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Jurnal Informatika Vol 17, No 2 (2017): Jurnal Informatika
Publisher : IIB Darmajaya

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TB disease is one of the contributors to the highest cause of death in Indonesia, this is because of late handling, late handling will be avoided if it can be done early detection of TB disease, this research tries to make alternatives that can be used for early detection TB disease. Case-Based Reasoning has been widely applied in various artificial intelligence, both in the form of expert systems and decision-making systems that help decision makers to make informed decisions. The use of CBR to diagnose illness has also been done by some previous researchers. Case-Based Reasoning works by studying previous cases collected in a General Knowledge that will be comparable with the new case, Case-Based Reasoning has four stages: Retrieve, Reuse, Revise and Retain, this is a very powerful way to create an expert system created into a learner engine, which automatically adds or revives knowledge automatically into the general knowledge. Expected by the implementation of Case-Based Reasoning in this system can help decision makers in this case early detection of TB disease, this sample was chosen because the number of sufferers of this disease is quite large in Indonesia. Keywords: Case-Based Reasoning, Profile Matching, Expert System, TBC 
Prosiding Seminar Nasional Darmajaya Vol 1 (2017): SEMNAS IIB DARMAJAYA
Publisher : Prosiding Seminar Nasional Darmajaya

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Penyakit TBC merupakan salah satu penyumbang penyebab tertinggi kematian di indonesia, hal ini di karenakan penanganan yang terlambat, penanganan yang terlambat akan dapat di hindari apabila dapat di lakukan pendeteksian awal pada penyakit TBC, penelitian ini mencoba untuk membuat alternatif yang dapat di gunakan untuk deteksi awal penyakit TBC.Case Based Reasoning telah banyak di terapkan dalam berbagai kecerdasan buatan, baik berbentuk sistem pakar maupun sistem penujang keputusan yang membantu para pembuat keputusan untuk mengambil keputusan secara tepat. Penggunaan CBR untuk mendiagnosa penyakit juga telah dilakukan oleh beberapa peneliti sebelumnya.Case Based Reasoning bekerja dengan cara mempelajari kasus-kasus terdahulu yang dikumpulkan dalam sebuah General Knowledge yang nantinya akan dikomparasi dengan kasus yang baru, Case Based Reasoning memiliki empat tahap yaitu Retrieve, Reuse, Revise dan Retain, cara ini sangat ampuh untuk membuat sistem pakar yang dibuat menjadi mesin pembelajar, yang secara otomatis akan menambah atau merivisi pengetahuan secara otomatis kedalam general knowledge.Diharapkan dengan adanya penerapan Case Based Reasoning dalam sistem ini dapat membantu para pembuat keputusan dalam hal ini deteksi awal penyakit TBC, sample ini dipilih karena angka penderita penyakit ini cukup besar di indonesia.Kata Kunci : Case Based Reasoning, Profile Matching, Expert System, TBC
Perancangan Aplikasi Berbasis Web Pada System Aeroponik untuk Monitoring Nutrisi Menggunakan Framework CodeIgniter Endra, Robby Yuli; Cucus, Ahmad; Wulandana S, M. Aditya
Explore:Jurnal Sistem informasi dan telematika(Telekomunikasi, Multimedia dan Informatika) Vol 11, No 1 (2020): Juni
Publisher : Universitas Bandar Lampung (UBL)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (591.436 KB) | DOI: 10.36448/jsit.v11i1.1453


Tujuan Penelitian ini adalah merancangan sistem pemiliharaan tanaman aeroponik yang dilakukan secara otomatisasi berbasis web, yang dilakukan sistem ini adalah memberikan nutrisi kepada tanaman secara otomatis serta membantu untuk monitoring tanaman aeroponik oleh petani. sistem aeroponik tersebut dapat digunakan otomatisasi dalam pengukuran dan pengontrolan pertumbuhan tanaman Dengan diterapkannya teknologi otomatisasi pada aeroponik yang dapat melakukan pengontrolan pada beberapa aspek seperti suhu air, tingkat keasaman dan kebasaan air biasa disebut pH (potensial Hidrogen) , nutrisi dan perkembangan tanaman aeroponik. Dengan adanya Internet of Things sehingga dapat dengan mudah mengambil nilai nutrisi dari sensor EC(Electrical Conducticity) pada air aeroponik,  kemudian data tersebut dikirimkan ke server. Data hasil monitoring yang sudah terkirim ke server kemudian ditampilkan di website sebagai informasi tanaman aeroponik
Implement of M-Government to Improve Public Services Ahmad Cucus; Yuthsi Aprilinda
International Conference On Law, Business and Governance (ICon-LBG) Vol 1 (2013): 1st ICon-LBG
Publisher : UBL

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The Indonesianpopulationis one of themobilephone usersin theworldwithlarge numbers,the use ofmobilephonesdoesn’t useasa toolof communicationbut itcanbe improvedas a liaison betweengovernmentandcitizen, the use ofmobile technologyis a one ofmediastoimprovegovernmentservicesthat has been conductedinvariousplacesin theworld, as an exampleforIndonesianto participate in developingmobile-based governance.The use ofmobile technologythat is easyandinexpensiveto be one ofthe advantagesobtainedifweapply them-government, the line betweengovernmentandcitizento bemore openwiththetwo-way communicationwith amobile-based service conceptcan be done anywhereand anytime. Expectedwiththe implementation ofm-government governancemore transparentandmore effective servicescan be realized. 
Distance Learning Implementation Strategies Forhigh School In Indonesia Ahmad Cucus; Yuthsi Aprilinda
International Conference on Education and Language (ICEL) Vol 2 (2013): 1st ICEL 2013
Publisher : Bandar Lampung University (UBL)

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Distance learning or e-learning to be one of the world's most popular method of learning, this is because e-learning allows a student to learn anywhere and at any time, but the application of e-learning can’t be implemented well in Indonesia, this is because the policy of  face-to-face in classroom and obstacles to the facilities and high cost.From some of the constraints faced  emerging a prototype of the concept of learning that combines face-to-face and distance learning, known as blended learning, combined with mobile learning  facilities intended for distance learning more accessible for students and teachers, just use mobile phones or smartphones students and teachers can make learning easier, cheaper, and is not limited to space and time.
Implementation Case Based Reasoning In Determining The Rational Prescription Of TB Drugs Ahmad Cucus
International Conference on Engineering and Technology Development (ICETD) 2014: 3rd ICETD 2014
Publisher : Bandar Lampung University (UBL)

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Case Based Reasoning has been widely applied in many artificial intelligence, expert systems and well shaped decision support systems that help decision-makers to take the right decisions. The use of CBR to diagnose the disease have also been made by several previous researchers. Yet another problem arises, namely the use of drugs that are not rational.
Implementing CBR on The College Rankings Based on Webometrics with EPSBED’s Data and Webometrics Knowledge Marzuki Marzuki; Maria Shusanti Febrianti; Ahmad Cucus; Agus Sukoco
International Conference on Engineering and Technology Development (ICETD) 2012: 1st ICETD 2012
Publisher : Bandar Lampung University (UBL)

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inclusion of the name of a university in a ranking system, especially at the top level according to a specific community is important and worth doing. The consideration, including the entry of a university in the list of top universities, is an excellent starting point for the world to recognize the existence of higher education, to boost the image of the university, will also improve promotion, especially in student acquisition and external support.   Webometrics is one of the world university ranking system that can be enjoyed by universities in Indonesia. Of the publication in July 2009 a total of 39 universities and the publication in January 2010 as many as 57 universities ranked 6000 Indonesia succeeded in the world. This ranking technique to calculate the accessibility of university websites and publications on google schoolar as the ranking parameter. However, Webometrics do not Rank  its based on a study program of higher education. Indonesia has more than 3000 universities which have an operating permit and each university has a study program. Objectivity in the performance of a university can be controlled through the data formulated academic activities through program Evaluation Based Self-Evaluation Study (EPSBED). EPSBED Data published to the public through the website http: \ \ whereas until now Indonesia has not had a rating system.   Case-Based Approach Computing Reasoning (CBR), combined with machine learning algorithms its Nearest Neighbor (NN) as the ranking methodology that uses data EPSBED, then the ranking of a university system may be based on their individual study program.
Implementation of Workflow Management System on E-Learning Platform for The Effectiveness of Distance Learning Yuthsi Aprilinda; Agus Sukoco; Ahmad Cucus
International Conference on Engineering and Technology Development (ICETD) 2014: 3rd ICETD 2014
Publisher : Bandar Lampung University (UBL)

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This sresearch aims to develop an e-learning as a kind of learning systems using Internet media, e-learning using information technology as a tool that can be available wherever it is needed. One of the e-learning development techniques to become more efficient is by applying workflow management system (WFMS) in developing e-learning. Because WFMS focuses on business processes, it is concerned with the automation of procedures so that the information and tasks assigned to run a more efficient and coordinatedapplication-based e-Learning open source workflow can be applied in all educational institutions, because e-learning can follow the learning procedures that exist in the educational institutions.
Analysis of Web-Education Based on ISO/IEC 9126-4 for the Measurement of Quality of Use Marzuki Marzuki; Agus Sukoco; Ahmad Cucus; Maria Shusanti Febrianti; Lisa Devilia
International Conference on Engineering and Technology Development (ICETD) 2012: 1st ICETD 2012
Publisher : Bandar Lampung University (UBL)

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FIK UBL Website is the website of the Faculty of Computer Science education at the University of Bandar Lampung.Domain name from FIK website UBL is website is a subdomain of the UBL website website uses as Country Code Top level domains, domain primarily UBL, and Third-level domain is the FIK.UBL has FIK Website Hosting Server at Nusanet provider.In terms of design websites using CMS jg FIK UBL, the CMS Lokomedia.Scientific Writing will specifically focus on the analysis of UBL-based FIK website ISO / IEC 9126-4 for the use of quality measurement.In this regard, in ISO / IEC 9126-4, there are 4 metrics used to measure, among other effectiveness metrics, productivity metrics, security metrics, and Satisfaction Metrics.More specific explanation will describe in Chapter IV the author of scientific writing is about the quality of the use of UBL FIK website.
Trouble Ticketing System Based Standard ISO10002: 2004 To Improve Handling of Complaints Responsibility Ahmad Cucus; Marzuki Marzuki; Agus Sukoco; Maria Shusanti Febrianti; Huda Budi Pamungkas
International Conference on Engineering and Technology Development (ICETD) 2012: 1st ICETD 2012
Publisher : Bandar Lampung University (UBL)

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Trouble Ticketing System (TTS) is a mechanism that madean organization as a form of awareness of the partner organization, the TTS is a real form of Customer Relationship Management or CRM. TTS is the development of a complaints handling system that had been shaped by the conventional paper media, electronic switch in the form of an Internet-based media website.ISO10002:2004deals withthe complaintshandlingsystem, has two main objectives, namely tohandlecomplaintsproperlyso thatit givessatisfactionboth internallyand externally, the complaintis handledcanmakeaperformance improvementservices.With theimplementation of theISO10002: 2004onTTSwillincrease the level ofresponsibilityinthe handling ofcomplaints, becausetheISO10002: 2004allmechanismsanddevices inhandlingcomplaintsproperly managed.