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Prosiding Forum Studi Transportasi Antar Perguruan Tinggi Vol 3 No 1 (2015): The 17th FSTPT of International Symposium
Publisher : FSTPT Indonesia

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In general, the study emphasizes the importance of reliability and validity, including quantitative research (focus on post-positivism view). Reliability of a study of which can be determined by the appropriate selection of ingredients / materials and treatment of substance / material chosen, where one of the important things is that there is regularity in the manufacture of test specimens for their designated purpose. Preparation of the test object to the given will result in research that is not biased either on empirical research, manuals, analytical and validation with the program, which of course is the methodological side. While on the theoretical side of course is expected to occur before the development of the theory. It could even happen that the new theory and methodology.
Prosiding Forum Studi Transportasi Antar Perguruan Tinggi Vol 3 No 1 (2015): The 17th FSTPT of International Symposium
Publisher : FSTPT Indonesia

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Buton Ganular buton asphalt is refined grains that has been produced mechanically so has quality and guaranteed quality compared with previous generationsasbuton. BGA uniformity of grain size and water content of not more than 2% make it superior to the previously produced asbuton.This paper discusses the use of BGA as an asphalt substitute petroleum in the bearing coarse mix asphalt concrete (AC BC). Topics studied in the asphalt mixture is marshall stability, flow and voids in mix (VIM). The use of BGA on asphalt mixture gives a positive influence so that used on roads with heavy traffic and intersections.
Kapasitas Rekatan GFRP-S pada Balok Beton Akibat Perendaman Air Laut Djamaluddin, Rudy; Irmawaty, Rita; Kwandou, Robby
Jurnal Teknik Sipil Vol 22, No 1 (2015)
Publisher : Institut Teknologi Bandung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (872.409 KB) | DOI: 10.5614/jts.2015.22.1.3


Abstrak. Glass Fiber Reinforced Polymer Sheet (GFRP-S) merupakan material perkuatan struktur yang non-korosif dan telah banyak digunakan untuk beragam jenis konstruksi, baik untuk gedung maupun struktur yang terekspos di lingkungan laut. Sifat non-korosif ini tentunya sangat menguntungkan apabila diterapkan pada konstruksi yang terekspos di lingkungan laut. Oleh karena itu dilakukan studi untuk menganalisis pengaruh air laut terhadap kapasitas rekatan GFRP-S. Benda uji berupa 12 balok beton berukuran 10 cm x 12 cm x 60 cm dengan perkuatanGFRP-S. Tiga balok tidak direndam dalam laut sedangkan tiga balok masing-masing direndam dalam laut selama 1 bulan, 3 bulan dan 6 bulan. Pemeriksaan dilakukan pada beban ultimit, lendutan, regangan GFRP-S dan regangan beton. Dari studi ini dapat disimpulkan bahwa terjadi penurunan nilai beban ultimit balok dan kapasitas rekatanGFRP-S seiring dengan meningkatnya waktu rendaman. Penurunan kapasitas lentur disebabkan oleh penurunan kapasitas rekatan GFRP-S. Hasil analisis menunjukkan terjadi penurunan kapasitas rekatan GFRP-S sekitar 15% setelah perendaman 6 bulan.Abstract. Glass Fiber Reinforced Polymer Sheet (GFRP-S) is the non-corrosive material used for strengthening and has been widely used for many kinds of structures, such as buildings and structures exposed to marine environment. Its noncorrosive property is suitably purposed for the application of structures exposed to marine environment. Therefore, this study was conducted for analyzing the effect of sea water on bonding capacity of GFRP-S. Specimens were 12 concrete beams of 10 cm x 12 cm x 60 cm strengthened with GFRP-S. Three beams were not submersed in the sea while three beams were each submersed in the sea for 1 month, 3 months and 6 months, respectively. Testing was conducted on the ultimate load, the deflection, the GFRP-S strain and the concrete strain. From this study, it can be concluded that both the ultimate load and the bonding capacity of GFRP-S decreases along with the increasing of submersion period. The flexural capacity was decreased due to the decreasing of the bonding capacity of GFRP-S. The result of analysis indicates that the bonding capacity of GFRP-S decreased about 15% after submersed for 6 months in sea water.
Pengaruh Rendaman Air Laut terhadap Kapasitas Rekatan GFRP-Sheet pada Balok Beton Bertulang Sultan, Mufti Amir; Djamaluddin, Rudy
Jurnal Teknik Sipil Vol 24, No 1 (2017)
Publisher : Institut Teknologi Bandung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1634.687 KB) | DOI: 10.5614/jts.2017.24.1.5


AbstrakPembangunan struktur beton yang berada di daerah lingkungan ekstrim seperti daerah pantai akan mengakibatkan penurunan kekuatan bahkan mengalami kerusakan apabila tidak diadakan perawatan dan perbaikan, ini diakibatkan adanya klorida yang terdapat pada air laut. Salah satu cara perbaikan struktur yang populer sekarang ini adalah dengan menggunakan material Glass Fiber Reinforced Polymer yang mempunyai salah satu kelebihan yaitu tahan korosi. Pada penelitian ini akan dilakukan studi eksperimental untuk menyelidiki perilaku lentur balok beton bertulang dengan perkuatan GFRP-Sheet yang direndam di air laut dengan lama perendaman 1, 3, 6 dan 12 bulan. Benda uji terdiri dari 11 buah balok bertulang dengan dimensi (15x20x330) cm yang telah diperkuat dengan GFRP-Sheet pada daerah lentur. Benda uji dilakukan pengujian dengan memberi beban statik sampai mencapai kekuatan batas, untuk merekam data-data pada saat pengujian dipasang strain gauge pada permukaan benda uji dan GFRP-Sheet untuk membaca regangan. Hasil analisis menunjukkan terjadi penurunan kapasitas rekatan sekitar 11,04% setelah perendaman 12 bulan.AbstractConstruction of concrete structures that located in extreme environments are such as coastal areas will result in decreased strength or even the damage of the structures. As well know, chloride contained in sea water is responsible for strength reduction or structure failed were hence maintenance and repairs on concrete structure urgently needed. One popular method of structural improvements which under investigation is to use the material Glass Fiber Reinforced Polymer which has one of the advantages such as corrosion resistance. This research will be conducted experimental studies to investigate the flexural behavior of reinforced concrete beams with reinforcement GFRP-Sheet immersed in sea water using immersion time of 1, 3, 6 and 12 months. Test specimen consists of 11 pieces of reinforced beams with dimensions (15x20x330) cm that had been reinforced with GFRPSheet in the area of bending. The test specimen tested by providing a static load until it reaches the power limit, to record data during the test strain gauge mounted on the surface of the specimen and the GFRP-Sheet to collect the strain value. The result of analysis indicates the bonding capacity of GFRP Sheet decreases about 11.04% after immersed for 12 months in sea water.
Analitycal Study of the Radially Stress Due to Initial Tensile Force in Manufacturing of CFRP Djamaluddin, Rudy
Publisher : Department of Civil Engineering, Diponegoro University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (189.695 KB) | DOI: 10.14710/mkts.v14i1.3936


Material komposit berserat menerus yang dikenal dengan nama Fiber Reinforced Plastics (FRP) telah dianggap menjadi materil alternatif baru dibidang konstruksi yang dapat digunakan antara lain sebagai tulangan pada konstruksi beton bertulang. Berbagai serat sebagai bahan dasarnya telah dikembangkan seperti serat karbon, serat gelass dan serat aramid. Diantara sekian jenis FRP, salah satu yang memiliki sifat-sifat mekanis yang baik adalah FRP dengan bahan dasar serat karbon yang dikenal dengna nama Carbon Fiber Reinforced Plastics (CFRP). Saat ini ada berbagai jenis CFRP yang telah di produksi. Berdasarkan serangkaian pengujian, kegagalan suatu material CFRP dimulai dari terjadinya kegagalan geser (slip) antara serat dengan bahan plastiknya (bahan polimer) sehingga menimbulkan retakan-retakan mikro yang pada akhirnya menyebabkan konsentrasi tegangan. Untuk meningkatkan kapasitas geser (rekatan), maka telah dikembangkan CFRP yang dalam proses produksinya terlebih dahulu diberi tegangan awal (initial force). Hasil analisa menunjukkan bahwa dengan mentrasfer tegangan awal yang diberikan menyebabkan timbulnya tegangan radial disepanjang batang CFRP yang dapat meningkatkan kapasitas rekatan geser antara serat-serat dengan bahan plastic (resin matriks).Keywords: CFRP, radial stress, reinforcement, stress, concrete structurePermalink:[How to cite: Djamaluddin, R. 2006, Analitycal Study of the Radially Stress Due to Initial Tensile Force in Manufacturing of CFRP, Jurnal Media Komunikasi Teknik Sipil, Volume 14, Nomor 1, pp. 73-77] 
Post Cracking Strength of PVA Fibers Reinforced Concrete Djamaluddin, Rudy
Publisher : Department of Civil Engineering, Diponegoro University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (200.687 KB) | DOI: 10.14710/mkts.v16i1.3663


Rendahnya tegangan tarik dari material beton menyebabkan mudahnya timbul retakan pada sisi tertarik dari suatu elemen beton bertulang. Berbagai usaha telah dilakukan yang salah satunya adalah dengan menambahkan serta pendek pada adukan beton. Salah satu jenis serat yang dikembangkan adalah serat polyvinyl alcohol (PVA). Untuk keperluan sebagai bahan serat pendek material ini berdiameter antara 0.20 hingga 0.7 mm dengan panjang antara 12 mm hingga 30 mm. Material ini memiliki kekuatan lekatan yang tinggi terhadap bahan semen oleh karena sifat hydrophilicnya. Dengan kekuatan rekatan yang tinggi diharapkan bahan serat PVA dapat digunakan sebagai serat campuran pada bahan beton (FRC) untuk mengembangkan perilaku daktail pada beton setelah terjadinya keretakan. Salah satu parameter penting didalam perencanaan beton berserat atau Fiber Reinforced Concrete (FRC) adalah menetukan besarnya fraksi volume kritis yang diperluakan untuk memperoleh prilaku daktail yang diharapkan dimana tegangan setelah retakan pertama lebih besar.Kata kunci :  PVA fibers, FRC, tegangan retak, betonPermalink:[How to cite: Djamaluddin, R. (2008), Post Cracking Strength of  PVA Fibers Reinforced Concrete, Jurnal Media Komunikasi Teknik Sipil, Tahun 16, No. 1, pp. 26-30]
Jurnal Ilmiah Desain & Konstruksi Vol 7, No 1 (2008)
Publisher : Universitas Gunadarma

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Unresin continuous carbon fibers, UCCF, is a new material developed as an alternativereinforcement and cable sling for civil construction. Generally, UCCF has the tensilestrength of 4800 Mpa with Modulus Elasticity of 230 Gpa. This material is also has verygood characteristic of stainless. Integrated carbon fiber will become a cable sling whichused as a reinforcement in reinforced concrete and as a tendon in prestress concrete. As areinforcement, the tensile strength in reinforced concrete would be a main parameter tobe identified in the research by doing tensile test. Research shows that the tensile strengthof this fiber is lower than reinforcing steel relatively. With this research, it shows alsothat the tensile strength is influenced by diameter of fiber.
Bond between Steel Reinforcement Bars and Seawater Concrete Adnan, Adnan; Parung, Herman; Tjaronge, M. W.; Djamaluddin, Rudy
Civil Engineering Journal Vol 6 (2020): Special Issue "Emerging Materials in Civil Engineering"
Publisher : Salehan Institute of Higher Education

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.28991/cej-2020-SP(EMCE)-06


In order to promote sustainable development in the remote islands this present research attempted to study the suitability of seawater, that available abundantly surrounding the remote islands with Portland composite cement (PCC) and crushed river stones to produce concrete. This research aims to utilize seawater, and Portland composite cement (PCC) to produce high-performance concrete in order to eliminate the main problems of clean water shortage in the low land areas and the remote islands. Infrastructure development can be sustained through the effective use of natural available local materials on the remote islands. The method used in this research is an experimental method in the laboratory. Two variations of concrete were made using freshwater and seawater, respectively as a mixing material with a water to cement ratio (w/c) of 0.55. The evaluation result on concrete compressive strength and bond strength of seawater concrete were discussed. Experimental results showed the compressive strength of the seawater concrete is lower by 6.26% as compared to the normal concrete at water-cement ratio (w/c) of 0.55. In addition, the bonding strength of steel bar embedded in seawater concrete is lower by 4.34% as compared to the bonding strength of steel bar embedded in normal concrete at water-cement ratio (w/c) of 0.55. Doi: 10.28991/cej-2020-SP(EMCE)-06 Full Text: PDF
The Effect of Use Styrofoam for Flexural Characteristics of Reinforced Concrete Beams . Yasser; Herman Parung; M. Wihardi Tjaronge; Rudy Djamaluddin
International Conference on Engineering and Technology Development (ICETD) 2013: 2nd ICETD 2013
Publisher : Bandar Lampung University (UBL)

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In general bending loads acting on structural elements of concrete beams arrested by the bottom cross secttion on the compression area while the tension area is ignored. Therefore, it is reasonable if the concrete beam section on the tension area is minimized with concrete mass reduction in tensile region by ignoring concrete tensile stress while receiving static loads or the area is filled with styrofoam concrete (styrocon). One effort to effeciency concrete economic value by reducing the concrete and use of styrocon thus component volume of natural materials, such as sand mining, coarse aggregate, and cement and weight of construction becomes smaller. Styrofoam as waste can be used as filler to reduce the volume of concrete, especially for areas where the concrete section is not working mechanically. In an effort to study the flexural strength of external reinforced concrete beams and styrofoam-filled composite, then performed a series of tests. Test material in the form of beams with dimensions of 15 cm x 20 cm x 270 cm. Test material consisted of normal beam quality 26.0 MPa concrete with transverse reinforcement as a control beam and test materials with external transverse reinforced and truss systems and styrofoam-filled composite. In the normal-styrocon composite beams with various content of styrofoam. Beam placed on 2 simple supports with 2 point loading test method. Results showed flexural capacity of the normal concrete beam is 36.7 kN, but the external reinforced beams decreased 30.6 kN, but external reinforced truss system beams is relatively equal 35.8 kN. But external reinforced beams prone to corrosion and fire and require maintenance. Therefore used styrocon on the outer portion with styrofoam content of 30%, 40%, and 50% who had a flexural strength of each 33.8 kN, 31.0 kN and 29.0 kN. It can be concluded that the use of composite concrete beams normal-styrocon can efficiency use natural materials to reduce the weight of the concrete beam and construction as well as having environmental aspects by using the waste.
Studi on The Efficiency Using Nature Materials in The Structural Elements of Reinforced Concrete Beam . Yasser; Herman Parung; M. Wihardi Tjaronge; Rudy Djamaluddin
International Conference on Engineering and Technology Development (ICETD) 2013: 2nd ICETD 2013
Publisher : Bandar Lampung University (UBL)

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In general bending loads acting on structural elements of concrete beams are retained by the compression area on its pressured area while its drag area is being ignored. Therefore, it is reasonable if the concrete beam section on drag area is minimized with concrete mass reduction in tensile region by ignoring concrete tensile stress while receiving static loads or the area is filled with styrofoam concrete (styrocon). One effort to make efficient the concrete economic value is by reducing concrete and using styrocon thus natural material component such as sand mining, coarse aggregate, and cement and heavy construction becomes lighter. Styrofoam as waste can be used as filler to reduce the volume of concrete, especially for areas where the concrete section is not working mechanically. In an effort to study the flexural strength of concrete beams external reinforcement and composite Styrofoam filled, then a series of tests performed. Test material is in the form of blocks of 15 cm x 20 cm x 270 cm in dimension. Test material is consisted of concrete quality normal beam of  26.0 MPa with transverse reinforcement as a control of test material and the test material with external transverse reinforcement, as well as truss systems and Styrofoam filled composite. The normal-styrocon composite is beam with Styrofoam variation content. The beam is placed on 2 simple pedestal by 2 point loading method testing. The results indicated that normal concrete beam flexural strength is 36.7 kN, but the external transverse reinforcement beams decreased to 30.6 kN, but the external reinforcement beam truss system reinforcement is relatively equal to 35.8 kN. However, the beams with external reinforcement is susceptible to corrosion, fire resistant, and requires treatment. Therefore styrocon is used on the outer portion with styrofoam content of 30%, 40%, and 50% relatively having flexural strengths of 33.8 kN, 31.0 kN and 29.0 kN, respectively. It can be concluded that the use of normal-styrocon composite concrete beams can make efficient the use of natural materials of the concrete block and to reduce the weight construction as well as has environmental aspects by using the waste.