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Pembuatan prototipe sensor potensial listrik sebagai perangkat penunjang pada Receiver Controlled Source Electromagnetic Indrasari, Widyaningrum; U, Umiatin; Djamal, Mitra; Trihatmoko, Danang
Jurnal Spektra Vol 11, No 1 (2011): Spektra: Jurnal Fisika dan Aplikasinya
Publisher : Jurnal Spektra

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Telah dilakukan pembuatan dan karakterisasi prototype sensor potensial listrik. Berdasarkan kalibrasi sensor potensial listrik X  terhadap kalibrator kesalahan absolut maksimum dan kesalahan relatif maksimum pada kenaikkan tegangan input kalibrator masing-masing yaitu mencapai 0,013 V - 0,0288V dan 0,21% - 0,41% pada daerah kerja 0,041V-0,05V. Kesalahan absolut maksimum dan  kesalahan relatif maksimum dengan penurunan tegangan input kalibrator masing-masing yaitu mencapai 0,011V-0,034V dan 0,025% - 0,034% pada daerah kerja 0,035V - 0,049V. Sensor potensial listrik yang diperoleh pada penelitian ini memenuhi syarat untuk  digunakan sebagai perangkat penunjang receiver Controlled Source Electromagnetic (CSEM). Kata kunci: Sensor potensial listrik, kalibrasi, CSEM, receiver.
Jurnal Spektra Vol 16, No 1 (2015): Spektra: Jurnal Fisika dan Aplikasinya
Publisher : Jurnal Spektra

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AbstrakTelah dilakukan pembuatan dan karakterisasi data logger sebagai perangkat akuisisi data digital pada sistem deteksi elektromagnetik induksi. Perangkat dibangun menggunakan ADC (Analog to Digital Converter) 16-bit dengan kecepatan 500 kilo samples per second (ksps). Untuk mengendalikan kerja ADC digunakan prosesor jenis mikrokontroler ATmega64A, sementara sebagai rangkaian pendukung kerja sistem digunakan multiplekser, rangkaian penguat, filter aktif lolos rendah Sallen Key tipe Butterworth, dan program antar muka. Sistem akuisisi data yang dibangun dapat merekam sinyal dengan frekuensi maksimum 10 kHz dari empat saluran masukan (channel). Rentang tegangan yang digunakan adalah ±2,5 Volt dengan resolusi ADC 76 µV, dan dapat mengakuisisi data setiap 2 µs. Hasil karakterisasi menggunakan input tegangan DC dari kalibrator diperoleh kurva keluaran ADC masing-masing channel mempunyai persamaan yang cukup identik dengan gradien sebesar 0,90. Sedangkan hasil karakteristik ADC terhadap sumber tegangan AC dari sensor magnetik fluxgate, menunjukkan adanya distorsi pada sinyal dengan frekuensi > 6 kHz.AbstractIt has been made and characterized data logger as a digital data acquisition devices on the electromagnetic induction detection system. This device was built using the ADC (Analog to Digital Converter) of 16-bit with the speed of 500 kilo samples per second (KSPS). The processors of microcontroller ATmega64A used as a controller of ADCs working. Several electronics circuits was used as a working supporting system, there are a multiplexer circuit, an amplifier circuit, an active low pass filter (Sallen-Key filter type Butterworth), and the interface program. Data acquisition system consists of four channels which is able to record the signal with a maximum frequency of 10 kHz. The working voltage range used is ± 2.5 Volts, with ADCs resolution of 76 μV, and able to obtain data every 2 μs. The characterization result of ADCs output using a DC voltage input from the calibrator, obtained that ADC output curve of each channel identical equation with a gradient of 0.90. Meanwhile the characterization result of ADCs output using the AC voltage source of fluxgate magnetic sensors, showed a distortion in a signal with a frequency > 6 kHz .Keywords: electromagnetic induction, data logger, ADC, resolution, fluxgate
Pengembangan Spektrometer Cahaya Tampak Menggunakan LED RGB untuk Menentukan Konsentrasi Glukosa Sari, Mona Berlian; Sanjaya, Yogie; Djamal, Mitra
Risalah Fisika Vol 1, No 1 (2017): Risalah Fisika ISSN 2548-9011
Publisher : Physical Society of Indonesia (PSI)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35895/rf.v1i1.40


Rancang bangun spektrometer menggunakan sumber cahaya dari cahaya tampak telah dibuat. Pada penelitian ini diukur nilai absorbansi, transmitansi, dan konsentrasi larutan glukosa. Spektrometer menggunakan satu sensor photodioda, dua LED RGB sebagai sumber cahayanya dan dua sampel holder. Pergerakan sensor dikontrol menggunakan motor stepper. Keluaran sensor diolah di mikrokontroller ATMega 8 dan dikirim ke PC. Interface tampilan PC menggunakan GUI Visual Basic. Untuk mengetahui kadar glukosa dalam larutan tertentu digunakan larutan benedict. Keunggulan sistem terletak pada otomatisasi gerak sensor sehingga pada satu kali pengukuran dapat langsung dibandingkan larutan standar dan larutan yang diukur agar pengukuran lebih efisien. Secara keseluruhan sistem menggunakan komponen dengan harga yang murah. Berdasarkan data hasil pengukuran, absortivitas tertinggi diperoleh jika sumber yang digunakan adalah led hijau yaitu dengan kisaran 0.47-0.9. Persentasi kesalahan pengukuran konsentrasi menggunakan led hijau berkisar antara 1.94% sampai 4.76% sedangkan secara keseluruhan persentasi kesalahan relatif pengukuran berkisar antara 0.12% sampai 5.43%.
Pengembangan Spektroskopi Inframerah Dekat Sederhana untuk Sistem Pengukuran Konsentrasi Sedimen Layang Yuliantini, Lia; Amri, Iful; Djamal, Mitra
Risalah Fisika Vol 1, No 1 (2017): Risalah Fisika ISSN 2548-9011
Publisher : Physical Society of Indonesia (PSI)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35895/rf.v1i1.24


Telah dibuat sistem pengukuran secara real-time konsentrasi sedimen layang menggunakan spektroskopi sederhana berbasis inframerah dekat.Metode pengukuran sedimen layang yang telah berkembang saat ini adalah metode gravimetrik, instrumen optik, dan sistem akustik. Akan tetapi metode gravimetrik tidak dapat digunakan untuk pengukuran secara real-time sedangkan instrumen optik dan sistem akustik memerlukan biaya yang cukup mahal dan rumit dalam pengoperasiannya. Sistem pengukuran pada penelitian ini relatif murah dan sederhana yaitu terdiri dari inframerah dekat sebagai pemancar (transmitter), fotodioda sebagai penerima (receiver), dan mikrokontroler sebagai antarmuka sensor dengan PC. Setelah itu instrumen yang telah dibuat dikalibrasi menggunakan larutan tanah. Tanah yang digunakan terlebih dahulu dikeringkan lalu  disaring menggunakan ayakan dengan lubang ayakan berdiameter kurang dari 2 mm. Tanah yang sudah disaring ditumbuk sampai halus dan ditimbang. Masa tanah divariasikan (15, 18, 21, 24, 27, 30 dan 33 g) dan ditambahkan air sebanyak 500 ml sehingga diperoleh konsentrasi sedimen layang dari 0,030 sampai 0,060 g/ml. Hasil yang diperoleh menunjukkan bahwa hubungan konsentrasi sedimen layang dengan tegangan keluaran fotodioda adalah eksponensial dengan nilai R-square 0,98778. Fungsi transfer yang diperoleh berupa logaritmik dengan R-square 0,99105.  Berdasarkan data penelitian dapat disimpulkan bahwa nilai transmisi semakin menurun sedangkan nilai absorpsi larutan semakin meningkat seiring bertambahnya konsentrasi sedimen layang. Kesalahan untuk instrumen ini yaitu di bawah 8,2%..
Simulation of Void Detection System using Gamma-Ray Compton Scattering Technique Wirawan, Rahadi; Waris, Abdul; Kim, Hong Joo; Djamal, Mitra; Sari, Mona Berlian
Journal of Engineering and Technological Sciences Vol 51, No 3 (2019)
Publisher : ITB Journal Publisher, LPPM ITB

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (23.168 KB) | DOI: 10.5614/j.eng.technol.sci.2019.51.3.5


A simple void detection system for concrete was successfully developed using high-penetration gamma rays with Compton scattering. This research attempted to identify a void in the subsurface of a concrete volume that could not be accessed from any of the sides. Monte Carlo simulation using GEANT4 toolkit was performed to investigate the gamma-ray backscattering events. An NaI(Tl) detector was used with 60Co and 137Cs as gamma-ray sources. The void?s location was successfully detected during material target scanning. Density discrepancies conduce variance of the backscattering peak produced due to the presence of a void. Compared to 60Co as the gamma-ray source, 137Cs is a better choice for application in NDT systems using Compton scattering.
Sainstek : Jurnal Sains dan Teknologi Vol 2, No 1 (2010)
Publisher : IAIN Batusangkar

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (928.736 KB) | DOI: 10.31958/js.v2i1.10


This paper explains the design of angular velocity apparatus (Gyrometer) base on fluxgate sensor. The design of sensor elements consists of the double secondary coil (pick-up) and excitation coil with 10 layers, core layer is put into the isolative cavity. Fluxgate magnetic sensor works based on the principles of second harmonics, the intensity of magnetic fields proportional to the output sensor voltage. Based on data analysis on to sensor characterization it was obtained that the sensitivity 4.52 mV/?T, ±20 ?T in ranges.  The maximum absolute error obtained from polynomial function approach in 0.53 ?T and the relative error is 1.3% on magnetic fields ~19 ?T. In this research the sensor can measure the frequency in the maximum absolute and relative  error 0.68, 0.58, 0.17, 0.71 and 0.026%, 0.022%, 0.006%, 0.021%, whereas the disc magnet with the number of magnet 2, 4, 8 and 16 respectively.Key words: angular velocity, fluxgate sensor, coil, second harmonic
Desain dan Pengembangan Fluxgate Magnetometer dan Beberapa Aplikasinya Suyatno, Suyatno; Djamal, Mitra; Yulkifli, Yulkifli; Setiadi, Rahmondia N.
Jurnal Fisika dan Aplikasinya Vol 4, No 1 (2008)
Publisher : Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat, LPPM-ITS

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (127.322 KB) | DOI: 10.12962/j24604682.v4i1.947


Telah dilakukan pembuatan dan pengembangan sensor magnetic fluxgate yang terdiri dari dua buah probe, berupa kumparan eksitasi, kumparan sekunder (pick-up) dan inti terbuat dari bahan vitrovac. Dengan menggunakan metode harmonisa kedua, penggunaan sensor ini adalah untuk mengukur besarnya medan magnetik, pengukuran arus pada penghantar dan pengukuran jarak. Pada pengukuran medan magnet didapatkan nilai pengukuran B hingga 20 nT dengan sensitifitas 533,94 mV/μT, dengan kesalahan absolut 200 mV dan kesalahan relatif 2,76%, sedang untuk pengukuran jarak, sensor ini mampu melakukan pengukuran jarak sampai pada jarak 13,8 mm dengan resolusi sampai pada 10 μm dan kesalahan absolut 0,16 mm serta kesalahan relatif sebesar 3,4%.
Karakterisasi Sensor Magnetik Fluxgate Berkonfigurasi 2 x (100/500/100) Mukhlizar Mukhlizar; Mitra Djamal; Murhaban Murhaban
Jurnal Mekanova: Mekanikal, Inovasi dan Teknologi Vol 2, No 1 (2016): April
Publisher : universitas teuku umar

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (939.742 KB) | DOI: 10.35308/jmkn.v2i1.871


Lack of measuring instruments with high resolution, still leaving a hindrance in terms of weak magnetic field measurement. One method that can be done to measure the magnetic field is fluxgate method. Fluxgate working range sensor to detect magnetic fields ranging from 10-10 - 10-4 T both DC and AC. Fluxgate sensor has high sensitivity, stable to high temperatures, low power operation, small size, and resolution up to 10 pT. So the fluxgate sensor is suitable for measuring weak magnetic fields. Has performed characterization of magnetic sensors fluxgate configuration with 2 × (100/500/100). The sensitivity obtained at 1.8 V/μT and sensor resolution of 0.56 nT/mV. Absolute error obtained sensor maximum of 0.0334 μT with a relative error of 0.85%.  Keywords: Fluxgate, sensitivity, resolution, a weak magnetic field
The Reliability of Wireless Sensor Network on Pipeline Monitoring System Hafizh Prihtiadi; Mitra Djamal
Journal of Mathematical and Fundamental Sciences Vol. 49 No. 1 (2017)
Publisher : Institute for Research and Community Services (LPPM) ITB

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.5614/


The wireless sensor network (WSN) is an attractive technology, which combines embedded systems and communication networks making them more efficient and effective. Currently, WSNs have been developed for various monitoring applications. In this research, a wireless mesh network for a pipeline monitoring system was designed and developed. Sensor nodes were placed at each branch in the pipe system. Some router fails were simulated and the response of each node in the network was evaluated. Three different scenarios were examined to test the data transmission performance. The results proved that the wireless mesh network was reliable and robust. The system is able to perform link reconfiguration, automatic routing and safe data transmission from the beginning node to the end node.
Easy monitoring and data record system of electric current detected by ACS712 affordable non-destructive electrical current sensor Mona Berlian Sari; Lia Yuliantini; Hafizh Prihtiadi; Mitra Djamal
PILLAR OF PHYSICS Vol 13, No 2 (2020)
Publisher : Department of Physics – Universitas Negeri Padang UNP

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1229.984 KB) | DOI: 10.24036/10741171074


Monitoring and data record system of electric current on the current conducting wire has been developed. Recently, the current measurement was conducted by electronic circuit configuration by adding the shunt resistance in the circuit configuration. Compare to the voltage measurement, the electric current measurement has several obstacle and sometimes dangerous, especially on the AC current measurement. This study offers the automation of electric current measurement using affordable and non-destructive ACS712 Hall effect sensor. Hall effect is the phenomena of charge flow deflection in the metal plate that is placed in the magnetic field. By using this sensor, it is possible to detect the AC and DC current on conducting wires. The output of the sensor  voltage will be change based on the magnetic field obtained due to current flows in the wire. Those output voltage are processed in microprocessor of ATMEGA238. Measurement results are saved in *.txt format. LabVIEW is used as the display system interface to simplify the utilization. The measurement is conducted in the Faraday cage. This system can be one of answer for the efficient and stable affordable current measurement with the precision is 0.9954 and average of accuracy percentage is 99.5934%. To reach those precision, the sensor calibration formula in datasheets should be corrected by subtracts the sensor calibration formula with the constant of 0.125.