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JETA (Journal of English Teaching and Applied Linguistic) Vol. 3 No. 1 (2022): JETA: Journal of English Teaching and Applied Linguistic
Publisher : English Department, STKIP PGRI Bandar Lampung

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Many students in Senior High School cannot master reading ability it might be caused by the students’ inability of using dictionary, inability in comprehending the text and unfamiliarity of words. In overcoming this problem, the researcher tried to used of think predict read and conect strategy. In reading ability this strategy can help the students in comprehending the text easily. The objective of the research was to know the influence of of think predict read and conect strategy towards students’ reading ability. In this research the writer used experimental method. The population of this research was 281 students. The sample was taken by using Cluster Random Sampling technique. In data collecting technique the writer used test, the test was multiple choice, consisted of 40 items. Based on the result of the data analysis and computation which used the formula of ttest, the result of analysis the data is significant, which is ttest > ttab : 4.03 > 1.67. From the result of analysis data, the writer could to give some conclusions as 1).The average score of the students’ reading ability who were taught by think, predict, read, and connect strategy was higher than who were taught with conventional strategy. It was seen from average score of test on experimental class is higher than the average score of control class X1 = 76.2 > X2 = 67.78. 2).There is a significant influence of giving translation assignment towards students’ English reading ability. It was seen from the result of ttest > ttab : 4.03 > 1.67.
Premise: Journal of English Education and Applied Linguistics Vol 11, No 3 (2022): Premise Journal: e-ISSN 2442-482x, p-ISSN 2089-3345
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Metro

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24127/pj.v11i3.5511


The flipped Classroom is an approach that has been often mentioned in recent years, namely a learning model in which pedagogical concepts are reversed that can reorganize students' needs to ensemble the times in the modern era. This research aimed to analyze: (1) Does Flipped Classroom have better effectiveness than the Conventional Learning Model for teaching writing?; (2) Do high-motivation students show better writing competencies than low-motivation students?; (3) Is there any relationship between the learning model and students' motivation for conducting writing subject? Institut Teknologi & Bisnis Bakti Nusantara is the research location in this quasi-experimental study. The researchers employed two classes in this study: control and experimental classes. This research has 48 students as the sample of study in which each class consists of 24 students in both classes. The writing test and motivation questionnaire were employed for collecting the data as the research instrument. Before utilizing the Tukey test to identify the significance of different pairs of group means, the researchers conducted a 2x2 Multifactor Analysis of Variance for data analysis. The research findings unraveled the mean scores of F1M1 70, F1M2 75, F2M1 68, and F2M2 69. This finding concludes that (1) Flipped Classroom offers better effectiveness than the conventional learning model to teach writing, (2) The are differences in writing scores by students who have low motivation and high motivation, (3) There are interactions of learning model and student's motivation for teaching writing. Therefore, this research is expected to provide implications for implementing Flipped Classrooms with LMS for teaching English in higher education institutions in Indonesia to encourage the improvement of the flipped-classroom learning model on a larger scale. 
The investigation of students’ engagement in online class during pandemic Covid-19 Tommy Hastomo; Linda Septiyana
Jurnal Penelitian Ilmu Pendidikan Vol 15, No 2 (2022): September
Publisher : Fakultas Ilmu Pendidikan, Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21831/jpipfip.v15i2.49512


Students' engagement is the high level of cognitive, emotional, and behavioral engagement in the teaching-learning activity. This article research investigated the effects of collaborative classroom activities on student engagement in the virtual classroom. This research is mix-method research that consists of qualitative and quantitative research. The independent variable is collaborative classroom activities, and the dependent variable is students' engagement. The subjects of this research are students from two different universities in Lampung. The researchers use questionnaires to collect the quantitative data and employ observation and take notes to collect the qualitative data. The researchers use TPT Cognitive Engagement Model and Quadrant Analysis for analyzing the data of research. The findings show the same level of students engagement in both quadrants three and four in both classes taught by both researchers. Analysis of students' engagement can be analyzed accurately if the use of peer-coaching techniques is carried out. In addition, the material on subject writing can be studied effectively, and students can also get motivated through collaborative learning based on research survey data.Investigasi keterlibatan siswa di kelas online selama pandemi Covid-19Keterlibatan siswa merupakan tingginya tingkat keterlibatan kognitif, emosional, dan perilaku siswa dalam kegiatan belajar-mengajar. Penelitian artikel ini bertujuan untuk menyelidiki efek dari kegiatan kelas kolaboratif pada keterlibatan siswa di kelas virtual. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian metode campuran yang terdiri dari penelitian kualitatif dan kuantitatif. Variabel bebasnya adalah aktivitas kelas kolaboratif, dan variabel terikatnya adalah keterlibatan siswa. Subyek penelitian ini adalah mahasiswa di dua perguruan tinggi yang berbeda di Lampung. Peneliti menggunakan kuesioner untuk mengumpulkan data kuantitatif dan menggunakan observasi dan mencatat untuk mengumpulkan data kualitatif. Model TPT Cognitive Engagement dan Analisis Kuadran digunakan oleh peneliti untuk menganalisis data penelitian. Temuan menunjukkan tingkat yang sama dari keterlibatan siswa di kedua kuadran tiga dan empat di kedua kelas yang diajarkan oleh kedua peneliti. Analisis engagement siswa dapat dianalisis secara akurat jika dilakukan penggunaan teknik peer-coaching. Selain itu, materi tentang penulisan mata pelajaran dapat dipelajari secara efektif, dan siswa juga dapat termotivasi melalui pembelajaran kolaboratif berdasarkan data survei penelitian.
Educators' Perception Towards Early Childhood Education in Technology Integration: A Case Study Akhmad Sutiyono; Tommy Hastomo; Mereyke Jessy Tanod
Jurnal Obsesi : Jurnal Pendidikan Anak Usia Dini Vol 6, No 6 (2022)
Publisher : LPPM Universitas Pahlawan Tuanku Tambusai

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31004/obsesi.v6i6.3837


The use of technology can be integrated into early childhood education to college. Several studies explain that technology can improve the learning process in early childhood education. This study aims to investigate teachers' perceptions of the integration of technology into early childhood learning. The researcher applies a case study as a research design. The data obtained are primary. The research instrument consisted of observations, interviews, and surveys where teachers of private kindergarten schools in Bandar Lampung were research respondents. The study findings show that most teachers show a positive attitude towards using technology in the classroom and have tried to integrate it into learning activities. Meanwhile, there are two obstacles to applying technology in learning English in early childhood: maintaining their attention when using technology devices in the classroom and choosing suitable technology for children
(Im)politeness Strategies Used in Vice -Presidential Candidates Debate Between Mike Pence and Sen. Kamala Harris Nur Najibah Sukmawati; Lystiana Nurhayat Hakim; Tommy Hastomo; Purwanti Taman; Hana Lia
IDEAS: Journal on English Language Teaching and Learning, Linguistics and Literature Vol 10, No 2 (2022): IDEAS: Journal on English Language Teaching and Learning, Linguistics and Liter
Publisher : Institut Agama Islam Negeri Palopo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24256/ideas.v10i2.2990


Politeness is necessary for the way people socialize. However, some people choose to communicate impolitely despite knowing that it’s inappropriate. This study aims to find out how people use impoliteness strategies in communication, and identify the impoliteness strategies used in the Vice-Presidential United States of Amerika candidates debate between Mike Pence and Sen. Kamala Harris on October 8th, 2020, while also figuring out the purpose of using these strategies in the debate. For this reason, to identify the use of impoliteness strategies, the researcher used Jonathan Culpeper's (2005) theory of impoliteness strategies and a qualitative approach to analyze the data. The data was taken from a YouTube video entitled “Full Debate: Vice President Mike Pence and Sen. Kamala Harris | WSJ” posted by the Wall Street Journal on October 8, 2020. The results of this study revealed that four out of five impolite strategies were used, with negative impoliteness as the most commonly used strategy. The other four strategies are bald on record impoliteness, positive impoliteness, negative impoliteness, and sarcasm and mock politeness. Meanwhile, withholding politeness was never used in the debate.
Lexeme : Journal of Linguistics and Applied Linguistics Vol 5, No 1 (2023): JANUARY 2023
Publisher : Universitas Pamulang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32493/ljlal.v5i1.27602


This research aimed to investigate the function and category of metadiscourse markers employed in politic news articles. A qualitative method was applied in this current study for conducting the research. There are fourteen politic news articles as the sources of the data. The data are taken from the articles whose topic is Jokowi that had metadiscourse markers types. This current study found that there are 11 functions and 2 types in politic news articles. Interactional and interactive metadiscourse are the types of metadiscourse markers in this study. Moreover, the kinds of interactive metadiscourse observed in politic news articles are code gloss, evidential, frame marker, and transition. Meanwhile, engagement marker, attitude markers, booster, and hedges are the kinds of interactional metadiscourse observed in politic news articles. Nevertheless, this current study did not find self-mention and endophoric markers in the articles. The functions observed are addressing readers to include them or focus their attention into the discourse explicitly, showing the writer's or speaker's attitude towards the proposition, emphasizing or clarifying a statement, displaying the statements of the writers are more of a reasonable opinion than a fact, elaborating of what the writer has been written, exemplifying something in the discourse,  explicitly mentioning sources of information, establishing a clear dialog for readers, drawing a conclusion or countering ideas in the writer’s statement, and adding an idea to the article.
A Study of Students' Engagement and Students' Speaking Skill: A Correlational Research Febriyantina Istiara; Tommy Hastomo; Wibisana Ahmad Indriyanta
Publisher : Universitas Teknokrat Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33365/ts.v21i1.2198


Students' active engagement institutes the fundamental of the procedure of learning and teaching in the student-centered classroom. The objective of this research aimed to investigate the correlation between students' engagement and speaking skills in the eighth grade of SMP Negeri 18 Krui in the Academic Year of 2021/2022. The researchers used a quantitative approach as the research design in this study. The eighth-grade students of SMP Negeri 18 Krui were the population in this research, consisting of 26 students as a research sample. The researchers employed a purposive sampling technique for determining the research sample. The data on students' engagement was collected using the questionnaire, which was adapted from (Appleton et al., 2006), and the data on speaking skills were collected using the speaking test. In addition, the researchers employed a speaking test and questionnaire to collect the data. After collecting the data of the research, the researchers found that there were 20 students (77%) who had a high engagement in a learning activity with a mean score of 69.61, and there were 24 students (94%) who had fairly good in speaking skill with mean score 64.04. The findings also showed that the coefficient correlation was 0.680. Therefore, the correlation was quite high, and the researchers concluded that there was a correlation between Students' Engagement and Speaking Skills at the Eight Grade of SMPN 18 Krui in the Academic Year of 2021/2022".
Using critical discourse analysis to explore an authentic teaching material: A focus on language and power Sukma Septian Nasution; Nur Najibah Sukmawati; Azhar Aziz Lubis; Tommy Hastomo; Lodya Sesriyani
Studies in English Language and Education Vol 7, No 2 (2020)
Publisher : Universitas Syiah Kuala

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (619.499 KB) | DOI: 10.24815/siele.v7i2.16636


Many EFL students show anxiety when speaking English in Indonesia. Therefore, when it comes to pedagogical context, critical discourse analysis (CDA) has a significant role to explore linguistics unit, socio-cultural context, and ideology of the text learners need to understand. This study aims at analysing the relation of language and power behind a text entitled ‘Driving Age, Increasing’ and making use of it to pedagogical context. The chosen text is an authentic material adopted from ‘Debatabase’, a book on building argumentative skills. By using Fairclough’s model (1989), the text was examined through three steps of Critical Discourse Analysis (CDA), namely description, interpretation, and explanation. Then, the analysis is interrelated with the nature of discussion text taught to the learners. The result of the analysis shows that the text is dominated by material, verbal, and relational processes, formal, complex, repetitive, evidence-based, multi-perspective, and over-wording dictions underpinned in an institutionalized social activity and unspecialized semantic domain. Further, the relationship between the author and the readers indicates there is equality in power shown by the provided equal analytical perspectives and evidence-based arguments to both conflicting parties toward the issue. As it fits the nature of discussion text, the paper ends with recommendations for EFL teachers to make use of CDA in raising learners’ language awareness.
Exploring lecturers and administrative staffs’ strategies to hone EFL students’ digital literacy Febriyantina Istiara; Tommy Hastomo
JOALL (Journal of Applied Linguistics and Literature) Vol. 8 No. 1: February 2023
Publisher : UNIB Press

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33369/joall.v8i1.25568


This study seeks to investigate the strategies used by college teachers and administrators in enhancing the digital literacy skills of EFL students. A qualitative study is the research design in this paper. The researchers chose a purposive sampling technique for administering the research sample. There were six EFL lecturers and six higher education admins at STKIP PGRI Bandar Lampung as the research sample. This present research employed semi-structured interviews for collecting the data. This current study analyzed the data qualitatively and described it thematically. The findings illustrated that the lecturer used four strategies for promoting learners' digital literacy; motivate learners, conduct training workshops, employ digital technology in the classroom, and improve the digital classroom environment. Moreover, higher education admins used four strategies; raise guardians' awareness towards the role of digital technology, conduct training for lecturers and learners, redesign the EFL classroom and enhance classroom infrastructure. This finding implies that policymakers can use this research to plan and make a new system for EFL education.
Lexeme : Journal of Linguistics and Applied Linguistics Vol 5, No 1 (2023): JANUARY 2023
Publisher : Universitas Pamulang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32493/ljlal.v5i1.27602


This research aimed to investigate the function and category of metadiscourse markers employed in politic news articles. A qualitative method was applied in this current study for conducting the research. There are fourteen politic news articles as the sources of the data. The data are taken from the articles whose topic is Jokowi that had metadiscourse markers types. This current study found that there are 11 functions and 2 types in politic news articles. Interactional and interactive metadiscourse are the types of metadiscourse markers in this study. Moreover, the kinds of interactive metadiscourse observed in politic news articles are code gloss, evidential, frame marker, and transition. Meanwhile, engagement marker, attitude markers, booster, and hedges are the kinds of interactional metadiscourse observed in politic news articles. Nevertheless, this current study did not find self-mention and endophoric markers in the articles. The functions observed are addressing readers to include them or focus their attention into the discourse explicitly, showing the writer's or speaker's attitude towards the proposition, emphasizing or clarifying a statement, displaying the statements of the writers are more of a reasonable opinion than a fact, elaborating of what the writer has been written, exemplifying something in the discourse,  explicitly mentioning sources of information, establishing a clear dialog for readers, drawing a conclusion or countering ideas in the writer’s statement, and adding an idea to the article.