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MaPan : Jurnal Matematika dan Pembelajaran Vol 8 No 2 (2020): DECEMBER
Publisher : Department of Mathematics Education Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teacher Training Universitas Islam Negeri Alauddin Makassar

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24252/mapan.2020v8n2a12


This study aims to produce learning tools using Realistic Mathematics Education approach to relations and functions material. This type of research used the Plomp development model, which consists of three phases, namely the initial investigation phase, the development or prototyping phase, and the assessment phase. The research subjects were grade VIII students of SMPN 2 Takengon. The instruments of research are expert validation sheets, practicality assessment sheets, and effectiveness assessment sheets. The resulting tools include lesson plan, student books, teacher books, and student worksheets. The average assessment of the four aspects of the lesson plan was 3.89 with valid criteria. The average assessment of the three aspects of the teacher's book was 3.98 with valid criteria. The average assessment of three aspects of the student book was 3.97 with valid criteria. The average assessment of two aspects on the student worksheets was 3.75 with valid criteria. Learning implementation 96.86% and carried out well. The teacher's response showed that, on average, 82% of the lesson plan assessment aspects are responded positively by the teacher. The response of student books was obtained by 83.2% of students who gave positive responses to student books and 82.6% of students who gave positive responses to student worksheets. The students’ learning outcomes obtained a classical average value of 74.2. The results of validation and testing of learning tools show that the tools meet the criteria of learning tools developed, referring to valid, practical, and effective.
Fostering Higher Order Thinking Skills in Mathematics Learning: A Scoping Review of Teacher Development Initiatives Ega Gradini; Ali Umar; Firmansyah Firmansyah; Yusuf Effendi; Winardi Winardi
Unram Journal of Community Service Vol. 5 No. 1 (2024): March
Publisher : Pascasarjana Universitas Mataram

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29303/ujcs.v5i1.570


This community service program aimed to enhance both the understanding and application of Higher-Order Thinking Skills (HOTs) in mathematics instruction for participating teachers. Employing a targeted professional development approach informed by the Community-Based Participatory Research (CBPR) framework, the program equipped 21 mathematics teachers from Musyawarah Guru Mata Pelajaran (MGMP) in Aceh Tengah District, Indonesia, with the necessary knowledge and pedagogical strategies to foster and cultivate high-level thinking skills in their students. The program demonstrably improved teachers' knowledge, skills, and commitment towards implementing HOTs-oriented instruction. While areas like solving HOTs questions necessitate further attention, the overall results suggest success, paving the way for continued advancements in promoting deep-thinking and problem-solving skills in mathematics education. Analysis of the data reveals a positive impact of the program on teachers' understanding of HOTs. While areas such as problem-solving and critical thinking require further development, the program evidently achieved its goals of raising awareness, knowledge, and application skills related to HOTs. Building upon this foundation, future interventions can delve deeper into these advanced skills, further empowering teachers to cultivate critical thinking and problem-solving abilities in their students.