were known outcomes of nursing care such as Socialization Therapeutic Group Activities (TAKS), Social Skill Training (SST) and Family psychoeducation (FPE) and roles of mental health workers care for social isolation clients by Community as Partner Model approach. Socialization Therapeutic Group Activities (TAKS), Social Skill Training (SST), family social support by the Family psychoeducation (FPE), as well as the activities of mental health workers to visite the 4th of social isolation clients with schizophrenia. The results showed a decrease in signs and symptoms of clients with increased social skills. Was recommend research on nursing care with empowering mental health workers care for social isolation clients with more respondents.
Tindakan Keperawatan pada Klien, Keluarga dan Kader Kesehatan Jiwa terhadap Klien Isolasi Sosial di Komunitas Umi Rachmawati; Budi Anna Keliat; Ice Yulia Wardani
Jurnal Keperawatan Jiwa (JKJ): Persatuan Perawat Nasional Indonesia Vol 2, No 2 (2014): November 2014
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (404.697 KB) | DOI: 10.26714/jkj.2.2.2014.138-148


Social isolation is one of nursing diagnosis that found on the client's nursing schizophrenia. The aims of this paper were known outcomes of nursing care such as Socialization Therapeutic Group Activities (TAKS), Social Skill Training (SST) and Family psychoeducation (FPE) and roles of mental health workers care for social isolation clients by Community as Partner Model approach. Socialization Therapeutic Group Activities (TAKS), Social Skill Training (SST), family social support by the Family psychoeducation (FPE), as well as the activities of mental health workers to visite the 4th of social isolation clients with schizophrenia. The results showed a decrease in signs and symptoms of clients with increased social skills. Was recommend research on nursing care with empowering mental health workers care for social isolation clients with more respondents.
Depresi Postpartum Berhubungan dengan Motivasi Pemberian Asi Ekslusif Satu Bulan Pertama pada Bayi Islamiyah Islamiyah; Umi Rachmawati Wasil Sardjan
Jurnal Keperawatan Silampari Vol 4 No 2 (2021): Jurnal Keperawatan Silampari
Publisher : Institut Penelitian Matematika, Komputer, Keperawatan, Pendidikan dan Ekonomi (IPM2KPE)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (290.571 KB) | DOI: 10.31539/jks.v4i2.1934


This study aims to determine the relationship between postpartum depression and the motivation of exclusive breastfeeding for the first month of infants. This research is observational research with a cross-sectional study design with a quantitative approach. The study results using the Mann Whitney test, the significance value indicated a p-value of 0.000. In conclusion, there is a relationship between postpartum depression and mothers' motivation in exclusive breastfeeding in the first month. Keywords: Exclusive Breastfeeding, Postpartum Depression, Breastfeeding, Motivation
Pelatihan Dukungan Kesehatan Jiwa dan Psikososial di Wilayah Pesisir Kota Kendari Umi Rachmawati Wasil Sardjan; Firman Firman; Mimi Yati
Jurnal Peduli Masyarakat Vol 4 No 1 (2022): Jurnal Peduli Masyarakat: Maret 2022
Publisher : Global Health Science Group

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37287/jpm.v4i1.895


Pandemi Covid-19 menyisakan berbagai macam masalah bukan hanya masalah kesehatan (fisik) melainkan masalah psikososial.Wabah Covid-19 menjadi stressor bagi tenaga kesehatan maupun bagi masyarakat.Masalah psikososial yang ditimbulkan memiliki dampak yang lebih luas dan lebih lama dibandingkan dengan cedera fisik, sedangkan perhatian bagi kesehatan mental tidak menjadi prioritas penanganan masalah kesehatan selama pandemic Covid-19.Respons umum dari orang-orang yang terdampak (baik secara langsung atau tidak) antara lain takut jatuh sakit dan meninggal, tidak mau datang ke fasilitas layanan kesehatan karena takut tertular saat dirawat, takut kehilangan mata pencaharian, tidak dapat bekerja selama isolasi, dan dikeluarkan dari pekerjaan, takut diasingkan masyarakat/ dikarantina karena dikait-kaitkan dengan penyakit (seperti rasisme terhadap orang yang berasal dari, atau dianggap berasal dari tempattempat terdampak), merasa tidak berdaya untuk melindungi orang-orang terkasih dan takut kehilangan orang-orang terkasih karena virus yang menyebar, takut terpisah dari orang-orang terkasih dan pengaruh karena aturan karantina, menolak untuk mengurusi anak kecil yang sendirian atau terpisah, penyandang disabilitas atau orang berusia lanjut karena takut infeksi, karena orangtuanya atau pengasuhnya dikarantina, merasa tidak berdaya, bosan, kesepian dan depresi selagi diisolasi, takut mengalami pengalaman wabah sebelumnya. Istilah besar ‘dukungan kesehatan jiwa dan psikososial (DKJPS) digunakan dalam Panduan Inter Agency Standing Committee (IASC) untuk DKJPS dalam situasi kedaruratan, yang berarti ‘dukungan jenis apapun dari luar atau local yang bertujuan melindungi atau meningkatkan kesejahteraan psikologis dan/ atau mencegah atau menangani kondisi kesehatan jiwa.
Jurnal Abdi Masyarakat Vol 5, No 2 (2022): Jurnal Abdi Masyarakat Mei 2022
Publisher : Universitas Kadiri

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30737/jaim.v5i2.2409


The COVID-19 pandemic leaves various kinds of problems, including health problems (physical) and psychosocial problems. The Covid-19 outbreak is a stressor for health workers and the community. Psychosocial problems caused have a wider and longer impact than physical injuries, while attention to mental health is not a priority for handling health problems during the COVID-19 pandemic. Common responses from affected people (directly or indirectly) include fear of falling ill and dying, not wanting to come to health care facilities for fear of being infected while being treated, fear of losing their livelihood, not being able to work during isolation and being expelled from work. Then, they are also afraid of being ostracized by the community/quarantining because they are associated with disease (such as racism because they are considered to come from an affected place), feel powerless to protect loved ones, fear losing loved ones, afraid of being separated from loved ones and influence due to quarantine rules. In addition, people also refuse to take care of young children who are alone or separated, people with disabilities, or elderly for fear of infection because their parents or caregivers are quarantined, feel helpless, bored, lonely, and depressed while isolated, and afraid of experiencing previous outbreaks. The term Mental Health and Psychosocial Support (MHPS) is used in the Inter-Agency Standing Committee (IASC) Guidelines for MHPS in an emergency situation, which means any external or local support to protect or enhance psychological well-being and/or preventing or treating mental health conditions.
Utilization of Video in Indonesian Language Learning in Elementary Schools in Indonesia Alviana Dwi Anggraeni; Andika Aji Setiawan; Umi Rachmawati
Prosiding University Research Colloquium Proceeding of The 14th University Research Colloquium 2021: Bidang Pendidikan
Publisher : Konsorsium Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat Perguruan Tinggi Muhammadiyah 'Aisyiyah (PTMA) Koordinator Wilayah Jawa Tengah - DIY

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (114.765 KB)


Learning Technology was born from the reality of education and the audio-visualcommunication movement. Learning Technology was originally seen as equipmenttechnology, which was related to the use of equipment, media and means to achieve educational goals or in other words teaching with audio-visual aids. One of the audiovisual-based teaching materials is video. Indonesian Language and Literature subjects are oriented towards the nature of learning Language and Literature which states thatlearning Indonesian is learning to use a good and correct language.This research ismotivated by the problems that occur in learning Indonesian starting from the low level ofconcentration of students, then the difficulty of students in speaking in Indonesian, thedifficulty of students in reading, and then the difficulty of students in writing. This studyaims to determine the effect of using video media on learning outcomes in Indonesianlanguage learning. The attention function of video media can attract attention and directstudents' concentration on video material and the affective function of video media is ableto arouse the emotions and attitudes of the audience. The results of using this video mediain learning are to improve students' abilities in developing students' abilities in usingIndonesian.
Online Learning In Elementary School During The Covid-19 Pandemic Vera Nita; Agustin Atakhiroh Nur Cahyaningsih; Umi Rachmawati
Prosiding University Research Colloquium Proceeding of The 14th University Research Colloquium 2021: Bidang Pendidikan
Publisher : Konsorsium Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat Perguruan Tinggi Muhammadiyah 'Aisyiyah (PTMA) Koordinator Wilayah Jawa Tengah - DIY

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (107.633 KB)


Education is a conscious and planned effort made to create a learning atmosphere andlearning process to provide a learning experience for students. This experience consists of3 aspects, namely cognitive, affective and psychomotor. This research was motivated bythe impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, which impacted the health and economic sectorsand the education sector. Therefore, the learning process for primary school education iscurrently carried out remotely or online by utilizing learning media. This research isqualitative research with a case study type. The data sources were obtained from 2research samples: the Sidorejo State Elementary School (village) and the Tempurejo 1State Primary School (urban) from the Magelang area, which learned in the epidemic era.The technique used is the interview. The results showed that elementary schools locatedin cities were easier to carry out bold learning. In contrast, in village schools, the practicallearning process was carried out offline, which could help students in the learning process.There were several obstacles such as unstable internet networks or even the unavailabilityof mobile phones to implement teaching-learning boldly.
Improves Children's Ability In Learning To Read And Write Through The RERIRO Method For Slow Learners Dwi Surami Apryani; Martiana Putri Listiowati; Maulida Fitria Husna; Umi Rachmawati
Prosiding University Research Colloquium Proceeding of The 14th University Research Colloquium 2021: Bidang Pendidikan
Publisher : Konsorsium Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat Perguruan Tinggi Muhammadiyah 'Aisyiyah (PTMA) Koordinator Wilayah Jawa Tengah - DIY

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (208.558 KB)


This study aims to determine whether the use of the RERIRO method can improvereading and writing skills in Slow Learners at SD N Keditan. This research was carriedout in one of the classes of SD N Keditan, namely class IV and apply experiments usingthepaper roll game Researcher's suggested that the RERIRO method can be used inteaching to improve reading and writing skills in children with slow learner. The resultsof the study indicate that there is an increase in the results of children in reading andwriting.Elementary school teachers to using the RERIRO method as a bridge in teachingreading and writing, especially in Indonesian subjects.It can make students moreinterested in learning activities that are being carried out.