Restrukturisasi Kapital Dalam Rangka Optimalisasi Industri Tekstil dan Produk Tekstil di Pusat Ekonomi Bandung
Maqin, Abdul;
Djulius, Horas;
Wahyuniardi, Rizki
Jurnal Trikonomika Vol 11, No 2 (2012): Edisi Desember 2012
Publisher : Jurnal Trikonomika
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The symptoms of deindustrialization in recent years has made government of Indonesia to plan undertaking concrete steps to address it. In the context of MP3EI for Java corridor, one of the main economic activities in Central for Economic Bandung, is the textile industry.Framework set out in this study explained that the textile industry was thought to have a good resistance in the provision of inputs and the output market. Based on the urgency, the research focused on several factors i.e the productivity of capital, government policy on textile sector and businesses accessibility to sources of financing in an effort to restructure the textile machinery. The method used was qualitative research and conducted in two phases, accordance with the purposes of this study. The first phase was to identify and map the current conditions of the productivity of capital in the textile industry, especially businesses that were included in a small scale. The second phase was undertake efforts to expand opportunities for the businesses included in the restructuring program. One of the studyâs findings revealed that most SMEs have limitations in revitalizing the textile machine. This occured because their business were considered not bankable.
Dampak AFTA terhadap Daya Saing Industri Petrokimia Olefin Indonesia
Sudirman, Iman;
Djulius, Horas
Jurnal Trikonomika Vol 9, No 2 (2010): Edisi Desember 2010
Publisher : Jurnal Trikonomika
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AFTA is an agreement among ASEAN countries that has begun to be implemented. Indonesia olefins petrochemical industry is also affected by the implementation of AFTA, which requires domestic and imported inputs. This study aims to describe the competitiveness of Indonesian products in the olefin industry and to estimate the impact of the CEPT-AFTA. The method used is descriptive analysis using Revealed Comparative Advantage (RCA) and Revealed Trade Advantage (RTA) for some sub-sectors olefin petrochemical industries from upstream to downstream. Export-import data used are secondary data from each country that analyzed in some point of time. The result of the calculation and description of existing data indicates that in general, the competitiveness of Indonesia petrochemical products in ASEAN are relatively low. Implementation of the CEPT-AFTA will further reduce the competitiveness of Indonesia petrochemical products.
Keseimbangan Jangka Pendek dan Jangka Panjang Nilai Tukar Rupiah terhadap Dollar Amerika
Djulius, Horas;
Nurdiansyah, Yudi
Jurnal Trikonomika Vol 13, No 1 (2014): Juni 2014
Publisher : Jurnal Trikonomika
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Sistem nilai tukar mengambang (free floating exchange rate) yang saat ini dianut oleh Indonesia mengakibatkan adanya keterkaitan antara variabel-variabel makro dengan nilai tukar rupiah. Oleh karena itu penelitian ini bertujuan menjelaskan pengaruh dari berbagai variabel makro tersebut dalam menenukan nilai tukar rupiah dalam kurun waktu 1997 hingga 2012. Metode analisis data yang digunakan adalah ekonometrika melalui error corection model. Hasil penelitian memperlihatkan pentingnya peran berbagai pihak baik di dalam negeri yaitu otoritas moneter, pemerintah dan pelaku bisnis dalam menentukan keseimbangan nilai tukar.
Horas Djulius;
Bilal Fajar Nugraha
Jurnal Pariwisata Vol 6, No 2 (2019): Jurnal Pariwisata
Publisher : LPPM Universitas Bina Sarana Informatika
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DOI: 10.31294/par.v6i2.5470
Mengetahui pola konsumsi dan faktor yang memengaruhi konsumsi wisatawan di suatu daerah adalah salah satu kunci sukses dalam mengelola destinasi wisata setingkat kota seperti halnya Kota Bandung. Walaupun faktanya hingga tahun 2018, kunjungan wisatawan ke Kota Bandung masih didominasi oleh wisatawan domestik, perencanaan dalam menarik lebih banyak wisatawan mancanegara untuk datang dan mengeluarkan pendapatannya, masih sangat relevan untuk disusun. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah menganalisis nilai dan jenis konsumsi wisatawan mancanegara di Kota Bandung, yang diwakili oleh wisatawan asal Malaysia sebagai turis asing yang paling banyak berkunjung. Pada akhir 2018 sebuah survey dilakukan terhadap 100 orang wisatawan yang sedang berkunjung di berbagai objek dan daya tarik wisata yang ada di Kota Bandung. Data yang diperoleh melalui kuesioner tersebut diolah dengan statistika deskriptif dan analisis faktor. Kebanyakan wisatawan berkunjung ke Bandung selama 3 hari 2 malam, dengan pengeluaran per orang sekitar Rp 4juta-Rp 5juta selama kunjungan tersebut. Pengeluaran tersebut terdiri atas pengeluaran sewa hotel, transportasi selama di Kota Bandung, makan dan minum dan souvenir. Analisis faktor menyimpulkan variabel pertama yang terbentuk dalam menjelaskan konsumsi wisatawan adalah faktor-faktor yang ada di dalam diri wisatawan dan variabel kedua yang terbentuk adalah faktor-faktor yang ada daerah tujuan wisata.
Foreign Direct Investment or External Debt and Domestic Saving: Which has Greater Impact on Growth
Horas Djulius
ETIKONOMI Vol 17, No 1 (2018)
Publisher : Faculty of Economic and Business
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DOI: 10.15408/etk.v17i1.7120
The choice taken by developing countries in meeting the lack of development funds has a varying effect. This study clarifies the role of foreign direct investment (FDI) compared to foreign loans and domestic savings in short- and long-term economic growth of Indonesia. Data were obtained from World Bank and Bank Indonesia and used in error correction model to explain the linkage between predictors and economic growth. We show that in the short run, the three explanatory variables significantly affect economic growth. In the long run, compared to FDI and foreign loans, domestic savings positively and significantly affect economic growth. This study emphasizes the importance of sustaining domestic savings to maintain the stability of economic fundamentals in the long term.DOI: 10.15408/etk.v17i1.7120
Strategies for increasing tax revenue in tourism sector
Horas Djulius
Economic Journal of Emerging Markets Volume 10 Issue 1, 2018
Publisher : Universitas Islam Indonesia
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DOI: 10.20885/ejem.vol10.iss1.art7
This study examines taxpayer considerations to fulfill their obligations since lawenforcement and tax administration improvement were not adequate to explain thegap between actual tax and its target. A survey was conducted to hotel, restaurantand tourist destination managers in Bandung since one-third of local taxes derivedfrom the tourism sector. We use a probit model to clarify the influence of religiousactivities, trust in government institutions, public services, people's pride, prodemocraticattitude, to taxpayer morality. The study concludes that taxpayers in thetourism sector have a higher local tax morality than central tax morality and only thepublic services which have a consistent and significant impact on both tax moralities.The local governments and central government can develop improved strategies toincrease revenue from tourism sector by providing better public service, whichdirectly or indirectly enhances the tourism sector performance.
Nexus of Foreign Direct Investment, Domestic Investment, and Manufacturing Industry Value Added in Indonesia
Horas Djulius;
Choi Wongyu;
J. Juanim;
Raeni Dwi Santy
Signifikan: Jurnal Ilmu Ekonomi Vol 8, No 1 (2019)
Publisher : Faculty of Economic and Business Syarif Hidayatullah State Islamic University of Jakarta
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DOI: 10.15408/sjie.v8i1.9520
The development of the manufacturing industry is one of the standards for Indonesia's development as a developing country. Domestic investment (DI) and foreign direct investment (FDI) can meet investment needs in this industry. This paper focuses on the nexus of the two types of investment in meeting investment needs in the manufacturing industry and the influence of those investments in relatively capital-intensive and relatively labor-intensive industrial groups. The aim is to evaluate the role of both types of investments and their benefits to the economy not only to the value-added but also in transferring technology and knowledge spillover from FDI to DI. The panel data regression was first to do to observe the differences between groups of relatively capital-intensive industrial samples and relatively labor-intensive industrial samples. The comparison results show that there are significant differences between the two industry groups so that it can be regressed on these two sample types, apart from the regression of the overall sample. The overall sample found that both FDI and DI influence the value-added of the manufacturing industry.
Lama Tinggal Wisatawan Nusantara di Bandung
Horas Djulius;
Ricky Syafutra
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DOI: 10.29407/jae.v4i1.12537
The tourists length of stay of is an important indicator characterizing the benefit of tourism in particular city. Therefore it is important to comprehend what factors related to tourist length of stay. In addition to obtaining the characteristics of domestic tourists visiting Bandung, this study also aims to determine the effect of spending, number of visits to attractions, the distance of the city of origin, and perception of security, comfort, congestion, and weather in Bandung Raya, to the tourists length of stay. The study was conducted through a survey of 100 tourists who were visiting the tourist attraction as respondents, which was chosen by cluster random sampling method. Variables that positively and significantly affect the length of stay are expenditure, distance of the city of origin, and perception of security. In the long run, if the tourist segmenting and targeting are not adjusted then it is very difficult for Bandung City to acquire longer lenght-of stay tourists.
Total Factor Productivity Calculation of the Indonesian Micro and Small Scale Manufacturing Industry
Endang Rostiana;
Horas Djulius;
Gugum Mukdas Sudarjah
Ekuilibrium : Jurnal Ilmiah Bidang Ilmu Ekonomi Vol 17, No 1 (2022): March
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DOI: 10.24269/ekuilibrium.v17i1.4460
The purpose of this research is to determine the total factor productivity (TFP) of Indonesia's micro and small-scale manufacturing industries. The production function estimation approach established by Levinsohn-Petrin as the basis for computing TFP is employed in this study, with value added as the dependent variable and the value of labor costs and capital value proxied by the value of investment as the independent variables. This study uses secondary data from the Central Statistics Agency (BPS), which includes 23 sub-sectors of Indonesia's micro and small scale manufacturing industries that are included in the 2-digit ISIC, with the exception of the ISIC code 19 sub-sector, and covers the years 2010 to 2019, excluding 2016. The TFP value in the micro-scale Indonesian manufacturing industry was often higher than the TFP value on the small scale, according to this study. This research also demonstrates that low-tech sub-sectors, such as the food processing industry, have low productivity. On a small size, the estimated TFP value shows a decreasing trend, but on a micro scale, the estimated TFP value indicates an increasing trend.
Pelatihan Cara Pintar Mengatur Keuangan Keluarga Berpendapatan Rendah
Horas Djulius;
Endang Rostiana
Jurnal Pengabdian Pada Masyarakat Vol 7 No 1 (2022): Jurnal Pengabdian Pada Masyarakat
Publisher : Universitas Mathla'ul Anwar Banten
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DOI: 10.30653/002.202271.13
Managing family finances is unquestionably critical, even more so for low-income families. The issue is that many low-income families are characterized by family heads who are either uneducated or lack basic skills of family finance management. The goal of the activities is to ascertain the beneficiary community's need for financial management, to provide training in managing family finances to low-income families, and to evaluate the training. The targeted communities are people with a low to moderate income who live in the Padalarang-West Java region. Three techniques are utilized depending on the number of activity objectives. The first objective is accomplished by in-depth interviews with community leaders, the second objective is accomplished through training, and the third objective is accomplished through questionnaire analysis. The study's findings indicated that the community required an understanding of and capacity for managing family finances, particularly during a pandemic. This comprehension and capability were acquired through the training provided, which, according to participants, was highly effective.