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IMPLEMENTASI LEAN SIGMA UNTUK PENURUNAN NILAI COST OF POOR QUALITY KAIN EKSPOR KELAS A (Studi Kasus : Departemen Finishing PT Mertex Indonesia) Dewi, Galuh Ratna; Sugiono, Sugiono; Mada Tantrika, Ceria Farela
Jurnal Rekayasa dan Manajemen Sistem Industri Vol 2, No 3 (2014)
Publisher : Program Studi Teknik Industri Fakultas Teknik Universitas Brawijaya

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Abstrak Departemen Finishing PT Mertex Indonesia bertugas mengolah kain mentah menjadi produk kain jadi. Dalam menjalankan produksinya, Departemen Finishing masih mengalami pemborosan. Pemborosan (waste) sebagai internal failure menyebabkan cost of poor quality yang membuat perusahaan kehilangan kesempatan untuk mendapatkan keuntungan. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah agar perusahaan dapat meningkatkan kualitas proses produksi dan menurunkan nilai cost of poor quality dengan menggunakan pendekatan lean sigma. Tahap awal dalam penelitian adalah mengidentifikasi alur proses produksi dan menggambarkan hasilnya melalui value stream mapping (VSM). Kemudian melakukan klasifikasi aktivitas dan melakukan identifikasi waste. Jenis waste yang dipertimbangkan dalam penelitian ini adalah seven waste. Setelah itu dicari nilai cost of poor quality (COPQ) dari masing-masing waste untuk mendapatkan waste berpengaruh berdasarkan nilai COPQ yang terbesar. Setelah itu dicari akar penyebab permasalahan dengan root cause analysis (RCA) dan prioritas waste yang harus diperbaiki dengan failure mode and effect analysis (FMEA). Dari alternatif perbaikan dipilih yang terbaik menggunakan value based management berdasarkan nilai value yang tertinggi. Melalui konsep value based management didapatkan alternatif perbaikan terpilih yaitu mengganti proses pengemasan manual dengan proses pengemasan otomatis dengan membeli mesin pengemas otomatis, menjaga kestabilan rolling mesin, melakukan preventive maintenance secara teratur dan melakukan pemasangan expander roll pada roll mesin. Setelah dilakukan rekomendasi perbaikan diharapkan nilai sigma dapat meningkat dan cost of poor quality dapat menurun. Kata kunci : Kualitas, Lean Sigma, waste, cost of poor quality, FMEA, value-based management.
ANALISIS METODE SEM UNTUK KURIKULUM SMP RSBI/SBI DENGAN STANDAR KURIKULUM NASIONAL Sudjono, Hary; Choiri, Moch.; Astuti, Murti; Oktavianty, Oke; Dewi, Galuh Ratna; Andari, Susi Novi
INTEKNA Vol 13, No 1 (2013)
Publisher : Politeknik Negeri Banjarmasin

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Currently there are a lot of junior SBI / RSBI in East Java province and to increase the quantity in each year. Changes and additions to the curriculum a better curriculum is the governments efforts in developing the educational level in particular junior level in In-donesia. Curriculum SBI is known for referring to international standards commonly used by developing countries. Completeness of infrastructure and professional competencies possessed by the teacher / lecturer can be measured by the success of SBI curriculum developed by the government. So far, research on school SBI / RSBI have been carried out. The study was made to determine the relevance (effectiveness and suitability) SBI curriculum with the national curriculum, which will be able to know the relationship between them. On the other hand, the professional competence of the teacher / lecturer also test them to determine whether there is a relationship with SBI curriculum currently implemented.
ANALISIS METODE SEM UNTUK KURIKULUM SMP RSBI/SBI DENGAN STANDAR KURIKULUM NASIONAL Sudjono, Hary; Choiri, Moch.; Astuti, Murti; Oktavianty, Oke; Dewi, Galuh Ratna; Andari, Susi Novi
INTEKNA informasi teknik dan niaga Vol 13 No 1 (2013)
Publisher : P3M Politeknik Negeri Banjarmasin

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Currently there are a lot of junior SBI / RSBI in East Java province and to increase the quantity in each year. Changes and additions to the curriculum a better curriculum is the government's efforts in developing the educational level in particular junior level in In-donesia. Curriculum SBI is known for referring to international standards commonly used by developing countries. Completeness of infrastructure and professional competencies possessed by the teacher / lecturer can be measured by the success of SBI curriculum developed by the government. So far, research on school SBI / RSBI have been carried out. The study was made to determine the relevance (effectiveness and suitability) SBI curriculum with the national curriculum, which will be able to know the relationship between them. On the other hand, the professional competence of the teacher / lecturer also test them to determine whether there is a relationship with SBI curriculum currently implemented.
ANALISIS METODE SEM UNTUK KURIKULUM SMP RSBI/SBI DENGAN STANDAR KURIKULUM NASIONAL Hary Sudjono; Moch. Choiri; Murti Astuti; Oke Oktavianty; Galuh Ratna Dewi; Susi Novi Andari
INTEKNA informasi teknik dan niaga Vol 13 No 1 (2013)
Publisher : P3M Politeknik Negeri Banjarmasin

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Currently there are a lot of junior SBI / RSBI in East Java province and to increase the quantity in each year. Changes and additions to the curriculum a better curriculum is the government's efforts in developing the educational level in particular junior level in In-donesia. Curriculum SBI is known for referring to international standards commonly used by developing countries. Completeness of infrastructure and professional competencies possessed by the teacher / lecturer can be measured by the success of SBI curriculum developed by the government. So far, research on school SBI / RSBI have been carried out. The study was made to determine the relevance (effectiveness and suitability) SBI curriculum with the national curriculum, which will be able to know the relationship between them. On the other hand, the professional competence of the teacher / lecturer also test them to determine whether there is a relationship with SBI curriculum currently implemented.