Yiyi Sulaeman
Balai Besar Penelitian Dan Pengembangan Sumberdaya Lahan Pertanian, Jl. Tentara Pelajar No. 12, Cimanggu, Bogor 16114.

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The Dissemination Of Agricultural Land Resource Maps SULAEMAN, YIYI; MINASNY, B.; H.S, MAMAT
Jurnal Sumberdaya Lahan Vol 5, No 01 (2011): Juli 2011
Publisher : Indonesian Center for Agriculture Land Resource Development

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar


The Indonesian Center for Agricultural Land Resource Research and Development (ICALRD) is one of the institutes that operates under the Indonesian Agency for Agricultural Research and Development (IAARD), Indonesian Ministry of Agriculture. Its main function, among others, is to conduct agricultural land resource inventories. These activities have resulted in voluminous agricultural land resource (ALR) maps with various themes, extent and scales. A strategy is required to disseminate these data to prospective users. This paper aims to discuss the approach and method to propagate ALR maps to users. Indonesian ALR maps are composed of climatic, soil, and landform maps at various scales, themes, and extent and covering across the country. The dissemination approach includes promotion and socialization using conventional and net-based media, collaborations with national and international partners, and on-demand sale. Terms and requirements for public access to ALS maps are also presented.
RAGAM KONTEKS SKALA DALAM PERSPEKTIF KAJIAN SUMBERDAYA LAHAN Cahyana, Destika; Barus, Baba; Darmawan, Darmawan; Mulyanto, Budi; Sulaeman, Yiyi
Jurnal Sumberdaya Lahan Vol 13, No 2 (2019)
Publisher : Indonesian Center for Agriculture Land Resource Development

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (815.042 KB) | DOI: 10.21082/jsdl.v13n2.2019.115-124


Abstrak. Kini isu ?skala? menjadi penting kembali dibahas oleh komunitas sumberdaya lahan. Awalnya sumberdaya lahan terbatas dikaji oleh disiplin ilmu tanah, ilmu geografi, dan ilmu kartografi, tetapi sekarang berkembang dikaji oleh disiplin ilmu lingkungan, ilmu iklim, ilmu statistik, serta ilmu teknologi dan informasi. Kajian sumberdaya lahan yang awalnya untuk kepentingan ilmu pertanian kini menghadapi problem yang lebih luas seperti perubahan iklim, krisis energi, keanekaragaman hayati, keseimbangan ekosistem, hingga perkembangan kota. Pada era ini perjumpaan ilmu tanah dengan disiplin ilmu lain tidak dapat dihindarkan karena telah menjadi keniscayaan untuk melayani kepentingan umat manusia yang lebih luas. Berkaitan dengan itu istilah ?skala? yang digunakan pada disiplin ilmu tanah, ilmu geografi, dan ilmu kartografi seringkali membingungkan ketika berjumpa dengan istilah ?skala? pada kajian sumberdaya lahan kontemporer. Skala dapat dipahami dalam beragam konteks: 1) skala informasi pada peta, 2) skala level pada berbagai proses, dan 3) skala pada angka pengukuran. Tiga konteks skala tersebut belum termasuk skala pada dimensi lain yaitu skala waktu yang tidak akan dibahas pada artikel ini. Abstract. At present the issue of 'scale' becomes important to be rediscussed by scientists in land resources community. Initially, land resources were only studied by the limited disciplines, such as soil science, geography, and cartography, but now it is studied by the disciplines of environmental science, climate science, statistics, and technology and information science.  At the beginning, the study of land resources was to support agricultural science, but at the present the study is to addresss broader problems such as climate change, energy crises, biodiversity, ecosystem balance, and urban development. In this era, the encounter of soil science with other scientific disciplines is inevitable because it has become a necessity to serve the broader of humanity interest. Related to that issue, the term of 'scale' used in the disciplines of soil, geography and cartography is often confusing when meeting to other different disciplines. There are at least 3 different contexts that use the term 'scale' in contemporary land resource studies i.e : 1) scale of information on maps, 2) scale of levels in various processes, and 3) scale of measurement numbers. These three contexts of scale are not included  scale of time another dimensions that will not be discussed in this article.
Predicting Spatial Distribution of Argilic Horizon Using Auxilary Information in Regional Scale Yiyi Sulaeman; D Djaenudin
Jurnal Ilmu Tanah dan Lingkungan Vol 7 No 2 (2005): Jurnal Ilmu Tanah dan Lingkungan
Publisher : Departemen Ilmu Tanah dan Sumberdaya Lahan, Fakultas Pertanian, IPB University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (368.674 KB) | DOI: 10.29244/jitl.7.2.48-53


For supporting better soil management, the spatial distribution of soils having argilic hori=on (argilic soils) must berecognized and it can be delineate in soil survey mapping activity, but this activity consumes much time and money. This study aimed to build a decision tree model for predicting the spatial distribution of argillic hori=on based on auxiliary information using 3 predicting environmental variables; namely, geomorphic sUrface or substrate, landsurjace unit, and ecoregion beh.Three-based modeling technique was used to generate classification tree model from 318 pedon of Lampung Province,Indonesia. Argillic horizon is predicted to present in hot belt (elevation of 0-200 m above sea level) on interfluve-seepageslope with probability 84% for acid igneous rock, 83% for basic igneous rock, and 90% for acid sedimentary rock. Argillichorizon is also predicted to present in hot belt on transportational midslope with the probability 65% for transported acid sedimentary rock. Argillic horizon is predicted absent with the probability to occur ranging from 0% to 32% on otlrer combinations of landsurface unit, ecoregion belt, and substrate.
Comparison of Three Models for Predicting The Spatial Distribution of Soil Organic Carbon in Boalemo Regency, Sulawesi: Comparison of Three Models for Predicting The Spatial Distribution of Soil Organic Carbon in Boalemo Regency, Sulawesi Eloise Mason; Yiyi Sulaeman
Jurnal Ilmu Tanah dan Lingkungan Vol 18 No 1 (2016): Jurnal Ilmu Tanah dan Lingkungan
Publisher : Departemen Ilmu Tanah dan Sumberdaya Lahan, Fakultas Pertanian, IPB University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1119.349 KB) | DOI: 10.29244/jitl.18.1.42-48


Information on the spatial distribution of soil organic carbon content is required for sustainable land management. But, creating this map is time-consuming and costly. Digital soil mapping methodology makes use of legacy soil data to create provisional soil organic carbon map. This map helps soil surveyors in allocating the next soil observation. This study aimed: (i) to develop predictive statistical soil organic carbon models for Sulawesi, and (ii) to evaluate the best model between the three obtained models. Boalemo Regency in Gorontalo Province (Sulawesi) was selected as a studying area due to abundant legacy soil data. The study covered dataset preparation, model development, and model comparison. Dataset of soil organic carbon at 6 different depths as the target was established from 176 soil profiles and 7 terrain parameters were selected as predictors. Soil-landscape models for each soil depth were created using a regression tree, conditional inference tree, and multiple linear regression techniques. The result showed that model performance differed among 3 modeling techniques and soil depths. The tree models were better than the multiple linear regression model as they have the lowest RMSE index. The best model in the mountainous area seems to be the regression tree model, whereas in the plains it may be the conditional inference tree. In creating the provisional map, several models should be developed and the median of the predicted value is used as a provisional map. Keywords: Digital soil mapping, multiple linear regression, regression tree, soil-landscape model, soil organic carbon map
Pencucian Karbon Organik pada Mikro DAS Lahan Perkebunan Kelapa Sawit PT Perkebunan Nusantara VI Jambi: Leaching of Organic Carbon in Micro Catchment Oil Palm Plantation Area PT Perkebunan Nusantara VI Jambi Ginanjar Ika Septiawan; Eni Dwi Wahjunie; Kukuh Murtilaksono; Yiyi Sulaeman
Jurnal Ilmu Tanah dan Lingkungan Vol 22 No 1 (2020): Jurnal Ilmu Tanah dan Lingkungan
Publisher : Departemen Ilmu Tanah dan Sumberdaya Lahan, Fakultas Pertanian, IPB University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29244/jitl.22.1.16-21


Perubahan penggunaan lahan dapat mempengaruhi ekosistem serta hidrologi kawasan. Dapat meningkatkan erosi dan limpasan permukaan tanah, terutama bila tidak sesuai dengan prinnsip konservasi tanah dan air. Curah hujan yang tinggi mempengaruhi proses pencucian karbon dan nutrisi dari lahan pertanian ke badan sungai. Proses pencucian karbon organik dan nutrisi di sungai perlu diteliti, sehingga dapat memprediksi konsentrasi karbon organik dan nutrisi di sungai, serta bisa menjadi indikator terjadinya degradasi lahan. Penelitian ini menggunakan eksperimen lapangan yang menggunakan metode survei dengan deskriptif eksploratif untuk sampling. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa lokasi pencucian karbon organik dalam bentuk DOC dan unsur hara nitrat, Al3+, dan Mn2+ adalah titik C. Curah hujan tidak berpengaruh dalam meningkatkan debit sungai. Tidak ditemukan korelasi yang tinggi antara debit sungai dengan konsentrasi ion terlarut di outlet dalam bentuk DOC, NO3-, PO43-, Fe2+, dan Al3+. Konsentrasi DOC di air sungai memiliki hubungan korelasi yang tinggi terhadap Fe2+ (0.94) dan Al3+ (0.96). Model multi regresi stepwise menghasilkan DOC = 2.48 + 0.90 Al3+ + 3.17 Fe2+ dengan nilai R2 Adj. yang cukup tinggi (0.94). Menunjukkan bahwa Al3+ dan Fe2+ memiliki pengaruh terhadap DOC sebesar 94%.
The Dissemination Of Agricultural Land Resource Maps YIYI SULAEMAN; B. MINASNY; MAMAT H.S
Jurnal Sumberdaya Lahan Vol 5, No 1 (2011)
Publisher : Indonesian Center for Agriculture Land Resource Development

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21082/jsdl.v5n1.2011.%p


The Indonesian Center for Agricultural Land Resource Research and Development (ICALRD) is one of the institutes that operates under the Indonesian Agency for Agricultural Research and Development (IAARD), Indonesian Ministry of Agriculture. Its main function, among others, is to conduct agricultural land resource inventories. These activities have resulted in voluminous agricultural land resource (ALR) maps with various themes, extent and scales. A strategy is required to disseminate these data to prospective users. This paper aims to discuss the approach and method to propagate ALR maps to users. Indonesian ALR maps are composed of climatic, soil, and landform maps at various scales, themes, and extent and covering across the country. The dissemination approach includes promotion and socialization using conventional and net-based media, collaborations with national and international partners, and on-demand sale. Terms and requirements for public access to ALS maps are also presented.
Membuat Peta Tanah dengan Teknik Disagregasi Spasial Yiyi Sulaeman; Husnain Husnain
Jurnal Sumberdaya Lahan Vol 15, No 2 (2021)
Publisher : Indonesian Center for Agriculture Land Resource Development

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21082/jsdl.v15n2.2021.59-73


Peta tanah merupakan informasi spasial dasar untuk perencanaan dan praktek pengelolaan lahan dan lingkungan. Informasi spasial tanah yang detil, terkini, dan kontekstual diperlukan dalam waktu yang tepat yang dapat disediakan melalui penerapan pendekatan digital soil mapping (DSM) berdasarkan data tanah warisan.  Pemanfaatan teknologi DSM perlu disesaikan dengan kondisi infrastruktur data setempat. Tulisan ini membahas tentang teknik disagregasi spasial untuk membuat peta tanah dan mengevaluasi tantangan penerapannya di Indonesia. DSM merupakan subdisiplin ilmu tanah yang paling aktif menghasilkan produk riset. Salahsatu teknik DSM yang diterapkan diberbagai tempat adalah teknik Disagregasi Spasial. Teknik ini bekerja di wilayah yang mempunyai peta tanah baik meliputi seluruh wilayah atau sebagiannya dan memisahkan sub-sub poligon suatu satuan peta tanah menjadi bagian-bagian yang lebih detil. Aneka algoritma disagregasi spasial sudah banyak dikembangkan dan bemanfaat digunakan di wilayah Indonesia khususnya untuk pendetilan peta, penyelerasan batas peta, dan pembuatan peta di wilayah baru menggunakan hubungan tanah-lanskap dari wilayah lain. Aneka alat bantu dikembangkan yang dapat mempercepat dan mempermudah implementasi disagregasi spasial di lapangan. Kasus-kasus terpilih juga disajikan dan didiskusikan. Dengan meningkatkan kapasitas dan penelitian, implementasi teknik akan menyediakan algotiruma yang lebih jitu yang pada saat bersamaan menambah informasi spasial tanah.  
Perkembangan dan Permasalahan Sistem Klasifikasi Tanah di Indonesia Sukarman Sukarman; Kusumo Nugroho; Yiyi Sulaeman
Jurnal Sumberdaya Lahan Vol 7, No 2 (2013)
Publisher : Indonesian Center for Agriculture Land Resource Development

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21082/jsdl.v7n2.2013.%p


Abstrak. Penelitian tanah di Indonesia dimulai sejak tahun 1817 namun secara resmi penelitian klasifikasi tanah di Indonesia dimulai pada tahun 1905. Klasifikasi tanah pertama di Indonesia disusun oleh E. C. J. Mohr pada tahun 1910 yang bekerja di Bodemkundig Instituut. Klasifikasi tanah ini berdasarkan prinsip genesis dan tanah-tanah yang diklasifikasikan diberi nama atas dasar warna. Klasifikasi tersebut mengalami beberapa kali perbaikan diantaranya pada tahun 1910, 1916, 1922, dan 1933. Pada tahun 1972 Mohr bersama van Baren dan Schuylenborgh menerbitkan buku mengenai tanah-tanah di daerah tropika dengan judul "Tropical Soil, A comprehensive study of their genesis". Klasifikasi tanah selanjutnya adalah klasifikasi White yang mulai dikembangkan pada tahun 1931. Dalam sistem klasifikasi White, sifat klasifikasi tanah didasarkan kepada geologi dan tipe pelapukan, namun nama-nama tanah masih terlalu panjang dan rumit. Pada tahun 1938 di tanah Deli telah disusun klasifikasi tanah Druif yang digunakan untuk pemetaan tanah di daerah perkebunan tembakau Deli. Hasil-hasil penelitian Druif secara rinci telah dilaporkan dalam 3 seri buku De Bodem van Deli. Sistem klasifikasi tanah yang dianggap cukup maju, karena berdasarkan morfometrik, adalah sistem klasifikasi Dudal dan Soepraptohardjo (1957, 1961). Sistem klasifikasi ini digunakan dalam pemetaan sumberdaya tanah di Indonesia pada tingkat tinjau dan eksplorasi. Pada tahun 1983, Pusat Penelitian Tanah telah menerbitkan sistem klasifikasi tanah yang ditujukan untuk pemetaan tanah semi detail di calon lokasi transmigrasi. Klasifikasi tersebut didasarkan kepada morfogenetik dan merupakan penyempurnaan dari sistem klasifikasi Dudal dan Soepraptohardjo (1961). Definisi-definisi terutama pada tingkat Macam tanah sebagian besar mengambil definisi dari Legenda Soil Map of the World (FAO/UNESCO, 1974) dan disesuaikan dengan keadaan di Indonesia. Sistem klasifikasi tanah lain yang digunakan di Indonesia adalah sistem klasifikasi taksonomi tanah yang mulai dipublikasikan pada tahun 1975. Sampai saat ini sistem klasifikasi ini masih digunakan dengan mengacu kepada buku Keys to Soils Taxonomy edisi ke kesebelas (Soil Survey Staff, 2010). Sistem klasifikasi lain yang sering digunakan adalah sistem Satuan Peta Tanah Dunia dari FAO/UNESCO (1974). Sampai dengan tahun 2013, Indonesia belum mempunyai sistem klasifikasi tanah nasional, meskipun beberapa kali Kongres Nasional Himpunan Ilmu Tanah Indonesia telah mengamanatkan untuk menyusun klasifikasi tanah nasional. Upaya yang dilakukan oleh Balai Besar Penelitian dan Pengembangan Sumberdaya Lahan Pertanian berhasil menyusun konsep klasifikasi tanah nasional yang mulai diperkenalkan pada tahun 2013, namun konsep ini masih memerlukan penyempurnaan dan pengakuan dari para pakar genesis dan klasifikasi tanah di seluruh Indonesia.Abstract. Soil research in Indonesia began in 1817 but officially soils classification research began in 1905. The first soil classification of soils in Indonesia was prepared by E. C. J. Mohr in 1910 at Bodemkundig Instituut. Soils classification is based on the principle of genesis and soils classified are named on the basis of color. This classification was updated several times in 1910, 1916, 1922, and 1933. In 1972 Mohr with van Baren and Schuylenborgh published a book on soils in the tropics with the title "Tropical Soil, A comprehensive study of their genesis". Further soil classification is White classification which was developed in 1931. In the White classification system, the nature of the soil classification is based on geology and type of weathering, but the names of the soil is still too long and complicated. In 1938 in Deli soil classification was prepared by Druif for soil mapping in the area of tobacco plantation. Druif research results have been reported in detail in 3 series of book De Bodem van Deli. Soil classification system considered advanced, based on morphometric, is a classification system of Dudal and Soepraptohardjo (1957, 1961). This classification system is used in the soil mapping resources in Indonesia at the level of semi detail and exploration. In 1983, the Centre for Soil Research has published a soil classification system intended for semi-detailed soil mapping for transmigration program. The classification is based on the morphogenetic and a refinement of the classification system of Dudal and Soepraptohardjo (1961). Various definitions various especially at great group level is mostly using the definition of the Legend of the Soil Map of the World ( FAO / UNESCO, 1974) and adapted to the soil classification in Indonesia. Other soil classification system used in Indonesia is the soil taxonomy classification system which was began to be published in 1975. This soil classification system is still used to refer to the book of Keys to Soils Taxonomy, eleventh edition (2010). Other soil classification system is a World Soil Map Unit of the FAO/UNESCO (1974). Up till 2013, Indonesia does not have a national soil classification system, although several times of the National Congress of Soil Science Society of Indonesia has mandated to formulate a national soil classification. The efforts made by the Indonesia Center for Agricultural Land Resources Research and Development is successful to draft national soil classification which was introduced in 2013, but this concept still requires improvement and recognition from experts soil genesis and classification throughout Indonesia.
Jurnal Sosial Ekonomi Pertanian Vol 16 No 3 (2020): Oktober 2020
Publisher : Hasanuddin University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20956/jsep.v16i3.11407


Good water management is the key to successful farming in swamp land. One of the important elements in water management is the Water User Farmers Association as the main actor that regulates water management and maintains water management infrastructure. Water User Farmers Association has an important role as a forum for learning teamwork in supporting the production process. A self-sufficient Water User Farmers Association will be able to meet its groups' needs independently. This preliminary study aims to assess the institutional structure of Water User Farmer Association in food estate area on the swampland of Central Kalimantan. The research was conducted in Belanti Siam Village and Gedabung Village, Pandih Batu District, Pulang Pisau Regency and Terusan Karya Village and Terusan Mulya Village, Betaguh District, Kapuas Regency, Central Kalimantan which were used as demfarm locations. The methodology of this research using by interviews and group discussions with management and members of farmer groups. The parameters observed include: organizational, financial, irrigation techniques (operationalization and maintenance), government support, cultivation technology, and relationships with other institutions as indicators of group independence. The results showed that the Water User Farmer Association group in the food estate area was classified as moderate independent. Efforts that need to be made to achieve a level of independence include: (i) continuous guidance and assistance from related agencies, (ii) development and enhancement of institutional capacity both in terms of organization/management and the ability of its members. The independent Water User Farmer Association institution ensures sustainability of the food estate in swampland.
Ragam Konteks Skala Dalam Perspektif Kajian Sumberdaya Lahan Destika Cahyana; Baba Barus; Darmawan Darmawan; Budi Mulyanto; Yiyi Sulaeman
Jurnal Sumberdaya Lahan Vol 13, No 2 (2019)
Publisher : Indonesian Center for Agriculture Land Resource Development

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21082/jsdl.v13n2.2019.115-124


Abstrak. Kini isu ‘skala’ menjadi penting kembali dibahas oleh komunitas sumberdaya lahan. Awalnya sumberdaya lahan terbatas dikaji oleh disiplin ilmu tanah, ilmu geografi, dan ilmu kartografi, tetapi sekarang berkembang dikaji oleh disiplin ilmu lingkungan, ilmu iklim, ilmu statistik, serta ilmu teknologi dan informasi. Kajian sumberdaya lahan yang awalnya untuk kepentingan ilmu pertanian kini menghadapi problem yang lebih luas seperti perubahan iklim, krisis energi, keanekaragaman hayati, keseimbangan ekosistem, hingga perkembangan kota. Pada era ini perjumpaan ilmu tanah dengan disiplin ilmu lain tidak dapat dihindarkan karena telah menjadi keniscayaan untuk melayani kepentingan umat manusia yang lebih luas. Berkaitan dengan itu istilah ‘skala’ yang digunakan pada disiplin ilmu tanah, ilmu geografi, dan ilmu kartografi seringkali membingungkan ketika berjumpa dengan istilah ‘skala’ pada kajian sumberdaya lahan kontemporer. Skala dapat dipahami dalam beragam konteks: 1) skala informasi pada peta, 2) skala level pada berbagai proses, dan 3) skala pada angka pengukuran. Tiga konteks skala tersebut belum termasuk skala pada dimensi lain yaitu skala waktu yang tidak akan dibahas pada artikel ini. Abstract. At present the issue of 'scale' becomes important to be rediscussed by scientists in land resources community. Initially, land resources were only studied by the limited disciplines, such as soil science, geography, and cartography, but now it is studied by the disciplines of environmental science, climate science, statistics, and technology and information science.  At the beginning, the study of land resources was to support agricultural science, but at the present the study is to addresss broader problems such as climate change, energy crises, biodiversity, ecosystem balance, and urban development. In this era, the encounter of soil science with other scientific disciplines is inevitable because it has become a necessity to serve the broader of humanity interest. Related to that issue, the term of 'scale' used in the disciplines of soil, geography and cartography is often confusing when meeting to other different disciplines. There are at least 3 different contexts that use the term 'scale' in contemporary land resource studies i.e : 1) scale of information on maps, 2) scale of levels in various processes, and 3) scale of measurement numbers. These three contexts of scale are not included  scale of time another dimensions that will not be discussed in this article.