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Analisis Gaya Belajar Siswa Berdasarkan Visual, Auditori, Kinestetik Pada Mata Pelajaran Biologi MAN 1 Garut Solihah, Siti; Mulyani, Leni Sri; Ardiana, Chevi
Gunahumas Vol 3, No 1 (2020): Gunahumas
Publisher : Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia

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AbstrakPada berbagai tingkat pendidikan, masih banyak ditemukan hasil belajar yang belum sesuai dengan yang diharapkan. Gaya belajar yang tidak sesuai dengan kondisi siswa berdampak pada tingkat pemahaman mata pelajaran yang rendah. Penelitian ini mengambil judul “Analisis Gaya Belajar Siswa  Berdasarkan Kriteria VAK (Visual, Auditori, dan Kinestetik ) Pada Mata Pelajaran Biologi di MAN 1 GARUT”. Permasalahan dalam penelitian ini adalah “Bagaimanakah Gaya Belajar Siswa  Berdasarkan Kriteria VAK (Visual, Auditori, Dan Kinestetik ) Pada Mata Pelajaran Biologi di MAN 1 Garut”. Penelitian ini dilakukan di MAN 1 Kabupaten Garut, Jawa Barat dan dilaksanakan pada bulan April – Mei 2018. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah deskriptif dengan pendekatan kuantatif. Jumlah sampel yang diamati dalam penelitian ini adalah 150 siswa Kelas XI IPA MAN 1. Hasil penelitian gaya belajar pada mata pelajaran Biologi Kelas XI IPA 1 di MAN I Garut tahun 2018 sebanyak 85,0% gan kategori sangat rendah dan sebanyak 2,5% kinestetik dengan kategori sangat rendah. Gaya belajar pada mata pelajaran Biologi Kelas XI IPA2 di MAN I Garut tahun 2018 sebanyak 84,6% responden adalah auditorial dengan kategori tinggiresponden adalah auditorial dengan kategori sangat tinggi, sebanyak 12,5% visual den, sebanyak 12,8% visual dengan kategori sangat rendah dan sebanyak 2,6% kinestetik dengan kategori sangat rendah. Gaya belajar pada mata pelajaran Biologi Kelas X IPA 3 di MAN I Garut tahun 2018 sebanyak 77,8% adalah auditorial dengan kategori tinggi, sebanyak 13,9% visual dengan kategori sangat rendah dan sebanyak 8,3% kinestetik dengan kategori sangat rendah. Gaya belajar pada mata pelajaran Biologi Kelas XI IPA 4 di MAN I Garut tahun 2018 sebanyak 80,6% responden adalah auditorial dengan kategori tinggi, sebanyak 13,9% visual dengan kategori sangat rendah dan sebanyak 5,6% kinestetik dengan kategori sangat rendah. Gaya belajar secara umum pada mata pelajaran Biologi Kelas XI IPA di MAN I Garut tahun 2018 sebanyak 82,0% adalah auditorial dengan kategori tinggi, sebanyak 13,3% visual dengan kategori sangat rendah dan sebanyak 4,7% kinestetik dengan kategori sangat rendah.Kata Kunci  : Gaya Belajar Pada Mata Pelajaran Biologi Kelas X IPA 3 di MAN I Garut tahun 2018AbstractAt various levels of education, there are still many learning outcomes that have not been as expected. Learning styles that are not in accordance with student conditions have an impact on the level of understanding of low subjects. This study takes the title "Analysis of Student Learning Style Based on VAK Criteria (Visual, Auditory, and Kinesthetic) in Biology Subjects at MAN 1 GARUT". The problem in this study is "How is Student Learning Style Based on VAK Criteria (Visual, Auditory, and Kinesthetic) in Biology Subjects at MAN 1 Garut". This research was conducted in MAN 1 Garut West Java and was conducted in April - May 2018. The method used in this study was descriptive with a quantitative approach. The number of samples observed in this study were 150 students of Class XI Science 1. The results of research on learning styles in Biology Class XI IPA 1 subjects in MAN I Garut in 2018 were 85.0%, the category was very low and as much as 2.5% kinesthetic with a very low category. Learning styles in Biology Class XI IPA2 subjects in MAN I Garut in 2018 as many as 84.6% of respondents were auditory with the highest category of respondents being very high auditory categories, as much as 12.5% visual den, as many as 12.8% visually with very categories low and 2.6% kinesthetic with a very low category. Learning styles in Biology Class X IPA 3 subjects in MAN I Garut in 2018 as many as 77.8% were auditory with a high category, 13.9% were visually very low and 8.3% kinesthetic with very low categories. Learning styles in Biology Class XI IPA 4 subjects in MAN I Garut in 2018 as many as 80.6% of respondents were auditory with a high category, 13.9% were visually very low and 5.6% kinesthetic with very low categories. The general learning styles in Biology Class XI IPA subjects in MAN I Garut in 2018 as much as 82.0% are auditory with a high category, 13.3% are visually very low and 4.7% kinesthetic with very low categories.Keywords: Learning Style in Biology Class X Science 3 in MAN I Garut in 2018
PASIKULA (Pasta Kunyit untuk Axilla) Sebagai Perontok Herbal Bulu Ketiak Wawan Kurniawan; Novi Nurul Awaliyah; Wida Silfia; Ijang Ikbal Nawawi; Restu Febriyanto; Leni Sri Mulyani
Jurnal Inovasi Bisnis dan Kewirausahaan Vol 2 No 2 (2020): Business Innovation and Entrepreneurship Journal (May)
Publisher : Entrepreneurship Faculty, Universitas Garut

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (250.677 KB) | DOI: 10.35899/biej.v2i2.95


Abstrak– Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengembangkan usaha dengan memanfaatkan potensi kunyit menjadi produk perontok bulu herbal. Produksi kunyit yang melimpah di Kabupaten Garut bertolak belakang dengan minimnya kesadaran masyarakat dalam pemanfaatannya. Disisi lain masyarakat membutuhkan produk kosmetik herbal berbahan alami dan tidak berbahaya bagi kesehatan, termasuk produk perontok bulu. Kandungan senyawa Kurkumin dan senyawa analognya pada kunyit telah dilaporkan memiliki efek biologis sebagai antiandrogenik sehingga berpotensi dalam membantu menghambat pertumbuhan rambut di bagian tubuh yang tidak inginkan seperti di area ketiak. Kunyit diolah menjadi suatu produk bernilai jual dengan membentuknya menjadi pasta kunyit sebagai produk perontok bulu herbal. Beberapa produk perontok bulu dapat ditemui dipasar. Namun perontok bulu herbal berbahan baku kunyit belum ada di pasar. Hal tersebut menjadi peluang untuk mendirikan usaha perontok bulu herbal dari kunyit. Produk ini bernama PASIKULA dikemas dalam botol kecil berisi 50 kapsul serbuk pasta kunyit dan dijual dengan harga Rp. 8.000,- yang terjangkau oleh semua kalangan masyarakat. Promosi dan pemasaran dilakukan secara aktif melalui media online dan offline. Rata-rata penjualan yang meningkat setiap bulannya merupakan bukti bahwa PASIKULA dapat diterima oleh masyarakat. PASIKULA ini memiliki peluang usaha yang cukup potensial yang mampu meningkatkan nilai ekonomis kunyit. Kata Kunci- Kunyit; Pasikula; Perontok Bulu. Abstract– The aim of this study was to develop business by exploiting the potential of turmeric (Curcuma longa Linn.) into hair removal product. The abundance production of turmeric in Garut district is contrary with the lack of public awareness in utilizing it. On the other hand, society need herbal cosmetic products made from natural and not harmfull substances to health, including hair removal product. Curcumin and its analogous compounds contained in turmeric have been reported to have biological effects as antiandrogenic, so it has the potential to help inhibit unwanted hair growth on the body for example in the armpit area. Turmeric is processed into economic value products by forming it into turmeric paste hair removal herbal product. A wide of hair removal products can be found in the market. However hair removal herbal product made from turmeric still rarely found. It is an opportunity to establish business of hair removal herbal product from turmeric. The product is named PASIKULA which is packed in a small bottle containing 50 capsules of turmeric paste powder, the price of PASIKULA is IDR 8.000,-. It makes the product affordable by all levels of society. Promotion and marketing are done actively through online and offline media. The average sales which are increasing every month is an evidence that PASIKULA can be accepted by the society. PASIKULA has potential business opportunities that it is able to increase the economic value of turmeric. Keywords- Turmeric; Pasikula; Hair Removal.
Jurnal Pekemas Vol 1 No 1 (2018): Jurnal Pekemas Tahun 2018
Publisher : Lembaga Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat Institut Pendidikan Indonesia Garut

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Educational media is one of the factors that influence the learning process. One form of educational media that is effectively and efficiently used in the learning process is mobile learning. Because, by using mobile learning learning can be done anywhere and anytime, apart from that learning by placing the smart phone on will motivate students who in the digital era like today who prefer to operate smart phones. However, the skills and expertise possessed by teachers as educators and instructors as well as media makers and materials are still minimal. Therefore, the Biology education of IPI Garut held a training on Making Mobile Learning Media Based on Html 5 for Ipa Teachers in the Districts of Pameungpeuk to make teachers trained in making good mobile-based learning media. This training was held in Pamengpeuk District, which was located at MAN 3 Pamengpeuk, Garut Regency. The activity was held on December 22, 2018. This activity was attended by 17 teachers who were members of the Biology MGMP. The data obtained is data from the training participants in the form of questions raised about the activities carried out. The data analysis technique used is quantitative descriptive. The results obtained by the training on the use of mobile lerning are very helpful for teachers in making learning media. effectiveness in the use of learning media based on mobile learning is considered good by most teachers, but there are also some teachers who judge it to be less effective due to certain factors, such as schools implementing regulations that students are prohibited from bringing gadgets to school. However, basically the use of educational media by using mobile learning can have a major impact on creativity and effectiveness during the learning process.
Pelatihan Pembuatan Hand Sanitizer Untuk Guru SMPN 1 Banyuresmi Garut Pada Masa Adaptasi Kebiasaan Baru (AKB) Indra Dodo Saputra; Leni Sri Mulyani; Chevi Ardiana; Tati Kristianti
Jurnal Pekemas Vol 3 No 2 (2020): Jurnal Pekemas Tahun 2020
Publisher : Lembaga Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat Institut Pendidikan Indonesia Garut

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Health is a very important aspect of life. One of ways to maintain it by taking care of your hands. A Hand sanitizer (antiseptic tangan) is a health’s product that can instantly kill microorganisms without using water and it can be used anytime and anywhere. The purpose of these dedications realizes one of the Tri Dharma colleges, socializes Clean and Healthy Living habits (PHBS) and it can produce a hand sanitizer that can be used properly for oneself, families, educational institutions and the surrounding societies. The method uses explanatory material and the practice of making hand sanitizers. The data analysis technique uses descriptive. The result of this dedications are the participants' understanding of the manufacture of hand sanitizer, the functions of hand sanitizer and the application of clean and healthy living habits
Pelatihan Penyusunan Soal Berbasis High Order Thinking Skill Untuk Guru Biologi di Kabupaten Garut Rifaatul Muthmainah; Lida Amalia; Leni Sri Mulyani; Asep Rohayat; Hudiana Hernawan
Jurnal Pekemas Vol 3 No 2 (2020): Jurnal Pekemas Tahun 2020
Publisher : Lembaga Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat Institut Pendidikan Indonesia Garut

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This community service activity aims to provide skills for biology teachers on making high order thinking skills questions. Through the habituation of the use of HOTS questions, it is expected that students are accustomed and trained to use high-level thinking skills in daily learning. So later students not only memorize the concept of biology, but also have higher thinking skills. The service activity consists of two stages, the first stage is lecture delivery and the second phase is practices on making HOTS questions. The activity was attended by biology teachers who joined MGMP Biology in the scope of madrasah aliyah in garut district. The training material is making of HOTS questions. The results show that community service is well underway. Based on the overall poll results, teachers responded positively to this training. Teachers seem very enthusiastic on listening explanations and practicing. Teachers revealed through this training, they get more practical and clear description on making HOTS questions. Through this training, the college carries out its role to contribute on improving the competence of teachers, especially in the creation of HOTS-based questions. The obstacles that arise are the relatively short allocation of time, considering the skills of making hots questions need to be trained regularly
Nature Club Activity: Knowledge Exploration on Javan Slow Loris (Nycticebus javanicus) and Protected Endemic Animals in Conservation Education Program Rifaatul Muthmainnah; Leni Sri Mulyani; Wina Fitriyani
Biosfer: Jurnal Tadris Biologi Vol 14, No 1 (2023): Biosfer: Jurnal Tadris Biologi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24042/biosfer.v14i1.17766


Conservation education can increase knowledge about endangered animals, one of which is the Javan slow loris (Nycticebus javanicus), and protected endemic animals in Indonesia, and this can be done through the nature club activity as one of the conservation education programs. However, most students are indifferent to conservation or science education. This individual influence is the characteristics and dispositions students bring to learning, such as interest, effort, values, and perceived abilities. This study aims to determine the effectiveness of conservation education programs through nature club activities on students' knowledge of Javan slow loris and protected endemic animals. The research method is the experimental method, with the research design used as one group pretest-postest design; the data collection technique is done by test and observation. The results showed that the activities carried out were effective on students' knowledge of Javan lorises and protected endemic animals, as evidenced by the calculation of the N-gain score indicating that the average N-gain score (mean) was 0.614.ABSTRAK: Pendidikan konservasi dapat menambah ilmu mengenai hewan yang terancam punah salah satunya yaitu Kukang Jawa (Nycticebus javanicus) serta hewan endemik yang dilindungi yang ada di Indonesia, hal ini dapat dilakukan melalui program klub alam yang ada pada pendidikan konservasi. Akan tetapi mayoritas siswa belum mendapatkan pendidikan konservasi dan hanya menjadi bagian kecil dari pendidikan sains. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui efektivitas pendidikan konservasi melalui kegiatan klub alam terhadap pengetahuan siswa mengenai kukang jawa dan hewan endemik yang dilindungi. Metode penelitian yang digunakan yaitu metode eksperimen, dengan desain penelitian yang digunakan adalah one group pretest-posttest design, teknik pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan tes dan observasi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kegiatan yang dilakukan efektif terhadap pengetahuan siswa mengenai kukang jawa dan hewan endemik yang dilindungi, dibuktikan dari hasil perhitungan N-gain score menunjukkan bahwa rata-rata skor N-gain (mean) adalah 0,614
Exploring Students’ Academic Emotions Through a Conservation Education Program Leni Sri Mulyani; Rifaatul Muthmainnah; Asep Rohayat; Wina Fitriyani
Jurnal Penelitian Pendidikan IPA Vol. 9 No. 9 (2023): September
Publisher : Postgraduate, University of Mataram

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29303/jppipa.v9i9.3990


Research and practice in educational settings should consider exploring the rich diversity of emotions experienced by students outside classroom settings, including nature clubs, as a conservation education program. This study aimed to conduct an exploratory case study to explore students' academic emotions during conservation education programs. The case study was carried out for four weeks to determine what can be learned from a single case about the students’ emotional aspects of the conservation education program in the Nature Club. Data collection is conducted through observation, interview, and collection of documents at the end of every activity. The data consisted of field notes and videotapes from observation, interview transcripts, and student emotions diary (SED). The research participant was 21 elementary students aged 9 to 11 who joined the Nature Club conducted by the Little Fire Pace (LFP) Community as one of their conservation education programs. The result shows that conservation content which is also part of science, can be learned and stimulate the emergence of students' academic emotions, both positive and negative. The dominant emotion in nature club activities is the happy emotion, and the slightest emotion arising from this activity is disgust. Then the results of student interest in all activities were more remarkable than boredom. Finally, suggestions are made on implications for teacher or pre-service teacher education for conservation or science education.    
Nature Club Activity: Knowledge Exploration on Javan Slow Loris (Nycticebus javanicus) and Protected Endemic Animals in Conservation Education Program Rifaatul Muthmainnah; Leni Sri Mulyani; Wina Fitriyani
Biosfer: Jurnal Tadris Biologi Vol 14, No 1 (2023): Biosfer: Jurnal Tadris Biologi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24042/biosfer.v14i1.17766


Conservation education can increase knowledge about endangered animals, one of which is the Javan slow loris (Nycticebus javanicus), and protected endemic animals in Indonesia, and this can be done through the nature club activity as one of the conservation education programs. However, most students are indifferent to conservation or science education. This individual influence is the characteristics and dispositions students bring to learning, such as interest, effort, values, and perceived abilities. This study aims to determine the effectiveness of conservation education programs through nature club activities on students' knowledge of Javan slow loris and protected endemic animals. The research method is the experimental method, with the research design used as one group pretest-postest design; the data collection technique is done by test and observation. The results showed that the activities carried out were effective on students' knowledge of Javan lorises and protected endemic animals, as evidenced by the calculation of the N-gain score indicating that the average N-gain score (mean) was 0.614.ABSTRAK: Pendidikan konservasi dapat menambah ilmu mengenai hewan yang terancam punah salah satunya yaitu Kukang Jawa (Nycticebus javanicus) serta hewan endemik yang dilindungi yang ada di Indonesia, hal ini dapat dilakukan melalui program klub alam yang ada pada pendidikan konservasi. Akan tetapi mayoritas siswa belum mendapatkan pendidikan konservasi dan hanya menjadi bagian kecil dari pendidikan sains. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui efektivitas pendidikan konservasi melalui kegiatan klub alam terhadap pengetahuan siswa mengenai kukang jawa dan hewan endemik yang dilindungi. Metode penelitian yang digunakan yaitu metode eksperimen, dengan desain penelitian yang digunakan adalah one group pretest-posttest design, teknik pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan tes dan observasi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kegiatan yang dilakukan efektif terhadap pengetahuan siswa mengenai kukang jawa dan hewan endemik yang dilindungi, dibuktikan dari hasil perhitungan N-gain score menunjukkan bahwa rata-rata skor N-gain (mean) adalah 0,614
Exploring Students’ Academic Emotions Through a Conservation Education Program Leni Sri Mulyani; Rifaatul Muthmainnah; Asep Rohayat; Wina Fitriyani
Jurnal Penelitian Pendidikan IPA Vol. 9 No. 9 (2023): September
Publisher : Postgraduate, University of Mataram

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29303/jppipa.v9i9.3990


Research and practice in educational settings should consider exploring the rich diversity of emotions experienced by students outside classroom settings, including nature clubs, as a conservation education program. This study aimed to conduct an exploratory case study to explore students' academic emotions during conservation education programs. The case study was carried out for four weeks to determine what can be learned from a single case about the students’ emotional aspects of the conservation education program in the Nature Club. Data collection is conducted through observation, interview, and collection of documents at the end of every activity. The data consisted of field notes and videotapes from observation, interview transcripts, and student emotions diary (SED). The research participant was 21 elementary students aged 9 to 11 who joined the Nature Club conducted by the Little Fire Pace (LFP) Community as one of their conservation education programs. The result shows that conservation content which is also part of science, can be learned and stimulate the emergence of students' academic emotions, both positive and negative. The dominant emotion in nature club activities is the happy emotion, and the slightest emotion arising from this activity is disgust. Then the results of student interest in all activities were more remarkable than boredom. Finally, suggestions are made on implications for teacher or pre-service teacher education for conservation or science education.   Â