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Rancang Bangun Sistem Informasi Pelayanan Medis Pada Klinik Dr. Afriyanti Menggunakan Model Waterfall Eva Rahmawati; Hylenarti Hertyana; Elly Mufida; Ria Ria
JURNAL TEKNIK KOMPUTER Vol 6, No 1 (2020): JTK-Periode Januari 2020
Publisher : Universitas Bina Sarana Informatika

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1619.186 KB) | DOI: 10.31294/jtk.v6i1.6656


Service process, it is necessary to handle and process the relevant data well. Dr. Clinic Afriyanti is a health unit that provides public health services to the community. In the health services provided at the Dr. Afriyanti is currently still conventional which includes writing and storing patient data still using paper media. And there are no important reports required for the clinic. From these conditions can hamper the time when searching for patient data, and also can lead to errors in writing. Besides, the stored data is vulnerable to unpredictable data loss and damage. To overcome the problems that exist in the previous system, we need a computer-based information system. With this program, it will be easier to find patient data, patient data is stored more safely and can make reports easily and with accurate results. This research uses UML as a tool and PHP as a programming language in the design of medical service information systems.
JURNAL TEKNIK KOMPUTER AMIK BSI Vol 1, No 2 (2015): Jurnal Teknik Komputer AMIK BSI
Publisher : Universitas Bina Sarana Informatika

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (450.847 KB) | DOI: 10.31294/jtk.v1i2.250


line"> <Abstract— By utilizing VoIP technology communication processbecomes very cheap. Unlike the PSTN phone service, the IPTelephony or often referred to as VoIP, distance and time nolonger be the determining factor for the high costs ofcommunication. In addition to the wide range of community opensource application developers continue to develop codectechnology, today stigma that VoIP has the sound quality under thePSTN network gradually become non-existent. VoIP technologycan also be implemented to arch enterprise with the aim ofmaximizing resource efficiency and an internet connection isavailable. In tahun2008, Anton Prog and the team has madeapplication Briker. Briker that have been made by the children ofthis nation is a complete server to build IPPBX. The advantages ofthis application is already capable of serving a maximum of 1000online accounts in one server and 240 concurent call.Intisari— Dengan memanfaatkan teknologi VoIP proseskomunikasi menjadi sangat murah. Berbeda dengan layanantelepon PSTN, pada IP Telephony atau yang sering disebutdengan istilah VoIP, jarak dan waktu tidak lagi menjadi faktorpenentu mahalnya biaya yang dikeluarkan untuk komunikasi.Selain itu dengan adanya berbagai komunitas pengembangaplikasi open source yang terus mengembangkan teknologi codec,saat ini stigma bahwa layanan VoIP memiliki kualitas suaradibawah jaringan PSTN lambat laun menjadi tidak ada.Teknologi VoIP juga dapat diimplementasikan untuklengkungan enterprise dengan tujuan efisensi danmemaksimalkan sumber daya koneksi internet yang sudahtersedia. Pada tahun2008, Anton Raharja dan tim telahmembuat aplikasi Briker. Briker yang telah dibuat oleh anakbangsa ini adalah sebuah server lengkap untuk membangunIPPBX. Kelebihan dari aplikasi ini adalah sudah mampumelayani maksimum 1000 akun online dalam satu server dan240 concurent call.Kata Kunci— VoIP, IP Telephony, Briker IPPBX
Publisher : Universitas Bina Sarana Informatika

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (242.657 KB) | DOI: 10.31294/jtk.v4i1.2526


Abstract - Escalator is a tool that is always found in public spaces that have more than one floor. In order to save electrical energy the building manager needs a tool that can control the escalator in order to detect the presence of people who will use escalator, so the escalator does not work if no one uses. Atmega16 microcontroller as a small controlling system can be utilized in the design of escalator controller tool. Infrared and photodioda sensors are used to detect the presence of people who will use escalators. If one of the sensors is not working, then the tool can not work. C programming language is used to build program code that will be embedded in IC. As a motor controller DC, used motor driver IC L239D. Abstrak - Eskalator adalah alat yang selalu dijumpai pada ruang public berlantai lebih dari satu. Dalam rangka penghematan energy listrik maka pengelola gedung membutuhkan sebuah alat yang dapat mengendalikan escalator agar dapat mendeteksi keberadaan orang yang akan menggunakan eskalator tersebut, sehingga escalator akan diam jika tidak ada yang menggunakan. Mikrokontroler Atmega16 sebagai system pengendali kecil dapat dimanfaatkan dalam perancangan alat pengendali escalator. Sensor infrared dan photodioda digunakan sebagai pendeteksi keberadaan orang yang akan menggunakan escalator. Jika salah satu sensor tersebut tidak bekerja, maka alat tidak dapat berfungsi. Bahasa pemrograman C digunakan untuk membangun code program yang akan ditanamkan secara embedded pada IC. Sebagai pengendali motor DC, digunakan driver Motor IC L239D. 
Publisher : Universitas Bina Sarana Informatika

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (427.533 KB) | DOI: 10.31294/jtk.v3i1.1342


Agriculture is the main source of livelihood of the Indonesian population living in rural lowlands. Land - land that is widely used by villagers to be rice fields. Paddy field where rice growing is derived from cultivated land in the irrigation later. Irrigated rice fields from various sources, which is derived from its own springs and water sources to promote agriculture hujan. Dan one of which is irrigated rice fields automatically, so that it can reduce the risk of excess or lack of water. The advantages of microcontroller-based automatic irrigation equipment compared to conventional irrigation is the owner of paddy rice fields do not need to check whether the excess water or lack of water and can be automatically connected to another device. This makes humans more forward thinking to design automatic irrigation rice fields, where the workings of this tool is quite simple, namely, when the water in the fields excess or shortage of water, then the sensor will automatically send commands to the phone owner via modem (wavecom) in the form of SMS, with a program that has been filled and designed on the microcontroller, then the command will be executed in order to run the system.Keywords: Irrigation System, Microcontroller, SMS, Wavecom
Alat Ayunan Bayi Otomastis Berbasis Mikrokontroler ATMega1 dengan PIR Motion Detector dan Servo Fius Pratyo; Elly Mufida
Bahasa Indonesia Vol 3 No 1 (2016): Bina Insani ICT Journal (Juni 2016)
Publisher : Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian Masyarakat Universitas Bina Insani

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Abstrak: Perkembangan teknologi memungkinkan manusia untuk menciptakan berbagai peralatan yang dapat digunakan untuk memudahkan hidupnya. Setiap alat yang dibuat dengan memanfaatkan kemajuan teknologi tersebut diharapkan mempunyai nilai lebih daripada hanya untuk meringankan kerja manusia. Seorang ibu rumah tangga yang memiliki begitu banyak perkerjaan di rumahnya, membutuhkan akan hadirnya inovasi alat yang dapat bekerja secara otomatis dalam menimang dan menidurkan anak bayi-nya. Alat Ayunan bayi otomatis ini dirancang dengan menggunakan sensor gerak dan dikendalikan oleh mikrokontroler Atmega 16. Cara kerja alat ini cukup sederhana yaitu, selama bayi bergerak atau terbangun, maka sensor gerak akan mengirim sinyal ke mikrokontroler. Melalui pemrograman, input dari sensor gerak ini oleh mikrokontroler digunakan untuk mengendalikan gerakan motor servo dan buzzer. Suara dari buzzer diharapkan dapat membantu ibu untuk mengetahui kondisi bayi-nya jika terbangun. Kata kunci: ayunan bayi otomatis, mikrokontroler atmega 16, motor servo sensor gerakAbstract: Technological developments allow humans to create a wide range of equipment that can be used to simplify life. Each tool made by utilizing the technological advances are expected to have more value than just to ease human labor. A housewife who had so many jobs at home, will require the presence of innovative tools that can work automatically in a fondling and lull her infant son. Automatic baby swing tool is designed using motion sensors and is controlled by a microcontroller Atmega 16. The way the device works is simple enough that, as long as the baby moves or wakes, the motion sensor will send a signal, we to the microcontroller. Through programming, input from this motion sensor by the microcontroller used to control the movement of servo motors and buzzer. The sound of the buzzer is expected to help the mother to determine the condition of her baby if awakened.Keyword: baby swing automatic, mikrocontroller atmega16, motion sensor motor servo
Alat Pengendali Atap Jemuran Otomatis Dengan Sensor Cahaya Dan Sensor Air Berbasiskan Mikrokontroler ATmega16 Elly Mufida; Abdul Abas
Publisher : Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian Masyarakat Universitas Bina Insani

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (353.543 KB)


Abstrak: Di era perkembangan teknologi dan informasi seperti sekarang ini, manusia semakin dituntut kreatif untuk membuat peralatan yang memanfaatkan teknologi untukmeringankan kehidupannya. Mencuci dan menjemur pakaian adalah pekerjaan yangdilakukan oleh semua manusia dalam kehidupan sehari-harinya. Pada sebuah keluargayang banyak beraktifitas diluar rumah, kondisi rumah menjadi kurang terkontrol, terutamakondisi jemuran pakaian yang berada di teras rumah. Hal tersebut menjadi masalah jikaterjadi hujan atau datangnya malam hari pada saat pemilik rumah tidak ada di rumah.Untuk mengatasi masalah tersebut, penulis merancang alat yang dapat mengendalikanatap jemuran yang dapat membuka dan menutup secara otomatis sesuai denganintensitas sinar matahari atau turunnya hujan. Penulis menggunakan mikrokontrolerAtmega16 sebagai pusat pengendali atap jemuran otomatis. Sensor yang diperlukan padaalat pengendali jemuran otomatis adalah sensor cahaya dan sensor air. Untuk sensorcahaya digunakan LDR (Light Diode Resistor) dan sensor elektroda sebagai sensor airhujan. LDR adalah jenis resostor yang nilai hambatannya dipengaruhi oleh cahaya.Sedangkan sensor eletroda adalah sensor yang memanfaatkan sifat konduktansi padasuatu bahan. Motor DC digunakan sebagai penggerak atap jemuran agar dapat membukadan menutup. Bahasa pemrogaman C digunakan untuk mengendalikan alat secarakeseluruhan, dimana code program akan ditanamkan kedalam mikrokontroler ATmega16. Kata kuci: Mikrokontroler ATmega16, otomatisasi, atap jemuran baju.Abstract: In the era of information and technology development, as now, peopleincreasingly creative be charger for making equipment that utilizes technology to lightentheir lives. Washing and drying clothes is the work performed by all human beings in theirdaily lives. In a family that many activities outside the home, home becomes less controlledconditions, particularly conditions which are on the terace clothes horse home. It becomes aproblem if there is rain or nightfall when the homeowner is not home. To overcome theseproblems, the authors designed a tool that can control a clothesline roof that can open andclose automatically in accordance with the intensity of the sun or rain. The author uses amicrocontroller ATmega16 as the central control automatic roof clothesline. Sensors arerequired on a clothesline automatic control device is a light sensor and a water sensor. Touse the light sensor LDR (Light Diode Resistor) and the sensor electrode as rain sensor.LDR is kind resostor the value of resistance is affected by light. While eletroda sensor is asensor that utilizes the conductance properties of a material. DC motors are used as drivinga clothesline roof that can open and close. C programming language is used to control the instrument as a whole, where the program code will be embedded into the microcontrollerATmega16.Keyword: Microcontroller Atmega16, Otomatisasion, rooftopClothesline
Sistem Pendukung Keputusan Pemilihan Laptop Dengan Menggunakan Metode Topsis Hylenarti Hertyana; Elly Mufida; Ahmad Al Kaafi
Jurnal Teknik Informatika UNIKA Santo Thomas Vol 6 No. 1 : Tahun 2021
Publisher : LPPM UNIKA Santo Thomas

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (281.108 KB) | DOI: 10.54367/jtiust.v6i1.1216


The rapid development of technology, especially in the digital field, has had a huge influence on the development of laptop features and specifications today. With the development of increasingly diverse features and specifications, it often makes users confused in choosing a laptop that suits user needs. Based on this, the authors are interested in creating a decision support system to assist users in choosing a laptop that fits the desired criteria using the Topsis method. The type of data used by the author is primary data obtained through interviews and direct observation of laptop users. The purpose of this study is to assist laptop users in choosing a laptop that suits their needs. There are 10 criteria obtained based on observations and interviews, namely price (C1), RAM (C2), Hard drive (C3), processor (C4), screen size (C5), VGA (C6), battery (C7), Laptop Weight (C8), and Warranty (C9). Secondary data were obtained through literature study and scientific writing related to laptop selection and the TOPSIS method. This research produces output that meets the objectives, which can assist users in choosing the laptop that best suits their needs and can facilitate users in the decision-making process so as to produce accurate, effective and efficient information.
Perancangan Alat Pendeteksi KWH Meter Berbasis Arduino Uno R3 dan ESP8266 Elly Mufida; Mochammad Iqbal Adriansyah; Nur Muhammad Ihsan; Rian Septian Anwar
INSANtek Vol 2 No 1 (2021): Mei 2021
Publisher : LPPM Universitas Bina Sarana Informatika

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (482.251 KB) | DOI: 10.31294/instk.v2i1.442


The amount of electrical energy consumption by each consumer can be measured using an electrical energy measuring device, namely the KWH Meter, as used by the State Electricity Company (PLN). Each PLN electricity customer will pay the electricity fee according to the value on the KWH Meter. Electricity customers only know the amount of fees that must be paid and cannot detect or control the electricity consumption for each day. This study aims to create a detection device for electrical energy consumption or KWH Meter that can display electrical power at a certain time in the form of digits. This KWH Meter detection tool is built using the PZEM-004T sensor and Split-CT which is used as a voltage and current sensor, the Arduino Uno R3 microcontroller system which functions to process and process data that has been obtained by the sensor, as well as an LCD and ESP8266 module that will send the results. measurement to the user, and will be displayed on a web-based application. The buzzer will light up when the power used exceeds a predetermined limit to give a warning to the user. This tool can be used by the user to provide information on the use of electricity in a place. The user can set the maximum electricity usage value. If the use of electrical energy exceeds the maximum limit, the buzzer will give a warning, so that the user can control the use of electricity as desired.
Sistem Pendukung Keputusan Pemilihan Laptop Dengan Menggunakan Metode Topsis Hylenarti Hertyana; Elly Mufida; Ahmad Al Kaafi
Jurnal Teknik Informatika UNIKA Santo Thomas Vol 6 No. 1 : Tahun 2021
Publisher : LPPM UNIKA Santo Thomas

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.54367/jtiust.v6i1.1216


The rapid development of technology, especially in the digital field, has had a huge influence on the development of laptop features and specifications today. With the development of increasingly diverse features and specifications, it often makes users confused in choosing a laptop that suits user needs. Based on this, the authors are interested in creating a decision support system to assist users in choosing a laptop that fits the desired criteria using the Topsis method. The type of data used by the author is primary data obtained through interviews and direct observation of laptop users. The purpose of this study is to assist laptop users in choosing a laptop that suits their needs. There are 10 criteria obtained based on observations and interviews, namely price (C1), RAM (C2), Hard drive (C3), processor (C4), screen size (C5), VGA (C6), battery (C7), Laptop Weight (C8), and Warranty (C9). Secondary data were obtained through literature study and scientific writing related to laptop selection and the TOPSIS method. This research produces output that meets the objectives, which can assist users in choosing the laptop that best suits their needs and can facilitate users in the decision-making process so as to produce accurate, effective and efficient information.
Implementasi Algoritma Apriori dalam Meningkatkan Strategi Penjualan pada Toko Miring Hylenarti Hertyana; Annisa Desianty; Eva Rahmawati; Elly Mufida
MEANS (Media Informasi Analisa dan Sistem) Volume 6 Nomor 2
Publisher : LPPM UNIKA Santo Thomas Medan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1322.367 KB) | DOI: 10.54367/means.v6i2.1524


Toko Miring is one of the stores that sell various daily completeness needs such as food, drinks, household appliances, and others placed on shelves or storefronts. Each sales transaction data is recorded in a database system through the cashier application. According to Rahmat Fathi, supervisor at Toko Miring, at the beginning of 2020 precisely in March, The Tilt store experienced a decrease in the number of sales transactions compared to the previous year, this is because the buying and selling process in this Tilt store has many problems, one of which is the storage of sales data is still in writing. This causes buyers to have difficulty finding the desired product because the preparation of the product is not separated by type. From the problems that occurred, researchers together with Toko Miring proposed to rearrange a sales strategy to increase sales at Tilt Stores. In devising sales strategies, researchers utilize sales transaction data in previous years to be reprocessed using data mining techniques. Based on the description above, the researcher will analyze sales transaction data using data mining techniques by implementing a priori algorithms with a support value and confidence value of 50% and implementing it into the python programming language. The result of this study is that researchers managed to get sales patterns that can improve sales strategies that produce information that is useful for related parties in making sales strategy decisions such as sales packages for promos, recommending products to customers and maintaining product availability in order to increase sales intensity in some stores such as in Tilt Stores.