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Pendidikan Sosiologi Vol 2, No 2 (2013): Jurnal Mahasiswa Prodi Pendidikan Sosiologi
Publisher : Pendidikan Sosiologi

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Penelitian ini dilatarbelakangi oleh adat-istiadat dalam bentuk Kenduri Sko yang masih dipertahankan oleh masyarakat Desa Lolo Gedang-Pasar Kerman sampai sekarang dan apa fungsi Kenduri Sko bagi masyarakatnya. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah (1). Mengungkapkan alasan masyarakat Desa Lolo Gedang-Pasar Kerman masih melaksanakan Kenduri Sko, (2). Mengungkapkan fungsi Kenduri Sko bagi masyarakat Desa Lolo Gedang-Pasar Kerman, Kecamatan Gunung Raya, Kabupaten Kerinci.Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah dengan pendekatan kualitatif dengan tipe deskriptif. Informan penelitian yaitu tokoh adat dan masyarakat yang dapat menjelaskan fungsi Kenduri Sko. Jenis data yang digunakan yaitu data primer dan data sekunder. Metode pengumpulan data berupa wawancara dan dokumenter. Teknik analisis data yang digunakan adalah dengan model analisis interaktif menurut Miles dan Huberman yaitu aktivitas analisis data dilakukan secara terus-menerus sampai data tersebut tuntas dan akhirnya jenuh.Hasil penelitian ini mengungkapkan (1). Alasan masyarakat Desa Lolo Gedang-Pasar Kerman masih melaksanakan Kenduri Sko, yaitu a). Kenduri Sko tidak bertentangan dengan agama Islam, b). Kenduri Sko dilaksanakan karena pesan dendam dari nenek moyang (pesan artinya sampaikan dan dendam artinya berkepanjangan), selain itu, Kenduri Sko juga memiliki fungsi bagi masyarakatnya. (2). Fungsi Kenduri Sko bagi masyarakat Desa Lolo Gedang-Pasar Kerman yaitu: a). Ungkapan rasa syukur  tehadap Allah SWT, b). Berterima kasih kepada nenek moyang yang telah merintis, mengarah, dan manaruko, c). Mempererat tali silaturahmi antara keluarga yang satu dengan keluarga yang lain.
Pendidikan Sosiologi Vol 2, No 2 (2013): Jurnal Mahasiswa Prodi Pendidikan Sosiologi
Publisher : Pendidikan Sosiologi

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This reasearch have a background by different perception about educatio in school age, schoolchild explaning the meaning of education with other purpose, it see from their attitude when coming late to school, do not doing the tasks from teachers and penetrated in school. But, government, school and parents have doing everthing ways to increase education quality. The objective of this research is to know and description 1). cause of child is lazy to follow learning process, 2). the meaning of education for schoolchild.The theory in this research is phenomenon theory by Alfred Schutz. Method of this research use qualitative approach. With descriptive research for description problem’s of research. Taking of participation use purposive. Participation from this research is students in senior high school. The data is primary and secunder data. Data collective by interview technique, observation and documentation, with using tools like instruction and interview, book, pen, and handphone. All of data will analyze with reduction data, display data and verification data (summary).The result of this research is 1). cause of child is lazy to follow learning process are: a). internal factor, low of interest child to study. b). eksternal factor, consists of: 1. family evironment factor, is cause of habit and parent’s education background. 2. school environment factor, is docrease of dicipline, influence of friends and method of teacher when teaching students in the class. 3. community environment factor, especially mass media influence like internet, playing and entertain place. 2). the meaning for schoolchild are: a). as an activity to far away fom homework and get the pocket money. b). as an activity to meet with friends and far away from people in village. c). as a media to get certificate.
Partisipasi Masyarakat Mapadegat Dalam Pengembangan Pariwisata Di Obyek Wisata Pantai Mapadegat Kepulauan Mentawai Saogo, Ardi; Oktavia, Dian Anggraini; Elfemi, Nilda
Pendidikan Sosiologi Vol 2, No 2 (2013): Jurnal Mahasiswa Prodi Pendidikan Sosiologi
Publisher : Pendidikan Sosiologi

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This study aimed to describe Mapadegat community participation in tourism development in coastal attractions Mapadegat Mentawai Islands. The theory used is a phenomenological theory. The research is descriptive qualitative study subjects were taken purposively sampling criteria are research subjects local government and some members of the public.And data collection techniques that are used are observation, interview and documentation, data collection tool used is the researchers themselves who go directly into the field, guide research and data, library books, and photos of cameras. Data analysis technique used is the data reduction, interpretation/display the data, and verification/making conclusions.Results of this study are as follows : (1) Public Mapadegat participate in maintaining the attitude to remain polite, friendly, polite and caring at every visitor who comes traveled on the beach attractions in Mapadegat. (2) Community Mapadegat participate in maintaining the infrastructure, security, cleanliness and order every visitor who comes traveled on the beach attractions in Mapadegat. (3) Community Mapadegat participate in the development of tourism through the construction of dams, wc, lodging and youth shelters in the coastal tourist attraction in Mapadegat. (4) Community Mapadegat participated in the land to allow the construction of tourism infrastructure in the coastal tourist attraction in Mapadegat. (5) participate in providing public transportation services tourists coming traveled on the beach attractions Mapadegat and recycling bins for used bags. (6) People ( tourists ) come and keep the attitude to not pollute and damage the infrastructure and Mapadegat beach cleanliness and dress modestly, sociable and well behaved
PENGARUH ANAK RANDAI TERHADAP PEMASARAN HASIL PERTANIAN SAYURAN (Kasus di Nagari Alahan Panjang Kecamatan Lembah Gumanti) Yusri, Elda; Arifin, Zainal; Elfemi, Nilda
Pendidikan Sosiologi Vol 2, No 2 (2013): Jurnal Mahasiswa Prodi Pendidikan Sosiologi
Publisher : Pendidikan Sosiologi

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In agricultural trade vegetables in Nagari Alahan Long Valley District Gumanti require the services of middlemen called randai child. Activities undertaken kids marketing randai affect vegetable crops is in Nagari Alahan Panjang. Randai children directly involved either buy or sell the crop farmers. This study was conducted to see how the influence and child relationship with farmers and toke randai the marketing of vegetable crops is in Nagari Alahan Panjang, especially on the activities carried out by children randai to survive and benefit from his efforts. Based on the above problem definition , the research question is: " How does a child randai the marketing of vegetable farming. The purpose of this study was to determine and describe 1). Influence children against marketing of agricultural produce randai vegetables 2). To know how children randai in relationships with farmers and toke in Nagari Alahan Panjang. This study uses the theory of action proposed Tallcot Parson randai the child actor that can act as a controlling relationship with farmers and toke. This study used a qualitative approach with descriptive type of research, data collection by observation and interview. Informant selection techniques using purposive sampling technique. In order to obtain valid data , this study used data analysis techniques used are from Mathew B. Miles and A. Michael Huberman. The procedure is data reduction, data display and conclusion. Based on the results of the study concluded that children randai with his actions affect the marketing of vegetable crops in the villages Alahan length 1. Influence children against marketing of agricultural products randai vegetables " a). Influence on sales and purchases faster b). Effect on the availability of the crop farmers c). influence farmer relationships, children and toke randai closer 2. Randai child relationship with the farmers in getting merchandise a). Randai child relationship with farmers is hope 3. Relationship with the child randai toke in getting merchandise 4. Relationship between randai cjhild and its transportation, Labour Lift and Builders Weigh.
‘SASI’, KEARIFAN LOKAL DALAM PENGELOLAAN SUMBER DAYA LAUT (Kasus; Masyarakat suku Tanimbar di Desa Adaut, kecamatan Selaru, kabupaten Maluku Tenggara Barat) Elfemi, Nilda
e-Journal Pelangi volume 6 No.1 Vol 6, No 1 (2013): e-Journal Pelangi volume 6 No.1
Publisher : e-Journal Pelangi volume 6 No.1

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The human dependence of nature requires a harmonious relationship between them, in which humans are part of nature itself, which means having to maintain balance and sustainability. In an effort to maintain balance and sustainable marine resources, Tanimbarnise at Adaut village have principles or traditional norms which are respected and practiced in the management of marine products in the form of sasi. SASI enforcement of ocean is primarily intended to keep the sustainability of marine resources that are not disturbed by the exploitation activities carried out continuously, which ultimately makes it the trouble themselves to earn income from marine products. This paper is the result of a research that aims to describe the implementation of marine sasi on Tanimbarnise at Adaut village.
Pendidikan Sosiologi Vol 1, No 1 (2014): Jurnal Wisuda Ke 48 Mahasiswa Prodi Pendidikan Sosiologi
Publisher : Pendidikan Sosiologi

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This research was motivated by the problems and circumstances Trunk Arau Village Community Environment Southern District of Padang City. In this case to see how environmental conditions and circumstances masyarakatnya. Purose this study is to describe 1 ). Community Efforts to Improve Environmental Hygiene in the village of Batang Arau. 2 ). Constraints in Improving Public Health in Urban Environment Batang Arau. Methods The study used a qualitative approach with descriptive type. Intake of informants used by purposive sampling. The type of data in this study there are two primary data and secondary data. The data collection technique is the technique of interview, observation and documentation, using a tool such as interview guides, books, pens and cell phone. After the data were analyzed by means of the data is reduced, data display and data verification ( conclusion ). The results of the study revealed tha, 1 ) Community efforts to improve environmental hygiene in the village of Batang Arau, namely: ( a ) Mutual Aid, ( b ) Procurement trash every home residents, ( c ) Throw garbage into the garbage containers provided by the Government, ( d ) Burning trash, ( e ) Rework garbage, ( f ) Reduce usage of materials that could be rubbish. 2 ) Obstacle in the improvement of environmental hygiene in the village of Batang Arau, namely: ( a ) Lack of public awareness, ( b ) Lack of socialization, ( c ) Trash submissions from the next village, ( d ) The location of the tank is not quite right, ( e  ) The lack of trash from city office, ( f  ) The state of the damaged bins. 
PERUBAHAN MATA PENCAHARIAN MASYARAKAT PASCA PENGEMBANGAN JALAN ALAI-BY PASS (Studi Kasus: Kelurahan Lubuk Lintah Kecamatan Kuranji Kota Padang) Febriani, Febriani; Prahara, Surya; Elfemi, Nilda
Pendidikan Sosiologi Vol 1, No 1 (2014): Jurnal Wisuda Ke 48 Mahasiswa Prodi Pendidikan Sosiologi
Publisher : Pendidikan Sosiologi

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This research of background by existence of policy of government for the development of road, street of Alai-By Pass, where one of them as main road and gand alternative avacuate so that facilitating society to save self. This matter bring impact to change of society living residing in sub-district of deep hollow leech. This research aim to for the knowing of society living before and after development of road. Street of Alai-By Pass in sub- district of deep hollow leech disrtrict of Kuranji and of knowing mount earnings of society in sub-district of deep hollow leech district of Kuranji town field.   Theory of used is change of social according to this Neil Smelser research use approach of research qualitative with descriptive type. Informan at this reseach is original society who live in frontage walke Alai- By Pass and elite figure and also officer of subdistrict of deep hollow leech. Election of informan at this research use technique of purposive sampling. Data type the used is primary data and data of sekunder. Method data collecting conducted in three way of. (1) observation (observation non-participant), (2) cir cumstantial interview, (3) documentation study. Its analysis data used with model analysis data of interaktif (Miles and of Huberman) including in four step, that is: (1) data collecting phase, (2) phase reduce data, (3) phase presentation of data and (4) conclusion phase.
POLA ASUH ANAK DARI ORANG TUA BERCERAI In Lubuk Layang Kecamatan Rao Selatan Kabupaten Pasaman Yanti, Fitri; Fachrina, Fachrina; Elfemi, Nilda
Pendidikan Sosiologi Vol 1, No 1 (2014): Jurnal Wisuda Ke 48 Mahasiswa Prodi Pendidikan Sosiologi
Publisher : Pendidikan Sosiologi

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             This research is describe about how to keep child from broken home in Nagari Lubuk Layang Kecamatan Rao Selatan Kabupaten Pasaman, this problem give effect to their child because a mother not only to keep the child, but have character a father for her child. The research problem is how to keep a broken home child in that place. The goals of research is describe keep child from broken home and problems to attend child from broken home. In this research used qualitative approach.Researcher used questioning strategy to get data. The researcher have technique choose informant with purposive sampling, from this technique researcher choose who is informant research can use. Pola Asuh Anak dari Orang Tua Bercerai used theory is Structural Fungsional by Talcott Parsons about society is a sociality, if one of system get problem, so will give effect to other system.            The result of research show parent used permissive method, where is parent give freedom to child, because have broken parent. Other parent found used democratic to keep their child with give clearly rules for act and character a child.            The conclusion in this research is attend permissive form and democratic to their children from broen parent because a parent have less times to stay in home with their children.
PERUBAHAN KONDISI SOSIAL EKONOMI MASYARAKAT PASCA PEMBANGUNAN JEMBATAN SITI NURBAYA (Studi Kasus: Kelurahan Batang Arau Kecamatan Padang Selatan Kota Padang) Dahnil, Dahnil; Prahara, Surya; Elfemi, Nilda
Pendidikan Sosiologi Vol 1, No 1 (2014): Jurnal Wisuda Ke 48 Mahasiswa Prodi Pendidikan Sosiologi
Publisher : Pendidikan Sosiologi

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Thesis examines the socio-economic changes after the construction of the Bridge Siti Nurbaya (Case Study: Batang Arau Village Padang Selatan Urban District City of Padang), namely social interaction, social behavior and education as well as changes in livelihood and income levels. The goal is achieved in this study was to describe: "Socio-Economic Conditions Society Changing at Development". The theory used is the Theory of Social Change Neil Smelser. Changes to the existing range Smelser is a separate process, as well as the process of social units that were formed specifically think (Long, 1987:162). Informants research taken by purposive sampling. Informants in the study of 20 people, consisting of sub-district staff and the community in the village of Batang Arau which utilizes Siti Nurbaya Bridge as a place to trade. This type of data is the primary data derived from interviews with informants and secondary data obtained from the relevant references. Data were collected through observations, interviews and documentation. Data analysis was performed with data reduction techniques, the presentation of the data and draw conclusions. These results indicate that: 1) the social condition before Bridge Siti Nurbaya built, people have a good attitude and behavior, good manners and mutual respect, but with the construction of the Siti Nurbaya bridge result in changes to behavior, attitudes and education community. More individualized society, the lack of respect and passion for the decline in mutual cooperation, while public education is progressing with a number of children through education and (2) the economic condition of the people of Batang Arau Village before the bridge Siti Nurbaya, including employment and income poor, after the construction of bridge Siti Nurbaya economic conditions cause changes Batang Arau Village community, opening jobs, livelihood began to grow and increase revenues. People who switched livelihood and some even have two jobs and increased revenue on a new livelihood.
SASI, KEARIFAN LOKAL DALAM PENGELOLAAN SUMBER DAYA LAUT (Kasus; Masyarakat suku Tanimbar di Desa Adaut, Kecamatan Selaru, Kabupaten Maluku Tenggara Barat) Elfemi, Nilda
Jurnal Pelangi : Research of Education and Development Vol 6, No 1 (2013)
Publisher : STKIP PGRI Sumatera Barat

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (65.679 KB) | DOI: 10.22202/jp.2013.v6i1.281


The human dependence of nature requires a harmonious relationship between them, in which humans are part of nature itself, which means having to maintain balance and sustainability. In an effort to maintain balance and sustainable marine resources, Tanimbarnise at Adaut village have principles or traditional norms which are respected and practiced in the management of marine products in the form of sasi. SASI enforcement of ocean is primarily intended to keep the sustainability of marine resources that are not disturbed by the exploitation activities carried out continuously, which ultimately makes it the trouble themselves to earn income from marine products. This paper is the result of a research that aims to describe the implementation of marine sasi on Tanimbarnise at Adaut village