Jupri Kartono
STIKes Panca Bhakti Bandar Lampung

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Penerapan Relaksasi Napas Dalam Saat Dilakukan Range Of Motion Pada Responden Asam Urat Terhadap Nyeri Nur Azizah; Shanty Chloranyta; Jupri Kartono
Jurnal Ilmu Kesehatan Indonesia (JIKSI) Vol 2, No 2 (2021): JURNAL ILMU KESEHATAN INDONESIA (JIKSI)
Publisher : Univeristas Mitra Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar


Penyakit asam urat disebabkan oleh kandungan asam urat yang berlebihan dalam darah sehingga terjadi penumpukan kristal asam urat di persendian dan jaringan lunak lainnya.Tujuan  dari penelitian diidentifikasi dan dianalisis penerapan nafas dalam saat dilakukan Range of Motion (ROM) pada responden asam urat terhadap  nyeri. Metode penelitian menggunakan pendekatan studi kasus. Lokasi penelitian di Puskesmas gedong Air Bandar Lampung, dengan 2 subyek penelitian. Instrumen yang digunakan yakni Numeric  Rating  Scale  ( NRS), dan  SOP relaksasi napas dalam, SOP Range Of Motion, alat ukur GCU. Intervensi di berikan 2 kali dalam sehari dilakukan selama 3 hari. Hasil penelitian nyeri sebelum dilakukan intervensi nyeri sedang (6-4) dibandingkan dengan nyeri setelah dilakukan intervensi menjadi nyeri ringan (1-3). Kesimpulan relakasasi napas dalam dapat menurunkan nyeri saat dilakukan ROM pada responden. Relaksasi napas dalam saaat dilakukan ROM dapat dilakukan untuk meminimalisir terjadi nyeri pada responden asam urat.Kata Kunci: asam urat, nafas dalam, nyeri, range of motion
Hubungan Status Pekerjaan Ibu Dengan Pemberian Asi Eksklusif Di BPM Wirahayu Panjang Bandar Lampung Arie Fitriani; Jupri Kartono; Risneni R
Jurnal Kesehatan Panca Bhakti Lampung (JKPBL) Vol 6 No 1 (2018)
Publisher : LPPM STIKes Panca Bhakti Bandar Lampung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (180.194 KB) | DOI: 10.47218/jkpbl.v6i1.39


Pemberian ASI eksklusif selama 6 bulan dapat menurunkan resiko kematian akibat infeksi saluran nafas akut dan diare. Namun persentase pemberian ASI eksklusif pada bayi 0 -6 bulan di Provinsi Lampung 52,58% pada tahun 2013. Angka ini bila dibandingkan dengan target Nasional masih dibawah target yang diinginkan (80%). Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui hubungan status pekerjaan ibu dengan pemberian ASI ekslusif di BPM Wirahayu Panjang Bandar Lampung. Desain penelitian bersifat analitik dengan pendekatan cross sectional. Populasi pada penelitian ini adalah ibu yang memiliki bayi usia 6-24 bulan di BPM Wirahayu Panjang Bandar Lampung yang berjumlah 114 orang dan sampel sebanyak 97 orang. Pengumpulan data dengan menggunakan kuesioner. Analisa data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ialah analisa univariat dan analisa bivariat dengan uji Chi-Square (x2). Hasil penelitian didapatkan ibu bekerja yang tidak memberikan ASI eksklusif sebanyak 36 orang (92,3%).Berdasarkan hasil uji statistik diperoleh ada hubungan ibu bekerja dengan pemberian ASI eksklusif di BPM Wirahayu Panjang Bandar Lampung dengan p-value =0,000 (p-value < 0,05) dan didapati OR = 11,200 yang berarti ibu tidak bekerja mempunyai peluang 11,200 kali untuk dapat memberikan ASI secara Eksklusif dibandingkan ibu bekerja. Dari hasil diatas diharapkan bagi petugas kesehatan mampu memotivasi, memberikan bimbingan dan penyuluhan manajemen menyusui dikalangan ibu guna mencapai pemberian ASI eksklusif. Bagi instansi pendidikan sebagai bahan pembelajaran dan sebagai sumber bacaan serta bahan pustaka bagi mahasiswi kebidanan Panca Bhakti. Bagi peneliti selanjutnya diharapkan dapat melakukan penelitian selanjutnya melalu variabel yang belum diteliti.
Perbandingan Nyeri Pemasangan Infus Menggunakan Tehnik Distraksi Visual Kartu Jupri Kartono; Fiki Nurfitri
Jurnal Kesehatan Panca Bhakti Lampung (JKPBL) Vol 10 No 1 (2022): JKPBL Vol 10 No 1 2022
Publisher : LPPM STIKes Panca Bhakti Bandar Lampung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.47218/jkpbl.v10i1.164


Children who are hospitalized will receive measures and treatments according to their basic needs and illness. One of the routine actions is the installation of infusion that causes pain. The aim of this study was to determine the level of pain infusion in preschool children performed and not done by visual distraction card techniques. This research method uses a quantitative method with a case control design approach where pain response measurements are carried out on 30 respondents who are divided into two groups, those are the group treated with the card visual distraction technique and the group not treated with the card visual distraction technique. Researchers used the Wong Baker Pain Rating Scale to measure respondents' pain levels. Data analysis uses the Mann Withney statistical test. The results obtained after the card visual distraction technique was given to 15 respondents in the intervention group experienced moderate and mild pain levels while in 15 respondents the control group was not given intervention the level of pain was moderate and severe categories, further analysis using statistical tests obtained p value 0,000 which means there Significant influence between the level of pain infusion installation and card visual distraction techniques. The conclusion was that the card visual distraction technique was able to reduce the level of pain of preschool children when infusion was not performed.
Hubungan Dukungan Suami Terhadap Pelaksanaan Inisiasi Menyusu Dini Nidya Aryani; Jupri Kartono
Jurnal Kesehatan Panca Bhakti Lampung (JKPBL) Vol 9 No No 2 (2021): JKPBL Vol 9 No 2 2021
Publisher : LPPM STIKes Panca Bhakti Bandar Lampung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.47218/jkpbl.v9iNo 2.128


Early Initiation of Breastfeeding is a breastfeeding process that starts as soon as possible which is done by allowing the baby to have skin contact with the mother's skin for at least the first hour after birth or until the early breastfeeding process ends. Husband's support plays a role in the implementation Early Initiation of Breastfeeding where many husbands are found who do not support or motivate because they do not know or understand about Early Initiation of Breastfeeding. Aim to determine the relationship between husband's support and the implementationEarly Initiation of Breastfeeding in post partum mothers at the Independent Midwife Practice. The type of research used is quantitative with a cross sectional research design. The population of this study were all spontaneous postpartum mothers who were accompanied by their husbands during childbirth at the Independent Midwife Practice Bandar Lampung during June-August 2019 as many as 33 people. The research sample used accidental sampling method, namely the entire population as a sample. Questionnaires are used as a tool for data collection. The data analysis used was Chi-square bivariate analysis. Results based on the results of the study, 84.8% (28 people) succeeded in doing Early Initiation of Breastfeeding and 78.8% (26 people) who received the support of their husbands to do Early Initiation of Breastfeeding. The results of statistical tests with chi square obtained p-value = 0.004 and OR = 33.333. Conclusion There is a relationship between husband's support for the implementation Early Initiation of Breastfeeding in maternity mothers at the Independent Midwife Practice in 2019. Suggestions for midwives as the spearhead of service to be more active in providing counseling, especially on antenatal checks by providing education about Early Initiation of Breastfeeding program not only to mothers but also to husbands so that they understand the benefits and importance so as to support the implementation Early Initiation of Breastfeeding during childbirth.
Perbaikan Ulkus Diabetik Dengan Penerapan Latihan Range Of Motion Ekstremitas Bawah Pada Diabetes Tipe 2 Shanty Chloranyta; Eko Junaidi; Jupri Kartono
Madago Nursing Journal Vol. 2 No. 2 (2021)
Publisher : Pusat Penelitian dan Pengabdian Masyarakat Poltekkes Kemenkes Palu

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (586.974 KB) | DOI: 10.33860/mnj.v2i2.605


Diabetic ulcers are one of the chronic complications of type 2 diabetes due to chronic hyperglycemia resulting in impaired perfusion and neuropathy. Range of motion exercises in lower extremities improve peripheral perfusion with the aim of facilitating the diffusion of oxygen and adequate supply of nutrients to the ulcer area. The research objectives were identified and analyzed for diabetic improvement in the application of lower extremity range of motion exercises. Case study research design, 2 research subjects, at the Wound Clinic Diabetes Center Bandar Lampung for 2 weeks. The results of the study before the lower extremity range of motion of the degree of diabetes of the two respondents scored 2, after the range of motion of the lower extremity of the degree of diabetes both respondents scored 1. The conclusion of this study showed that lower extremity range of motion exercises can improve the repair of diabetic ulcers in type II diabetes patients. Lower extremity range of motion exercise can be one of the independent interventions carried out for the treatment of diabetic foot ulcers in type 2 diabetes.
Peningkatan Kualitas Tidur Anak Hospitalisasi Yang Megalami Gangguan Pola Tidur Menggunakan Teknik Sleep Hygiene JUPRI KARTONO; Dewi Damayanti; Mar’atun Nufus Sholihah
Madago Nursing Journal Vol. 2 No. 2 (2021)
Publisher : Pusat Penelitian dan Pengabdian Masyarakat Poltekkes Kemenkes Palu

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (306.077 KB) | DOI: 10.33860/mnj.v2i2.726


Hospitalization is a condition that destroys children living in a hospital, undergoing therapy and treatment for a reason that is planned or an emergency. Hospitalization has been shown to cause restless sleep disorders, the client's inability to get a comfortable position and pain is the most common cause of sleep rest disorder. Sleep Hygiene Therapy is a term used to describe good sleep habits or patterns. Sleep Hygiene as a non-pharmacological therapy for sleep disorders, promotes the formation of sleep routines, good and quality sleep patterns. This study aims to determine and analyze the quality of sleep after applying sleep hygiene to school-age children undergoing hospitalization. The method in this study is applied research involving 2 subjects. The results showed that after being given sleep hygiene therapy in children who experienced sleep patterns during hospitalization in both respondents there was a change in sleep quality from severe sleep pattern disorders to mild. The conclusion of this study is that there is an effect of sleep hygiene intervention on the problem of sleep pattern disorders in school-age children undergoing hospitalization.
Penerapan Relaksasi Napas Dalam Saat Dilakukan Range Of Motion Pada Responden Asam Urat Terhadap Nyeri Nur Azizah; Shanty Chloranyta; Jupri Kartono
Jurnal Ilmu Kesehatan Indonesia Vol 2, No 2 (2021): JURNAL ILMU KESEHATAN INDONESIA (JIKSI)
Publisher : Univeristas Mitra Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar


Penyakit asam urat disebabkan oleh kandungan asam urat yang berlebihan dalam darah sehingga terjadi penumpukan kristal asam urat di persendian dan jaringan lunak lainnya.Tujuan  dari penelitian diidentifikasi dan dianalisis penerapan nafas dalam saat dilakukan Range of Motion (ROM) pada responden asam urat terhadap  nyeri. Metode penelitian menggunakan pendekatan studi kasus. Lokasi penelitian di Puskesmas gedong Air Bandar Lampung, dengan 2 subyek penelitian. Instrumen yang digunakan yakni Numeric  Rating  Scale  ( NRS), dan  SOP relaksasi napas dalam, SOP Range Of Motion, alat ukur GCU. Intervensi di berikan 2 kali dalam sehari dilakukan selama 3 hari. Hasil penelitian nyeri sebelum dilakukan intervensi nyeri sedang (6-4) dibandingkan dengan nyeri setelah dilakukan intervensi menjadi nyeri ringan (1-3). Kesimpulan relakasasi napas dalam dapat menurunkan nyeri saat dilakukan ROM pada responden. Relaksasi napas dalam saaat dilakukan ROM dapat dilakukan untuk meminimalisir terjadi nyeri pada responden asam urat.Kata Kunci: asam urat, nafas dalam, nyeri, range of motion