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Indonesian Journal of Elementary Education (IJOEE) Vol 1, No 1 (2019): Indonesian Journal of Elementary Education (IJOEE)
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Tangerang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31000/ijoee.v1i1.2567


Penelitian ini untuk menganalisis tingkat kemampuan berfikir kreatif matematis siswa dalam pemecahan masalah soal cerita materi operasi hitung pecahan, menggunakan 5 penjenjangan tingkat berfikir kreatif teori Siswono ; 4/sangat kreatif, 3/kreatif, 2/cukup kreatif, 1/kurang kreatif dan 0/tidak kreatif, dengan indikator berfikir kreatifnya ; lancar/fluency, luwes/flexibility, orisinil/originaly, terperinci/elaborator. Kurangnya motivasi belajar siswa berdampak rendah dan menghambat berkembangnya kemampuan berfikir kreatif, siswa cenderung pasif, tidak ingin bertanya dalam proses pembelajaran bahkan malas untuk menyelesaikan masalah secara mandiri. Solusi 1) guru hendaknya mampu menganalisis faktor penyebabnya, 2) tanamkan kepada siswa sifat untuk mampu memotivasi dirinya sendiri melalui pemberian latihan soal untuk bertujuan menggali kemampuan yang mungkin belum muncul. Kesimpulan; tingkat kreatifitas paling tinggi adalah kreatifitas tingkat 3/kreatif dengan mampu menunjukkan kefasihan, kebaruan/kefasihan dan fleksibilitas, siswa berkemampuan sedang mencapai kreatifitas tingkat 2/cukup kreatif dengan mampu menunjukkan kebaruan/fleksibilitas, sedangkan siswa berkemampuan rendah/kurang mencapai kreatifitas tingkat 1/kurang kreatif yang hanya mampu menggunakan kefasihan saja. Kata kunci : Kreatifitas, Berfikir kreatif matematis, Menyelesaikan soal.
Indonesian Journal of Elementary Education (IJOEE) Vol 2, No 2 (2020): Indonesian Journal of Elementary Education (IJOEE)
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Tangerang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31000/ijoee.v2i1.3900


Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui bagaimana kinerja guru yang bersertifikasi pendidik di Sekolah Dasar Negeri Dukuh V Kecamatan Cikupa Kabupaten Tangerang. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode kualitatif deskriptif, yaitu mengkaji dan menganalisis data secara objektif sesuai dengan data yang ditemukan dilapangan. Kemudian data yang terkumpul dari hasil penelitian di deskripsikan dalam bentuk kata-kata. Instrumen yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah instrumen daftar pertanyaan wawancara, observasi dan dokumentasi. Berdasarkan penelitian yang telah dilaksanakan dapat disimpulkan bahwa kebijakan sertifikasi ini sangat efektif dalam peningkatan mutu pendidikan. Dengan adanya kebijakan sertifikasi, kinerja guru di Sekolah Dasar Negeri Dukuh V Kabupaten Tangerang sudah cukup baik.
Pengaruh Metode Pembelajaran Problem Solving terhadap Hasil Belajar Matematika Kelas V Sekolah Dasar Negeri Khuzaimah Al Adawiyah; Yayah Huliatunisa; Samsul Azhar
Jurnal Halaqah Vol 3 No 4 (2021): JURNAL HALAQAH, Publishing October 2021
Publisher : RC-INSTITUT

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar


This study aims to obtain empirical data on the Effect of Problem Solving Learning Methods on Mathematics Learning Outcomes for Grade V Elementary School. The formulations of this problem are: 1) Problem Solving Learning Methods in Grade V Elementary School, 2) Mathematics Learning Outcomes of Grade V Elementary School Students, 3) Is There Any Effect of Problem Solving Learning Methods on Mathematics Learning Outcomes for Grade V Elementary Schools. And the objectives of the research are: 1) Knowing the effect of using problem sloving learning methods on Mathematics subjects, students at Tanah Tinggi 7 Tangerang State Elementary School. 2) Knowing the use of problem solving learning methods can affect the learning outcomes of Mathematics The samples in this study were all students of class V B totaling 31 students. Methods of data collection using posttest and pretest. The data collected were analyzed by correlational descriptive techniques. product moment is 0.994 and r table at a significant level of 0,05% and n = 31 is = 0.355. it means that r count > r table, it means that there is an effect of Problem Solving Learning Method on Mathematics Learning Outcomes for Grade V Elementary School. The magnitude of the effect of Problem Solving Learning Methods on Mathematics Learning Outcomes for Grade V Elementary School is = 0.342 determined by the value of the influence of problem solving learning methods, through the regression equation = 28.75 + 0.342X.
Evaluasi Pembelajaran Daring Matematika pada Siswa Kelas IV SDN Poris Plawad 4 Yayah Huliatunisa; Deva Elfrisca; Siti Fadhilatul Barokah; Salsabila Nabira Rachma; Nopika Ayu Lestari; Siti Nur’alfiah; Herlina Efendi
TSAQOFAH Vol 2 No 4 (2022): JULI
Publisher : Lembaga Yasin AlSys

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (527.111 KB) | DOI: 10.58578/tsaqofah.v2i4.430


This study aims to review how the process of evaluating online learning in fourth grade mathematics subjects at SDN Poris Plawad 4 Tangerang City, using a descriptive qualitative approach, 1 fourth grade mathematics teacher was used as the research subject. Data collection techniques through direct observation, interviews, and documentation studies. The results of the data were analyzed using data condensation steps, presenting data (data display), and drawing conclusions or verification (conclusion drawing and verification). The results showed that there were some students who were passive and lacked interest in the online mathematics learning process as well as the emergence of difficulties felt by teachers when evaluating the results of online mathematics learning, such as; not all students have mobile phones to do online learning through the WhatsApp application, quota limitations, and signals. So that it has an impact that students find it difficult to understand the material presented by the teacher, plus the teacher does not master the technology that has developed at this time, which in the end during the online learning process only 1 application is used, namely WhatsApp Group.
Evaluasi Tingkat Kesulitan Belajar Bahasa Inggris Siswa Kelas IV di SDN Karang Tengah 7 Yayah Huliatunisa; Davina Dewi Hartana; Karunia Nurulita Purwanti; Nurfidia Azhari; Selvina Salsabila; Siti Ummu Habibah
TSAQOFAH Vol 2 No 4 (2022): JULI
Publisher : Lembaga Yasin AlSys

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (445.018 KB) | DOI: 10.58578/tsaqofah.v2i4.445


Learning English is one of the primary school subjects which is an adaptive subject. In the process of learning English, students still experience learning difficulties, namely the difficulties of the four English skills. This study aims to examine the level of difficulty experienced by fourth grade students of SDN Karang Tengah 7 during the process of learning English. This type of research is qualitative research. Through the use of data collection techniques of observation, interviews and documentation. The sample of this research is the fourth grade English teacher and fourth grade students of SDN Karang Tengah 7. The results of this study are obtained showing that students have difficulty learning the four English skills, namely 1) listening ability students still have difficulty distinguishing words, experiencing limited words and students are unable to concentrate because students often talk to other friends, 2) speaking ability because students have difficulty (pronunciation) and vocabulary, 3) reading ability, lack of interest in reading students can also be the cause of student difficulties and 4) Students' writing ability still likes to confuse English letters and arrange sentences so that they have difficulty writing English. From the results of the study it can be concluded that the level of difficulty experienced by the majority of students is pronunciation.
Evaluasi Pembelajaran Daring PJOK Siswa Kelas II SDN Poris Plawad 3 Kota Tangerang Yayah Huliatunisa; Romita Umayyah Hadi; Della Fully Rizkiya; Mutia Saidah; Pinkan Ayu Ningsih
ALSYS Vol 2 No 4 (2022): JULI
Publisher : Lembaga Yasin AlSys

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (392.336 KB) | DOI: 10.58578/alsys.v2i4.437


Physical education learning focuses on maintaining and improving physical fitness and movement skills in students during the learning process, also helping students to improve critical thinking patterns, maintaining students' emotional stability, and fostering good values contained in sports such as respect and sportsmanship. This study aims to determine the process of evaluating online learning PJOK for grade II students at SDN Poris Palawad 3 Tangerang City, using a qualitative descriptive method. Sources of information in this study were PJOK teachers. Data collection techniques through observation, interviews, and documentation studies. Based on the results of the study, it shows that PJOK online learning uses applications such as whatApp (to collect assignments), zoom or Google meet for the learning process. The teacher presents the material and videos in the application using print media and audiovisual media. Constraints encountered in the online learning process in general are in the form of networks, gadgets/mobile phones, worksheets, and assessments.
Proses Evaluasi pada Pembelajaran Daring di Sekolah Dasar Yayah Huliatunisa; Salsabillah Salsabillah; Lisa Damayanti Tantular; Thalia Nindy Hasri; Khairun Nisaa; Fadlatul Ramdhan
MASALIQ Vol 2 No 4 (2022): JULI
Publisher : Lembaga Yasin AlSys

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (484.546 KB) | DOI: 10.58578/masaliq.v2i4.432


The purpose of this study was to review the evaluation process on online learning and the obstacles faced at SDS Plus Arrahmaniyah Serpong Utara, using a descriptive method with a qualitative approach. The sources of information for this research were one principal and two classroom teachers. Data collection techniques through observation, interviews, and documentation studies. The results of the data were analyzed using the theory of Miles and Huberman. The results of the study indicate that teachers are required to develop learning tools in accordance with the online learning process and government policies, seek to develop competence through technology and information capabilities, learn to use various evaluation methods and more innovative and creative learning through various activities such as workshops, discussions and sharing. sessions with colleagues. The impact of this research is increasing knowledge related to the level of creativity independence, learning experience and foresight in using technology tools for both teachers and students in the online learning evaluation process.
Strategi Guru dalam Menyusun Soal Evaluasi Matematika Berbasis HOTS pada Siswa Kelas 6 SDN Kalideres 06 Pagi Yayah Huliatunisa; Tio Saputra; Putri Salsabilla Sulistiyani; Salma Ramadhanty; Putri Fauziah; Farah Putri Rahmanda
MASALIQ Vol 2 No 4 (2022): JULI
Publisher : Lembaga Yasin AlSys

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (426.454 KB) | DOI: 10.58578/masaliq.v2i4.443


Higher Order Thinking Skills (HOTS) is something that requires teachers to play an active role in constructing students' understanding towards complex thinking processes. The application of HOTS in the preparation of math problems requires teachers to apply various strategies. This study aims to analyze the teacher's strategy in compiling math problems based on HOTS (Higher Order Thinking Skills) in Class VI students at SDN Kalideres 06 Pagi, using descriptive qualitative methods with a case study approach. The sixthgrade teacher was used as a data source. Data collection techniques through observation, documentation and interviews. The results of the data obtained were analyzed through data reduction activities, data presentation, and drawing conclusions, which were then tested for data validity using source triangulation. The results showed that the teacher implemented a strategy in an effort to improve his ability in preparing HOTS-based mathematics evaluation questions through the intensity of participation in training and development regarding the preparation of HOTS-based evaluation questions, as well as providing motivation, stimulus, and intensive guidance to students in working on HOTS-based math problems.
Pengaruh Metode Praktikum terhadap Hasil Belajar IPA Materi Pertumbuhan dan Perkembangbiakan pada Tumbuhan Siswa Kelas 3 SDN Cikupa III Kabupaten Tangerang Zahrotul Muplihah; Ina Magdalena; Yayah Huliatunisa
AS-SABIQUN Vol 4 No 5 (2022): NOVEMBER
Publisher : Pendidikan Islam Anak Usia Dini STIT Palapa Nusantara

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36088/assabiqun.v4i5.2205


The concept of science in elementary schools is an integrated concept because it has not been separated separately, such as biology, chemistry, and physics. The low quality of education can be seen from the low quality of student learning. One of the causes of the low quality of education is due to the learning difficulties experienced by most students. This study aims to determine the differences in student learning outcomes between students who use practicum methods and students who do not use conventional practicum or learning methods. The population in this study were all class III students at SDN Cikupa III, totaling 57 students, consisting of 27 students in class III A as the control class and class III B with 30 students as the experimental class. The research used is Quasi Experimental Design. The results of the pretest calculation between the control class and the experimental class obtained a tcount value of 0.167 > 0.05, while the post-test calculation between the control class and the experimental class obtained a tcount value of 0.139 > 0.05, which causes H0 to be accepted and HI rejected. The results of this test prove that there is no influence on the learning outcomes of science learning material on growth and reproduction in the third grade students of SDN Cikupa III, Tangerang Regency.
CUCI TANGAN BERSIH MENGGUNAKAN SABUN Yayah Huliatunisa; Muhammad Dzikry Alfath; Dita Hendiati
Jurnal Pasca Dharma Pengabdian Masyarakat Vol 1, No 2 (2020): November 2020
Publisher : Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.17509/jpdpm.v1i2.24027


Perilaku hidup bersih dan sehat (PHBS) merupakan hal mutlak yang harus dijadikan budaya oleh masyarakat, termasuk masyarakat sekolah. Sekolah selain berfungsi sebagai tempat belajar, juga dapat menjadi ancaman penularan penyakit jika masyarakat sekolahnya tidak menanamkan nilai-nilai PHBS. Munculnya penyakit yang sering menyerang anak usia sekolah (6-10 tahun) ternyata berkaitan dengan PHBS. Karenanya penanaman nilai-nilai tersebut dapat dimulai dari hal yang mudah seperti mencuci tangan. Penyuluhan cuci tangan bersih dapat dilakukan melalui promosi kesehatan dengan metode penyuluhan yang dievaluasi ketercapaiannya secara kontinu sebagai strategi dan upaya untuk meningkatkan kemampuan masyarakat melalui proses pembelajaran dan keteladanan yang diimplementasikan pada program-program Usaha Kesehatan Sekolah (UKS), yang bertujuan memberikan pemahaman dan mempraktikkan serta menerapkan budaya mencuci tangan bersih dengan menggunakan sabun, sebagaimana yang diterapkan di SDN Neglasari 1 Kota Tangerang. Hasil temuan sebelum dilakukan kegiatan bahwa disadari atau tidak, tidak semua anak usia sekolah dapat melakukan cuci tangan bersih dan benar dengan menggunakan sabun. Sehingga penting dilakukan penyuluhan secara kontinu, sebagai sarana edukasi dan penanaman nilai-nilai PHBS sejak dini. Agar masyarakat sekolah dapat mengaplikasikan perilaku ini dalam kehidupan sehari-hari dengan mandiri dan kesadaran akan manfaatnya. Hasil setelah penyuluhan dilakukan, siswa memahami dampak dan manfaat serta mampu mempraktikkan cuci tangan bersih menggunakan sabun dengan baik.