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Soft Skills and Work Ethics of Language Program Graduates Yohana Ika Harnita Sari; Erlin Estiana Yuanti; Endang Soelistiyowati
Journal Polingua: Scientific Journal of Linguistics, Literature and Language Education Vol 9, No 2 (2020)
Publisher : Politeknik Negeri Padang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30630/polingua.v9i2.143


Graduates of vocational schools and polytechnics are expected to become skilled workers who are ready to work in various fields of work. Especially for graduates from language study programs, having the language skills and competence certificate is not enough to face the competition in the world of work. They also need to always perform soft skills and work ethics, to be able to get ready for working, to be able to understand colleagues better, and thus to adapt fast in any environment. Thus, there have been issues toward to what extent formal education specifically embeds soft skills and work ethics, what aspects of soft skills and work ethics that employees must possess, and what efforts have been given to develop them. This study aims at describing the efforts done by Language Study Programs, Sekolah Vokasi, Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM)to adopt soft skills and work ethics and describing the performance of Language Study Programs, Sekolah Vokasi, UGM graduates in the aspects of soft skills (intrapersonal skill, interpersonal skill, and communication) and work ethics (commitment, integrity, professionalism, and hard work). The data were obtained by conducting observation and interview to the head of Language Study Programs and also administering a self-evaluation questionnaire, containing 47 items of soft skills and 44 work ethics items with five performance indicators (1: never – 5: always), that was distributed to 160 graduates from English, Korean, Japanese, and Chinese Language Study Programs of Sekolah Vokasi UGM. The finding of study suggests that efforts done are soft skills training session (in student orientation), etiquette lesson, support in organization participation, and internship program. The mean score of each indicator in the questionnaire is between 3.62 – 4.65 (out of 5). This score shows that the Language Study Programs graduates often and usually perform soft skills and work ethics that benefit them in the labor market.  
Work ethics profile of vocational college students in Indonesia Yohana Ika Harnita Sari; Endang Soelistiyowati; Erlin Estiana Yuanti
Jurnal Pendidikan Vokasi Vol 10, No 3 (2020): November
Publisher : ADGVI & Graduate School of Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21831/jpv.v10i3.33809


This study aims at describing the work ethics profile of Vocational College Students in Indonesia. Work ethics is an important indicator of human resources quality, and also an element of employability skills, that must be owned by students of Vocational College as working-age population. There are four main dimensions in work ethics: commitment, integrity, professional attitudes, and hard work. It is descriptive research on self-evaluation survey. It uses a Likert scale with five response options, ranging from 1 (never) to 5 (always). The respondents were determined using cluster sampling and convenience sampling. They are from four vocational colleges based on the three regions in Indonesia: College A (representing Western Indonesia colleges), College B and C (from Middle Indonesia), and College D (in Eastern Indonesia). This geographical perspective is used to get a profile of Vocational College students’ work ethics regionally and nationally. The study concludes that there is no major difference among the self-evaluation results of work ethics in Western Indonesia, Middle Indonesia, and Eastern Indonesia (the mean scores of the four dimensions in four colleges range from 3.89 to 4.54). The study concludes that integrity is in the highest rank among other dimensions. The one that takes place in the second position is commitment, except the one in College C. It is consecutively followed by being professional (except College C since its being professional is in the second place). The last is hard work. This profile signals positive support towards the demographic dividend for the development of the country.
JURNAL AGHNIYA Vol 2, No 1 (2019)
Publisher : STIESNU Bengkulu

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Abstract One of the potential agro-industries is the fisheries sector. Many of the people of Indonesia are starting to realize that fishing businesses or businesses provide significant benefits. However, the orientation that fisheries is a profitable sector has not been able to convince the parties with excess capital to invest in this sector. This can be caused by the company not using the right strategy in gathering investment. One of the investment management services in the agro-industry sector, especially fisheries in Yogyakarta, which has a breakthrough in the collection strategy is a start-up named The method used in this research is field study and literature study, field study is carried out through a direct observation process looking at the process of investment collection management and related activities plus interviewing the owners and employees of The literature study was conducted by examining several sources of reading such as books, articles, and related news and company documentation. From the observations the author gets a description of the investment collection strategy that starts from the stage of company introduction, program campaigns, information services, and registration. Keywords: Investments, Investment Collection, Strategy, Social Crowdfunding Abstrak Salah satu sektor agroindrusti yang potensial adalah sektor perikanan. Banyak diantara masyarakat Indonesia yang mulai menyadari bahwa bisnis atau usaha perikanan memberikan keuntungan yang tidak sedikit. Akan tetapi untuk orientasi bahwa perikanan merupakan sektor yang menguntungkan belum dapat meyakinkan para pihak yang berkelebihan modal untuk berinvestasi pada sektor ini. Hal tersebut bisa disebabkan oleh perusahaan belum menggunakan strategi yang tepat dalam mengumpulkan investasi. Salah satu jasa pengelola investasi sektor agroindustri terutama perikanan yang ada di Yogyakarta yang memiliki terobosan dalam strategi pengumpulan adalah sebuah start-up bernama Metode yang di gunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah studi lapangan dan studi pustaka, studi lapangan dilakukan melalui proses observasi langsung melihat proses manajemen pengumpulan investasi dan aktifitas yang terkait ditambah mewawancarai pemilik dan karyawan Adapun studi pustaka dilakukan dengan menelaah beberapa sumber bacaan seperti buku, artikel, dan berita terkait serta dokumentasi perusahaan. Dari hasil observasi penulis mendapatkan deskripsi mengenai strategi pengumpulan investasi yang dimulai dari tahapan pengenalan perusahaan, kampanye program, pelayanan informasi, dan registrasi. Kata kunci: Investasi, Pengumpulan Investasi, Strategi, Crowdfunding Sosial
Layanan Makanan dan Minuman di Hotel Amaris Diponegoro Yogyakarta Erlin Estiana Yuanti; Lidia Citra Luckyrainita
Jurnal Pariwisata Terapan Vol 1, No 1 (2017)
Publisher : Sekolah Vokasi, Universitas Gadjah Mada

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (529.199 KB) | DOI: 10.22146/jpt.24967


The purpose of the research is to explain about the profile of food and beverage department in Amaris Hotel Diponegoro Jogja. In addition, the services provided by F & B department will also be discussed along with the challenges faced by the staff in F & B department. The methods used in this research consist of field study and library study. The field study was done in the form of direct observation and some interviews. Besides, the library study was also conducted to gaininformation from books, e-book, internet sources, and the handout obtained from Amaris Hotel Diponegoro Jogja including information on its human resources and the food and beverage department databases.Based on the finding obtained from the research, Amaris Hotel Diponegoro Jogja offers the basic standard facilities to the guests, namely bed and breakfast. The breakfast service was handled by the food and beverage department. In addition to the breakfast service, the food and beverage department also serves welcome drink service, meeting and banquet service, table service, and room service. The research also obtains several challenges faced by the staff in the food and beverage department, such as the time management, the communication among the kitchen staffs and the guests. To solve the challenges respectively, some ways were applied by the F & B staff, such as sharing jobs, holding intensive briefings, and also paying attention to the guests’ requests and giving service to the guests according to their requests.
Penyusunan Kurikulum Blok Bahasa Inggris Vokasional Erlin Estiana Yuanti; Nabilla Kusuma Vardhani
Jurnal Vokasi Indonesia Vol 9, No 1: January - June 2021
Publisher : Program Pendidikan Vokasi Universitas Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.7454/jvi.v9i1.219


Penelitian ini bertujuan mengembangkan kurikulum blok Bahasa Inggris vokasional untuk Prodi Sarjana Terapan Bahasa Inggris (S.Tr. BI) Sekolah Vokasi UGM agar dapat menjamin ketercapaian kompetensi program studi sesuai kebijakan Merdeka Belajar Kampus Merdeka (MBKM) dan mencetak lulusan sesuai profil lulusan prodi, yaitu Ahli Bahasa Inggris dalam Hubungan Masyarakat.  Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah kualitatif dengan pendekatan Riset dan Pengembangan (R&D). Terdapat 3 tahap yang dilakukan, antara lain: (1) kajian Pustaka, (2) penyusunan kurikulum blok dan (3) validasi melalui FGD dengan stakeholders. Melalui ketiga tahap tersebut, telah dihasilkan suatu model kurikulum blok Bahasa Inggris vokasional yang disusun didasarkan pada CEFR level C1 dan SKKNI Humas 629/2016. Terdapat empat (4) blok yang berfokus pada penguasaan Bahasa Inggris untuk tujuan khusus pada tahun pertama, dan empat (4) blok terkait kompetensi Bahasa Inggris untuk kehumasan pada tahun kedua. Pada tahun ketiga terdapat 1 blok untuk kompetensi interdisipliner, dan satu (1) blok untuk kompetensi Research and Academic Writing. Sebagai realisasi penyelenggaraan kebijakan MBKM, mahasiswa diberikan hak untuk memilih pembelajaran di luar Prodi pada tahun ke tiga ini dengan skema pertukaran pelajar. Pada tahun keempat, terdapat blok Magang Industri sebagai bentuk skema MBKM serta Penulisan Proyek Akhir sebagai prasyarat kelulusan mahasiswa.Kata kunci : kurikulum vokasional, blok, CEFR, SKKNI Humas, Bahasa Inggris