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Hubungan Pengetahuan Teori dan Kemampuan Praktik Pemesinan Terhadap Kesiapan Praktik Kerja Industri Siswa SMK Hariyanto, Dedik; Sutadji, Eddy; Suharmanto, Suharmanto
Jurnal Dinamika Vokasional Teknik Mesin Vol 1, No 1 (2016): (Oktober)
Publisher : Department of Mechanical Engineering Education

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21831/dinamika.v1i1.11456


The objectives of this study are (1) to determine the correlation between the knowledge of machining theory and the readiness for industrial work practice; (2) to determine the correlation between the ability of machining practice and the readiness for industrial work practice; and (3) to determine the correlation between the knowledge of machining theory and the ability of machining practice to the readiness of industrial work practice. This study can be categorized as correlation study with a quantitative approach. The population of the study is the XI graders of Machining Department in SMK PGRI Wlingi Blitar on the academic year of 2014/2015. Data were collected using questionnaire and documentation. Data analysis techniques being using were descriptive analysis, simple linear regression and two predictors multiple regressions. According to the data analysis, it can be concluded that: (1) there is a significant positive correlation between the knowledge of machining theory and the readiness for industral practice, (2) there is a significant positive correlation between the ability of machining practice and the readiness for industry practice, and (3) there is a significant positive correlation between the knowledge of machining theory and the ability of machining practice to the readiness for industrial practice. The coefficient of determination (Adjusted R Square) is 0,831 (83,1%).----------------------------------------------------------------------------------Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui hubungan antara: (1) pengetahuan Teori Pemesinan terhadap kesiapan Praktik Kerja Industri, (2) kemampuan Praktik Pemesinan terhadap kesiapan Praktik Kerja Industri, dan (3) pengetahuan Teori Pemesinan dan kemampuan Praktik Pemesinan terhadap kesiapan Praktik Kerja Industri. Penelitian ini termasuk penelitian deskriptif dengan pendekatan kuantitatif. Populasi dari penelitian ini adalah siswa kelas XI Program Keahlian Teknik Pemesinan SMK PGRI Wlingi Kabupaten Blitar Tahun Ajaran 2014/2015. Teknik Pengumpulan data menggunakan kuesioner dan dokumentasi. Teknik analisis data menggunakan analisis deskriptif, analisis regresi linier sederhana, dan analisis regresi ganda dua prediktor. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa: (1) terdapat hubungan positif yang signifikan antara pengetahuan Teori Teknik Pemesinan terhadap kesiapan Praktik Kerja Industri. (2) terdapat hubungan positif yang signifikan antara kemampuan Praktik Teknik Pemesinan terhadap kesiapan Praktik Kerja Industri Industri. (3) terdapat hubungan positif yang signifikan antara pengetahuan Teori Teknik Pemesinan dan kemampuan Praktik Teknik Pemesinan terhadap kesiapan Praktik Kerja Industri. Koefisien determinasi (Adjusted R Square) adalah sebesar 0,831 (83,1%).
Implementasi Penilaian Autentik Kurikulum 2013 pada Rapor Online di SMK Negeri 6 Malang Sudiyanto, Galih; Sutadji, Eddy; Rudiyanto, Eddy
Jurnal Dinamika Vokasional Teknik Mesin Vol 1, No 1 (2016): (Oktober)
Publisher : Department of Mechanical Engineering Education

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21831/dinamika.v1i1.11457


One factor that is considered difficult to implement by teacher in the 2013 Curriculum is authentic assessment. However, this can be overcome with an online report that was initiated by Dispendik for all schools in the city of Surabaya. The study aims to see the implementation of authentic assessment in the 2013 Curriculum at a school that have implemented online report in Malang, namely SMK Negeri 6 Malang. The method used was a case study using questionnaires, interviews and documentation. The validity of research findings was examined using data triangulation technique. The respondents were productive teachers who teach automotive skills in the same class so that there is a correlation between the data obtained from the teachers and the students. The result shows that the implementation of authentic assessment in the 2013 Curriculum at SMK Negeri 6 Malang is in good category and teachers were greatly assisted by the online report.-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Salah satu faktor yang sulit untuk dilaksanakan oleh guru dalam Kurikulum 2013 adalah penilaian autentik. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melihat penerapan penilaian autentik Kurikulum 2013 pada sekolah yang sudah menerapkan rapor online di Kota Malang. Rancangan penelitian ini menggunakan deskriptif kualitatif dengan pendekatan studi kasus yang dilaksanakan di SMK Negeri 6 Malang. Metode pengumpulan data menggunakan instrumen angket, wawancara dan dokumentasi. Pengecekan keabsahan temuan penelitian menggunakan teknik trianggulasi data. Responden adalah guru produktif keahlian Otomotif yang mengajar pada kelas yang sama sehingga ada korelasi antara data yang didapat dari guru dan siswa. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa: (1) Pemahaman guru SMK Negeri 6 Malang terhadap penilaian autentik Kurikulum 2013 sangat baik sebesar 90%, (2) Pelaksanaan penilaian autentik Kurikulum 2013 oleh guru SMK Negeri 6 Malang sudah baik sebesar 70, (3) Manajemen rapor online oleh  Tim  IT  sudah  baik  dalam  memudahkan  pelaksanakan penilaian autentik Kurikulum 2013 di SMK Negeri 6 Malang sebesar 80%.
Logic Model Evaluation to Work Oriented Education Program Through Joint Madrasah Community Reflianto, Reflianto; Sutadji, Eddy; Ariani, Farida; Zen, Zulhendri
Cendekia: Jurnal Kependidikan Dan Kemasyarakatan CENDEKIA VOL 16 NO 2 TAHUN 2018
Publisher : IAIN Ponorogo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21154/cendekia.v16i2.1373


Program penguatan ekonomi kreatif pada siswa madrasah melalui Work-oriented education program di Pariaman dilakukan melalui pembentukan Joint Madrasah Community yang digagas oleh STIT Syekh Burhanuddin Pariaman. Program ini memberikan pendampingan pelatihan industri ekonomi kreatif yaitu pelatihan public speaking dan kaligrafi berbasis digital printing. Tujuan program adalah menyiapkan lulusan madrasah siap kerja dan sekaligus mengurangi pengangguran lulusan madrasah yang selama ini penyumbang terbesar di Sumatera Barat. Metode penelitian ini adalah penelitian evaluasi logic model menggunakan pendekatan mixed method yaitu pendekatan campuran kualitatif dan kuantitatif. Pendekatan program menggunakan Comunity Based Research design. Analisa data kualitatif meliputi pengumpulan data, display data, verifikasi data dan penarikan kesimpulan  Analisa data kuantitatif adalah uji independent t-test menggunakan program SPSS. Hasil program Work Oriented Education Program through Joint Madrasah Community terbukti berpengaruh signifikan terhadap penguatan life skill siswa madrasah dengan  nilai a=0.000 < 0.05. Keberhasilan program 64.71% lulusan Madrasah diserap kerja jurnalistik dan broadcasting dan 70 persen di sektor kerja digital printing art kaligrafi. Rekomendasi program perlu dilanjutkan dengan memperluas jaringan komunitas madrasah negeri dan swasta yang ada di Pariaman.   تم تنفيذ برنامج تعزيز الاقتصاد الإبداعي في طلاب المدارس من خلال برنامج تعليمي موجه للعمل في باريامان من خلال إنشاء مجتمع المدارس المشتركة الذي بدأه STIT الشيخ برهان الدين باريامان. يوفر هذا البرنامج المساعدة التدريبية في صناعة الاقتصاد الإبداعي ، وبالتحديد التدريب على التحدث العام والخط الرقمي. الهدف من البرنامج هو إعداد خريجي المدارس الجاهزة للعمل وفي نفس الوقت تقليل البطالة لخريجي المدارس الدينية الذين كانوا أكبر المساهمين في غرب سومطرة. هذه الطريقة البحثية هي بحث تقييم نموذج منطقي باستخدام نهج طريقة مختلطة ، وهي مزيج من النهج النوعية والكمية. يستخدم نهج البرنامج تصميم البحث القائم على المجتمع. يشتمل تحليل البيانات النوعية على جمع البيانات وعرض البيانات والتحقق من البيانات والاستنتاجات ، وتحليل البيانات الكمية هو اختبار t مستقل باستخدام برنامج SPSS. أثبتت نتائج برنامج التعليم الموجه نحو العمل من خلال المجتمع المدرسي المشترك aتأثيرًا كبيرًا على تعزيز المهارات الحياتية لطلاب المدرسة الدينية بقيمة  = 0.000 <0.05. نجاح البرنامج هو 64.71٪ من خريجي المدارس الثانوية الذين يستوعبهم العمل الصحفي والبث الإذاعي و 70٪ في قطاع فن الطباعة الرقمية. يجب أن تستمر توصيات البرنامج من خلال توسيع شبكة مجتمعات المدارس العامة والخاصة في باريامان.
The Competitiveness of SMK and Diploma 3 Graduates of Hospitality at the Entry Level and Employability Skills in Developing Career Pathways Dalimunthe, Femmy Indriany; Sutadji, Eddy; Setianingsih, Rita Margaretha
INVOTEC Vol 12, No 1 (2016)
Publisher : Faculty of Technological and Vocational Education-Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.17509/invotec.v12i1.4498


Along with the development of the ASEAN Economic Community in 2015, Indonesia is required to generate professional human resources in order to compete with other countries, particularly subject to competition in the services sector. Hotel is a product in the hospitality industry that have an important role in the tourism business.Intense competition in the hospitality industry demand the hotels to provide the best service to the customers. Vocational education has a function to prepare a professional and competitive workforce in the industry. The hospitality graduates will be able to fill the existing organizational structure in accordance with the educational background. The Presidential Decree No.8, 2012, Article 5 states that equalizing learning outcomes generated through education with the level of qualification at KKNI. KKNI is intended as a description of outcomes that must be mastered by graduates of vocational education, higher education, vocational training institutions as well as independent study. Graduates of Vocational and D3 of hospitality began  their career in the hospitality industry by filling the positions in the organizational structure. In a few of star hotels in Medan, North Sumatra, hospitality graduates of vocational and D3 have competitive power in a very thin difference. Their entry level almost similar to the same position as well as employability skills and technical competence are almost equal that will provide a gap between the educational background of the career pathways that exist in the world of hospitality. It is very wise if there will be collaboration between the hotel industry, the educators, community leaders, and high-level policy makers in generating strategies to enhance the competitiveness of human resources professionals in the hospitality and placed in accordance with the level of education based KKNI.
Jurnal Pendidikan Teknologi dan Kejuruan Vol 18, No 1 (2021): Edisi Januari 2021
Publisher : Universitas Pendidikan Ganesha

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (182.801 KB) | DOI: 10.23887/jptk-undiksha.v18i1.26093


Fisika teknik mengarahkan mahasiswa memahami konsep dasar fisika teknik, gerak dan energi, tumbukan dan listrik di bidang otomotif. Salah satu pokok bahasannya adalah menghitung impuls dan momentum pada kendaraan yang mana melibatkan operasi matematika, yang dapat menimbulkan rasa cemas pada diri pebelajar. Sehingga dibutuhkan pendekatan pembelajaran yang dapat menurunkan kecemasan matematis, yaitu problem posing. Penerapan problem posing bertujuan untuk meningkatkan hasil belajar mahasiswa. Sebelum diterapkan, dilakukan lesson study (plan-do-see). Sampel berjumlah 32 mahasiswa, dengan teknik pengumpulan data observasi & pre-test & post-test. Data dianalisis deskriptif dan tes “t”. Hasil penelitian terdapat peningkatan hasil belajar dibuktikan skor post-test = 89,75 lebih tingi dari skor pre-test = 78,5.
Jurnal Graha Pengabdian Vol 2, No 4 (2020)
Publisher : Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian Masyarakat (LP2M) Universitas Negeri Malang

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Abstrak: Dalam rangka meningkatkan keterampilan warga binaan pemasyarakatan Lapas Kelas 1 Malang, rutin diadakan pelatihan guna membekali para warga binaan agar setelah keluar nanti bisa mandiri secara ekonomi dan mempunyai soft skill. Melalui hal ini diharapkan mereka tidak akan kebingungan lantaran setelah keluar Lapas sudah memiliki keahlian. Meskipun sedang dalam masa pandemi, program pengembangan pembinaan  kemandirian tetap bejalan meskipun tidak sebanyak kegiatan saat sebelum mewabahnya virus covid-19. Kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat ini bertujuan untuk memberikan ilmu dan keterampilan bagi warga binaan Kelas 1 Kota Malang, sehingga ketika mereka menghirup udara bebas nanti mereka punya bekal ketampilan yang dapat dikembangkan di rumah sebagai bentuk usaha dalam menciptakan lapangan pekerjaan sendiri yang halal. Harapannya nanti, mereka dapat berapdaptasitasi dan diterima masyarakat menjadi pribadi yang baik. Metode pelaksanaan pengabdian masyarakat ini dimulai dari survey mitra, menganalisis masalah, memecahkan masalah, dan evaluasi. Berdasarkan hasil pelatihan yang sudah dilaksanakan, kegiatan berjalan dengan lancar meskipun menemui sedikit kendala teknis pada sarana dan prasaranan yang tersedia di Lapas kelas 1 Malang. Antusias warga binaan memberikan respon yang sangat positif sehingga kegiatan yang serupa dapat terus dilaksanakan guna meningkatkan skill dan ilmu baru bagi warga binaan.Abstract: In order to improve the skills of the Class 1 Correctional Facilities in Malang, routine training is held to equip the assisted residents so that after leaving they can be economically independent and have soft skills. Through this, it is hoped that they will not be confused because after leaving prison they already have expertise. Even though it is currently in a pandemic period, the self-reliance development program is still running, although not as many activities as before the Covid-19 virus outbreak. This community service activity aims to provide knowledge and skills for the Class 1 members of Malang City, so that when they breathe the free air, they will have skills that can be developed at home as a form of effort to create their own halal jobs. Hopefully later, they can adapt and be accepted by society to be good people. This method of implementing community service starts from partner surveys, problem analysis, problem solving, and evaluation. Based on the results of the training that had been carried out, the activity ran smoothly even though it encountered a few technical problems with the facilities and infrastructure available at the Class 1 Prison in Malang. The enthusiasm of the assisted residents gave a very positive response so that similar activities could continue to be carried out in order to improve new skills and knowledge for the assisted residents. the activity ran smoothly even though it encountered a few technical problems with the facilities and infrastructure available at the Class 1 prison in Malang. The enthusiasm of the assisted residents gave a very positive response so that similar activities could continue to be carried out in order to improve new skills and knowledge for the assisted residents. the activity ran smoothly even though it encountered a few technical problems with the facilities and infrastructure available at the Class 1 prison in Malang. The enthusiasm of the assisted residents gave a very positive response so that similar activities could continue to be carried out in order to improve new skills and knowledge for the assisted residents.
A Conceptual Framework Curriculum Evaluation Electrical Engineering Education Nurulita Imansari; Eddy Sutadji
International Journal of Evaluation and Research in Education (IJERE) Vol 6, No 4: December 2017
Publisher : Institute of Advanced Engineering and Science

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.11591/ijere.v6i4.7624


This evaluation is a conceptual framework that has been analyzed in the hope that can help research related an evaluation of the curriculum. The Model of evaluation used was CIPPO model. CIPPO Model consists of context, input, process, product, and outcomes. On the dimension of the context includes the vision and mission of the study program, the purpose of the study program. On the input, dimension consists of learning achievements, curriculum structure, qualified lecturer, and course outline. On the dimensions of the process consists of academic activities, implementation of industry practice, PPL and KKN, facilities and infrastructure, learning strategies, resources and learning media and also learning evaluation. On the product, dimension consists of the value of the GPA and dimension outcomes consist of skills match the needs of the working world.
JIPD (Jurnal Inovasi Pendidikan Dasar) Vol. 6 No. 1 (2022): JIPD (Jurnal Inovasi Pendidikan Dasar)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36928/jipd.v6i1.862


Minangkabau culture is rich with several mathematical concepts. These mathematical concepts are contained in Minangkabau culture such as custom houses, custom clothes, and traditional food. These mathematical concepts will make a positive contribution for learning mathematics. The purpose of this research is to determine geometric concepts in the form of two dimentional figure that can be seen from custom houses, custom clothes, and traditional food. This research is a qualitative research with an ethnographic approach. As an initial stage of research, a literature study is conducted first to determine the concept of geometry in mathematics learning. The results of this research are in the form of two dimentional figure of geometry concepts found in Minangkabau culture such as squares, rectangles, parallelogram, trapezoid, rhombus and circle. The concept of geometry in two dimentional figure will help learning two dimentional figure in Primary Schools.
The concept of evaluating the implementation of Honda classes in vocational schools using the CIPP Model Mojibur Rohman; Eddy Sutadji
Jurnal Taman Vokasi Vol 6 No 2 (2018)
Publisher : Universitas Sarjanawiyata Tamansiswa

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (2460.968 KB) | DOI: 10.30738/jtv.v6i2.4146


Strategic collaboration between Vocational High Schools (SMK) and stakeholders can improve the quality of Vocational Schools. The quality improvement of SMK will undoubtedly be able to produce skilled human resources and be able to meet the needs of the workforce. One form of cooperation carried out by the Vocational School with the business world / industrial world is the Honda class program which is the cooperation of Vocational Schools with PT Astra Honda Motor (AHM). This evaluation concept aims to help research related to the effectiveness of Honda Class programs in Vocational Schools using the CIPP evaluation model (Context, Input, Process, and Product) developed by Stufflebeam. Through this evaluation model, researchers try to measure the effectiveness of Honda Class programs by analyzing the problems faced so that they can determine the strategic steps in resolving these problems.
Industrial Practice Program Evaluation Using the Kirkpatrick Model Iqbal Ismawanto; Eddy Sutadji; Suharmanto Suharmanto; Didik Nurhadi
Teknologi dan Kejuruan: Jurnal Teknologi, Kejuruan, dan Pengajarannya Vol 43, No 2: September 2020
Publisher : Fakultas Teknik Universitas Negeri Malang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.17977/um031v43i22020p99-99


The research objective was to evaluate the industrial practice programs using the Kirkpatrick's evaluation model, which focuses on human resource development. This study used a four-levels of the Kirkpatrick evaluation model, namely reaction, learning, behaviour, and results. The research subjects were the students majoring in mechanical engineering at Private Vocational High School Muhammadiyah 1 Kepanjen who had done industrial practices. The data was collected using a questionnaire instrument, test, interview, and documentation. Based on the data analysis, the evaluation of the industrial practice program on the student's reaction aspect using the facilities, material, instructor, time, and infrastructure indicators was in the 'good' category. The pre-test and post-test results in the learning aspect experienced an increase, as indicated by the mean values of 61.83 and 80.83. Behavioural aspects based on changes in work behaviour, skills and knowledge generally underwent significant changes. The results aspect showed the impact of graduate work performance on increasing incomes and positions; the data showed that only a small proportion of graduates get this increase. The school can use the results of this study as input in dealing with various problems and the success of industrial practice programs.
Co-Authors Abdul Qolik Admaja Dwi Herlambang Agung Bella Putra Utama Agung Bella Putra Utama Agus Sholah Ahmad Dardiri Alfi Rohmah Andika Bagus Nur Rahma Putra, Andika Bagus Nur Rahma Annisau Nafiah Arnie Perwita Sari Asih Setiani Aynin Aynin Aynin Mashfufah Bagus Shandy Narmaditya Bambang Budi Wiyono Blima Oktaviastuti Dalimunthe, Femmy Indriany Daswarman Daswarman Didik Nurhadi Dwi Wulandari Eddy Rudiyanto, Eddy edy, Duwi leksono Elfia Najib Kholifiatin Emdi Ramadhana Putra Erika Nur Hayati Erwin Komara Mindarta Ery Tri Djatmika RWW Farida Ariani Farida Ariani Fatikh Inayahtur Rahma Felix Andika Dwiyanto Felix Andika Dwiyanto Frisela Ratna Yuparing Fuad Indra Kusuma Gunawan Dwiyono Hapsari Kusumawardani Haris Anwar Syafrudie HIDAYAT, NUR WAHYU Imam Sudjono Iqbal Ismawanto Isa Muhammad Said Kusumajanti, Wahju Lia Nur Atiqoh Bela Dina M. Ridlwan Machmud Sugandi Mazarina Devi Naila, Ishmatun Nurul Aini Nurulita Imansari Oktaviastuti, Blima Puji Handayati, Puji Purnomo Purnomo Purnomo Purnomo Purnomo Putra Hilmi Prayitno Putra, Emdi Ramadhana Reflianto, Reflianto Riana Nurmalasari Rico Andhika Putra Rohman, Mojibur Rohmanudin Rohmanudin Sandi Kurniawan Sardjono Sardjono Sarjono Setianingsih, Rita Margaretha Shadi Emad Areef Alhaleh Sudiyanto, Galih Suharmanto Suharmanto Suharmanto, Suharmanto Sulistianingsih AS Sunardi Sunardi Sunardi Sunardi Syaad Patmanthara Tri Atmadji Sutikno Tuwoso Tuwoso Widiyanti Widiyanti Windra Irdianto Yuke Rindayu Sintya Zen, Zulhendri Zulhendri Zen