Department Microbiology-Parasitology, Faculty of Medicine, YARSI University, Jakarta

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The Effect of Physical Activity agains the Telomere Length in the Leukocytes Cells of KONI Athletes Purwaningsih, Endang; Djannatun, Titiek; Widayanti, Etty; Suciati, Yulia; Zulhamidah, Yenni
Biosaintifika: Journal of Biology & Biology Education Vol 9, No 2 (2017): August 2017
Publisher : Department of Biology, Faculty of Mathematics and Sciences, Semarang State University . Ro

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15294/biosaintifika.v9i2.6207


Telomeres are strands of non coding DNA at the ends of chromosomes that have the primary function to protect DNA from damage and maintain chromosomal stability. Physical exercise will increase the antioxidant activity can increase telomere proteins, lengthen telomeres and or protein networks associated with telomere so that the telomere remains long, or stopping telomere shortening. Telomere length was also associated with age. The purpose of the research was to determine telomere length of leukocyte cells in the KONI (Indonesian National Sports Committee) athletes in Jakarta. The research method is descriptive, by measuring telomere length using quantitative PCR on leukocyte cells. Samples are KONI athletes from several sports, including men and women athletes, with ages between 15-20 years. Used a control group (not athletes) is students of the Faculty of Medicine, University of YARSI. The results showed that there was no significant difference (p> 0.05) between telomere length group of athletes with the control group in both sexes. Similarly, telomere length between athlete male with female athletes also showed no significant difference (p> 0.05). It was concluded that physical exercise in athletes KONI at the age of 15- 20 years had no effect on telomere length in leukocytes. The results of this study provide information about the telomere length in Indonesian athletes at an early age.
Pemanfaatan darah manusia yang kadaluarsa sebagai pengganti darah domba dalam pembuatan media Agar Darah Plat (ADP) Djannatun, Titiek; T Rochani, Jekti; Wikaningrum, Riyani; Widiyanti, Dian; Rahim Pane, Abdul
Jurnal Kedokteran YARSI Vol 16, No 2 (2008): MEI - AGUSTUS 2008
Publisher : Lembaga Penelitian Universitas YARSI

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (326.015 KB) | DOI: 10.33476/jky.v16i2.237


The use of blood agar media to grow and to isolate the pathogenic bacteria, and to compare the hemolytic ability of the bacteria is well known. The aim of this study was to investigate the possibility of using expired human blood as substitute for the sheep blood agar media. In this study five days before expired and five days after expired human blood were washed once, twice and centrifuged. Sheep blood was used as positive control and five days after and before expired blood without treatment was used as negative control. The prepared media were used to grow six isolates wild strain bacteria (Staphylococcus aureus, Streptococcus B haemolyticus,Streptococcus y haemolyticus, Streptococcus pneumoniae, Vibrio El Tor and Clostridium perfringens). The result indicated that blood agar medium, prepared using human blood which was nearly expired or expired, have the same results in culture growth of the tested bacteria compared to the standard blood agar had media using sheep blood.
Jurnal Kedokteran YARSI Vol 24, No 2 (2016): MEI - AGUSTUS 2016
Publisher : Lembaga Penelitian Universitas YARSI

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33476/jky.v24i2.264


Infeksi dapat disebabkan satu atau campuran bakteri. Isolasi bakteri dari sampel dibutuhkan media dan teknik yang baik dan selanjutnya dapat dilakukan identifikasi. Permasalahan muncul apabila sampel mengandung bakteri bersifat menjalar yang pertumbuhannya dapat menutupi bakteri lain. Tujuan penelitian ini membuat modifikasi Firm Nutrien Agar Plate (FNAP) dan Firm Agar Darah Plate (FADP) dengan metode yang praktis, efisien dan murah, yang memiliki kemampuan mengisolasi bakteri yang sama dengan media rutin, tetapi menghambat ekspresi menjalar. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian deskriptif menggunakan isolat Staphylococcus aureus ATCC 25923 sebagai kontrol bakteri yang tidak menjalar dan Proteus mirabilis dan Pseudomonas aeruginosa isolat limbah sebagai bakteri yang mempunyai sifat menjalar. Masing-masing bakteri dibuat suspensi Mc Farland 0,5 kemudian ditanam satu ose pada media rutin dan modifikasi firm agar. Hasil penelitian Staphylococcus aureus yang tumbuh pada FNAP dan FADP jumlah koloni lebih sedikit dan diameter semakin kecil dengan meningkatnya kepadatan media. Proteus mirabilis yang memiliki flagel peritrikh dan Pseudomonas aeuginosa yang memiliki flagel monotrikh, ekspresi menjalar menghilang, morfologi koloni membulat, terpisah dengan meningkatnya kepadatan media. Jumlah koloni yang tumbuh tidak berbeda nyata pada media rutin maupun firm agar. Kesimpulan: Modifikasi firm agar dapat menghilangkan sifat menjalar bakteri tanpa menghambat pertumbuhan bakteri lain, sehingga media tersebut dapat digunakan untuk mengisolasi bakteri dari sampel yang mengandung campuran bakteri. Saran: Perlu peningkatan konsentrasi media FADP untuk memperoleh koloni yang terpisah. Selain itu diperlukan penelitian lanjutan untuk melihat kemampuan mengisolasi media dengan menanamkan campuran bakteri yang mempunyai sifat menjalar dan bakteri yang tidak mempunyai sifat menjalar. 
Jurnal Kedokteran YARSI Vol 20, No 3 (2012): SEPTEMBER - DESEMBER 2012
Publisher : Lembaga Penelitian Universitas YARSI

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (113.368 KB) | DOI: 10.33476/jky.v20i3.170


WHO telah mengembangkan strategi penanggulangan TB dengan strategi DOTS (Directly Observed Treatment Short-course) dan telah terbukti sebagai strategi penanggulangan yang secara ekonomis paling efektif (cost effective). Tujuan program adalahmeningkatkan keterlibatan pasien TB dan masyarakat dalam penanggulanganTB melalui peran komunitas dan UPK (UnitPelayanan Kesehatan) pemerintah dan swasta. Mahasiswa kedokteran di Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas YARSI, dalam mempelajari permasalahan TB secara komprehensif belajar untuk mengetahui dan memahami bagaimana terjadinya penularan TB di masyarakat dan faktor faktor yang menyebabkan terjadinya TB di masyarakat, mendeteksi adanya TB di masyarakat, bagaimana penderita mengakses pelayanan kesehatan yang ada dan faktor faktor yang meyebabkan penderita mengakses pelayanan kesehatan tersebut. Proses pembelajaran tersebut berada dalam kegiatan diagnosis komunitas yang masuk dalam Blok Kedokteran Komunitas di Semester 6. Pembelajaran tersebut memanfaatkan kegiatan Program Community GF ATM Round 8 YARSI TB Care yang digunakan sebagai wahana pendidikan Kedokteran Komunitas. Mahasiswa akan mengunjungi pasien TByang sedang menjalanipengobatan untuk melakukan diagnosis komunitas dengan5langkah: menentukan area permasalahan, menentukan instrumen pengumpulan data, mengumpulkan data, menganalisis data, menyusun intervensi pemecahan masalah. Mahasiswadalam melakukan diagnosis komunitas tersebut berinteraksi dengan pasien TByang sedang menjalani pengobatan, keluarga pasien, dan komunitas yang berada disekitar keluarga pasien berada. Diharapkan dengan memahami permasalahanTBsecara komprehensif, mahasiwa kedokteran akan menjadi profil dokter masa depan menurut WHO: Five Star Doctor yang mencakup: Health Care Provider, Decision Maker, Educator, Manager  dan Community Leader.
POPULASI BAKTERI PADA FESES NEONATUS: PENELITIAN PENDAHULUAN Wikaningrum, Riyani; T Rochani, Jekti; Djannatun, Titiek; Widiyanti, Dian
Jurnal Kedokteran YARSI Vol 16, No 2 (2008): MEI - AGUSTUS 2008
Publisher : Lembaga Penelitian Universitas YARSI

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (177.301 KB) | DOI: 10.33476/jky.v16i2.236


Recent published data have outlined a relationship between the composition of the intestinal microflora and allergic inflammation, autoimmunity, chronic bowel inflammation, psychiatric, cognitive and behavioral disturbances. Factors influencing intestinal microflora are environment, genetic predisposition, diet, age, diseases, drugs, stressor. This preliminary study is to establish local reference of microbial flora in neonates. This study included samples taken from 20 neonates, age 1 ? 7 days, from a private hospital in Jakarta. All samples were sent to microbiology laboratory without transport media and processed immediately. Bacteriological cultures for aerob and anaerob bacteria were performed according to the standard methods. Aerob and anaerob bacterial species were isolated from all samples, ranged 2 ? 5 species per sample. Enterobacteriaceae were found to be dominant isolates (25% - 75%); followed by Streptococcus anhaemolyticus (60%), Staphylococcus epidermidis (40%), Staphylococcus aureus (5%),Clostridium difficile (5%), Bacteroides fragilis (5%), Bifidobacterium sp. (10%), Lactobacillus sp. (5%) and yeast (5%). These data indicated that aerob and facultative anaerob bacteria were predominant in neonates. However Bifidobacterium, Lactobacillus and Clostridium difficile could be found. Further studies are needed to confirm this finding using larger number of samples and involving various age group.
Jurnal Kedokteran YARSI Vol 24, No 3 (2016): SEPTEMBER - DESEMBER 2016
Publisher : Lembaga Penelitian Universitas YARSI

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33476/jky.v24i3.263


Protein A is a specific proteins on the surface of some  Staphylococcus aureus (S. aureus) strains. Staphylococcus bacteria which have protein A has widely used in the biomedical. Aims of this study  to find a simple method of detecting the presence of S. aureus protein A. 15 S. aureus isolates from field cases, S. aureus cowan I as positive control, Staphylococcus epidermidis dan Micrococcus sp as negatif control were used.  Bacteria was inoculated into 10 ml Todd Hewith Broth medium, Soft Agar (SA) and into 10 ml of serum soft-agar (SSA), agitated using a vortex and incubated at 37oC for 18-24 h. Form of colonies that grew was observed and categorized as compact and diffuse colonies. The colonies that suspected contain protein A conducted confirmation tests by Dot Blot. 7  isolates showed the change of colony formation from diffuse to compact in SSA (SA added rabbit or chicken serum), and 8 isolates remain diffuse. Dot Blot test positive. Protein A has the ability to bind the Fc fraction of IgG but not the IgY from birds. The binding of S. aureus and IgG could be demonstrated by the change of colony growth from diffuse before the addition of serum containing IgG in SA to compact after the presence of serum. Protein A on the bacterial cell surface bind the Fc-IgG caused steric hinderance of bacteria and expressed as compact colony formation in SA. SSA using mammalian sera can be used to discriminate the bacterial strains with or without protein A.
Viroterapi Sebagai Terapi Kanker Mardiani, Dian; Djannatun, Titiek
Majalah Kesehatan Pharmamedika Vol 5, No 1 (2013): JUNI 2013
Publisher : Lembaga Penelitian Universitas YARSI

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33476/mkp.v5i1.1093


The development of molecular biology and genetic engineering, now allow the formation of an effective and specific cancer treatment. Modern cancer treatment has grown rapidly, thus giving a chance to discover a new method that is more promising than the previous treatment. Virotherapy is one of cancer therapy that use the replication-competent viruses to destroy cancer cells. Oncolytic virus (virus used as virotherapy) must be modified by genetic engineering before it can be used as virotherapy.Once modified, oncolytic virus destroys cancer cells through the replication, apoptosis induction, cell lysis through the release of progeny viruses, and activation of immune system. The immune system will be responsible for neutralizing the virus after tumour lysis process, and the immune system will also destroy the remaining tumor cells, although virus already neutralized from the body.