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Jurnal Perspektif Vol 5, No 2 (2021): Jurnal Perspektif: Volume 5 Nomor 2 Tahun 2021
Publisher : UIN Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15575/jp.v5i2.126


Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mencari dan mejelaskan jenis metafora konseptual dan makna konseptual, serta skema citra yang terkandung dalam Al-quran surat Yasin. Penelitian ini termasuk kedalam jenis penelitian kualitatif dengan menggunakan metode analisis deskriptif. Teori yang digunakan dalam kajian in menggunakan teori  konseptual semantik kognitif  dan dari Lakoff & Johnson (2003), sedangkan teori yang digunakan untuk menentukan jenis metafora adalah teori  , makna konseptual teori,sedangkan teori   yang digunkan untuk menentukan skema citranya adalah teori  Cruse & Croft (2004). Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode dekriptip kualitatif  analisis, untuk menganalisis metafora konsepual bahasa arab menggunakan metode padan, dengan menggunakan tool kamus Arab-Arad dan Buku Tafsir  atau Mufasir sebagai alat bantu untuk menilisik lebih jauh makna yang terkandug dalam metafora, untuk menemukan makna konseptual dikarenan dalam memahami Al-quran tidak cukup dnegan menggunakan satu sudut pandang saja. Hasil penelitian menunjukan adanya 9 data metafora konseptual yang ditemukan dengan (4) jenis metafora Sistematis dan (5) metafora jenis Antromorfis. Data metafora tersebut memiliki (3) skema  citra yaitu skema citra identity (maching), exicistence (process), force (compultion).
Metahumaniora Vol 9, No 2 (2019): METAHUMANIORA, SEPTEMBER 2019
Publisher : Universitas Padjadjaran

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24198/metahumaniora.v9i2.25111


Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengungkapkan representasi kecantikan perempuan Jerman yang terdapat dalam iklan kecantikan Nivea berdasarkan makna denotasi dan konotasi dalam iklan. Penelitian ini merupakan suatu kajian semiotik dan menggunakan metode kualitatif yang bersifat deskriptif. Data diambil dari iklan kecantikan Nivea dalam majalah Brigitte. Majalah Brigitte merupakan majalah perempuan terbesar di Jerman. Teori yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah semiotika dari Roland Barthes (1968) yang menjelaskan makna denotasi dan konotasi sebagai teori utama. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa iklan kecantikan Nivea merepresentasikan kecantikan perempuan Jerman mempunyai kulit wajah sehat, segar, kencang, dan terlihat muda. Perempuan Jerman juga tampil percaya diri dan cerdas walaupun dalam kesederhanaan.
Jurnal Pendidikan Bahasa Jepang Undiksha Vol. 8 No. 1 (2022)
Publisher : Undiksha Press

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.23887/jpbj.v8i1.43012


Penelitian ini berjudul ‘Metafora Konseptual dalam Album Ao no Waltz Karya Eve: Analisis Semantik Kognitif’. Orientasi penelitian ini adalah makna metafora dan skema citra yang terkandung di dalam album Ao no Waltz. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mendeskripsikan makna metafora dan skema citra yang terdapat di album Ao no Waltz. Teori yang digunakan sebagai landasan berpikir adalah teori metafora konseptual menurut Lakoff dan Johnson (2003) dan teori skema citra menurut Croft dan Cruse (2004). Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian deskriptif kualitatif. Sumber data yang digunakan pada penelitian ini adalah album Ao no Waltz karya Eve dan data diperoleh dengan teknik catat. Adapun hasil dari penelitian ini adalah ditemukan sebanyak delapan belas metafora yang terdiri dari tiga metafora struktural, lima metafora orientasional, dan sepuluh metafora ontologis. Selain itu, skema citra yang ditemukan adalah skema citra force, container, dan identity.
Gog and Magog (Yakjuj wa Makjuj) Stories in Sundanese Manuscripts Faiz Karim Fatkhullah; Tajudin Nur; I. Syarief Hidayat; Undang Ahmad Darsa
OKARA: Jurnal Bahasa dan Sastra Vol. 13 No. 1 (2019): OKARA: Jurnal Bahasa dan Sastra
Publisher : IAIN MADURA

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.19105/ojbs.v13i1.2233


Gog and Magog will appear in the end of the world as a sign of doom. Their mysterious figure, making the story Gog and Magog interesting as well as a debate among experts. This study aims to reveal the reception of the Sundanese to the story of Gog and Magog which is represented by three Sundanese texts: Saifu Ad-Dharīb (SaD), Lajaj Dajal (LD), and Nawādirul 'Ulūm (NU). This study used a descriptive qualitative method with the reception theory approach. Of the three manuscripts, there are a diversity reception informing the advantages and disadvantages of each manuscript. The reception of who is Magog, LD's text calls them communist descendants. Regarding its existence, the SaD manuscripts say they are on Mount Qaf. Related to their numbers, the three manuscripts mention the numbers very much; SaD mentioned they have 400,000 troops, and each of them gave birth to 1000 offspring. NU's manuscripts reveal all objects will be destroyed and humans will become their prey. SaD's manuscripts mention their deaths due to massive winds; LD manuscripts say they died from being attacked by thousands of mosquitoes, while NU manuscripts say they died of disease.
The function of positive face threatening acts baldly on-record without redressive action in household and cyberconflict: a pragmatic study Sutiadi Rahmansyah; Tajudin Nur; Lia Maulia Indrayani; Davidescu Christiana Victoria Martha
Jurnal Sosioteknologi Vol. 19 No. 2 (2020)
Publisher : Fakultas Seni Rupa dan Desain ITB

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.5614/sostek.itbj.2020.19.2.9


Humans as social beings cannot be free from conflict. Speech is one of the causes of conflict. This study discusses the function of Positive Face Threatening Acts on-record baldly without redressive action on household conflicts in a popular psychology book and cyber conflicts between netizens on Facebook. The method used in this research was descriptive qualitative method. The results showed that there were two main functions of the use of Positive Face Threatening Acts baldly on-record without redressive action in household conflicts taken from dialogues in a popular psychology book and cyber conflicts between netizens on Facebook comments, namely if it is used as a utterance then it functions to trigger conflict (PK) and if it is used as a response it serves to maintain FTA/Face/conflict (MK). Whatever the problems or conflicts background that occur both in the household and in the cyber world, conflicts can arise as a result of utterances and also with utterances these conflicts can be resolved or maintained. It depends on the participants involved in the conflict. In other words, utterances can be used either to threaten or defend one's self-esteem/face.
The Impact of Face Threatening Acts on Hearer (The Wife) Face in A Household Conflict: A Pragmatic Study Sutiadi Rahmansyah; Tajudin Nur; Davidescu Cristiana Victoria Marta; Lia Maulia Indrayani
ELS Journal on Interdisciplinary Studies in Humanities Vol. 3 No. 1 (2020): MARCH
Publisher : Hasanuddin University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (526.843 KB) | DOI: 10.34050/els-jish.v3i1.9427


Conflict is a problem that is often faced in daily life, including husband and wife. Conflict in the household can lead to positive and negative things such as a divorce or violence in a household. The problem of conflict is closely related to the threat of “face” or a person self-esteem. The purpose of this article is to study the impact of face experienced by hearer (wife) in a household conflict that is particularly occurred on wife after her husband performs Face Threatening Acts. The method used in this research was qualitative, descriptive methods, i.e. it gives descriptive result about the impact of Face Threatening Acts usage and strategies in a household conflict obtained from several popular psychology books. The results showed that in general the impact of FTA used by a husband against his wife in the household conflict caused face loss on behalf of his wife (the loss of self-esteem). This happened because her feelings were more dominant and she generally avoided a conflict that could trigger further disputes with her husband to maintain her household.
Metalingua: Jurnal Penelitian Bahasa Vol 20, No 1 (2022): METALINGUA EDISI JUNI 2022
Publisher : Balai Bahasa Jawa Barat

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.26499/metalingua.v20i1.651


Penelitian ini berjudul “Konseptualisasi Metafora dalam Al-Qur’an Juz 30: Kajian Semantik Kognitif”. Pembahasannya diorientasikan pada kajian semantik kognitif dengan tujuan mendeskripsikan makna konseptual, jenis metafora dan skema citra yang terdapat pada Al-Qur’an Juz 30. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode deskriptif kualitatif. Adapun teori yang diacu adalah semantik kognitif, berkaitan dengan jenis-jenis metafora menurut Lakoff dan Johnson serta teori mengenai skema citra menurut Croft dan Cruse. Hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa dalam Al-Qur’an Juz 30 ditemukan 35 data metafora yang terbagi kepada 3 jenis metafora, yaitu 15 data metafora struktural, 10 data metafora orientasional dan 10 data metafora ontologis. Dari ketiga tipe metafora tersebut, terdapat 25 makna konseptual dan 6 macam skema citra, yaitu 9 data skema citra ruang (space), 1 data skema citra skala (scale), 7 data skema citra wadah (container), 6 data skema citra kekuatan (force), 4 data skema citra bagian/keseluruhan (unity/multiplicity) dan 8 data skema citra keberadaan (existence).
English Journal Literacy Utama Vol. 5 No. 2 (2021): English Journal Literacy UTama
Publisher : Universitas Widyatama

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (341.324 KB) | DOI: 10.33197/ejlutama.vol5.iss2.2021.133


This research aims to investigate the characteristics and functions of slang used by Indonesian netizens in the comments on TikTok. The method used in this research is a qualitative descriptive method proposed by Bogdan (1998:69). Data collections is conducted by reading the comments written by Indonesian netizens on TikTok, collecting data, classifying the types of slang, analyzing the functions of the slang found, and finally, drawing conclusions. The data source was taken from comments of netizens in TikTok. The theoretical framework used for the types of slang is based on the theory of Allan & Burridge (2006) and the theory of the functions of the slang is from Zhou and Fan (2013). The results of this study show that the morphological process of the slangy words found in the data analyzed are clipping (40%), blending (40%) and backformation (20%). The characteristics of the slangy words are creative (20%) and creative and fresh (80%). The function of the use of slangy words found in the data is to pursue self-identity (100%.)
THE RECEPTION OF DAJAL STORY IN THE SAIFU AD-DHARIB Faiz Karim Fatkhullah; Tajudin Nur; Undang Ahmad Darsa
Humanus: Jurnal Ilmiah Ilmu-ilmu Humaniora Vol 17, No 1 (2018)
Publisher : Pusat Kajian Humaniora FBS Universitas Negeri Padang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (301.568 KB) | DOI: 10.24036/humanus.v17i1.8779


This study reveals the story of Dajjal who experienced a shift in interpretation. This is due to the response of each reader with a different background. To disclose it, this research uses the reception theory proposed by Hans Robert Jauss. This research is the result of philology research from Saifu ad-Dharib (SaD) script. This manuscript was written by KH. Tubagus Ahmad Bakri, Purwakarta, West Java, with a thickness of 32 pages. Meanwhile, the section of the manuscript taken only the story of Dajjal contained in Chapter 4 and part of Chapter 5. From the results of the manuscript SaD taken only transliteration and translation. From the results of the study, it was found that the author of SaD responded that Dajjal in question is Ibn Sayyad. It is realized by the author that there are two opinions concerning the birth or previous Dajjal, but the author responds and interprets that Dajjal has been born ie that existed in the time of the Prophet Muhammad. In addition, Dajjal will come out with 70,000 followers who are mostly artists. The great Dajjal before the exit will be preceded by the existence of the small Dajjal-Dajjal which is now emerging, ie Persatuan Islam, Muhammadiyah, Wahabi, and Shi'a. This manuscript was born at the time of the condition of Muslims who are still in conflict, so the reception of Dajjal refers to the organization of the period above. The manuscripts of his day can be used as propaganda material.Keywords: Dajjal, reception theory, saifu ad-dharib RESEPSI CERITA DAJJAL DALAM NASKAH SAIFU AD-DHARIBAbstrakPenelitian ini  mengungkap cerita Dajjal yang mengalami pergeseran tafsir. Hal itu disebabkan karena adanya tanggapan dari setiap pembaca yang berlatar belakang berbeda. Untuk mengungkap itu, maka penelitian ini menggunakan teori resepsi yang dikemukakan oleh Jauss. Penelitian ini merupakan hasil penelitian filologi dari naskah Saifu ad-Dharib. Naskah ini ditulis oleh KH. Tubagus Ahmad Bakri, Purwakarta, Jawa Barat, dengan ketebalan naskah 32 halaman. Sementara itu, bagian naskah yang diambil hanya cerita Dajjal yang terdapat pada Bab 4 dan sebagian Bab 5. Dari hasil naskah SaD yang diambil hanya transliterasi dan terjemahan. Dari hasil penelitian ditemukan bahwa penulis SaD menanggapi bahwa Dajjal yang dimaksud adalah Ibnu Sahayyad. Disadari oleh penulisnya bahwa ada dua pendapat terkait lahir atau belumnya Dajjal, namun penulis menanggapi dan menafsirkan bahwa Dajjal telah lahir yakni yang ada pada zaman Nabi Muhammad saw. Selain itu, Dajjal akan keluar dengan disertai 70.000 pengikut yang sebagian besar adalah seniman. Dajjal besar sebelum keluar akan didahului dengan adanya Dajjal-Dajjal kecil yang sekarang ini sudah muncul, yaitu Persatuan Islam, Muhammadiyah, Wahabi dan Syi’ah. Naskah ini lahir di saat kondisi umat Islam yang masih saling bersitegang, sehingga resepsi terhadap Dajjal merujuk pada organisasi masa di atas. Naskah pada zamannya dapat digunakan sebagai bahan propaganda.Kata kunci: Dajjal, teori resepsi, saifu ad-dharib
Logat: Jurnal Bahasa Indonesia dan Pembelajaran Vol 10 No 1 (2023): Logat: Jurnal Bahasa Indonesia dan Pembelajaran
Publisher : Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan Universitas Sriwijaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36706/logat.v10i1.623


Conceptual metaphors are used by humans to communicate, including the mass media. Concepts are mapped by humans to understand the essence of meaning networks (Arimi, 2015). Research on the conceptual metaphor for the term PPKM can be carried out to look at the mass media's depiction of terms which are government policies in dealing with the Covid-19 pandemic. The purpose of this study is to describe the types of conceptual metaphors and concepts of meaning for the term PPKM in the online newspaper Kompas. The theory used is Lakoff and Johnson (1980) to define conceptual metaphor. This research method is qualitative method. Data collection was carried out by observing and note-taking methods. The results of the study found there are 25 conceptual metaphors. Based the types of conceptual metaphors, 8 structural metaphors, 10 orientational metaphors, and 7 ontological metaphors. This research found there were 10 concepts of the meaning of the term PPKM, namely PPKM is restraint, PPKM is a scenario, PPKM is a room, PPKM is long, PPKM is wide, PPKM is walking, PPKM is down, PPKM is a brake, PPKM is a road, and PPKM is a tree.