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MAJALAH ILMIAH GLOBE Vol 18, No 2 (2016)
Publisher : Badan Informasi Geospasial

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1216.493 KB) | DOI: 10.24895/MIG.2016.18-2.386


ABSTRAKPergerakan penduduk dari tempat asal ke tujuan sejalan dengan pergerakan kendaraan. Pergerakan penduduk dari Depok ke Jakarta berbeda di tiap daerah perbatasan, seperti di Kelurahan Kukusan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pemetaan pergerakan lalu lintas kendaraan di Kelurahan Kukusan. Untuk menjawab tujuan penelitian digunakan analisis spasial-temporal dengan unit data segmen jalan dan data primer yaitu: lebar dan arah jalan, asal-tujuan, rute, kecepatan dan volume kendaraan. Hasil pemetaan pergerakan lalu lintas kendaraan di Kelurahan Kukusan menunjukkan bahwa model jaringan jalan dengan arah selatan, timur dan barat secara umum menuju ke utara untuk pagi hari dan sebaliknya untuk sore hari. Hasil analisis pola spasial menunjukkan pola pergerakan kendaraan di Kelurahan Kukusan memusat di Jalan K. H. M. Usman. Segmen utara lebih banyak dilalui oleh lalu lintas kendaraan dari Kelurahan Kukusan, segmen tengah lebih banyak lalu lintas kendaraan dari dalam dan luar Kelurahan Kukusan dan segmen selatan lebih banyak lalu lintas kendaraan yang datang ke Kelurahan Kukusan. Analisis Spasial-temporal menunjukkan bahwa segmen yang lebih banyak dilalui oleh lalu lintas kendaraan dengan pola pagi hari di Jalan K. H. M. Usman memiliki nilai volume kendaraan 1.409,05 smp/jam adalah segmen tengah. Segmen selatan yang memiliki nilai derajat kejenuhan 0,71 lebih tinggi dari segmen tengah. Pola sore hari yang memiliki volume kendaraan tertinggi adalah segmen selatan yaitu 1.251,8 smp/jam dengan nilai derajat kejenuhan 0,79. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa segmen jalan dengan jumlah Point of Interest (POI) terbanyak memiliki derajat kejenuhan yang lebih tinggi.Kata Kunci: jaringan jalan, lalu lintas, model spasial, pola spasial-temporalABSTRACTThe movement of people from origin to destination was aligned with the movement of vehicular. Movements of people from Depok to Jakarta had different spatialy like Kukusan Village. The aim of study to determine the traffic patterns of vehicle movement on Kukusan Village. To answer this research objective used spatial-temporal analysis with unit segments and primary data were: wide and direction of the road, origin-destination, routes, speed and volume of vehicular. The map of the movement of vehicular traffic in Kukusan Village by respondents shows a model of the road network to the south, east and the west generaly headed north in the morning and vice versa for afternoon. The results of the spatial patterns indicate that movement of vehicles in Kukusan Village centered on K. H. M. Usman northern segment with more impassable by vehicle traffic from Kukusan Village, the middle segment more vehicle traffic from within and outside Kukusan Village and southern segments more traffic vehicles come to Kukusan Village. Spatial-temporal analysis shows the northern segment more impassable by vehicle traffic in the Kukusan Village, the morning patterns at K. H. M Usman had value of vehicle volume 1,409.05 upc/hour in midle segmen, although the southern segment with value of degrees saturation 0,71 more than value of midle segmen.The afternoon pattern within highest volume on southern segmen with vehicle volume 1,251.8 upc/hour with degres saturation value 0,79. These results concluded that the road segment with highest number of POI had a highest degres saturation.Keyword: road networks, traffic, spatial modeling, spatial-temporal pattern
MAJALAH ILMIAH GLOBE Vol 13, No 1 (2011)
Publisher : Badan Informasi Geospasial

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (486.966 KB) | DOI: 10.24895/MIG.2011.13-1.106


SMCE (Spatial Multi Criteria Evaluation) menjadi suatu alternatif metode dalam analisis spasial. Beberapa software SIG seperti ArcGIS, IDRISI dan ILWIS sudah memasukkan aplikasi MCA (Multi Criteria Analysis) didalamnya. Software ILWIS termasuk dalam GOSS (GIS Open Source Software) yang dikembangkan oleh ITC Belanda (sekarang Twente University). Dalam perencanaan pembangunan MCA menjadi penting agar dapat dilakukan simulasi rencana sehingga beberapa pilihan wilayah berbeda dapat dianalisis untuk pengambilan keputusan. Kota Serang menjadi model penelitian karena termasuk di dalam pilot proyek Kajian Lingkungan Hidup Strategis Nasional. Berdasarkan faktor Akses, Hidrologi, Fisiografi dan Kenyamanan maka hasil simulasi A didapatkan wilayah yang sesuai, kemudian dilakukan uji ulang dengan simulasi B dan simulasi C sehingga didapatkan wilayah yang selalu muncul sebagai wilayah kesesuaian. Hasil penelitian diperoleh bahwa wilayah yang sesuai untuk kawasan industri di Kota Serang mencapai luas 789,25 hektar dan berada di Kecamatan Kesemen dan Kecamatan Serang. Hasil kesesuaian kawasan industri ini dapat dijadikan alternatif bagi para pengambil keputusan.Kata Kunci: SMCE, Perencanaan Wilayah, Kota Serang, Kawasan IndustriABSTRACTSMCE (Spatial Multi Criteria Evaluation) has become an alternative method in spatial analysis. Many GIS softwares like ArcGIS, IDRISI and ILWIS embedded MCA (Multi Criteria Analysis) application in their modules. ILWIS Software is one of GOSS (GIS Open Source Software) developed by ITC Netherlands (now Twente University). In development planning, MCA become important since that simulation can be carried out, besides offer more alternatives to different areas or/and location for decision making. Serang City selected as a model for this case study because it is one of the city included in National SEA pilot project. Base on factors: Accessibility, Hydrology, Physiography and Comfortability, with Simulation A resulted in area suitability, that then tested again using Simulation B and Simulation C, so those area that always selected in each simulation become the suitability area. Final result is the area suitability for industrial region in Serang City are 789.25 ha and this industrial region laid on District Kesemen and District Serang. This result can be used as an alternative for decision maker in Serang city for managing the specific industrial region.Keywords: SMCE, Spatial Planning, Serang City, Industrial Region
PETA SKALA BESAR (BATAS RW) DAN MANFAATNYA Wibowo, Adi; Sudarmadji, Bambang Wahyu
MAJALAH ILMIAH GLOBE Vol 12, No 1 (2010)
Publisher : Badan Informasi Geospasial

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (611.923 KB) | DOI: 10.24895/MIG.2010.12-1.119


Permasalahan di Indonesia hingga hari ini adalah bahwa batas administrasi kelurahansudah ada, tetapi batas administrasi Rukun Warga/Rukun Tetangga (RW/RT) belum ada. Pemda DKI sudah memiliki peta skala besar (1:1.000) untuk membuat peta batas administrasi RW. Pemetaan skala besar (Batas RW) bermanfaat untuk akurasi informasi data kejadian penyakit demam berdarah atau penyakit lainnya, sehingga menghilangkan bias informasi karena menggunakan peta batas kelurahan. Manfaat lainnya adalah untuk akurasi manajemen alamat pelanggan, misalnya pelanggan PDAM, memudahkan verifikasi data pelanggan dengan peta sekala besar terutama yang hanya mencantumkan alamat RT/RW, tanpa menyebutkan nama jalan dan nomor rumah.Kata Kunci: Peta Skala Besar, Batas RW, Verifikasi, AkuratABSTRACTA problem in Indonesia is the fact that village boundaries are already available, but the RW/RT boundaries (RT consists of several households, while RW consists of several RTs) are still not done until nowadays. Government of DKI Jakarta already has big scale maps (1:1.000) for delineating boundary of RW administration. Big Scale Mapping (RW Boundary) can help produce more precise data, such as dengue fever or other contagious diseases, in order to prevent bias information when using village boundaries. Another usage of the big scale mapping is to better manage customer addresses, for example PDAM (clean water provider) customers, so that it would be easier to find where the address of the customers are, especially when the customers did not mention street name and house number, but only mentioned RT/RW address.Key words: Big Scale Mapping, RW Boundaries, Verified, Accurate
Pemodelan spasial distribusi karbon monoksida di kota Bandung Arista, Faza; Saraswati, Ratna; Wibowo, Adi
Journal of Geography of Tropical Environments Vol 3, No 1 (2019): February
Publisher : Open Journal System

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1576.237 KB) | DOI: 10.7454/jglitrop.v3i1.62


Pencemaran udara merupakan permasalahan penting yang banyak terjadi di daerah perkotaan. WHO menyatakan 91% manusia di dunia menghirup udara tidak sehat. Kota Bandung sebagai kota metropolitan terus mengalami peningkatan pertumbuhan penduduk yang menyebabkan peningkatan luas lahan terbangun dan penurunan luas area hijau. Hal ini menimbulkan permasalahan penurunan kualitas udara. Penelitian ini bertujuan menganalisis secara spasial distribusi polutan di Kota Bandung dan hubungannya dengan pola persebaran suhu permukaan daratan, kerapatan bangunan dan kerapatan vegetasi. Metode yang digunakan pada penelitian ini metode spasial berupa interpolasi IDW, LST, NDBI, dan NDVI. Uji statistik menggunakan korelasi dan regresi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan model spasial distribusi konsentrasi CO menunjukkan pola yang tersebar hampir sama pada bulan kering 2018 yaitu pada suhu permukaan daratan dan kerapatan bangunan yang relatif tinggi serta kerapatan vegetasi yang relatif rendah maka kadar polutan tinggi. Hasil uji statistik menyatakan suhu permukaan daratan, kerapatan bangunan dan kerapatan vegetasi berkorelasi cukup kuat terhadap distribusi Karbon Monoksida dan hasil regresi menyatakan suhu permukaan daratan, kerapatan bangunan dan kerapatan vegetasi terdapat pengaruh yang signifikan terhadap distribusi Karbon Monoksida. Kata kunci: Indeks Bangunan, Indeks Vegetasi, Model Spasial, Polutan, Suhu Permukaan DaratanDOI:
Risiko Kerugian Akibat Longsor di Desa Cibanteng, Kecamatan Sukaresmi, Kabupaten Cianjur, Jawa Barat Fathiyya Ulfa; Eko Kusratmoko; Adi Wibowo
Majalah Geografi Indonesia Vol 29, No 2 (2015): Majalah Geografi Indonesia
Publisher : Fakultas Geografi, Universitas Gadjah Mada

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (2743.145 KB) | DOI: 10.22146/mgi.13114


ABSTRAK Provinsi Jawa Barat merupakan provinsi yang memiliki riwayat kejadian longsor tertinggi di Indonesia. Salah satu wilayah di Provinsi Jawa Barat yang sering terjadi longsor adalah Desa Cibanteng, Kecamatan Sukaresmi, Kabupaten Cianjur. Pada dua tahun terakhir telah terjadi dua kali pergerakan tanah di daerah yang berbeda di Desa Cibanteng. Penelitian ini bertujuan memprediksi besar risiko kerugian bencana longsor pada masa akan datang sehingga bantuan saat terjadi longsor dapat dioptimalkan. Untuk memprediksi besar risiko kerugian digunakan variabel bahaya, kerentanan dan kapasitas kebencanaan longsor. Masing-masing variabel memiliki beberapa indikator tertentu yakni penggunaan tanah, lereng, dan kepadatan penduduk. Penghitungan risiko kerugian dilakukan menggunakan metode overlay masing-masing variabel. Hasil penelitian adalah berupa prediksi risiko kerugian sebesar Rp. 10,1 milyar. Besar risiko kerugian tersebut didapat dari nilai bangunan, jaringan jalan, jaringan listrik dan produktivitas pertanian. Penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa wilayah risiko bencana longsor mendominasi dibagian selatan Desa Cibanteng. ABSTRACT West Java Province is a province have a high landslide history in Indonesia. One of the area in West Java Province which often occuring a landslide is Cibanteng Village, Sukaresmi District, Cianjur Regency. In the last two years has been soil movement twice in different areas in the village Cibanteng. This study aims to predict big losses from landslides in future so that assistance can be optimized during a landslide. To predict the risk of loss used hazards variable, vulnerabilities and capacities of landslide disasters. Each variables have some specific indicators namely landuse, slope, and population density. The calculation of losses risk using overlay method in each variable. The results are prediction of losses risk of Rp. 10.1 billion. Great of losses risk can be assessed from value of building , road networks, electricity networks and agricultural productivity. This study shows that risk of landslides dominated in southern of Cibanteng Village.
Evaluasi Rencana Tata Ruang Wilayah Berdasarkan Kerawanan Tanah Longsor di Kecamatan Cikakak Kabupaten Sukabumi Damar Fauzan Bayuhasta; Eko Kusratmoko; Adi Wibowo; Safira Nur Aisyah
Geodika: Jurnal Kajian Ilmu dan Pendidikan Geografi Vol 5, No 2 (2021): Desember 2021
Publisher : Program Studi Pendidikan Geografi Universitas Hamzanwadi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29408/geodika.v5i2.4171


Rencana Tata Ruang Wilayah (RTRW) menjadi dasar dalam pengelolaan dan pemanfaatan ruang agar bencana tanah longsor di Indonesia tidak terjadi. Penelitian ini dilatarbelakangi oleh kejadian tanah longsor yang paling sering terjadi di Kecamatan Cikakak setelah tahun 2012 atau saat RTRW telah ditetapkan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memetakan kerawanan longsor dan mengevaluasi rencana tata ruang wilayah di Kecamatan Cikakak terhadap kerawanan longsor. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah model Index storie untuk pemetaan kerawanan longsor dan overlay data spasial kerawanan longsor dengan RTRW. Jenis data yang digunakan adalah data kejadian tanah longsor, curah hujan, lereng, litologi, jenis tanah dan penggunaan lahan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa Kecamatan Cikakak memiliki kerawanan longsor dominan sedang seluas 7.989,1 hektar (70,9%). Hasil analisis RTRW menunjukkan bahwa rencana tata ruang yang memiliki kerawanan longsor sedang dominan yaitu kawasan hutan konservasi, sedangkan penggunaan lahan permukiman yang telah sesuai dengan RTRW juga memiliki kerawanan longsor tinggi yang luas (249,8 hektar). Sistem peringatan dini, penghijauan, dan pembangunan infrastruktur lainnya di kawasan permukiman dapat dilakukan untuk mengurangi risiko longsor di Kecamatan Cikakak.
Jurnal Ilmu dan Teknologi Kelautan Tropis Vol. 4 No. 1 (2012): Elektronik Jurnal Ilmu dan Teknologi Kelautan Tropis
Publisher : Department of Marine Science and Technology, Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Science, IPB University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1515.186 KB) | DOI: 10.29244/jitkt.v4i1.7817


Interaction between mainland and ocean are not balance. That means condition in mainland will higher affect the ocean, but not vice versa. Indonesia as a tropical island country has very long beaches and many rivers flow into the sea. The increased population in each province will have an impact on increasing contaminant into the river, so those are will cause the contaminant into the sea increasing. The problem statement is at what level of the marine environmental vulnerability in each province? Using methods of spatial analysis those find the spatial pattern of the marine environmental vulnerabilities in Indonesia. Level of the marine environmental vulnerability is generated based on numbers of regency along the coast line, including the total of population and population growth in each province and the number of rivers along the coast line. Conclusion in this research is province with the very high level of the marine environmental vulnerability is eleventh provinces, fifteenth provinces with high level, five provinces with moderate level, and two provinces with the lowest level. The province with very high level is caused by variation combination from the high number of regency along the coast line, including the highest number of population and population growth and the highest number of river. Such conditions may cause high vulnerability in some provinces such as Nanggroe Aceh Darusallam, Bangka Belitung, Kepulauan Riau, Banten, Bali, Nusa Tenggara Barat, Nusa Tenggara Timur, Sulawesi Utara, Sulawesi Tengah and Sulawesi Tenggara.Keywords: Vulnerability, marine environmental, spatial analysis
Jurnal Ilmu dan Teknologi Kelautan Tropis Vol. 3 No. 2 (2011): Elektronik Jurnal Ilmu dan Teknologi Kelautan Tropis
Publisher : Department of Marine Science and Technology, Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Science, IPB University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (824.659 KB) | DOI: 10.29244/jitkt.v3i2.7818


Indonesia is known as a country with a strong in shipping, both nationally and internationally, which is shown by the number of coastal cities in Indonesia. Population growth in coastal cities in line with history of civilization who lived along the coast of Indonesia. Population growth led to expansion of the coastal cities in Indonesia, this increase affect land use change. Changes in land use, especially use of forest, will increase the use of setlement and agricultural caused an impact on increasing the contaminant throw into the river body or water body. Eventually cause contamination into the sea also increase, mainly going to affect the coastal environment around the coastal city. The objective is to find out coastal environmental vulnerability on coastal cities in Indonesia using spatial analysis method. First, count the number of population growth per year as index of population. Second, the number of land use change will be used as in index of change of land use. Third, count the number of river through the city and towards the sea coast, the results will show the index number of rivers. Index of population growth, land use change index and index number of rivers are combined and used to calculate the level of vulnerability of coastal environment around the coastal city spatially. The conclusion was that the higher the number of population growth, the higher of the landuse change and the most of rivers in the coastal city, that’s the higher the level of vulnerability of coastal environments.Keywords: coastal city, land use, river, environmental vulnerability
Indonesian Journal of Geography Vol 45, No 2 (2013): Indonesian Journal of Geogrphy
Publisher : Faculty of Geography, Universitas Gadjah Mada

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1352.361 KB) | DOI: 10.22146/ijg.4867


Urban Heat Island (UHI) is a phenomenon which is affected by human activities. Land use change by humanactivities, expressed by urbanization that means rural or suburban areas changed to urban areas. This study isintended to identify the UHI phenomena in Tangerang city. To answer the aim of this research,temperature datais collected (direct and indirect data). Direct collection for air surface temperature conducted by surveyingsome location collect in 24 hour period (April 2012) and another location by rapid 10 – 15 minute in day time(April, July, August and September 2012). This technique employed mobile temperature and humidity tools.Secondary air surface temperature data (24 hour period) during 2009-2012 also use in this study. Indirect dataemployed Landsat TM only two year data 2001 and 2012 for land surface temperature. Satellite data employedto identify land cover change to get information about land use change. The result shown that the temperaturecondition, both air surface and land surface temperature, were changed. UHI phenomenon in Tangerang Cityindicated by temperature higher than 300C. Based on land surface temperature, UHI phenomenon in 2001already occurred at small area. UHI phenomenon in 2012 almost covered the Tangerang City area. UHI Indexin 2009 is 3.60C, in 2011 is 1.50C and then 2012 become 1.20C. This study concludes that UHI phenomenafound since 2001 and trend of UHI Index AST since 2009 with average UHI Index AST of 20C. UHI Index LSTin 2001 is 9.780C and 2012 is 13.960C
Spatial Temporal Analysis of Urban Heat Hazard on Education Area (University of Indonesia) Adi Wibowo; Khairulmaini Osman Salleh; Adi Wibowo
Indonesian Journal of Geography Vol 49, No 1 (2017): Indonesian Journal of Geography
Publisher : Faculty of Geography, Universitas Gadjah Mada

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (731.511 KB) | DOI: 10.22146/ijg.11821


As education area, campus or university is full with various activities which have an impact on the existence of land-use or land-cover. The variation of activities dynamically change the shape of land-use or land-cover within the campus area, thus also create variations in Land Surface Temperature (LST). The LST are impacting the coziness of human activity especially when reaches more than 30 oC. This study used the term Urban Heat Signature (UHS) to explain LST in different land-use or land-cover types. The objective of this study is to examine UHS as an Urban Heat Hazard (UHH) based on Universal Temperature Climate Index (UTCI) and Effective Temperature Index (ETI) in University of Indonesia. Thermal bands of Landsat 8 images (the acquisition year 2013-2015) were used to create LST model. A ground data known as Air Surface Temperature (AST) were used to validate the model. The result showed an increased level of maximum temperature during September-October since 2013 until 2014. The maximum temperature was reduced in October 2014, however it increased again in August 2015. The UTCI showed “moderate” and “strong heat stress”, while EFI showed “uncomfortable” and “very uncomfortable” categories during that period. This research concluded that build up area in UI Campus highest temperature on UI campus based on UHS. Range UHS in Campus UI on 2013 (21.8-31.1oC), 2014 (25.0-36.2oC) and 2015 (24.9-38.2oC). This maximum UHS on September (2014 and 2015) put on levelling UTCI included range temperature 32-35oC, with an explanation of sensation temperature is warm and sensation of comfort is Uncomfortable, Psychology with  Increasing Stress Case by Sweating and Blood Flow and Health category is Cardiovascular Embarrassment. This UHS occurs in September will give impact on psychology and health, that’s become the UHH of the living on education area.