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Pembuatan Bioetanol Dari Limbah Padat Sagu Menggunakan Enzim Selulase Dan Yeast Saccharomyces Cerevisiae Dengan Proses Simultaneous Sacharificatian and Fermentation (SSF) Dengan Variasi Konsentrasi Substrat Dan Volume Inokulum Yolanda Amalia; Sri Rezeki Muria; Chairul Chairul
Jurnal Online Mahasiswa (JOM) Bidang Teknik dan Sains Vol 1, No 1 (2014): Wisuda Februari Tahun 2014
Publisher : Jurnal Online Mahasiswa (JOM) Bidang Teknik dan Sains

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Bioethanol is a renewable alternative energy source that can be used as an alternative fuel . One material that has potential as bioethanol feedstock is a solid waste sago , which is the sago industry solid waste that has not been optimally dimanfatkan . The content of cellulose in the solid waste can be converted into bioethanol sago by using simultaneous saccharification and fermentation ( SFS ) process . This research aims to find out how much solid waste can be converted into bioethanol sago with variation of substrate concentration and volume of inoculum , and to determine the influence of substrate concentration and volume of inoculum at the SFS . The variation of this research are the substrate concentration 40 g , 60 g and 80 g and volume variations of inoculum 10 % and 12.5 % at the fermentation time for 96 hours at pH optimum of 5. The process of saccharification uses cellulase enzymes and Saccharomyces cervisiae yeast for the fermentation process. The samples were conducted by using alcoholmeter . The results of this research showed that the highest ethanol which obtained at the SFS process using cellulase enzyme and Saccharomyces cervisiae yeast reached 8 % for 72 hours fermentation time, the variation of the substrate concentration 80 g and 12.5 % inoculum volume  Keywords : ethanol , cellulase enzymes , fermentation , sago , Saccharomyces cerevisiae
Biocelebes Vol. 10 No. 2 (2016)
Publisher : Biology Department, Mathematics and natural science, Tadulako University

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Research on the Analysis of Plant Vegetation on Coastal Tourism Regions Pasir Jambak, Padang City had been done starting from May till September 2015. The goal of this research is to find out the composition and the structure of coastal vegetation on Tourism Regions Pasir Jambak, Padang city. This research uses a plot squared method using belt transects and laying a plot carried out systematically sampling. The results shown at tree level found as many as 5 families, 5 species and 36 individuals. The next level of sapling found as many as 4 families, 4 species and 36 individuals, while at the level of seedling was found as many as 12 families, 19 species and 712 individuals. The highest important value at the level of the tree that Casuarina equisetifolia (214.72%) and the lowest was Pongamia sp. (8.22%). Furthermore, on the level of sapling which has the highest importance Cerbera manghas (156.6%) and the lowest was Glochidon sp. (16.2%), while the highest rate of seedling Spaghneticola trilobata (105.5%), the lowest was Ardisia littoralis, Lantana camara and Blumea chinensis with the value (1.8%). Diversity index is low both at tree level (0.33), the level of sapling (0.46) and the level of seedling (0.77).Keyword : Composition, Structure, Diversity, Plant on coastal
Jurnal Hilirisasi IPTEKS Vol 1 No 4.a (2018)
Publisher : LPPM Universitas Andalas

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Kegiatan IPTEKS berbasis dosen & masyarakat (IbDM) ini dilakukan dengan tujuan untuk diseminasi teknologi budidaya ikan Nila Nirwana secara intensif dalam upaya meningkatkan produktivitas perikanan di Kelurahan Limau Manis, Kecamatan Pauh, Kota Padang dan meningkatkan pengetahuan serta keterampilan petani ikan (masyarakat) Kelurahan Koto Tangah dalam bidang usaha pemeliharaan ikan Nila Nirwana di Sumatera Barat, sehingga diharapkan mereka dapat melakukan pemeliharaan dengan cara/teknik yang baik dan ramah lingkungan. Selain itu kegiatan IbDM ini juga diharapakan mampu mengurangi biaya operasional dalam pemeliharaan ikan Nila Nirwana dan pada akhirnya dapat meningkatkan pendapatan para petani (masyarakat) Kelurahan Limau Manis melalui pengembangan usaha budidaya ikan yang berkelanjutan. Untuk mencapai hasil diseminasi teknologi yang optimal maka sasaran utama IbDM di Kecamatan Pauh ini adalah kelompok tani ikan dan para pembina/pemuka masyarakat Kelurahan Limau Manis yang diharapkan mampu memberikan motivasi kepada petani untuk mensosialisasikan metoda pembuatan pakan formula alternatif untuk pengembangan budidaya ikan Nila Nirwana secara intensif dan ramah lingkungan. Metoda yang digunakan dalam kegiatan ini adalah (1) Penyuluhan (ceramah), dengan materi utama : (a) memberikan pengetahuan tentang berbagai macam bahan baku yang dapat dimanfaatkan untuk makanan ikan, (b) memberikan pengetahuan tentang penyusunan formula/komposisi makanan buatan, (c) memberikan pengetahuan tentang proses pembuatan makanan buatan (d) menambah pengetahuan masyarakat tentang cara menyimpan pelet yang baik agar lebih tahan lama dan (e) pemberian materi tentang pengujian mutu pakan, baik secara fisika, kimia dan biologis; dan (2) Peragaan pembuatan pakan pelet alternatif untuk budidaya ikan Nila Nirwana secara intensif. Dari hasil kegiatan IbDM ini didapatkan bahwa pengetahuan dan keterampilan kelompok tani Kelurahan Limau Manis Kec. Pauh, Padang sebelum dilaksanakan kegiatan IbDM ini masih sangat rendah. Namun demikian motivasi atau keinginan masyarakat kelompok tani mitra IbDM untuk melakukan usaha budidaya atau pemeliharaan ikan sangat besar. Hal ini terlihat dari keinginan masyarakat kelompok tani mitra IbDM untuk menguasai teknologi pembuatan pakan ikan dari hasil limbah daun dan batang talas yang diproses menjadi tepung relatif cukup tinggi. Lebih jauh dari hasil kegiatan IbDM pada masyarakat ini dapat menambah pengetahuan dan keterampilan masyarakat dalam mencari pakan alternatif untuk pakan ikan sehingga kegiatan budidaya dapat berjalan dengan baik di daerah mitra IbDM. Agar kegiatan budidaya berjalan dengan baik di daerah mitra IbDM perlu dilakukan kegiatan IbDM secara berkelanjutan tentang teknik pembuatan pelet ikan alternatif dan teknik pemeliharaan ikan yang efisien dan efektif. Disamping itu perlu dukungan dana atau pemberian kredit oleh pihak yang berwenang kepada masyarakat atau petani ikan untuk modal pengembangan usahanya.
Jurnal Hilirisasi IPTEKS Vol 3 No 1 (2020)
Publisher : LPPM Universitas Andalas

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (739.612 KB) | DOI: 10.25077/jhi.v3i1.347


Lecturer and community based science and technology activities (IbDM) were carried out with the aim of disseminating technology for Gurame culture intensively in an effort to increase fisheries productivity in Limau Manis, Pauh Subdistrict, Padang City and increase the knowledge and skills of fish farmers (community) in Koto Tangah Village in the field of Gurame fish maintenance business in West Sumatra, so that they are expected to be able to carry out maintenance in a good / environmentally friendly manner. Besides this IbDM activities are also expected to be able to reduce operational costs in maintaining Nirwana Tilapia and in the end can increase the income of the farmers (community) of Limau Manis Village through the development of sustainable fish farming. To achieve optimal technology dissemination results, the main target of IbDM in Pauh Subdistrict is fish farmer groups and community leaders / leaders of Limau Manis Village who are expected to be able to motivate farmers to socialize the method of making alternative formula feeds for intensive development of Nirwana Tilapia aquaculture and environmentally friendly. The methods used in this activity are (1) counseling, with the main material: (a) providing knowledge of various kinds of raw materials that can be used for fish food, (b) providing knowledge about the preparation of artificial food formulas / compositions, ( c) provide knowledge about the process of making artificial food (d) increase public knowledge about how to store pellets that are good to be more durable and (e) provision of material on testing the quality of feed, both physically, chemically and biologically; and (2) Intensive demonstration of making alternative pellet feeds for Nirwana Tilapia aquaculture. From the results of the IbDM activity, it was found that the knowledge and skills of farmer groups in Limau Manis Sub-district, Kec. Pauh, Padang before the IbDM activities were carried out was still very low. However, the motivation or desire of the community of IbDM partner farmer groups to carry out the culture or maintenance of fish is very large. This can be seen from the desire of the IbDM partner farmer group to master the technology of making fish feed from the results of leaf waste and taro stems which are processed into flour relatively high. Furthermore, the results of IbDM activities in the community can increase the knowledge and skills of the community in finding alternative feed for fish feed so that culture activities can run well in IbDM partner areas. In order for aquaculture to run well in partner areas of IbDM, it is necessary to carry out IbDM activities continuously on the techniques of making alternative fish pellets and efficient and effective fish-raising techniques. Besides that, it needs financial support or credit by the authorities to the community or fish farmers for capital to develop their businesses.
DISEMINASI TEKNOLOGI FORMULATED DIET ALTERNATIF DALAM UPAYA MENINGKATKAN PRODUKTIVITAS BUDIDAYA IKAN NILA INTENSIF DI KOTA PADANG Efrizal Efrizal; Nurmiati Nurmiati; Chairul Chairul; Anthoni Agustien; Zuhri Syam; Suwirmen Suwirmen; Rusnam Rusnam; Deswati Deswati
Jurnal Hilirisasi IPTEKS Vol 4 No 4 (2021)
Publisher : LPPM Universitas Andalas

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.25077/jhi.v4i4.534


Fish cultivators generally experience difficulties providing quality artificial feed (pellets) due to a lack of knowledge and skills in processing technology and making alternative feeds. Besides that, the costs incurred for feed procurement are relatively large, reaching 70 - 80% of the total production costs. However, the provision of feed is often an obstacle because, in addition to the increasingly high price, the quality of available feed does not always match the nutritional needs needed by Fish. The provision of quality feed for intensively cultivated tilapia dramatically affects the resulting growth and productivity. The higher the quality of the feed, the production will also increase. One of the technologies that can be applied to overcome this problem is the manufacture of alternative formulated diets using local raw materials. The method used in this service activity is the transfer of knowledge presented in the socialization activities in the form of 1) introduction to the types of alternative fish feed ingredients sourced from the area, (2) preparation of artificial tilapia feed formulations, (3) manufacturing technology artificial feed (pellets) and 4) monitoring and assistance. The socialization was carried out in the form of a lecture and was followed by a question and answer session. The results of farmer activities recognize the types of local feed that can be used as fish feed, know the preparation of feed formulations, and alternative artificial feed manufacturing technologies. The knowledge and skills possessed by fish cultivators are expected to overcome the difficulties of fish farmers in providing feed so that fish production and cultivation business increase.
Pengenalan cara membuat sabun colek kepada masyarakat Desa Pulau Payung Kecamatan Rumbio Jaya Kabupaten Kampar Desi Heltina; Drastinawati Drastinawati; Chairul Chairul; Mery Sukmiwati
Unri Conference Series: Community Engagement Vol 1 (2019): Seminar Nasional Pemberdayaan Masyarakat
Publisher : Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat Universitas Riau

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31258/unricsce.1.219-222


Kebutuhan masyarakat meliputi sandang, pangan dan papan. Kebutuhan sandang dan pangan tidak terlepas dari proses pembersihan dan pencucian. Salah satu bahan yang digunakan untuk proses pencucian adalah sabun. Sabun colek banyak digunakan untuk kebutuhan rumah tangga karena bentuk sabun yang lembek, tidak basah, tidak kering sehingga mempermudah penggunaannya, yaitu mudah ditakar dan mudah digunakan untuk bagian-bagian yang sulit pada pakaian berkerah dan lipatan lengan. Untuk itu sabun colek menjadi alternatif dalam pemilihan jenis sabun. Jika sabun colek ini dapat dibuat sendiri maka akan dapat menghemat pengeluaran keuangan dan akan menjadi peluang usaha untuk masyarakat dalam upaya meningkatkan kemampuan wirausaha dalam memproduksi sabun sendiri pada skala kecil dan menengah untuk dijual ke Pasaran. Kegiatan pembuatan sabun ini akan dapat menambah pengetahuan masyarakat tentang ilmu dan teknologi serta dapat menambah pengetahuan tentang kewirausahaan. Pengabdian ini direncanakan dilaksanakan pada kelurahan Pulau Payung kecamatan Rumbio Jaya Kabupaten Kampar. Kegiatan dilakukan dengan metode dalam bentuk penyuluhan yaitu mengenalkan cara pembuatan sabun colek dengan metode ceramah, diskusi dan melakukan demonstrasi/praktek pembuatan sabun colek. Kegiatan ini juga mendukung program pemerintah dalam meningkatkan kemampuan masyarakat dalam memproduksi barang kebutuhan sehari hari untuk menghemat pengeluaran masyarakat dan pada akhirnya dapat meningkatkan kesejahteraan masyarakat.
Gerakan Serbu (Serba Sagu) Sebagai Pemenuhan dan Pengentasan Stunting dengan Memanfaatkan Sumber Daya Pangan Tempatan di Desa Sungai Tohor Barat Chairul Chairul; Nadhira Iffah Lisandra; Riki Ariyadi; Iislamiyah Iislamiyah; Arfa Dinata Ageng Tirtayasya; Ihsanul Khairi; Alya Alissa; Hauriah Hauriah; Rian Efrizal; Reni Kuswanazia; Syafira Junia Ardhani
Publisher : LP2M Universitas Muhammadiyah Enrekang

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Stunting merupakan kondisi tinggi badan seseorang dimana lebih pendek dibandingkan dengan tinggi badan orang lain pada umumnya (yang sesuai dengan umurnya). Menurut data prevalensi stunting tingkat Desa/Kelurahan di Kecamatan Tebing Tinggi Timur Kabupaten Kepulauan Meranti Agustus Tahun 2021 persentase stunting di Desa Sungai Tohor Barat masih dikatakan tinggi dengan persentase sebesar 19% dan jumlah stunting sebanyak 14 orang dengan klasifikasi 2 orang sangat pendek dan 12 orang pendek. Desa Sungai Tohor Barat merupakan salah satu desa yang berada di Kecamatan Tebing Tinggi Timur sebagai salah satu daerah penghasil sagu terbesar di Kabupaten Kepulauan Meranti. Sagu adalah salah satu makanan penghasil karbohidrat yang memiliki beragam manfaat terutama dalam pengentasan stunting. Tingginya tingkat stunting di Desa Sungai Tohor Barat membuat Tim Kukerta Kesohor membuat program kegiatan berupakan Gerakan SerbU (Serba Sagu), kegiatan tersebut merupakan lomba olahan sagu berupa mie dan bubur sagu yang menjadi langkah awal dalam pengentasan stunting di Desa Sungai Tohor Barat.
Composition And Structure Of Undergrowth Habitats Of Flora Rafflesia arnoldii R.Br. In The Forests Of Bukik Pinang Mancuang, Kamang Mudiak, Agam Rizka Sefmaliza; Chairul Chairul
Jurnal Biologi Universitas Andalas Vol 10, No 2 (2022)
Publisher : Universitas Andalas

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.25077/jbioua.10.2.42-46.2022


Vegetation analysis is a way of studying the composition of species and the structure of the vegetation. The objective research about understorey vegetation analysis in the flora habitat of Rafflesia arnoldii in Bukit Pinang Mancuang Forest, Kamang Mudiak, Agam was to determine the composition and structure in the flora habitat of Rafflesia arnoldii in Bukit Pinang Mancuang Forest, Kamang Mudiak, Agam. Vegetation analysis was carried out by using the quadratic plot method with a size of 2 x 2 m. There were 6 plots have been made and species identification was carried out at the Andalas University Herbarium. According to the observation result, there are 32 species discovered consisting of 601 individuals with 19 families. The dominant families are Rubiaceae (34.61%) and Utricaceae (32.61%). The importance value index of Coffea canephora was obtained (51.28%). The plant diversity index in this area was classified as moderate (H'=2.58). Based on the analysis conveyed, it can be concluded that the Rubiaceae and Urticaceae families are adequate forest and life support for Rafflesia arnoldii habitat. It is recommended that the local government designated the forest as a conservation area in order to preserve the existence of Rafflesia arnoldii and its habitat.
Komposisi Dan Struktur Komunitas Fitoplankton Di Perairan Teluk Sungai Pisang Kota Padang Sumatera Barat pada Musim Kemarau Gusna Merina; Indra Junaidi Zakaria; Chairul Chairul; Ahmad Mursyid
Jurnal Laot Ilmu Kelautan Vol 5, No 1 (2023): Jurnal Laot Ilmu Kelautan
Publisher : Universitas Teuku Umar

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35308/jlik.v5i1.7159


AbstractSungai Pisang Bay is located south of Padang City, at this location there are various activities including Pasumpahan Island water tourism, fishing, and settlement activities. This is expected to pollute the sea and have an impact on marine biota, especially phytoplankton. The purpose of this study was to examine the quality of seawater based on the composition and structure of the phytoplankton community in the Sungai Pisang Bay, Padang City. The research was conducted using survey methods and field sampling using plankton net at three sample stations on Pasumpahan Island, Ujung and Setan Island. The result is conducted 100 species of phytoplankton were found consisting of 4 classes, namely Bacillariphyceae 66 species, Chlorophycaeae 1 species, Cyanophyceae 3 species and Dinophyceae 30 species. The phytoplankton diversity index in April ranged from 2.056-3.165 and in Mei 2.644-2.977. The phytoplankton equitability index in April ranged from 0.565-0.836 and in Mei 0.727-0.809. The phytoplankton dominance index in April ranged from 0.054-0.087 and in Mei 0.096-0.131. Physical Chemistry in good condition base on KEPMEN LH No 51/2004. It can be concluded that the condition of Sungai Pisang Bay waters is based on the presence of phytoplankton in dry conditions is good.
Fermentasi Fermentasi Asam Asetat Dari Nira Nipah Menggunakan Acetobacter Pasteurianus Dengan Variasi Waktu Dan pH Awal Fermentasi Tantri Wilinda Julia; Chairul Chairul; Sri Rezeki Muria
Jurnal Online Mahasiswa (JOM) Bidang Teknik dan Sains Vol 6 (2019): Edisi 2 Juli s/d Desember 2019
Publisher : Jurnal Online Mahasiswa (JOM) Bidang Teknik dan Sains

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Indonesia has 23% of world’s mangrove ecosystems, add up to 3.489.140,68 hectares with nipah plants (Nypa Fruticans) as one of the largest. Nipah sap is one of the products obtained from young fruit bunches with high sugar content that providing an opportunity as an alternative raw material for the production of acetic acid. Acetic acid can be produced from sugary materials through a fermentation process using microorganisms. This study was taken up to evaluate the role of some paramaters like initial pH and incubation period on acetic acid production from nipah sap by two simultaneous stages of fermentation using Saccharomyces cerevisiae and Acetobacter pasteurianus. Nipah sap after acid hydrolysis using 3 g/L oxalid acid were used as substrate for bio-ethanol production. Sugar contents of 417,71 g/L, temperature of 30°C, initial pH 4,5 and incubation period of 24 hours, inoculum of S.cerevisiae 10% (v/v) produced 10% (v/v) bio-ethanol. This medium were used as substrate to produced acetic acid using A.pasteurianus. Initial pH variation of 5, 5,5 and 6 and incubation period of 1,3 5, 7 and 9 days. The highest concentration of acetic acid obtained is 31,046 g/L and 30,56 %yield on the 5th day of acetic acid fermentation at the initial pH fermentation 5,5.Keywords: acetic acid, Acetobacter pasterian, fermentation, initial pH, nypa sap.
Co-Authors Ade Ayu Oksari Ade Sri Umaiyah Adriani Lestari Adrianto Ahmad Ahmad Dedi Fadillah Ahmad Mursyid Ajma Nouri Alya Alissa Amun Amri ANDRIA AGUSTA Annisa Novianti Samin Anthoni Agustien Arfa Dinata Ageng Tirtayasya Cece R Cory Dian Alfarisi David Hamonangan Deasy Rahmayuni Desi Heltina Deswati Deswati Dewi Kusuma Nurmalasari Diah Pramushinta Dike Putra Ganda Dina Citra Naomi Dina Citra Naomi Harianja Dina Remina Drastinawati Drastinawati Edy Saputra Efrizal Efrizal Eka Trisnawati Elia Simanjuntak Ella Awaltanova Erizal Mukhtar Evelyn Evelyn Farhiz Lagan Fariez Fariez Ferry Lismanto Syaiful Futhanul Wewe Gilang Fathurrahman Gusna Merina Hafidawati, Hafidawati Hauriah Hauriah I Gusti Bagus Wiksuana Ihsanul Khairi Iislamiyah Iislamiyah Imron Sutiono Indra Junaidi Zakaria Intan Oktaviani Irdoni HS Irdoni Irdoni Irdoni S Irvan Fadli Wanda Karim Abdullah Khaira Khaira M Ridwan Afitra Maria Peratenta Sembiring Maulia Rayana Mery Sukmiwati Mohammad Rezky Muhammad Rivai Multi Handriyani Nadhira Iffah Lisandra Nurainas Nurainas Nurmiati Nurmiati Nuvicha Rizqi Yuniva Zikra Oci Khairani Rafly Rafly Reni Kuswanazia Reni Oktaviani Rian Efrizal Riki Ariyadi Riki Irwandi Rizka Sefmaliza Roni Roni Rusnam Rusnam Said Said Said Zul Amraini Shintia Oktaviani Silvia Reni Yenti Sisi Oktadira Kalpatari Sri Budi Sulianti Sri Meilani Sri Rezeki Muria Sunarno Sunarno Suwirmen, Suwirmen Syafira Junia Ardhani SYAIFUL BAHRI Syelvia Putri Utami Tafrikhatul Walidah Tantri Wilinda Julia Tiara Tiara Tri Murningsih Wahyu Mey Riswanto Winarto Tarigan Wisrayetti Wisrayetti Yelmida Azis Yeni Rizki Yolanda Amalia YULIASRI JAMAL Yuthia Aulia Riani ZA ZA Zozy Aneloi Noli Zuherti Zainul Zuhri Syam