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Jurnal Penelitian Kesehatan SUARA FORIKES Vol 8, No 1 (2017): Januari 2017
Publisher : FORIKES

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (43.83 KB) | DOI: 10.33846/%x


The results of the 97 countries, there is a significant correlation between aid delivery with maternal mortality (Depkes, 2011). Proportion of birth in Indonesia showed 76.1% in Healthcare Facilities and 23.7% in home and another (Kemenkes RI, 2014). In the coastal community primary choices deliveries take place at home, assisted by shamans because mothers feel safe from evil spirits, and convenient for the family attended (Yunarti, 2013). Scope of delivery assistance by health workers in 2006 - 2011 in West Sulawesi has not reached the target of minimum service standards in 2015 by 90%, obstetric complications handled in 2011 in Mamuju 35.1%. The aim of research to analyze the implementation of Birth Planning and Complications Preventions Program (P4K) based on the knowledge and attitude of Mother on Coastal Communities in Mamuju. This type of research is survey with cross sectional study design. In the study period in August-October 2016. The population is all Mother toddler who visited IHC 330, 149 of the samples obtained by using the formula, taken by accidental sampling method. The results showed 68 (81.9%) of respondents have sufficient knowledge of the implementation of the less well P4K, 113 (79.6%) positive attitude to the implementation mother P4K less good, there is no statistical relationship between knowledge and attitude of mothers with implementation P4K. Midwives need intensive assistance in filling and installation sticker P4K at home mom.
Using Numbered Head Together Technique on Students’ Reading Comprehension nurdiana nurdiana
Indonesian Journal of Integrated English Language Teaching Vol 2, No 1 (2016): March 2016
Publisher : Universitas Islam Negeri Sultan Syarif Kasim Riau

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (411.743 KB) | DOI: 10.24014/ijielt.v2i1.2365


In increasing students’ reading comprehension, various techniques have been applied by the lecturer. However, based on the preliminary study, it was found that the students have low comprehension in reading, including the narrative text. Numbered head together technique was offered to improve students’ reading comprehension. The purpose of the research were to investigate the difference of students’ reading comprehension on narrative text before and after  being taught by using Numbered Head Together Technique and to investigate the effect of using Numbered Head Together Technique toward students’ reading comprehension of narrative text at the English Education Department of UIN Suska Riau.The research design was quasi experimental research. The population was the third semester students of English Education Department of UIN Suska Riau. Two groups which consisted of 55 students were invited to be samples by using cluster-random sampling. Both groups were administered the pretest and the posttest. The technique of collecting data used test. The technique of data analysis used was paired sample t test. The research found that there was significant difference of students’ reading comprehension on narrative text after being taught by using numbered head together technique for experimental class and non-treatment of numbered head together technique for control class. It was stated by the value of sig. (2-tailed) was 0,000. It was smaller than 0,05. It meant that the use of Numbered head together technique had a significant effect on students’ reading comprehension on narrative text.
PEMANFAATAN VAKUM KARAMPUAN DALAM MENGURANGI RASA NYERI DAN PENANGANAN PUTTING TENGGELAM Almayaripa Almayaripa; Cuti Cahayani; Husnul Khatimah; Satriani G; Ashriady Ashriady; Nurdiana Nurdiana
Coping: Community of Publishing in Nursing Vol 7 No 2 (2019): Agustus 2019
Publisher : Program Studi Sarjana Ilmu Keperawatan dan Profesi Ners, Fakultas Kedokteran, Universitas Udayana

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (74.118 KB)


Hakekatnya setiap ibu dapat menyusui bayinya. Keyakinan diri dan berfikir positif dapat mempengaruhi produksi ASI, produksi ASI juga ditentukan oleh hormon. Terdapat beberapa kesulitan atau hambatanibu dalam pemberian ASI yaitu putting datar atau putting tenggelam, putting lecet, payudara bengkak yang menyebabkan nyeri, saluran susu tersumbat, mastitis dan abses payudara. Putting susu tenggelam adalah putting susu yang tidak dapat menonjol dan cenderung masuk kedalam sehingga ASI tidak dapat keluar dengan lancar karena disebabkan saluran susu terlalu pendek kedalam, kurang perawatan dan pengetahuan tentang perawatan payudara. Tujuan penelitian untuk mengetahui pemanfaatan terapi Vakum Karampuan (Kreatifitas Mahasiswa Peduli Ibu dan Anak) dalam mengurangi rasa nyeri dan penanganan putting tenggelam pada ibu nifas di RSKDIA Siti Fatimah dan RS Haji Makassar. Jenis penelitian eksperimental dengan desain penelitian eksperimen semu (quasy-experiment). Waktu penelitian pada bulan November– Desembertahun 2018. Populasi adalah ibu nifas yang memiliki payudara dengan kondisi putting tenggelam. Sampelyang digunakan adalah aksidental sampling dengan jumlah sampel 10 orang. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa pemanfaatan terapi vakum karampuan diperoleh nilai rata-rata skala nyeri pada kelompok kontrol sebesar 7.60 dengan kategori nyeri berat terkontrol sedangkan pada kelompok vakum karampuan nilai rata-rata skala nyeri yaitu 3.90 dengan kategori nyeri ringan hingga sedang. Kata kunci: putting tenggelam, terapi vakum, pengurangan rasa nyeri ABSTRACT Essentially every mother can breastfeed her baby. Self-confidence and positive thinking can affect milk production, milk production is also determined by hormones. There are several difficulties or obstacles in breastfeeding, namely flat nipples or nipples sinking, blisters put on, breast swelling that causes pain, blocked milk ducts, mastitis and breast abscesses. Dripping nipples are nipples that cannot stand out and tend to go inside so that milk cannot come out smoothly because the ducts are too short in, lack of care and knowledge about breast care. The purpose of this study was to determine the use of Vacuum Capability Therapy (Creativity of Students Caring for Mothers and Children) in reducing pain and handling of drowning nipples in puerperal women at RSKDIA Siti Fatimah and Haji Hospital Makassar. This type of experimental research design is quasy-experimental research. The time of the study was November-December 2018. The population was postpartum mothers who had breasts with submerged nipples. The sample used was accidental sampling with a sample size of 10 people. The results of this study indicate that the utilization of vacuum therapy ability obtained an average value of pain scale in the control group of 7.60 with the category of severe pain controlled while in the vacuum group the mean value of the pain scale is 3.90 with the category of mild to moderate pain. Keywords: putting sinking, vacuum therapy, pain reduction
Jurnal Dinamis No 8 (2011)
Publisher : Jurnal Dinamis

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (370.761 KB)


AbstrakMaterial yang bersifat lembut, berpori dan berserat diyakini mampu menyerap energi suara yangmengenainya. Dari ketiga sifat bahan tersebut, bahan berporilah yang sering digunakan. Hal ini karena bahanberpori retaif lebih murah dan ringan dibanding jenis peredam lain (Lee, 2003).Salah satu Material yang telahlama digunakan pada peredam suara jenis ini adalah rockwool. Meskipun penggunaa rockwool sudah lamadigunakan sebagai peredam suara tetapi penggunaannya terbatas hanya sebagai bahan pelapis tidak dapatdigunakan langsung sebagai bentuk komponen tertentu.Untuk dapat lebih meluaskan penggunaan rockwoolsebagai bahan komponen mesin misalnya knalpot kenderaan bermotor, ruang studio musik, plafon bangunangedung,maka rockwool dapat dicampur dengan bahan lain yang dapat langsung dibentuk menjadi suatukomponen yang dibutuhkan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui tingkat penyerapan suara dari materialkomposit polymer dengan serat rockwool menggunakan methode Reverbrasion room, dari hasil pengujiandiperoleh. Distribusi nilai Koefisien Absorbsi terbesar adalah 0,56483410 Sabine dengan frekuensi 100 Hz (T1 =2 detik dan T2 = 1,68 detik) dan nilai koefisien absorbsi terkecil adalah -0,03677716 Sabine dengan frekuensi315 Hz (T1 = 5,58 detik dan T2 = 5,78 detik).Kata kunci : Komposit polymer, Rockwool, Reverbration Room, koefisien Absorbsi.
Penentuan Kekuatan Tarik Material Komposit Epoxy dengan Pengisi Serat Rockwool Secara Eksperimen Nurdiana Nurdiana; Zulkifli lubis; Mutya Vonnisa
Jurnal Dinamis Vol 1, No 13 (2013): Dinamis
Publisher : Jurnal Dinamis

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (696.81 KB)


AbstrakPerkembangan ilmu pengetahuan dan teknologi memunculkan penemuan-penemuan baru diberbagai bidang. Dunia teknik merupakan salah satu bidang yang menunjukkan perkembanganyang sangat pesat. Terobosan - terobosan baru senantiasa dilakukan dalam rangka mencapaisuatu hasil yang dapat bermanfaat bagi umat manusia. Kebisingan dewasa ini dirasa sangatmengganggu terutama ketika siang hari, tetapi jika selama masih dalam batas toleransibiasanya banyak yang tidak memperdulikan. Disadari atau tidak bising mempunyai efek kurangbaik terhadap kesehatan manusia, efek yang menyertai mulai dari tuli sementara, gangguanpsikologis (trauma), sampai gangguan kesehatan lainnya. Bahan penyerap suara cukup jarangdijumpai, padahal ini sangat penting karena hal yang paling dekat dengan kehidupan manusiasehari-hari. Material yang bersifat lembut, berpori dan berserat diyakini mampu menyerapenergi suara yang mengenainya. Dari ketiga sifat bahan tersebut, bahan berporilah yang seringdigunakan. Hal ini karena bahan berpori retaif lebih murah dan ringan dibanding jenis peredamlain (Lee, 2003). Rockwool sudah lama digunakan sebagai peredam suara tetapipenggunaannya terbatas hanya sebagai bahan pelapis, Untuk dapat lebih meluaskanpenggunaan rockwool sebagai bahan komponen mesin misalnya knalpot kenderaan bermotor,ruang studio musik, plafon bangunan gedung,maka rockwool dapat dicampur dengan bahanlain yang dapat langsung dibentuk menjadi suatu komponen yang dibutuhkan. Penelitian inibertujuan untuk mengetahui Kekuatan Tarik Komposit epoxy dengan pengisi serat Rockwoolmenggunakan mesin uji tarik , Komposit dibuat dengan metode hand lay up dengan komposisiperbandingan epoxy dengan rockwool 75 % : 25%, Hasil pengujian menunjukkan Kekuatantarik maximum , regangan tarik maximum dan Modulus Elastisitas rata-rata untuk kompositepoxy dengan pengisi serat rockwool adalah σmax rata-rata = 6,74 MPa, εmax rata-rata = 0,84 %, Eratarata= 1127 Mpa.Kata kunci : Kekuatan Tarik, Komposit, Epoxy, Rockwool
Identification and In Silico Analysis of Anti Inflammation and Anti Oxidant Potentials of Polyphenol Compounds in Methanol Extract of Tamarindus indica Seeds Muhammad Ihwan Narwanto; Masruroh Rahayu; Setyawati Soeharto; Nurdiana Nurdiana; Moch. Aris Widodo
Journal of Agromedicine and Medical Sciences Vol 4 No 1 (2018)
Publisher : Faculty of Medicine, University of Jember

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.19184/ams.v4i1.6735


ABSTRACT Indonesia has abundant stock of Tamarindus indica seeds, but it is not yet utilized maximally, especially in medical field. Tamarindus indica seeds have high content of polyphenols compound. No reseacrh is supported by in silico data on polyphenol compound in Tamarindus indica seeds extract. Polyphenols compound can be utilized as a neuroprotective agent. This research aims to measure polyphenols concentration in methanol Tamarindus indica seeds extract and determine the anti inflammation and antioxidant potential of each polyphenol compound in methanol Tamarindus indica seeds extract by in silico method. The extraction of Tamarindus seeds used maceration method and methanol as solvent. Identification and measurement of polyphenols compound applied HLPC-MS. PyMol and Pyrx tools were used for in silico analysis. Extract recidu was obtained from methanol Tamarindus indica seeds as much as 12%w/v. HPLC-MS anaysis mentioned that levels of procyanidin B2, myricentin and caffeic acid were respectively 38.850 mg/kg, 5.845 mg/kg and 260 mg/kg. The highest anti inflammatory potential was owned by myricentin than caffeic acid, while the lowest potential in procyanidin B2. Furthermore, the highest antioxidant potential was sequentially in myricentin, procyanidin B2 and caffeic acid. It is very possible to utilize methanol Tamarindus indica seeds extract for preventing neurodegenerative diseases since its pathogenesis involves inflammatory and stress oxidative process. Keywords : Tamarindus indica, myricetin, procyanidin B2, caffeic acid, anti inflammatory, antioxidant
International Journal of Nursing and Health Services (IJNHS) Vol. 1 No. 2 (2018): International Journal of Nursing and Health Services (IJHNS)
Publisher : Alta Dharma Publisher

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (321.662 KB) | DOI: 10.35654/ijnhs.v1i2.47


Background: Communication skills are essential for nurses in providing health services. Efficacious communication will impact in the quality of care and patient safety. This manuscript is to identify factors predisposing implementation of effective nurse communication. Method: This study that data was retrieved uses systematic review design. Data was retrieved from database ProQuest, SCOPUS, EBSCO, Science-Direct, JSTOR, and Wiley-Online in the period of 2011 – 2017. The study was done for journal, article and literature review by applying the keywords nurse communication, health’s communication, effective communication of nurse. Results: A total of 12518 studies was found from six databases. From, the number of these direct search, systematic review identifies conformity based on the title, so that it obtained 31 studies with a title that suitable for a selected discussion. The total of selected papers were 16 studies and identified Efficacious communication. Analysis result from the paper research was there were 16 papers that complement the criteria determined. Six factors are identified to have effect in an implementation of effective nurse communication: (1) intelligence and self-efficacy, (2) Communication Skills, (3) Work Experience, (4) Perceptions, (5) Socio-cultural, and (6) Organization culture.
International Journal of Nursing and Health Services (IJNHS) Vol. 2 No. 4 (2019): International Journal of Nursing and Health Services (IJHNS)
Publisher : Alta Dharma Publisher

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (318.64 KB) | DOI: 10.35654/ijnhs.v2i4.116


I Infection Prevention and Control Nurse (IPCN) has an essential role in preventing and controlling infections in hospitals. IPCN's role has been developed to optimize the prevention and monitoring of infection in hospitals. Some countries such as Korea, the United Kingdom, Ireland have developed graduate program nurse control specialists by obtained needs for particular science that can deal with hospital conditions, specifically related to the prevention of infection and care of infectious patients. This case study aims to identify and analyze IPCN's optimization of IPCN in conducting infection prevention and control in a government hospital in Jakarta, which is also a national referral center hospital. Data collection was done by observing the daily activity of the IPCN, reviewing IPCN's role by focus group discussion with nine out of ten IPCNs, and interviewing the nurse committees and director of nursing. The results obtained indicate that the implementation of the functions and roles of IPCN cannot be carried out maximally. This is because, in addition to serving as IPCN, IPCN was also involved in the activities carried out by the unit as well as the implementation of wide surveillance hospitals by the Hospital Infection Control Committee (HICC). It is recommended to optimize the implementation of the functions and roles of the IPCN through the establishment of IPCN competency guidelines aimed at improving IPCN competency standards now and in the future, as well as guiding the determination of IPCN's duties and responsibilities to be more maximal in preventing and controlling infections. Keywords: Hand Hygiene, IPCN, Infection Prevention, and Control, Infection Control
ANALISIS PENDAPATAN DAN KELAYAKAN USAHA KOPRA nurwahida nurwahida; Marhawati Marhawati; Mustar Mustar; Rahmatullah Rahmatullah; Nurdiana Nurdiana
Jambura Economic Education Journal Vol 3, No 1 (2021): JANUARY 2021
Publisher : universitas negeri gorontalo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37479/jeej.v3i1.8592


Abstrak. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pendapatan usahatani kopra dan besarnya R/C rasio kopra per satu kali produksi di Desa Bontolempangan Kecamatan Buki Kabupaten Kepulauan Selayar. Responden dalam Penelitian ini sebanyak 24 orang. Penarikan sampel menggunakan simple Random Sampling dengan teknik pengumpulan data yang dilakukan adalah observasi, wawancara, dan dokumentasi. Teknik analisis data yang dilakukan yaitu analisis pendapatan, R/C rasio, dan analisis Break Even Point (BEP). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan: pendapatan rata-rata usahatani kopra di Desa Bontolempangan Kecamatan Buki Kabupaten Kepulauan Selayar dalam satu kali produksi sebesar Rp. 1.036.333, R/C rasio yang diperoleh yaitu sebesar 1,3, BEP terjadi pada tingkat produksi 24 Kg dan harga Rp. 135.000 yang berarti petani tersebut mengalami keuntungan. Dengan demikian maka Usahatani kopra yang dilakukan oleh petani di Desa Bontolempangan Kecamatan Buki Kabupaten Kepulauan Selayar layak untuk diusahakan oleh para petani.
Butenedioic Acid of Soursop Leaves (Annona muricata) Water Extract as Dipeptidyl-peptidase 4 (DPP4) Inhibitor Dini Sri Damayanti; Nurdiana Nurdiana; HMS. Chandra Kusuma; Djoko Wahono Soeadmadji
Jurnal Kesehatan Islam : Islamic Health Journal Vol 11, No 1 (2022): Jurnal Kesehatan Islam : Islamic Health Journal
Publisher : Publikasi oleh Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Islam Malang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33474/jki.v11i1.16106


The aim of the study was to prove the potential of Soursop Leaves Water Extract (SLWE) content as DPP4 inhibitor an in silico method. The extraction process of soursop leaves uses water solvent with the infusion method. Withdrawal of the active compounds using acetone solvent. Identification using the GCMS method. Molecular docking of SLWE active compounds, Linagliptin as a control and DPP4 protein target  using  Autodoc Vina application. 2D visualization using LigPlot. Validation of affinity of active compounds of Annona muricata Leaves  using the measurement results of free binding energy, the number  similarity of bond position to active site ot  the protein target, and the number of hydrogen bond compared to controls. To determine the potential effect as a drug and toxicity using the 5 rules of Lipinski and ADME. The results of molecular docking found that the active SLWE compounds that have affinity close to control is butenedioic acid. It has the ∆G of  -7 kcal / mol, binds 53% of amino acid residues of DPP4 and has one hydrogen bond. Based on 5th rules of Lipinski and ADMET, Buetenoic acid has the potential to be developed as DPP4 inhibitor drugs which is administered orally and had a non-toxic effect. The the Conclusion Butenedioic acid, the active compound found from SLWE is potential as DPP4 inhibitors.