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Pemberdayaan Masyarakat Melalui Pengelolaan Sampah Skala Rumah Tangga Menggunakan Metode Komposting dewi, ika nurani; royani, ida; sumarjan, sumarjan
Sasambo: Jurnal Abdimas (Journal of Community Service) Vol 2, No 1 (2020): Vol 2, No 1: February (in Press)
Publisher : Lembaga Penelitian dan Pemberdayaan Masyarakat (LITPAM)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (74.961 KB) | DOI: 10.36312/sasambo.v2i1.172


Seiring dengan meningkatnya jumlah penduduk di suatu wilayah, akan mengakibatkan bertambahnya volume sampah. Pola konsumsi masyarakat ikut memberi kontribusi dalam peningkatan volume sampah yang semakin beragam. Sejauh ini penggelolaan sampah yang dilakukan oleh masyarakat di lingkungan RT 04 Pejeruk Bangket masih terbatas pada sistem pengumpulan sampah, pengangkutan sampah, dan pembuangan ke TPSA, sedangkan daya tampung TPSA semakin terbatas. Solusi untuk mengatasi permasalahan tersebut adalah dengan memberdayakan masyarakat dalam pengolahan sampah skala rumah tangga dengan metode komposting. Sasaran kegiatan pengabdian ini adalah ibu rumah  tangga dan pemuda di lingkungan RT 04 Pejeruk Bangket. Metode pelaksanaan kegiatan menggunakan metode ceramah, diskusi dan demonstrasi. Pelaksanaan kegiatan dilaksanakan mulai bulan Desember 2019 ? Februari 2020. Pelaksanaan kegiatan pengabdian secara keseluruhan terlaksana dengan baik. Hal ini terlihat dari jumlah peserta pelatihan sebesar 85.07%, pengetahuan dan keterampilan peserta dalam menguasai materi sebesar 73.13%, dan respon peserta pelatihan 91.88%. Faktor pendukung kegiatan pengolahan sampah skala rumah tangga adanya dukungan dari Kepala Lingkungan, Ketua RT 04 dan antusiasme peserta pengabdian, sedangkan faktor penghambat kegiatan adalah sinergi antara masyarakat dengan pemerintah lokal belum optimal
Publisher : Prosiding Seminar Nasional MIPA

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Abstrak Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui viabilitas dan vigor benih padi (Oryza sativa, L) berdasarkan variasi tempat dan lama penyimpanan. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode observasi antara metode penyimpanan benih padi secara tradisional dengan penyimpanan modern. Variabel manipulasi penelitian ini adalah tempat dan lama penyimpanan. Tempat penyimpanan yaitu benih disimpan dalam kantong bagor dan kantong plastik polietilen, sedangkan lama penyimpanan yaitu 0 bulan, 1 bulan, 2 bulan, 3 bulan, 4 bulan, 5 bulan dan 6 bulan. Variabel respon penelitian ini adalah viabilitas dan vigor benih. Viabilitas benih diukur dari persentase berkecambah, kecepatan berkecambah, laju respirasi kecambah dan kadar gula reduksi kecambah. Vigor benih diukur dari jumlah kecambah vigor dan panjang kecambah. Pada penyimpanan benih di dalam kantong bagor proses pengeringan dilakukan dalam 3 tahap, yaitu pada awal penyimpanan hingga lama simpan 3 bulan. Berbeda dengan benih yang disimpan dalam plastik polietilen, pengeringan hanya dilakukan satu kali setelah pasca panen. Untuk mengetahui ada tidaknya efek interaksi antara faktor tempat dan lama penyimpanan terhadap viabilitas dan vigor benih digunakan analisis varian dua arah, dilanjutkan dengan uji DMRT. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa benih yang disimpan di dalam kantong bagor viabilitas dan vigornya telah menurun pada lama penyimpanan 3 bulan. Pada benih yang disimpan dalam kantong plastic polietilen viabilitas dan vigornya mampu dipertahankan sampai lama penyimpanan 6 bulan. Hasil terbaik ditunjukkan oleh benih yang disimpan dalam kantong plastik polietilen dengan lama penyimpanan 3 bulan dilihat dari persentase berkecambahnya sebesar 97,34%.
Integration of local wisdom through Enculturation-Assimilation-Acculturation (EAA): A solution to enhance problem-solving skills Ika Nurani Dewi; Baiq Muli Harisanti; S. Sumarjan
JPBI (Jurnal Pendidikan Biologi Indonesia) Vol. 7 No. 3 (2021): NOVEMBER
Publisher : University of Muhammadiyah Malang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22219/jpbi.v7i3.13385


The 21st-Century learning has been widely associated with problem-solving skills in a global perspective but not much related to local wisdom, even though local perspectives are also needed in adapting people's daily social lives. The purpose of this research was to analyze the effectiveness of Enculturation-Assimilation-Acculturation (EAA) model in enhancing problem-solving skills in learning science. This is pre-experimental research by using one group pretest and post-test design. The samples used were 140 students from two junior high schools in West Nusa Tenggara: (1) SMPN 2 Gunung Sari and (2) SMPN 3 Lingsar. Data collection using a problem-solving test refers to Curtis & Denton. Local wisdom integrated into EAA is the culture of the Sasak Tribe, including Bau Nyale, GORA rice, and awiq-awiq. The analysis data was done using Paired t-test/Wilcoxon test, N-gain, Tukey, ANOVA, and Kruskal-Wallis. The results showed that the integrated EAA model effectively enhances problem-solving skills (sig 0.001). The level of increase is medium, the average level of increase in the six groups is significantly different, and there are differences in learning outcomes of problem-solving skills. Therefore, it can be concluded that the integrated EAA teaching model effectively enhances students' problem-solving skills. The results of this study imply that the EAA integration model can be used as an alternative to overcome the low scientific creativity and responsibility of students in West Nusa Tenggara.
Publisher : Prosiding Seminar Nasional MIPA

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Abstrak Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui viabilitas dan vigor benih padi (Oryza sativa, L) berdasarkan variasi tempat dan lama penyimpanan. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode observasi antara metode penyimpanan benih padi secara tradisional dengan penyimpanan modern. Variabel manipulasi penelitian ini adalah tempat dan lama penyimpanan. Tempat penyimpanan yaitu benih disimpan dalam kantong bagor dan kantong plastik polietilen, sedangkan lama penyimpanan yaitu 0 bulan, 1 bulan, 2 bulan, 3 bulan, 4 bulan, 5 bulan dan 6 bulan. Variabel respon penelitian ini adalah viabilitas dan vigor benih. Viabilitas benih diukur dari persentase berkecambah, kecepatan berkecambah, laju respirasi kecambah dan kadar gula reduksi kecambah. Vigor benih diukur dari jumlah kecambah vigor dan panjang kecambah. Pada penyimpanan benih di dalam kantong bagor proses pengeringan dilakukan dalam 3 tahap, yaitu pada awal penyimpanan hingga lama simpan 3 bulan. Berbeda dengan benih yang disimpan dalam plastik polietilen, pengeringan hanya dilakukan satu kali setelah pasca panen. Untuk mengetahui ada tidaknya efek interaksi antara faktor tempat dan lama penyimpanan terhadap viabilitas dan vigor benih digunakan analisis varian dua arah, dilanjutkan dengan uji DMRT. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa benih yang disimpan di dalam kantong bagor viabilitas dan vigornya telah menurun pada lama penyimpanan 3 bulan. Pada benih yang disimpan dalam kantong plastic polietilen viabilitas dan vigornya mampu dipertahankan sampai lama penyimpanan 6 bulan. Hasil terbaik ditunjukkan oleh benih yang disimpan dalam kantong plastik polietilen dengan lama penyimpanan 3 bulan dilihat dari persentase berkecambahnya sebesar 97,34%.
Tingkat Keterbacaan Bahan Ajar Flexible Learning Berbasis Kolaboratif Saintifik Septiana Dwi Utami; Ika Nurani Dewi; Ismail Efendi
Bioscientist : Jurnal Ilmiah Biologi Vol 9, No 2 (2021): December
Publisher : Department of Biology Education, FSTT, Mandalika University of Education, Indonesia.

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33394/bioscientist.v9i2.4246


This study was conducted with the aim of analyzing the readability of scientific collaborative-based flexible learning teaching materials that acquire students' collaboration skills in maintaining environmental balance. The concept under study is limited to the basic competence of the interaction of living things and the environment. This type of research is development using 4D models (define, design, develop, and disseminate). The data collection technique in this study was a reading and note-taking technique. The readability instrument was measured using the Fry graph formula and the reader's understanding response questionnaire. Data were analyzed by descriptive technique. The results of the analysis of the readability scores showed that the teaching materials were at level 9 or higher than the level of readers who were still at level 7. The responses of students' understanding on aspects of format and appearance, use of terms and descriptions of content, and understanding of images were in the minimally moderate category. Thus, the teaching materials developed have good readability and are suitable to be used as teaching materials for science learning in junior high schools on the interaction of living things with the environment, especially in class IX.
Pengembangan Lembar Kerja Mahasiswa Berbasis Pemberdayaan Berpikir melalui Pertanyaan pada Mata Kuliah Pengetahuan Lingkungan Septiana Dwi Utami; Ika Nurani Dewi
Bioscientist : Jurnal Ilmiah Biologi Vol 8, No 2 (2020): December
Publisher : Department of Biology Education, FSTT, Mandalika University of Education, Indonesia.

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33394/bjib.v8i2.3165


This study aims to develop a student worksheet based on the empowerment of thinking through questions in environmental knowledge courses. This type of research is development research using the R & D (Research and Development) method. In this study, only two stages of the R&D method were used, namely: 1) the preliminary study stage; and 2) the product development stage. The research was conducted in the Environmental Knowledge course. The instrument used to collect data was the Student Worksheet validation sheet which consisted of three components, namely: content, language, and presentation. Based on the results of the validation, the content component validation score obtained was 3.25 with valid criteria, the language component was 3.00 with valid criteria, and the presentation component obtained a score of 3.36 with valid criteria. Thus it can be concluded that, empowerment-based Student Worksheets think through questions on environmental knowledge courses with valid criteria and can be used as learning materials.
Bioscientist : Jurnal Ilmiah Biologi Vol 5, No 2 (2017): December
Publisher : Department of Biology Education, FSTT, Mandalika University of Education, Indonesia.

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33394/bjib.v5i2.162


Abstract : Problem solving skills are skills that need to be developed in biology learning. Biology learning goals are not only to improve the understanding of the concept of living things, but also need to strive for a balance between science knowledge and the value of local wisdom. One way to train these skills is to apply learning that is integrated with local wisdom. Learning devices developed in this study need to be validated by experts. The validation result of the feasibility of the learning device from the component aspect of content, language, and presentation is included in the valid category.
Bioscientist : Jurnal Ilmiah Biologi Vol 8, No 1 (2020): June
Publisher : Department of Biology Education, FSTT, Mandalika University of Education, Indonesia.

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33394/bjib.v8i1.2680


This study aims to: 1) determine the appropriateness of practicum performance appraisal instruments; and 2) find out whether there are differences in competency of laboratory skills among students. The instrument development procedure refers to the 4-D model with a research trial design using one shoot case study. Before the performance appraisal instrument was applied to 77 semester IV students Department of Biology Education, FSTT, Mandalika University of Education, a validation test was first conducted by an expert. Data collection techniques using validation, testing, and observation. The instruments used in this study were instrument validation sheets, observation sheets of action laboratory skills and tests of thinking laboratory skills. Data analysis using the one way ANOVA test continued with the LSD test. The results showed that: 1) the feasibility of performance evaluation instruments developed in the valid and reliable categories; and 2) there were significant differences in laboratory skills in the three groups at ɑ = 5% in the sufficient category. The conclusion of this research is the performance assessment instrument developed can be used to train student laboratory skills. The implications of this research are expected to contribute to improving the quality of practicum assessment instruments in learning in the laboratory.
Profile of Student Basic Teaching Skills through Online Learning Model Using Peer Assessment on Microteaching Lectures Ika Nurani Dewi; Sumarjan Sumarjan
SEJ (Science Education Journal) Vol 5 No 1 (2021): May
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Sidoarjo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21070/sej.v5i1.1341


The purpose of this study was to determine the profile of the basic teaching skills of biology education students during microteaching lectures through an online learning model using peer assessment. This type of research is a qualitative descriptive study. The subjects of this study consisted of 17 biology education students in the 6th semester of the 2019/2020 academic year. The technique of collecting data through observation uses a research instrument in the form of a rubric for assessing basic teaching skills, which is filled by lecturers and peers. Data analysis techniques include data reduction, data display and conclusions. The observed teaching skill indicators consist of 8 components. Based on these 8 indicators, the results obtained are the skills of opening and closing learning, explaining skills, questioning skills, discussion guiding skills, and class management skills are in the skilled category, the skills to provide reinforcement and the skills to make variations are in the fairly skilled category, while the skills to use learning media are in the less skilled category. Overall, the basic teaching skills of biology education students have improved during the microetaching exercise using peer assessment.
Validitas Perangkat Pembelajaran Etnoekologi Masyarakat Suku Sasak Kawasan Taman Nasional Gunung Rinjani Setiana Dwi Utami; Ismail Efendi; Ika Nurani Dewi; Agus Ramdani; Immy Suci Rohyani
Jurnal Penelitian Pendidikan IPA Vol. 5 No. 2 (2019): July
Publisher : Postgraduate, University of Mataram

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29303/jppipa.v5i2.291


Abstract. The Government of the Republic of Indonesia establishes the competence of college graduates to master the science field and being able to apply it in daily life, one of them is to connect the learning materials with the environment and cultural surroundings through Ethnoecology. The disclosure of ideas by local communities through ethnoecological learning can strengthen the nature of meaningful learning and encourage the students' positive attitude to solve the problems wisdom. The Ethnoecology form of the Sasak Tribe in Mount Rinjani National Park Area is integrated into learning in the form of local knowledge, local intelligence, and local policies. The Ethnoecology Learning development method consisting of RPS, SAP, MFIS, and assessment instruments refer to the ADDIE development model. The Ethnoecology learning developed in this study needs to be validated by practitioners and experts. Based on the feasibility validation result of the ethnoecology learning tool belongs to the category of logical and religious validity, so that it can be used as a support in the implementation of ethnoecology learning. A good learning tool will create a quality learning process. Keywords: Validity; Learning tools; Ethnoecology