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Web-Based Job Training Report Guidance System at SMKN 2 Kraksaan Khairi, Matlubul
Buletin Ilmiah Sarjana Teknik Elektro Vol 2, No 3 (2020): Desember
Publisher : Universitas Ahmad Dahlan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.12928/biste.v2i3.3343


Implementation of Field Work Practices (PKL) is an effort that can be made by SMK to continue to produce graduates who can compete in the business world and the industrial world (DU / DI). The government policy regarding learning at / from home during the Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic has an impact on the reporting process at SMKN 2 Kraksaan. This study aims to build a report guidance system using server side-based web technology. This system was built using a waterfall model and PHP (PHP Hypertext Prepocessor) programming. System design tools used are Flowmap Diagrams, Data Flow Diagrams, and Entity Relationship Diagrams. The black box test results show that the output of the system is in line with expectations. User response to the system using a questionnaire resulted in a feasibility percentage of 83.6% with a very feasible category interpretation. It can be concluded from the test results that the Field Work Practices report guidance system is in accordance with user needs and is very suitable for use.
Rancang Bangun Sistem Bimbingan Laporan Praktek Kerja Lapangan di SMKN 2 Kraksaan Berbasis Web Matlubul Khairi
Publisher : Unusa Press

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33086/atcsj.v3i2.1869


Penyelenggaraan Praktek kerja Lapangan(PKL) merupakan upaya yang dapat dilakukan SMK untuk tetap menghasilkan lulusan yang dapat bersaing di dunia usaha dan dunia industri (DU/DI). Salah satu tugas siswa PKL di SMKN 2 Kraksaan adalah membuat laporan PKL yang dibimbing oleh guru pembimbing sekolah yang berisi segala aktifitas yang dilakukan selama melaksanakan praktik kerja lapangan (PKL). Namun pandemik Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) berdampak pada dunia pendidikan dengan adanya kebijakan pemerintah untuk mengurangi kontak fisik melalui pembelajaran di/dari rumah. Kebijakan ini juga berdampak pada proses pembimbingan laporan PKL kurang efektif dan membutuhkan waktu yang lama. Salah satu solusi untuk mengatasi permasalahan tersebut dapat dilakukan dengan merancang dan membangun sistem bimbingan praktik kerja lapangan berbasis web. Sistem ini dibangun dengan model waterfall dengan tahapan, analisa, desain, pengkodean, pengujian dan pendukung. Alat perancangan sistem yang digunakan adalah Flowmap Diagram, Data Flow Diagram, dan Entity Relationship Diagram. Sistem bimbingan laporan PKL berbasis web dibangun menggunakan bahasa pemrograman PHP dan MySQL. Sistem bimbingan lapran PKL ini dapat membantu dan mempermudah proses bimbingan hingan pencetakan laporan dengan persentase kelayakan 83.6% dengan interpretasi sangat layak.
Web-Based Job Training Report Guidance System at SMKN 2 Kraksaan Matlubul Khairi
Buletin Ilmiah Sarjana Teknik Elektro Vol. 2 No. 3 (2020): Desember
Publisher : Universitas Ahmad Dahlan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.12928/biste.v2i3.3343


Implementation of Field Work Practices (PKL) is an effort that can be made by SMK to continue to produce graduates who can compete in the business world and the industrial world (DU / DI). The government policy regarding learning at / from home during the Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic has an impact on the reporting process at SMKN 2 Kraksaan. This study aims to build a report guidance system using server side-based web technology. This system was built using a waterfall model and PHP (PHP Hypertext Prepocessor) programming. System design tools used are Flowmap Diagrams, Data Flow Diagrams, and Entity Relationship Diagrams. The black box test results show that the output of the system is in line with expectations. User response to the system using a questionnaire resulted in a feasibility percentage of 83.6% with a very feasible category interpretation. It can be concluded from the test results that the Field Work Practices report guidance system is in accordance with user needs and is very suitable for use.
Real Time Clock Sebagai Tracking Sinar Matahari Pada Solar Cell Berbasis Mikrokontroler Untuk Lampu Taman Moch Nur Qomaruddin; Matlubul Khairi
JEEE-U (Journal of Electrical and Electronic Engineering-UMSIDA) Vol 3 No 2 (2019): October
Publisher : Muhammadiyah University, Sidoarjo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21070/jeee-u.v3i2.2547


One of the new and renewable energy is the utilization of sunlight into electricity. which can be used to be converted into electrical energy using solar panels. Installation of solar panels that are installed for garden lights so far are often still placed in a static position (silent) at an angle of 90⁰, while the sun moves from sunrise to sunset. Because it will cause maximum energy absorption in solar panels placed in a static position only at12:00. To overcome this problem a system is needed to track the position of the sun so that it is always perpendicular to the surface of the solar panel. Design and build Garden lights with a solar light tracking system on a microcontroller-based solar panel will later be made to move as it follows the direction of the sun's movement every hour, from sunrise to sunset. This tool will detect the time setting inputted by Real Time Clock (RTC) which is then processed by a microcontroller to drive a servo motor that functions as a solar panel drive machine so that the position of the solar panel will always be perpendicular to the sun throughout the day and the absorption of energy in the solar panel will more leverage. From the results of tests that have been done, the increase in the voltage of solar panels using a tracking system compared to solar panels without using a tracking system is 7.85%.
Aplikasi Danger Message Daerah Rawan Kecelakaan Dengan Android GIS Ranu - Setyobudi; Matlubul Khairi; Sulistiyanto - -
Jurnal JE-UNISLA : Electronic Control, Telecomunication, Computer Information and Power System Vol 4, No 2 (2019)
Publisher : Universitas Islam Lamongan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30736/je.v4i2.369


There are several areas in Probolinggo District where accidents often occur because the location of the existing road is indeed very dangerous, because of sharp turns or because of the heavy traffic on the road, this problem can be reduced by giving messages through the Android mobile application. The number of accidents that occur in various places with the time of the incident in the district of Probolinggo can be obtained at the Office of Transportation. The purpose of this research is to create an GIS android application that can provide information about maps of accident-prone areas in Probolinggo Regency. The method used is using a spiral. With stages, Planning, Risk Analysis, Product Engineering, Evaluation by users. Information about traffic accident-prone locations is very much needed by the community, transportation department and law enforcement in this case the police. Android-based Geographic Information System as an appropriate tool to be applied in this case because it uses the Mapping location of accident-prone areas and will, sending messages (danger message), in the form of user distance from accident-prone locations.
Sistem Informasi Monitoring Pembayaran Santri Berbasis Website Pondok Pesantren Misbahul Hidayah Situbondo Matlubul Khairi; Muafi Umar; Ahmad Fauzan
TRILOGI: Jurnal Ilmu Teknologi, Kesehatan, dan Humaniora Vol 3, No 3 (2022)
Publisher : Universitas Nurul Jadid

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33650/trilogi.v3i3.4499


Pondok Pesantren Misbahul Hidayah Suboh selama ini informasi pembayaran santri masih kurang efisien atau kurang baik karena pembayaran masih di proses secara manual atau belum direkam secara digital. Tujuan dari penelitian ini harus dibuat sebuah aplikasi monitoring pembayaran santri berbasis website. Metode yang diguanakan Pada pembuatan aplikasi menggunakan metode waterfal yang terdiri dari lima proses diantaranya requirement, design, implementation, verification, maintenance. Hasil pengujian sistem menggunakan blackbox testing mendapatkan persentase sebesar 100%, yang artinya system berjalan dengan baik tidak ada eror atau malfungsi pada aplikasi. Pengujian kualitas system menggunakan metode user acceptance test (UAT) dengan memperoleh hasil 77,08% dengan kategori Sangat Layak yaitu aplikasi ini sangat layak untuk digunakan, dan telah sesuai dengan kebutuhan sistem. Sistem informasi pembayaran santri memberikan kemudahan transaksi pembayaran, serta memberikan informasi transkasi lebih cepat dan efisien
Sistem Informasi Produksi dan Penjualan Pada Unit Usaha Produksi Beras UD. Surya Kencana Probolinggo Matlubul Khairi; Hasbul Bahar
COREAI: Jurnal Kecerdasan Buatan, Komputasi dan Teknologi Informasi Vol 3, No 1 (2022)
Publisher : Universitas Nurul Jadid

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1767.097 KB) | DOI: 10.33650/coreai.v3i1.4266


Beras merupakan komuditas pangan yang paling banyak dikonsumsi oleh masyarakat Indonesia. Salah satu unit usaha yang memproduksi beras adalah UD. Surya Kencana Probolinggo. Sistem manajemen yang belum terkomputerisasi menyebabkan beberapa permasalahan yaitu Pemantauan stok produksi untuk pemenuhan permintaan kurang efektif dan kurang valid, lamanya pembuatan laporan penjualan, pembelian, rugi/laba dan terdapat beberapa transaksi yang kurang terbaca akibat lunturnya tulisan. Metode yang digunakan dalam pembangunan system informasi ini adalah metode prototype. Alat yang digunakan dalam perancangan system yaitu use case diagram dan activity diagram. Penelitian ini menghasilkan system berbasis destop menggunakan database MySQL yang dijalankan secara client server di masing-masing pengguna yaitu Administrator, Kasir dan Gudang. Hasil pengujian black box menunjukan bahwa system ini berjalan tanpa error. System ini sangat layak diimplentasikan berdasarkan persentase kelayakan responden mencapai 85%
PkM Peningkatan Kemampuan Masyarakat Desa Terhadap Teknologi Informasi melalui Jaringan Internet Sebagai Penerapan IoT Desa Cerdas M . Syafiih; Nadiyah Nadiyah; Matlubur Khairi; M Fadhilur Rahman; Muafi Muafi
GUYUB: Journal of Community Engagement Vol 4, No 2 (2023): Pendampingan Peningkatan Ekonomi, Kesehatan, dan Pendidikan
Publisher : Universitas Nurul Jadid

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33650/guyub.v4i2.5957


Bucor Wetan Village is one of the villages in Pakuniran District, Probolinggo Regency, a village with a strong cultural culture and a religious community that makes villagers have a very high level of awareness of education. Such conditions are not matched by balanced infrastructure development, including uneven and unstable internet services. From these problems, the service team will provide training and assistance to improve the ability of the community to be able to build an internet network so that all residents will enjoy a stable internet network, the output of this activity will make the village smart with the ability to use information technology. he The method used with assistance starts planning, implementation, and evaluation. The results of community service have made the residents of Bucor Wetan Village have the ability to build an internet network and enjoy a stable internet. 
Penerapan Metode Promethee II dalam Penempatan Siswa Praktik Kerja Lapangan di SMKS Nurul Jadid Menggunakan Teknologi Web Matlubul Khairi; Hasbul Bahar
TRILOGI: Jurnal Ilmu Teknologi, Kesehatan, dan Humaniora Vol 4, No 2 (2023)
Publisher : Universitas Nurul Jadid

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33650/trilogi.v4i2.6538


Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengembangkan sistem penempatan siswa dalam program Praktik Kerja Lapangan (PKL) menggunakan metode Multi Criteria Decision Making (MCDM), khususnya metode PROMETHEE II. Tujuan dari sistem ini adalah untuk memudahkan penempatan siswa PKL sesuai dengan kebutuhan industri secara cepat dan optimal. Penelitian dilakukan dengan menganalisis data PKL SMK Nurul Jadid tahun 2022 dan mengaplikasikan metode PROMETHEE II dalam penempatan siswa PKL di industri. Pengembangan sistem menggunakan metode prototype. Pengembangan sistem meliputi komunikasi dengan pengguna untuk mengumpulkan kebutuhan sistem, desain antarmuka pengguna (user interface), pemodelan sistem dengan use case diagram dan activity diagram, serta perancangan basis data menggunakan entity relationship diagram. Selanjutnya, prototipe sistem dikonstruksi dengan menggunakan bahasa pemrograman PHP dan framework Codeigniter. Setelah itu, dilakukan tahap deployment, delivery, dan feedback dengan melakukan pengujian fungsional sistem menggunakan blackbox testing dan pengujian tingkat kelayakan sistem menggunakan user acceptance testing. Hasil dan diskusi menunjukkan bahwa metode PROMETHEE II dapat digunakan untuk memprioritaskan penempatan siswa PKL sesuai dengan kriteria yang telah ditentukan. Prototipe sistem yang dikembangkan memperoleh hasil pengujian fungsional yang valid dengan tingkat keberhasilan 100%. Pengujian tingkat kelayakan sistem menggunakan user acceptance testing menunjukkan persentase keberhasilan sebesar 80,56% untuk aspek kemudahan, 91,67% untuk aspek desain, dan 87,50% untuk aspek efisiensi, dengan kategori sangat layak. Dengan demikian, sistem penempatan siswa PKL yang dikembangkan menggunakan metode PROMETHEE II dan teknologi web dapat membantu dalam mempercepat dan mengoptimalkan proses penempatan siswa PKL sesuai dengan kebutuhan dunia industri.
Jurnal Qua Teknika Vol 9 No 2 (2019): September 2019
Publisher : Universitas Islam Balitar Blitar

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (613.387 KB) | DOI: 10.35457/quateknika.v9i2.821


One of the new and renewable energy is the utilization of sunlight into electricity. which can be used to be converted into electrical energy using solar panels. The installation of solar panels installed for garden lights so far is often still placed in a static (silent) position at an angle of 90⁰, while the sun moves from sunrise to sunset. Because it will cause maximum energy absorption in solar panels which are placed in a static position only at 12:00. To overcome this problem a system is needed to track the position of the sun so that it is always perpendicular to the surface of the solar panel. Design and build garden lights with a solar light tracking system on a microcontroller-based solar panel will later be made to move because it follows the direction of the sun's movement every hour, from rising to setting. This tool will detect the time setting inputted by Real Time Clock (RTC) which is then processed by a microcontroller to drive a servo motor that functions as a solar panel drive machine so that the position of the solar panel will always be perpendicular to the sun. throughout the day and the absorption of energy in solar panels will be more leverage. From the results of tests that have been done, the increase in the voltage of solar panels using a tracking system compared to solar panels without using a tracking system is 7.85%.