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Celtic : A Journal of Culture, English Language Teaching, Literature and Linguistics Vol. 7 No. 2 (2020): December 2020
Publisher : University of Muhammadiyah Malang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22219/celtic.v7i2.14064


As the need of the contextual learning for English for Tourism class increases, the new teaching methods with integration of technology need to be further explored. Recently, the common method used in the class usually focuses on monologue, lecture, video exploration and presentation, meanwhile, contextual simulation is rarely used and addressed. This study aims at observing the implementation of virtual tourism exhibition activity in English for Tourism class from the students’ perspectives. Qualitative descriptive study was employed by selecting 56 students of English Literature major in T university as research subject. A questionnaire focusing on the area of learning objective, technology literacy and interaction was used to collect the necessary data. The result shows that virtual tourism exhibition has given them a learning alternative during COVID-19 quarantine, some improvement in speaking has been made, and the degree of technology literacy to conduct virtual learning was found  to be satisfying. However, students still prefer having face-to-face activity to virtual meeting. Further, the interaction between students and lecturer is still covered despite of limited time and unstable internet connection. This study suggests that the analysis from the teacher perspective and quantitative calculation on students’ performance in exhibition simulation should be further explored.
Incorporating 9GAG Memes to Develop EFL Learners’ Speaking Ability and Willingness to Communicate Budi Eko Pranoto; Suprayogi Suprayogi
IJEE (Indonesian Journal of English Education) IJEE (INDONESIAN JOURNAL OF ENGLISH EDUCATION)| VOL. 7 | NO.2 | 2020
Publisher : Syarif Hidayatullah State Islamic University of Jakarta, Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15408/ijee.v7i2.17496


ABSTRACTThis research aimed at examining whether employing 9GAG humorous memes as ELT materials is effective in developing EFL learners’ speaking ability and their willingness to speak English. A group of Indonesian intermediate EFL learners were selected as respondents for this study and a series of pre-test was conducted to indicate their initial speaking ability and willingness to communicate before the incorporation of 9GAG humorous memes. The group then learned and practiced speaking skills using their routine topics but complemented with humorous materials adopted from the 9GAG application. Ten teaching and learning sessions were held and were followed by post-test to measure participants’ learning achievements as to speaking ability and willingness to speak. A SPSS software was used to calculate samples t-test to make comparisons between the pre-test and post-test of group’s test scores. The results indicated that using 9GAG humorous memes resulting in laughter is impactful in creating a relaxed atmosphere for EFL learners during learning sessions. Students' attention, retention, creativity, and critical thinking are also maintained and increased. It is concluded that humorous materials in language classes are effectively applicable in increasing learners’ speaking ability and willingness to communicate.ABSTRAKPenelitian ini bertujuan untuk menguji apakah penggunaan meme humor 9GAG sebagai materi ELT efektif dalam mengembangkan kemampuan berbicara dan kemauan siswa EFL untuk berbicara bahasa Inggris. Sekelompok pelajar EFL menengah Indonesia dipilih sebagai responden untuk penelitian ini dan serangkaian tes awal dilakukan untuk menunjukkan kemampuan berbicara awal mereka dan kemauan untuk berkomunikasi sebelum penggabungan meme lucu 9GAG. Kelompok tersebut kemudian belajar dan mempraktekkan keterampilan berbicara menggunakan topik rutin mereka tetapi dilengkapi dengan materi humor yang diadopsi dari aplikasi 9GAG. Sepuluh sesi belajar mengajar diadakan dan dilanjutkan dengan post test untuk mengukur prestasi belajar peserta dalam hal kemampuan berbicara dan kemauan berbicara. Software SPSS digunakan untuk menghitung sample t-test untuk membuat perbandingan antara nilai tes awal dan tes akhir kelompok. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa penggunaan meme humor 9GAG yang menghasilkan tawa berdampak dalam menciptakan suasana santai bagi peserta didik EFL selama sesi pembelajaran. Perhatian, retensi, kreativitas, dan pemikiran kritis siswa juga dijaga dan ditingkatkan. Oleh karena itu, dapat disimpulkan bahwa materi humor di kelas bahasa dapat diterapkan secara efektif dalam meningkatkan kemampuan berbicara dan kemauan siswa untuk berkomunikasi. 
EFL Learner’s Literary Competence Mapping through Reader-Response Writing Assessed using CCEA GCSE Mark Scheme Suprayogi Suprayogi; Samanik Samanik; Elza Aqilla Novanti; Yoana Ardesis
Celt: A Journal of Culture, English Language Teaching & Literature Vol 21, No 1: June 2021, Nationally Accredited
Publisher : Soegijapranata Catholic University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24167/celt.v21i1.2871


Abstract: In literary education, literary competence lies in important position as it reflects students’ critical thinking ability to understand text as a whole and connect it to both their experience and social phenomenon. Recently, the research on literary competence focuses on the implementation of reader-response writing; however, it rarely highlights the importance of literary competence mapping through the quantification of the responses. This research aims at revealing the implementation of students’ literary competence mapping by using reader-response writing and The Council for the Curriculum Examinations and Assessment (CCEA) General Certificate of Secondary Education (GCSE) Mark Scheme for literature subject for the assessment. Seven reader response strategies by Beach and Marshal (1991) were used as the framework. Selecting 21 students of English Literature in Prose Analysis class as the research object, this research employed qualitative descriptive method. The result shows, in completing seven reader responses, students provide various answers reflecting their ability to get into the stories. The students mostly find it difficult to describe setting of place and time and their influence to the plot of the story. In assessment process, several adjustments on distributing points of CCEA GCSE Mark Scheme for literature subject.  Mark Scheme in each strategy have been made. Almost half of the students are in the band 4 and band 5 meanwhile the rest of them are in band 2 and band 3. This research concludes that reader-response writing and CCEA GCSE Mark Scheme can be alternative to map the students’ literary competence. The research further suggest that the students should be exposed more on the analysis of setting and on the argumentation building on how they should provide sufficient reason and textual evidence. In addition, the lecturer should also emphasize the expected competence level the English Literature students should acquire.
A Need Analysis of ESP for Physical Education Students in Indonesia Budi Eko Pranoto; Suprayogi Suprayogi
Premise: Journal of English Education and Applied Linguistics Vol 9, No 1 (2020): Premise Journal: e-ISSN:2442-482x, p-ISSN:2089-3345

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24127/pj.v9i1.2274


This research aims at constructing the ideal English material for Physical Education students of universities in Lampung. Currently, students at university are taught about general English and it stimulates the writers to conduct a research to reveal their need of ESP as the answer of the current issues. This research is conducted in two universities, namely Universitas Teknokrat Indonesia and Universitas Lampung. The participants are 50 students, and 10 lecturers of Physical Education study program from both respective universities. The data are in the form of qualitative data which are taken from the interview and the questionnaire to students and lecturers which cover topics needed, and teaching method. The findings reveal the Physical Education students need of ESP in varied range of topics. The highly desired topics are English for sport journalism, English for professional athlete/referee/coach. Furthermore, based on the perspective of lecturers, they believe that students speaking, and writing must be well developed in order to compete in international level as professional athlete, coach, journalist, and etc. The result of analysis concludes the importance of ESP for Physical Educations students. Further research shall be conducted to test the effectiveness of the English topics constructed based on this current research.
Linguistics and Literature Students' Journal Vol 1, No 2 (2020): Linguistics and Literature Journal
Publisher : English Literature Study Program, Faculty of Arts and Education Universitas Teknokrat Indo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (433.87 KB) | DOI: 10.33365/llj.v1i2.293


Speech plays an important role to shape public perception as it is delivered by an influential figure and reflects the points of view of its speaker. This study discusses a speech delivered by the United States President, Donald Trump, which discusses the conflict between Iran and America. This study was conducted to reveal the representation of Iran and the United States in one of Donald Trump’s speeches. The method used in this study is the descriptive qualitative method. The data in this study are in the form of words, phrases, clauses, and sentences that indicate the position of Iran and the United States taken from the speech transcript from the official website of The White House. Data were analyzed under the framework of Van Djik’s Socio-Cognitive Approach, consisting of text, socio-cognitive, and social context. Based on the analysis, it can be concluded that Iran is described as a country that has nuclear ambitions and acts of terror that support the existence of terrorists. On the other hand, America is described as having an invincible power. At a socio-cognitive level, Donald Trump is considered a knowledgeable figure on his country’s political condition because he knows the weaknesses of Iran and can properly take every decision. Donald Trump also has the authority as a President to make The United States and the countries of the world can work together for peace world. Thus, from the level of social context, countries in the world support the actions taken by America and are very alarming about what Iran has done. The finding suggests that the Socio-cognitive approach is practical to analyze the representation of an issue in speech reflected in linguistics expression and the discourse structure.
Linguistics and Literature Students' Journal Vol 2, No 2 (2021): Linguistics and Literature Journal
Publisher : English Literature Study Program, Faculty of Arts and Education Universitas Teknokrat Indo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33365/llj.v2i2.1445


This study focuses to understand the differences in reporting the same of The South China Seaterritorial dispute by two international news websites namely The New York Times and China Dailyand to exposed the hidden ideology behind the representation of those news websites. ThreeDimensional Framework by Fairclough in Critical Discourse Analysis were used in this study alongwith Systemic Functional Grammar particularly in transitivity analysis. The articles in this study werecollected from China Daily and The New York Times news website. The finding revealed that bothnews websites reported the issue of territorial dispute using material process and verbal processdominantly but The New York Times dominantly use material process more than China Daily. Next,the study found out that China Daily depicted the act of Beijing saying that territorial dispute as anormal thing due to the area of water are belong to China while The New York Times depicted the actof China as a violation of Sea rules of navigation in responding the territorial dispute. Last, the resultof this study found that China Daily stated in its news about how the US presence as meddling in thedisputed area of The South China Sea while The New York Times stated that the act of China inresponding the dispute is a harsh attitude and violating the rules. To sum up the study, thecombination of both theories is somehow useful in the discourse to expose the hidden meaning andideology.Keywords: Constrastive study, territorial dispute, three dimensional framework
Community Development Journal : Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat Vol. 3 No. 1 (2022): volume 3 Nomor 1 Tahun 2022
Publisher : Universitas Pahlawan Tuanku Tambusai

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31004/cdj.v3i1.4494


Pemuda merupakan generasi penerus bangsa yang memiliki potensi yang dapat berkembang. Pada organisasi kemasyarakatan, terdapat Karang Taruna yang beranggotakan para pemuda yang tidak hanya saja dapat menjadi penggerak tetapi juga role model bagi pemuda lainnya. Akan tetapi, masih kurang meratanya akses terhadap informasi menyebabkan kurangnya kompetensi-kompetensi penting yang harus dimiliki oleh para pemuda Karang Taruna padahal hal-hal tersebut merupakan faktor penting untuk memiliki daya saing. Oleh karena itu, Program Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat ini melakukan analisis kebutuhan dan menemukan bahwa mereka membutuhkan pelatihan persiapan kerja, khususnya wawancara. Pelatihan dilakukan selama beberapa sesi melalui penyampaian materi dan juga praktik langsung. Pre-test dan post-test dilakukan sebagai evaluasi efektivitas pelatihan juga sebagai refleksi diri bagi setiap individu peserta. Berdasarkan hasil tes, rata-rata setiap indikator menunjukkan peningkatan; pemahaman, sikap dan perilaku. Hal ini berarti pelatihan menunjukkan efektivitas meskipun keberlanjutan program seperti tetap harus dilakukan guna terus meningkatkan kemampuan para pemuda dalam praktik wawancara kerja.
Journal of Research on Language Education Vol 2, No 2 (2021)
Publisher : Universitas Teknokrat Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33365/jorle.v2i2.1311


This paper aims to show the use of Webtoon for EFL students to get more vocabulary either by the dialogue or even just the picture itself because it also can increase the level of curiosity and let them create new words. Webtoon has been known as one of the e-comic applications that are loved by young generations because it is simple yet fun. The use of outstanding visual and daily basis dialogues will surely help students understand the meaning of the whole scene. The method of the research used qualitative descriptive. The technique of collecting data and the data are questionnaires from EFL Learners that also use webtoon on their daily activity as well as English teachers who use webtoon in their class. Overall EFL learners who are also webtoon users found that the application helps them to create new words by seeing the visualization along with the dialogue.
Journal of Social Sciences and Technology for Community Service (JSSTCS) Vol 2, No 2 (2021): Vol 2, No 2 (2021): September 2021
Publisher : Universitas Teknokrat Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33365/jsstcs.v2i2.1374


Pengabdian ini ditujukan untuk membantu SMA Negeri 1 Semaka Tanggamus dalam menyediakan informasi secara lebih luas dan mudah. Kegiatan pengabdian dilakukan dengan menyediakan media informasi digital berbentuk website sekolah. Dengan adanya kondisi pandemi saat ini, dibutuhkan penyebaran informasi yang mudah untuk diakses darimanapun tanpa harus mendatangi lokasi sekolah secara langsung. Kegiatan ini dilakukan melalui pendekatan secara institusional dan partisipatif. Berdasarkan hasil analisis kebutuhan, didapatkan bahwa infrastruktur sekolah belum memadai untuk membuat media digital secara mandiri. Namun sarana internet sudah dimiliki oleh pihak sekolah. Kegiatan ini memberikan solusi dengan menyediakan website pada pihak ketiga, dan dilakukan pendampingan dan pelatihan kepada operator sekolah dalam mengelola informasi pada website sekolah yang telah dibuat. Sehingga hasil dari kegiatan ini memberikan solusi dalam penyediaan informasi digital bagi pihak sekolah bagi masyarakat umum secara lebih luas
Pengembangan Keterampilan Menulis Siswa SMAN 1 Semaka Melalui Web Sekolah Suprayogi Suprayogi; Budi Eko Pranoto; Arief Budiman; Bagas Maulana; Galuh Budi Swastika
Madaniya Vol. 2 No. 3 (2021)
Publisher : Pusat Studi Bahasa dan Publikasi Ilmiah

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.53696/27214834.92


Pengabdian ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan keterampilan menulis artikel ilmiah populer siswa kelas XI SMA Negeri 1 Semaka. Kegiatan ini dilaksanakan dengan metode kualitatif melalui pendekatan institusional dan pendekatan partisipatif. Peserta dalam kegiatan ini adalah siswa SMAN 1 Semaka kelas XI yang berjumlah 30 siswa. Terdapat dua kali pengambilan data, yang pertama adalah pre-test (sebelum pelatihan menulis ilmiah popular diberikan) dan post-test (setelah pelatihan menulis ilmiah popular diberikan). Pada tahap analisis, data dioleh secara kuantitif dan dijabarkan secara kualitatif. Berdasarkan hasil analisis, temuan menunjukkan bahwa pengombinasian antara pendekatan Content Language Intergrated Learning (CLIL) dan media website sekolah efektif meningkatkan keterampilan menulis ilmiah popular siswa kelas XI SMAN 1 Semaka.