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Pengaruh Perendaman Rumput Laut Coklat Segar dalam Berbagai Larutan terhadap Mutu Natrium Alginat M. Darmawan; Tazwir Tazwir; Nurul Hak
Jurnal Pengolahan Hasil Perikanan Indonesia Vol 9 No 1 (2006): Buletin Teknologi Hasil Perikanan
Publisher : Department of Aquatic Product Technology IPB University in collaboration with Masyarakat Pengolahan Hasil Perikanan Indonesia (MPHPI)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (61.196 KB) | DOI: 10.17844/jphpi.v9i1.1001


Penelitian mengenai pengaruh perendaman rumput laut coklat segar dalam berbagai larutan terhadap mutu natrium alginat telah dilakukan. Terdapat empat perlakuan yang dilakukan dalam penelitian ini yaitu perendaman rumput laut coklat segar dalam larutan KOH 0,1 % selama 60 menit, larutan HCl 0,33 % selama 60 menit, larutan KOH 0,1 % selama 60 menit dan dilanjutkan dalam larutan HCl 0,33 % selama 60 menit dan perlakuan tanpa perendaman (kontrol). Parameter-parameter yang diamati adalah kadar air, kadar abu, viskositas dan rendemen natrium alginat. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa semua perlakuan memberikan pengaruh yang nyata terhadap kadar abu dan rendemen natrium alginat yang dihasilkan, tetapi tidak memberikan pengaruh yang nyata  terhadap kadar air dan viskositas natrium alginat yang dihasilkan. Perlakuan yang terbaik diperoleh dari perendaman rumput laut coklat segar dalam larutan KOH 0,1 % selama 60 menit dengan mutu fisiko-kimia yang dihasilkan adalah kadar air 14,8 %, kadar abu 23,8 %, viskositas 981 cps dan rendemen sebesar 4,2 %.Kata kunci: natrium alginat, perendaman, dan rumput laut coklat segar.
Pengaruh Umur Panen Rumput Laut Coklat (Sargassum filipendula) terhadap Mutu Fisiko-Kimia Natrium Alginat yang Dihasilkannya Nurul Hak; . Tazwir; . Yuniznal
Jurnal Pengolahan Hasil Perikanan Indonesia Vol 7 No 1 (2004): Buletin Teknologi Hasil Perikanan
Publisher : Department of Aquatic Product Technology IPB University in collaboration with Masyarakat Pengolahan Hasil Perikanan Indonesia (MPHPI)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (56.294 KB) | DOI: 10.17844/jphpi.v7i1.1063


Penelitian tentang pengaruh umur panen rumput laut coklat (Sargassum filipendula) terhadap mutu fisiko-kimia natrium alginat yang dihasilkan telah dilakukan. Bahan baku yang digunakan pada penelitian ini adalah rumput laut coklat. (Sargassum filipendula) yang dipanen dari hasil budidaya rumput laut coklat dengan menggunakan rakit. Budidaya rumput laut coklat tersebut diadakan di perairan Binuangaen (Provinsi Banten). Rumput laut coklat yang dibudiyakan dengan rakit terdiri dari 2 macam, yaitu rumput laut coklat utuh (penjang thallus 15-20 cm) dan rumput laut coklat yang telah dipotong-potong dengan ukuran panjang thallus 10-15 cm. Kedua kelompok rumput laut tersebut setiap bulan dipanen, kemudian dicuci air tawar bersih, langsung dijemur dengan sinar matahari hinga kering. Estraksi Na-alginat yang dilakukan berdasarkan kepada hasil penelitian yang sudah dihasilkan pada penelitian sebelumnya. Analisis mutu fisiko-kimia yang dilakukan terhadap Na-alginat yang dihasilkan pada setiap perlakuan adalah rendemen rumput laut coklat kering, rendemen Na-alginat, kadar air, kadar abu, viskositas dan rata-rata pertumbuhan rumput laut coklat tiap bulan. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa kecepatan pertumbuhan dari rumput laut coklat yang dibudidayakan dengan cara pertama hasilnya lebih baik dibandingkan dengan cara kedua. Rumput laut coklat yang dibudidayakan dengan cara pertama dari berat 3,4 kg dari awal penanaman menjadi 13,6 kg setelah 3 bulan dengan viskositas Na-alginat yang dihasilkan dari 280 cps menjadi 2050 cps sedangkan budidaya yang kedua berat rumut laut coklat awal adalah 3,8 kg menjadi 8,5 kg setelah 3 bulan budidaya dan viskositas dari Na-alginat yang dihasilkan menjadi 2000 cps setelah 3 bulan budidaya.Kata kunci: budidaya, Na-alginat, rumput laut coklat, viscositas
Journal of Islamic Economics and Philanthropy Vol 5, No 4 (2022): November
Publisher : Universitas Darussalam Gontor

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (726.447 KB) | DOI: 10.21111/jiep.v5i4.8930


IAIN Bengkulu consists of four faculties. One of them is the Faculty of Economics and Islamic Business (FEBI). FEBI IAIN Bengkulu has a very small department and the only one in Bengkulu Province it has is the Zakat and Waqf Management study program. Of the 4 study programs at FEBI IAIN Bengkulu, only this study program has little interest. The purpose of this study is to explain the learning outcomes of graduates in the curriculum of the Zakat and Waqf Management Study Program. To Explain How SWOT Analysis Against CPL Zakat and Waqf Management Study Program. To Explain How the Planning and Development Strategy of Zakat and Waqf Management Study Program. This type of research is qualitative with research methods to find naturalistics carried out in natural conditions where the object develops as it is, research is not imitated and the existence of research on object dynamics is not influenced. So whatever is found in the field does not improve the data. That data is analyzed and then written in the research report. The results of the research are the Learning Outcomes of Graduates in the Zakat and Waqf Management Study Program Curriculum According to Users The graduates of the curriculum in the Zakat and Waqf Management study program have met the standards and some are in accordance with graduate users and some knowledge that needs to be adapted to graduate users including IT-based knowledge and applications, deepened Religious knowledge, especially Tahfis and about the ethics of a charity. SWOT Analysis of the CPL of Zakat and Waqf Management Study Program Graduates Based on Users Strategy is a comprehensive plan that integrates all resources and capabilities that have a long-term goal to achieve an expected goal. The Study Program can move quickly and correctly, when there is the ability to determine a new position with a new paradigm and orientation which is also called repositioning. The repositioning of the study program is carried out by assessing and reviewing the results of the SWOT analysis of the research results above from all strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats so that it can determine which ones must be improved and which ones must be strengthened according to the themes and components. Among the MAZAWA study program development strategies that will be implemented include preparing short, medium and long term strategic plans. The short-term strategic plans of the MAZAWA study program include evaluating the development draft of the Merdeka Learning curriculum for the Merdeka Campus 
Journal of Islamic Economics and Philanthropy Vol. 5 No. 2 (2022): November
Publisher : Universitas Darussalam Gontor

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (726.447 KB) | DOI: 10.21111/jiep.v5i4.8930


IAIN Bengkulu consists of four faculties. One of them is the Faculty of Economics and Islamic Business (FEBI). FEBI IAIN Bengkulu has a very small department and the only one in Bengkulu Province it has is the Zakat and Waqf Management study program. Of the 4 study programs at FEBI IAIN Bengkulu, only this study program has little interest. The purpose of this study is to explain the learning outcomes of graduates in the curriculum of the Zakat and Waqf Management Study Program. To Explain How SWOT Analysis Against CPL Zakat and Waqf Management Study Program. To Explain How the Planning and Development Strategy of Zakat and Waqf Management Study Program. This type of research is qualitative with research methods to find naturalistics carried out in natural conditions where the object develops as it is, research is not imitated and the existence of research on object dynamics is not influenced. So whatever is found in the field does not improve the data. That data is analyzed and then written in the research report. The results of the research are the Learning Outcomes of Graduates in the Zakat and Waqf Management Study Program Curriculum According to Users The graduates of the curriculum in the Zakat and Waqf Management study program have met the standards and some are in accordance with graduate users and some knowledge that needs to be adapted to graduate users including IT-based knowledge and applications, deepened Religious knowledge, especially Tahfis and about the ethics of a charity. SWOT Analysis of the CPL of Zakat and Waqf Management Study Program Graduates Based on Users Strategy is a comprehensive plan that integrates all resources and capabilities that have a long-term goal to achieve an expected goal. The Study Program can move quickly and correctly, when there is the ability to determine a new position with a new paradigm and orientation which is also called repositioning. The repositioning of the study program is carried out by assessing and reviewing the results of the SWOT analysis of the research results above from all strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats so that it can determine which ones must be improved and which ones must be strengthened according to the themes and components. Among the MAZAWA study program development strategies that will be implemented include preparing short, medium and long term strategic plans. The short-term strategic plans of the MAZAWA study program include evaluating the development draft of the Merdeka Learning curriculum for the Merdeka Campus 
Program Gerobak Uusaha BAZNAS Provinsi Bengkulu dalam Meningkatkan Kesejahteraan Mustahik di Kota Bengkulu Wiwik Dewanty; Nurul Hak; Idwal B
SEMB-J : Sharia Economic and Management Business Journal Vol. 1 No. 3 (2020): Oktober
Publisher : Yayasan Darussalam Bengkulu

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar


Tujuan dari penelitian dalam penulisan skripsi ini, yaitu (1) untuk mengetahui implementasi program gerobak usaha BAZNAS Provinsi Bengkulu, (2) untuk mengetahui dampak program gerobak usaha BAZNAS Provinsi Bengkulu. Peneliti menggunakan metode Deskriptif Kualittatif untuk mengungkapkan permasalahan tersebut secara mendalam dan menyeluruh, yang bermanfaat untuk memberi informasi, fakta dan data tentang program gerobak usaha di BAZNAS Provinsi Bengkulu dalam meningkatkan kesejahteraan mustahik di kota Bengkulu dengan melakukan wawancara secara langsung kepada pegawai BAZNAS Provinsi Bengkulu dan mustahik yang menerima bantuan program gerobak usaha. Dari hasil penelitian : (1) implementasi program bantuan gerobak usaha BAZNAS Provinsi Bengkulu sudah terlaksana dengan baik dan sesuai dengan SOP BAZNAS akan tetapi berdasarkan fakta di lapangan menunjukkan bahwa sebagian besar dari mustahik yang menerima bantuan program ini sudah bisa dikatakan sejahterah, dan sebagian kecil dari mustahik yang menerima bantuan program gerobak usaha ini masih ada yng belum sejahterah karena pendapatan mustahik hanya cukup untuk memutas modal.(2) dampak pelaksaan program bantuan gerobak dan modal usaha BAZNAS Provinsi Bengkulu terkait dengan pendapatan mustahik setelah mendapatkan bantuan program gerobak usaha, pendapatan mustahik sebagian menjadi tetap dan sebagian kecil meningkat.
Business Feasibility Study Analysis in Islamic Economics Review (Study of Marketing and Operational Management Aspects in the Mischa Crackers Industry in Kampung Melayu District) Sela Febriani; Nurul Hak; Rizky Hariyadi
SEMB-J : Sharia Economic and Management Business Journal Vol. 4 No. 3 (2023): Oktober
Publisher : Yayasan Darussalam Bengkulu

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.62159/sembj.v4i3.1203


The purpose of this writing is to find out how the feasibility of business in the Mischa cracker industry in Islamic economic review in the aspects of marketing and operational management. To find out this, researchers used descriptive qualitative methods with data collection techniques and used observation, interview and documentation methods. From the results of research and discussion, it is found that it has met all the criteria for business feasibility in marketing and operational management aspects when viewed based on general economic concepts. When viewed from an Islamic point of view, the marketing aspect still has business information defects, but the business can be said to be Islamically feasible when viewed from operational management.