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Penerapan Metode P-Median dalam Penentuan Lokasi Optimal Tempat Penampungan Sementara (TPS) Sampah di Kabupaten Klaten Putri, Aditya Isnaini Setyargo; Akbar, Chaidir; Hartono, Edi; Yuniaristanto, Yuniaristanto
Tekinfo | Jurnal Ilmiah Teknik Industri dan Informasi Vol 6 No 2 (2018)
Publisher : Study Programme of Industrial Engineering, Universitas Setia Budi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31001/tekinfo.v6i2.332


Kabupaten Klaten yang memiliki luas wilayah 655,56 km2, terbagi menjadi 26 kecamatan, jumlah total penduduk 1.469.253 jiwa (2014) yang terbesar se-karesidenan Surakarta dan dengan tingkat kepadatan 2,241 jiwa/km2. Produksi sampah yang banyak dipengaruhi oleh jumlah penduduk. Ketika pengelolaan sampah tidak berjalan dengan baik akan menimbulkan bencana bagi wilayah sekitar. TPS resmi di Kabupaten Klaten berjumlah 161 TPS yang tersebar di 26 kecamatan. Agar pengelolaan sampah di Kabupaten Klaten bisa terkelola dengan baik, maka penentuan lokasi TPS harus tepat. Penentuan lokasi dan alokasi agar upaya pengolalan sampah di Kabupaten Klaten berjalan dengan baik dengan menggunakan metode P-Median merupakan bagian dari mixed integer liniear programming yang bertujuan untuk meminimumkan total waktu tempuh rata – rata. Hasil dari perhitungan P-Median untuk menentukan alokasi optimal pada tahun 2017 menunjukan jumlah TPS yang terpilih sebanyak 73 TPS untuk melayani 101 sumber sampah yang tersebar di Kabupaten Klaten dengan total kapasitas sebesar 675,5 m3 dan volume sumber sampah total sebanyak 440,6 m3/hari. Dengan demikian tidak terjadi penumpukan sampah di TPS.
Evaluasi Layanan Taksi Menggunakan Agen Based Modeling (ABM) Istiqomah, Silvi; Yuniaristanto, Y; Suletra, I Wayan
Jurnal Ilmiah Teknik Industri Vol. 18, No. 1, Juni 2019
Publisher : Muhammadiyah University Press

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.23917/jiti.v18i1.7227


Taxi services involve the number of taxi and demand. A balance is needed for operated taxi and demand, so that the number of canceled order decreases. This system involves taxi and consumers as agents with various behaviors from their agents, then solved using modeling methods. Agent-based modeling is a feasible method used in this study because it can accommodate the properties and attributes of each agent. From the scenario that has been done, the average number of good fleets to operate is 103 fleets, with the canceled order rate is 1.2% and this model proves that the number of operated taxi is sensitive to the number of requests that exist.
Identifikasi Kesesuaian Karakteristik Generasi Y dan Budaya Organisasi terhadap Deviant Workplace Behavior Pada PT. ABC Rangkuti, Sabrina Heriza; Yuniaristanto, -; Zakaria, Roni
Performa: Media Ilmiah Teknik Industri Vol 17, No 2 (2018): PERFORMA Vol. 17, No 2 September 2018
Publisher : Industrial Engineering Study Program, Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Sebelas Maret

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (569.343 KB) | DOI: 10.20961/performa.17.2.19030


Generation is a groups consisting of individuals have in common over age range and experience in the same period. Currently there are four generations of working age population in the organization determined based on year of birth, namely boomer generation (1946-1964), X generation (1965-1977), and Y generation (1977-1994). In Indonesia, knowing Y generation is a challenge because the research of this generation is very limited or perhaps even very rarely be contracted with this generation, especially to reviewing the characteristic or perception of this generation. One of the MRO companies in Indonesia has about 4,400 employees and 65% of its employees are Y generation. This MRO company has the vision to be the top 10 MRO companies in the world. Organizational culture is one of the strategies considered by the company. Organizational culture become an important element in desigining norms, attitude and social values that must be considered with an organization to overcome deviant workplace behaviour problems So, the purpose of this study is to characterize the employee Y in the MRO company and to see the relationship of Y generation characteristics and organizational culture to the deviant workplace behavior. The results obtained from this research survey are some characteristics of generation Y according to Murphy (2007) owned by employees Y generation at PT. ABC and only group action characteristics that have an effect on Y generation characteristics on PT. ABC. This can mean the generation of Y employees at PT. ABC has not developed the potential which should belong to Generation Y in general. Like the potential to be optimistic and multitasking that would be very useful to the MRO company but has not had any influence.
Pengelolaan Supply Produk Waferstick dengan Mempertimbangkan Kapasitas Produksi dan Persediaan Barang Jadi di PT. Tiga Pilar Sejahtera Food,Tbk -, Yuniaristanto; Aisyati, Azizah; Hariyanto, Tri
Performa: Media Ilmiah Teknik Industri Vol 6, No 2 (2007): PERFORMA Vol. 6, No. 2 September 2007
Publisher : Industrial Engineering Study Program, Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Sebelas Maret

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (168.598 KB) | DOI: 10.20961/performa.6.2.12954


In general, planning supply use the information from combination varying capacity and inventory to plan the aggregate rates of production by time period for groups of product. This research objective is PT. Tiga Pilar Sejahtera’s (TPS) that produces wafersticks. In the company sometimes occured the wafersticks product can be not fulfilled. This is happened because waferstick inventory unstable. This causes problems that PT. Tiga Pilar Sejahtera (TPS) was less capable to fulfill the market’s demands. To solve this PT TPS should be managing the working hours, workforces, production capacity and finished goods inventory, they are called aggregate planning. This research are determine safety stocks, planning supply and material inventory planning.Managing supply of waferstick product is started by forecast the demand. The forecast result is used to estimate safety stock of waferstick. Then the forecasting result and safety stock become of input Integer linier programming model to determine aggregate planning. The aggregate planning is used to find optomal lot size of waferstick raw material. Then lot sizing become input Planned Order Receipt in the Material Planning Requirements (MRP). Forecast method used to forecast the demand is decomposition, this method is he best method find estimation demand because it have more less MAD than the other. The determination of the safety stock is actually more accurate with the 90% by Romy & Yuli waferstick safety inventory is 1106 cartons and 2364 cartons for Pio. From aggregate planning there is back order in 13 th is 11 cartons. The planning cost for Romy & Yuli waferstick Rp 625.670.902,33 and Cost for Pio waferstick Rp 1.462.296.180,00. Waferstick material planning by optimal lot size between 695 kilograms up to 8487 kilograms by waferstick materials cost is Rp 6.315.520,00.
Analisis Penentuan Rute Terbaik Menggunakan Shortest Route Problem dengan Metode UNSY untuk Meminimalisir Biaya Transportasi Hamada, Aulia; Muryastuti, Karina; Hartono, Yudi; -, Yuniaristanto
Performa: Media Ilmiah Teknik Industri Vol 15, No 1 (2016): PERFORMA Vol. 15 No. 1, Maret 2016
Publisher : Industrial Engineering Study Program, Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Sebelas Maret

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (400.409 KB) | DOI: 10.20961/performa.15.1.13736


Printpro is printing industry. Printpro is located at Kauman, Surakarta. Printpro produces some products such as invitation cards, calenders, and hardcovers. It makes every costomers in Printpro are new costomers. The new customers’ address which is never known before makes the shipping process become a problem because the sender should find the shortest route to decrees the fuel cost. The purpose of this paper is to decide the shortest route to make the shipping process from Karanganyar to Sukoharjo easier. The decission in finding the shortest route used Shortest Route Problem approach with Unsy methode. The sortest way to get to Karanganyar was 16,6 km and to Sukoharjo was 16,2 km. With using this shortest route method for the shipping to Karanganyar dan Sukoharjo is done in September 2015 and known that the different cost of the transportation was Rp 13.560,00. It means that the transportation cost can be minimized by deciding some route.
Perancangan Ulang Sistem Informasi Pos dengan Integrasi SMS Gateway di PT. Pos Indonesia (Persero) Zakaria, Roni; Veriawan, Herindra; -, Yuniaristanto
Performa: Media Ilmiah Teknik Industri Vol 10, No 2 (2011): PERFORMA Vol. 10 No 2, September 2011
Publisher : Industrial Engineering Study Program, Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Sebelas Maret

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (414.76 KB) | DOI: 10.20961/performa.10.2.13864


Perancangan ulang sistem informasi pos dilakukan dengan mengintegrasi semua fase layanan dengan teknologi SMS Gateway dalam satu sistem aplikasi. Sistem mengirim status kiriman mulai dari pencatatan kiriman (fase collecting) hingga pengantaran kiriman (fase delivery). Setiap pergerakan kiriman termonitor oleh sistem dan pelanggan pos mendapat pembaharuan status kiriman via SMS. Perancangan dimulai dari perancangan aliran data dengan melibatkan semua entitas dalam sistem. Berdasarkan diagram aliran data dapat diidentifikasi kamus data sebagai dasar perancangan basis data dengan model ER (Entity Relationship). Selanjutnya, dilakukan perancangan antar-muka aplikasi dengan menggunakan prinsip komposisi kesederhanaan layout, posisi kontrol, konsistensi dan kontras warna. Ujicoba aplikasi menggunakan metode black-box testing dengan penentuan kriteria berdasarkan hasil identifikasi sistem awal.
Penentuan Rute Pengiriman Pupuk Urea Bersubsidi di Karanganyar Priyandari, Yusuf; ., Yuniaristanto; Christiawan, Yahuda Patria
Jurnal Teknik Industri Vol 13, No 1 (2011): JUNE 2011
Publisher : Institute of Research and Community Outreach - Petra Christian University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (275.392 KB) | DOI: 10.9744/jti.13.1.11-18


This paper develops a vehicle routing problem (VRP) model for determining the routes in urea fertilizer distribution from a depot to retailers. The distribution is done in work days which uses trucks, each truck can serve more than one route (multiple trips), and each retailer has a time window. The vehicle routing model is built in a mixed integer linear programming (MILP) and the objective function is minimizing total transportation cost. The distances from the distributor to retailers and inter-retailers do not use Euclidian approach but the road network on a digital map in order to make the route solution is more realistic. Historical distribution data was used to test the model. The result shows that the model can minimize the cost about 2.28% which is compared to the original routes.
J@ti Undip : Jurnal Teknik Industri Vol 13, No 3 (2018): September 2018
Publisher : Departemen Teknik Industri, Fakultas Teknik, Universitas Diponegoro

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (249.488 KB) | DOI: 10.14710/jati.13.3.163-168


Artikel ini merupakan pengembangan dari artikel Musyafak, dkk (2012) yang membahas mengenai penilaian kinerja supplier pakan ternak menggunakan Analytic Network Process(ANP) dan Rating Scale (Studi kasus PT. DMC, Malang, Jawa Timur). PT. DMC merupakan perusahaan yang bergerak dalam bidang peternakan yang memerlukan pakan ternak dari pihak ketiga. Dalam artikelnya, Musyaffak, dkk sudah melakukan penilaian kinerja dari masing-masing pemasok tetapi belum menggunakan penilaian tersebut sebagai bahan pertimbangan untuk menentukan jumlah pesanan pakan ternak yang optimal.  Saat ini terdapat tiga pemasok yang bekerja sama dengan perusahaan sehingga pemilihan pemasok merupakan hal yang penting bagi departemen pembelian. Enterprise Resource Planning(ERP) sistem dalam proses pemilihan pemasok dapat menghasilkan penyimpanan biaya dan waktu. Artikel ini bertujuan untuk penentuan pemasok dan jumlah pakan ternak yang harus dipesan pada setiap pemasok dengan menggunakan Multi Objective Linear Programming. Model tersebut dikembangkan berdasarkan tiga kunci utama ERP. Fungsi Tujuan dari model untuk meminimasi biaya, defect rate, delivery delay rate dan supplier rate. Model dipecahkan dengan bantuan Microsoft Excel Solver Software. Hasil menunjukan, pesanan untuk ketiga pemasok adalah 100, 100 dan 32 tons.
J@ti Undip : Jurnal Teknik Industri Volume 8, No.1, Januari 2013
Publisher : Departemen Teknik Industri, Fakultas Teknik, Universitas Diponegoro

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (395.274 KB) | DOI: 10.12777/jati.8.1.51-58


Sebuah perusahaan textile PT ABC mengalami penurunan volume penjualan lebih dari 14% dari volume penjualan normal per tahun selama periode 200x-200y. Bagi perusahaan, penurunan volume penjualan ini mengakibatkan menumpuknya stok di gudang serta berhentinya perputaran uang perusahaan. Perusahaan menduga bahwa penurunan volume penjualan ini disebabkan oleh semakin ketatnya persaingan pada bisnis ini. Diskon yang tepat dapat mendorong buyer meningkatkan volume pembeliannya. Perusahaan harus memilih model diskon yang sesuai dengan sistem bisnis perusahaan dan yang sesuai dengan preferensi dari para buyer agar model diskon yang diterapkan dapat efektif mendukung program promosi perusahaan. Untuk mengembangkan model hubungan buyer-suplier terkait dengan pemilihan sistem diskon, dibagi dalam tiga langkah utama.  Langkah Pertama adalah pembangkitan kriteria mengenai faktor yang dipertimbangkan buyer dalam mengambil keputusan mengenai diskon yang diberikan supplier. Langkah kedua, dilakukan uji validitas dan reliabilitas terhadap faktor-faktor yang dibangkitkan. Langkah ketiga, dilakukan pembobotan terhadap hasil langkah kedua menggunakan pendekatan AHP. Selanjutnya, diberikan usulan Standard Operation Procedure (SOP) sebagai dasar perusahaan mengimplementasikan sistem diskon yang diusulkan pada penelitian ini. Kata kunci: sistem diskon, analytic hierarchy process, standard operation procedure, hubungan buyer-supplier   Abstract PT ABC is one of Textile Company that suffered degradation of sales volume more than 14% from normal sales volume per year during period  200x-200y. This condition impacted the heaping of stocks in warehouse and also intrudes company’s cash flow.  The Company guesses that degradation of this sales volume caused by the tightness of competition in textile business. In this paper, we propose discount schema to help company increasing sales revenues. We designed a system to choose discount model for textile buyer-supplier relationship.  As pre elimenary, we  identified the characteristics of buter used questionnare. Company have to choose model discounted matching with company business system and matching with preference from buyer discounted by which applied can effective support company promotion program. To develop a model the first step is evocation of criterion considered buyer preference. Second, we test and validity the factors. Third step weighted the factor used AHP. Finally, the model decided based on criterion that have biggest priority from buyer. Hereinafter, we propose Standard Operation Procedure (SOP) as a base for the company to implement a new discount system. Keywords:  discount system, analytic hierarchy process, standard operation procedure, buyer-supplier relationship
J@ti Undip : Jurnal Teknik Industri Volume 10, No. 2, Mei 2015
Publisher : Departemen Teknik Industri, Fakultas Teknik, Universitas Diponegoro

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (287.185 KB) | DOI: 10.12777/jati.10.2.97-102


Bahan pokok yang setiap hari dikonsumsi masyarakat Indonesia antara lain beras, gula pasir, dan minyak goreng. Bahan pokok tersebut merupakan hasil dari sektor pertanian atau komoditas pertanian. Komoditas pokok tersebut dikonsumsi oleh masyarakat Indonesia sepanjang tahun dalam jumlah yang sangat besar. Karena komoditas pokok diperlukan sepanjang tahun, ketersediaan terhadap komoditas pokok merupakan hal yang sangat penting bagi masyarakat Indonesia. Dalam rangka menjaga ketahanan pangan, salah satu cara untuk mengatasi permasalahan tersebut dengan menyediakan persediaan penyangga sebagai instrumen untuk mengendalikan keseimbangan pasokan dan permintaan pasar. Baik produsen, pedagang, dan konsumen menggunakan strategi masing-masing yang bersesuaian dengan kepentingan tersebut. Untuk itu diperlukan suatu pendekatan matematis yang dapat menganalisa proses pengambilan keputusan yang melibatkan dua atau lebih kepentingan. Dalam penelitian ini akan digunakan game theory untuk menganalisa pengambilan keputusan dari kepentingan yang terkait. Hasilnya menunjukkan bahwa model game theory dapat menggambarkan hubungan transaksi antara produsen dan konsumen dalam skema persediaan penyangga. Selain itu, game theory dapat menggambarkan beberapa kondisi dalam skema persediaan penyangga melalui strategi yang dikembangkan.     Abstract Indonesian society consumpts some staple commodities such as rice, sugar, and cooking oil. Staple commodities are from agricultural commodities. Staple commodities consumed by the people of Indonesia during the year in a very large number. Because the staple commodities required throughout the year, the availability of the staple commodities is very important for the people of Indonesia. Food security can be ensured by providing a buffer stock as an instrument for controlling the balance of supply and demand. Both producers, traders, and consumers are using their each strategy that corresponding to these interests. It required a mathematical approach that can analyze the decision-making process that involves two or more interests. In this study game theory will be used to analyze the decisions of relevant interests. The result shows that the model of game theory can describe the relationship between producer and consumer transactions in the buffer stock scheme. Moreover, game theory can describe some of the conditions in the buffer stock scheme through a strategy developed.
Co-Authors Aditha Capryani Aditya Isnaini Setyargo Putri Aditya Pradana Akbar, Chaidir Aldi Pascagama Nurrachman Alviandi Wahyu Nugroho Amelia Rahma Dhani Mandala Ananda Noor Sholichah Anik Septiani Anisa Agustina Anissa Rianda Putri Anita Andria Sari Ardy Denta Utama Ari Nugroho Aurelia Salsabila Putri Ayu Setiawati Ayusya Khoirun Nisa Azizah Aisyati Azizah Aisyati Azizah Aisyati Azizah Aisyati Azizah Hadny Quarrota A'yun Azmi Mas’ud Bambang Suhardi Bellinda Ratih Puspasari Chaidir Akbar Cucuk Nur Rosyidi Dana Prianjani Danang Miftahudin Pratama Diah Rahmanasari Diesya, Stephani Donar Setyajid Carel Dwi Indah Maryanie Dwi Setyo Sulisityono Dwi Setyo Sulistyono Dyan Parardyo S Edi Hartono Edi Hartono Edwin Fakhrul Arifin Eko Liquiddanu Enggar Wahyu Wulaningtyas Era Febriana Aqidawati Erwin Zakiyah Euis Nurlathifah Evizal Abdul Kadir Fadhil Rafi Hidayat Fakhrina Fahma Fakhrina Fahma Fakhrina Fahma Fathin Kusumo Pramesti Pudjiantoro Fauzan Azmi Febriana Kusumawardani Ferry Dimas Prakoso Fiko Erisa Fatq Fitri Nurul Firdaus Frisca Pomalia Galuh Qodrina Hamada, Aulia Hanif Ardian I Wayan Suletra I Wayan Suletra I Wayan Suletra I Wayan Suletra Indah Kurniyati Iqbal Wahyu Saputra Irfan Hilmi Hamdani Irfan Nurdiansah Irwan Iftadi Irwan Iftadi Istiqomah, Silvi Jeehad Muhammad Joshua Vicky Karunia Prasetyawan Levinia Dian Laraswati Lsa Aldira Hafidza M. Hisjam Mahesa Jenar Martha Widhi Dela Utami Maulana Ichwan Anshory Maulidina Khairannisa Nunuh Meidi Putri Ariyani Meidiana Faras Isnafitri Muh. Hisjam, Muh. Muhammad Abyan Naufal Muhammad Hisjam Muhammad Hisjam Muhammad Hisjam Muhammad Hisjam Muhammad Hisjam Muhammad Hisjam Muhammad Hisjam Muhammad Hisyam Muhammad Iqbal Sulistyo Putra Muhammad Iqbalnur Muhammad Iriandru Pradipta Muhammad Reza Kusuma Wardana Munifah Munifah Muryastuti, Karina Naufal Ammar Niken Aristyawati Nina Salsabila Sulistiani Nino Rahadian Octavia Riskadayanti P., Yogie Budi Poppy Nandasari Pramono, Wakit Putri, Aditya Isnaini Setyargo Ramadhany A. T. Rangkuti, Sabrina Heriza Rasyid Yudhistira Ratnasari, Sintya Renny Rochani Rina Wiji Astuti Risya Zeline Romi Primadian Roni Zakaria Roni Zakaria Roni Zakaria Roni Zakaria R. Roni Zakaria Raung Roni Zakaria Roni Zakaria Roni Zakaria Zakaria Sakinah Sakinah Sakti Arya Wiseka Sayyidah Maulidatul Afraah Sayyidah Maulidatul Afraah Sayyidah Maulidatul Afraah Selvia Mayangsari Sherlinta Immanuella Silvi Istiqomah Sofyan Arifin Sri Yohana Simanjuntak Srihono - Susy Susmartini Tasya Santi Rahmawati Tri Hariyanto Urip Sarwo Sambodo Utami Sri Sundari Veriawan, Herindra Virda Hersy Lutviana Saputri Wafiq Hasan Al Banna Wahyu Ani Maulidiyah Wahyudi Sutopo wahyudi sutopo Wahyudi Sutopo Wahyudi Sutopo Wahyudi Sutopo Wahyudi Sutopo Wahyudi Sutopo Wahyudi Sutopo Wahyudi Sutopo Wahyudi Sutopo Wahyudi Sutopo Wahyudi Sutopo Wahyudi Sutopo Wahyudi Sutopo Widha Windhira Wisdania Rusdianasito Yahuda Patria Christiawan Yahuda Patria Christiawan Yonatan Ardi Hardono Yudi Hartono, Yudi Yusuf Priyandari Yusuf Priyandari Yusuf Priyandari Yusuf Priyandari Yusuf Priyandari Yusuf Priyandari Yusuf Priyandari Zakaria, Roni Zikri Haqqoni