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Wajah Indo dalam Iklan Tahun 1950an Suwardikun, Didit Widiatmoko
PANGGUNG Vol 26, No 2 (2016): Semiotika, Estetika, dan Kreativitas Visual Budaya
Publisher : LP2M ISBI Bandung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.26742/panggung.v26i2.171


ABSTRACT 1950s society in Indonesia  was marked by the changing  social  class, at the  time  of the Dutch East Indies, indigenous groups or “inlander”  as the lowest grade. After the independence war a large  number  of indigenous  people shifted  into  top class. That changes  was used  to advertise  the consumer  goods of international   campanies.  How was the  figure  of ideal  model advertised at that time? Through visual analysis  on consumer  goods advertisement  in newspa- pers published in the 1950s as well as an interview to the resource person, it was found that the visualization  of women as a model, were wearing  Indonesian  dress, but the structure  of the face and physical proportions were western  type. Admiration  for the beauty  of western  values   is used as a tool to persuade the target audience, indigenous on new high social class, the women of Indonesia,  especially  in West Java which is famous for the light-skinned girl and a beautiful face. Keywords : eurasian  face, visual persuasion, advertisement.     ABSTRAK Dekade 1950an tatanan masyarakat di Indonesia ditandai dengan berubahnya kelas sosial, pada zaman Hindia Belanda, kelompok pribumi atau “inlander ” sebagai kelas yang paling rendah, setelah perang kemerdekaan sejumlah besar orang pribumi bergeser menjadi kelas paling atas. Perubahan itu dimanfaatkan produsen untuk mengiklankan barang-barang konsumen produksi perusahaan internasional. Bagaimana figur ideal model iklan pada jaman itu? Melalui analisis visual pada iklan barang-barang konsumen di koran dan majalah yang diterbitkan pada tahun 1950an serta wawancara kepada narasumber, ditemukan bahwa visualisasi perempuan sebagai model iklan dengan cara berpakaian Indonesia, tapi struktur wajah dan proporsi tubuh bertipe Barat. Kekaguman terhadap nilai-nilai keindahan Barat digunakan sebagai alat untuk membujuk audiens target iklan, kelas sosial atas yang baru, para wanita Indonesia, khususnya di Jawa Barat yang terkenal dengan para gadis yang berkulit terang dan berwajah cantik. Kata kunci: wajah indo, persuasi visual, iklan koran.
PENGGUNAAN WEBSITE PORTAL BERITA SEBAGAI MEDIA INFORMASI UNTUK MAHASISWA Faizal, Mochammad; Abdillah, Muhammad Faqih; Sari I.M.S, Dea Aulia; Setiadi, Wahyu; Octavia, Denisha; Suhendari, Wulan; Soewardikoen, Didit Widiatmoko
Jurnal Bahasa Rupa Vol 2 No 1 (2018): Jurnal Bahasa Rupa Oktober 2018
Publisher : LPPM STMIK STIKOM Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (667.03 KB) | DOI: 10.31598/bahasarupa.v2i1.217


Abstract Website can serve as a medium to deliver information, related to academic and non-academic university activity. Telkom University as a technology-based university is appropriate to use the website as a means of supporting the activity going on inside. On the one hand, 55 Student Activity Units at Telkom University require publication media related to non-academic activities conducted. Related to this, there are already three official media that can accommodate it, but the results of the questionnaire said that students still feel that the dissemination of information is still not optimal. This is important, because website is the main channel used to disseminate information in real time. To answer these problems, the necessary data will be obtained through visual objects observation, interviews with experts, distributing questionnaires to the audience, as well as literature studies that related to relevant theories. Once the data is collected, it will be analyzed through comparative matrix to obtain conclusions and suggestions that can answer the formulation of research problems. This research aims to optimize the cyber media websites to deliver real-time and reliable information to students. The results obtained are standard forms that can be used to create an actual and trusted student news portal website.
Perancangan Identitas Visual untuk Promosi Pariwisata Kabupaten Rembang Renta Yusantiar; Didit Widiatmoko Soewardikoen
ANDHARUPA: Jurnal Desain Komunikasi Visual & Multimedia Vol 4, No 02 (2018): August 2018
Publisher : Dian Nuswantoro University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33633/andharupa.v4i02.1626


AbstrakKabupaten Rembang sedang mengembangkan pariwisata yang dimilikinya. Upaya berpromosi telah dilakukan oleh berbagai pihak, baik pihak pemerintah kabupaten Rembang, pegelola, hingga masyarakat. Namun, identitas visual yang telah digunakan belum memiliki keseragaman yang baik dalam penggunaan warna dan tipografi. identitas visual dan promosi pariwisata Kabupaten Rembang dalam periode Januari-Juli 2017 menjadi fokus penelitian ini. Penelitian dilakukan di Rembang menggunakan metode observasi, studi pustaka, wawancara dan kuesioner serta analisis dilakukan dengan matriks perbandingan. Tujuan penelitian adalah meningkatkan kesadaran masyarakat terhadap potensi wisata yang dimiliki Kabupaten Rembang. Hasil yang diperoleh dari penelitian ini bahwa kabupaten Rembang dan potensi wisata yang ada memerlukan pembakuan identitas visual dan penerapannya pada media promosi yang sesuai agar dikenal masyarakat luas dan akan berdampak pada peningkatan pendapatan daerah serta masyarakat Kabupaten Rembang. Kata kunci : wisata, Rembang, identitas visual, promosi  AbstractRembang Regency is developing its tourism. Promotion efforts have been made by various parties, both the district government of Rembang, the manager, until the community. However, the visual identity that has been used has not had a good uniformity in the use of color and typography. Visual identity and tourism promotion of Rembang Regency in the period from January to July 2017 become the focus of this research. The research was conducted in Rembang using observation method, literature study, interview and questionnaire and analysis was done with comparison matrix. The objective of the research is to increase public awareness of tourism potential owned by Rembang Regency. The results obtained from this study that Rembang district and the potential of existing tourism requires the visual identity recognition and its application to the appropriate promotional media to be known to the wider community and will have an impact on the increase of regional income and the community of Rembang Regency. Keywords: tourism, Rembang, visual identity, promotion
PERANGKAP VISUAL IKLAN POP UP DI SMARTPHONE Didit Widiatmoko Soewardikoen; Mohamad Tohir Fauzy
ANDHARUPA: Jurnal Desain Komunikasi Visual & Multimedia Vol 6, No 02 (2020): AUGUST 2020
Publisher : Dian Nuswantoro University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33633/andharupa.v6i02.3357


AbstrakKehidupan masyarakat perkotaan seperti tidak terpisahkan dengan penggunaaan smartphone. Perangkat ini memfasilitasi penggunaan berbagai perangkat lunak yang sekarang lebih akrab disebut aplikasi yang berperan memudahkan berbagai urusan mulai dari pemesanan tiket, paket wisata, toko online, hantaran makanan , dan perawatan teknis telepon seperti pembersih file dan antivirus. Aplikasi ini dapat diunduh dari penyedia seperti app gallery atau playstore, baik secara gratis maupun berbayar. Aplikasi yang gratis ketika digunakan tiba-tiba muncul iklan dan pengguna sering terjebak menekan tombol beli, mainkan game atau install, padahal tidak menyukai iklan ini. Penelitian ini untuk mengetahui bagaimana cara iklan pop up menjebak pengguna secara visual dan respon  pengguna terhadap fenomena ini. Menggunakan metode penelitian visual dengan instrumen observasi visual terhadap sampel, wawancara kepada ahli dan kuesioner kepada pengguna. Dari hasil trianggulasi data didapatkan hasil bahwa iklan pop up yang lebih mementingkan exposure dan sebaran cenderung menjebak pengguna smartphone, padahal pengguna tidak ingin membeli produk yang diiklankanKata kunci : aplikasi, iklan pop up, smartphone AbstractThe life of urban society is inseparable from the use of smartphones. This device facilitates the use of various software that are now more familiarly called applications. The applications that play a role in abridging the numerous matters ranging from ticket reservations, tour packages, online shops, food delivery, and telephone technical maintenance such as file cleaners and antivirus. This application can be download from providers such as gallery apps or play store, both free and paid. Applications that are free when used suddenly appear ads and users are often stuck pressing the buy button, play the game, or install, even though they do not like this ad. This research is to find out how to pop up ads visually trap users and user responses to this phenomenon. This research used visual research methods with visual observation instruments on samples, interviews with experts, and questionnaires to users. From the results of the triangulation of data, the results show that pop upads that are more concerned with exposure and distribution tend to trap smartphone users, even though users do not want to buy the advertised product.Keywords: application, pop up ads, smartphone
Diseminasi Ancaman Tsunami Melalui Sign System untuk Kawasan Pantai Carita Muhammad Yudhi Rezaldi; Didit Widiatmoko Suwardikun; Dody Achmad S.Sn
IPTEK-KOM : Jurnal Ilmu Pengetahuan dan Teknologi Komunikasi Vol 17, No 1 (2015): JURNAL IPTEKKOM (Jurnal Ilmu Pengetahuan & Teknologi Informasi)
Publisher : BPSDMP KOMNFO Yogyakarta, Kementerian Komunikasi dan Informatika

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1796.965 KB) | DOI: 10.33164/iptekkom.17.1.2015.51-70


Carita adalah lokasi kejadian bencana tsunami akibat meletusnya gunung Krakatau tahun 1883. Semenjak tahun 2009 hingga sekarang anak Krakatau berstatus siaga dan dapat meletus kembali. Setiap bencana alam yang terjadi selalu menelan korban. Oleh karenanya perlu dilakukan upaya membangkitkan kepedulian, pemahaman dan kesiapsiagaan audiens dengan mendiseminasikan informasi bencana. Salah satu caranya adalah melalui media sign system. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode campuran, yaitu menyebarkan kuesioner untuk mengukur tingkat pemahaman dan kepedulian terhadap bencana tsunami, seberapa tinggi kemampuan mereka menangkap bahasa/tanda visual, dan pengamatan terhadap media sign system jalur evakuasi tsunami. Berdasarkan temuan tersebut, dilakukan analisis matrix terhadap  jalur evaluasi tsunami, lalu dibandingkan dengan sign system jalur evakuasi tsunami yang ada di beberapa lokasi lain. Dari hasil analisis dibuat rekomendasi desain sign system untuk digunakan di lokasi penelitian, disertai dengan penempatan dan jumlahnya. Melalui media ini diharap dapat membangkitkan pemahaman, kepedulian, dan kesiap­siagaan audiens dalam menghadapi ancaman tsunami, sehingga dapat meminimalisir korban. Kata kunci : tsunami, Krakatau, Pantai Carita, sign system   
Karakter Visual Keindonesiaan dalam Iklan Cetak di Indonesia Didit Widiatmoko Suwardikun
Journal of Visual Art and Design Vol. 2 No. 2 (2008): ITB Journal of Visual Art and Design
Publisher : ITB Journal Publisher, LPPM ITB

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.5614/itbj.vad.2008.2.2.4


Many have tried to explore the unified identity character of an Indonesian, arousing certain tribal cultures to visually represent "Indonesian" on apparent bestowed upon Indonesia as a nation of multi-cultures. This is clearly be seen in advertisements where the expressed visuals represent periods, societal forms, political, and economical situation according to the allotted time and space. Thus, visuals on advertisements may serve as clues to understand the significance of expressions as "Indonesian" out of the memory of how things were and were done and therefore ought to be done. This study explores visuals from the advertisements of the past to understand the spirit of Indonesia as a nation for the purpose of tomorrow. The study looked into visuals of the advertisements from the Dutch colonial era, Japanese occupation period, the birth of a nation in 1950s, the new order (1970s-1990s), and end with those of reform order (2000s); in order to portray "Indonesian" in terms of figure, behavior, and attitude of a nation. The paper discusses visuals of the past to model the present and future of an "Indonesian".
Persuasi Melalui Ilustrasi dalam Iklan Cetak Didit Widiatmoko Suwardikun
Journal of Visual Art and Design Vol. 3 No. 2 (2009): ITB Journal of Visual Art and Design
Publisher : ITB Journal Publisher, LPPM ITB

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.5614/itbj.vad.2009.3.2.3


Since our childhood we learn reading as well as writing, but drawing has become something unimportant, until we are often left behind when figuring out what is the meaning and function of a visual image. On the other hand, we are surrounded by visual images which become more increased and more sophisticated, until we are unconsciously affected with many kinds of visual images we perceived. Through observation and visual analysis towards newspaper's printed advertisements within a certain time, it will explain us how the power of illustration, either photography or hand made, is in purpose to get attention and to persuade the target audience. Collaboration between visualization of text messages and visual messages will make the ads more effective.
Identification of Aesthetic Values for Visualization Media of Flood Disaster Modeling Muhammad Yudhi Rezaldi; Rabiah Abdul Kadir; Mohamad Taha Ijab; Azlina Ahmad; Didit Widiatmoko Soewardikoen; Apip Apip
Journal of Visual Art and Design Vol. 12 No. 2 (2020): Journal of Visual Art and Design
Publisher : ITB Journal Publisher, LPPM ITB

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.5614/j.vad.2020.12.2.3


Many flood modelings use geovisualization techniques but are very complicated and can only be understood by researchers or practitioners. There is a need for modelings that are informative and can be understood by ordinary people for the purpose of disaster mitigation. This research analyzed a flood modeling geovisualization sample to find out the extent to which aesthetic values are used in that modeling. For breaking down the modeling, an analytical approach was used as well as physioplastic, ideoplastic, and judgment analyses. Then, the modeling was evaluated through a questionnaire that was distributed using Google Forms to 40 respondents with a background as visual communication design students. The questionnaire was presented using closed questions and a visual analogue scale. The aesthetic parameters used for measuring were: lighting, color, two-dimensional field, three-dimensional field, time/motion, and sound. The evaluation results showed that the flood modeling geovisualization sample did not use aesthetics effectively. Modeling representations need to be simplified into visualizations using a well-planned aesthetic concept to make them more informative. Hopefully, the result of this research will make flood modeling more impactful and easier to understand by ordinary people through the application of aesthetic values such as those addressed in the questionnaire.
PERANCANGAN DAN PELATIHAN PENGELOLAAN WEBSITE PONDOK PESANTREN ASSUBKIYAH KABUPATEN BANDUNG Mohammad Isa Pramana Koesoemadinata; Didit Widiatmoko Soewardikoen; I Dewa Alit Dwija Putra; I Gusti Agung Rangga Lawe; Irfan Dwi Rahadianto
Aptekmas Jurnal Pengabdian pada Masyarakat Vol 4 No 1 (2021): APTEKMAS Volume 4 Nomor 1 2021
Publisher : Politeknik Negeri Sriwijaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (286.622 KB) | DOI: 10.36257/apts.v4i1.3169


Assubkiyah Islamic boarding school in Nagrak Village, Bandung Regency, is an Islamic educational institution that accepts many new students. As a traditional Islamic educational institution, this school has contributed a lot in creating a new generation with noble morality.  In accordance with the times and for information and promotion purposes, this school has had a website before, so its remote location is not a problem. However, due to lack of management skills, website knowledge and funding, the website is neglected and not updated. This can lead to misinformation for people who need information about the program and activities of school, it can also have an impact on decreasing the number of prospective students.  Based on that situation, a team from the Faculty of Creative Industries, Telkom University, took the initiative to design an information website regarding the Assubkiyah Islamic Boarding School, along with its management training for the staff and students. Hopefully, that after this program takes place, the website can be optimized into a medium that makes it easier for the public and prospective students to get information about education organized by the Assubkiyah Islamic Boarding School.
PENGGUNAAN WEBSITE PORTAL BERITA SEBAGAI MEDIA INFORMASI UNTUK MAHASISWA Mochammad Faizal; Muhammad Faqih Abdillah; Dea Aulia Sari I.M.S; Wahyu Setiadi; Denisha Octavia; Wulan Suhendari; Didit Widiatmoko Soewardikoen
Jurnal Bahasa Rupa Vol. 2 No. 1 (2018): Jurnal Bahasa Rupa Oktober 2018
Publisher : LPPM Institut Bisnis dan Teknologi Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31598/bahasarupa.v2i1.217


Abstract Website can serve as a medium to deliver information, related to academic and non-academic university activity. Telkom University as a technology-based university is appropriate to use the website as a means of supporting the activity going on inside. On the one hand, 55 Student Activity Units at Telkom University require publication media related to non-academic activities conducted. Related to this, there are already three official media that can accommodate it, but the results of the questionnaire said that students still feel that the dissemination of information is still not optimal. This is important, because website is the main channel used to disseminate information in real time. To answer these problems, the necessary data will be obtained through visual objects observation, interviews with experts, distributing questionnaires to the audience, as well as literature studies that related to relevant theories. Once the data is collected, it will be analyzed through comparative matrix to obtain conclusions and suggestions that can answer the formulation of research problems. This research aims to optimize the cyber media websites to deliver real-time and reliable information to students. The results obtained are standard forms that can be used to create an actual and trusted student news portal website.