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Fatwa tentang Pembiayaan Pengurusan Dana Haji dan Status Dana Calon Haji Daftar Tunggu Mubarok, Jaih; Hasanuddin, M
Al-Iqtishad: Journal of Islamic Economics Vol 5, No 1: January 2013
Publisher : Faculty of Shariah and Law

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15408/aiq.v5i1.2107


There are different fatwa between DSN-MUI and council Hisbah Persis relating to financing Hajj arrangements and the status of waiting list Hajj candidates. However, in substance, the DSN MUI fatwa and is not in contradiction with the Council Hisbah Persis because both fatwas forbid bailout that taalluq between qardh with ujrah. To reach istithaah fi ada al-hajj, a person is prohibited to invade other parties that is istithaah, MUI fatwa requires that recipients must pay off the fund before the hajj realized. BPIH funds is belong to depositors and is placed at Islamic banks in form of saving or deposit belonging to depositor.DOI: 10.15408/aiq.v5i1.2107
At-Taradhi Jurnal Studi Ekonomi Vol 6, No 1 (2015): Ilmu Ekonomi
Publisher : Islamic Economics and Business Faculty of UIN Antasari

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (259.579 KB) | DOI: 10.18592/taradhi.v6i1.705


Abstract: The doctrine of riba is one of the important teachings of related transactions in accordancewith Islamic principles. In sharia science, among sharia-compliant transaction is a transaction that isprotected from the elements of riba, gharar, gambling, dharar, and zhulm. This study successfully dem-onstrated the arguments Prohibition of riba and the formation of a variety of riba: 1) riba Fadl (due tonon-fulfillment of the provisions sawa [ an] bi saawa [in]); 2) riba nasa (due to non-fulfillment of theprovisions mitsl [ an] bi mitsl [in]); and 3) nasiah riba (because akumluasi the form of non-fulfillmentof the relevant provisions sawa [ an] bi saawa [in]) and mitsl [ an] bi mitsl [in]). Another Riba is foundin the history of riba jahiliah and riba qardh. In the context of financial transactions, interest cash/bankincluding nasiah riba.
Hukum Mewakafkan Polis Asuransi Mubarok, Jaih; Hasanuddin, Hasanuddin
At-Taradhi Jurnal Studi Ekonomi Vol 7, No 1 (2016)
Publisher : Islamic Economics and Business Faculty of UIN Antasari

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (4628.944 KB) | DOI: 10.18592/at-taradhi.v7i1.1982


Abstract: The endowment policy conducted by three domains: 1)insurance knowledge domain; 2) endowment theory domain; and 3) will theory domain. These three domains of this is expected to helpfnd a solution for the ideas and endowment policy movement in Indonesia in terms of sharia. The study of three domains conducted in order to seek the clarity of legal insurance policy endowment in terms of sharia which showed at least two topics, frst, there is a special element in the insurance, namely welfare. Second, the object of endowment must already be affrmed of wakif during the donated / written endowment; and Musha bih (the object ofthe will) must already belong to Mushi (which intestate) at the time the will is affrmed/written orwhen the nafdaz will (effective), that is when Mushiis died.Abstrak: Kajian wakaf polis dilakukan dengan tiga domain: 1) domain ilmu perasuransian; 2) domain teori wakaf; dan 3) domain teori wasiat. Tiga domain kajian ini diharapkan dapat membantu mencari solusi atas ide dan gerakan wakaf polis di Indonesia dari segi syariah. Tiga domain kajian yang dilakukan dalam rangka mencari kejalasan hukum wakaf polis asuransi dari segi syariah memperlihatkan setidaknya dua topik, yaitu Pertama, dalam asuransi terdapat unsur khusus, yaitu kemashlahatan. Kedua, obyek wakaf harus sudah menjadi milik wakif pada saat akad wakaf diikrarkan/ditulis; dan musha bih (obyek wasiat) harus sudah menjadi milik Mushi (yang berwasiat) pada saat akad wasiat diikrarkan/ditulis atau pada saat wasiat nafdaz (efektif), yaitu Mushi meninggal dunia.Kata Kunci: Waqaf, asuransi, wasiat, polis, syariah.
At-Taradhi Jurnal Studi Ekonomi Vol 6, No 1 (2015): Ilmu Ekonomi
Publisher : Islamic Economics and Business Faculty of UIN Antasari

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.18592/taradhi.v6i1.705


Abstract: The doctrine of riba is one of the important teachings of related transactions in accordancewith Islamic principles. In sharia science, among sharia-compliant transaction is a transaction that isprotected from the elements of riba, gharar, gambling, dharar, and zhulm. This study successfully dem-onstrated the arguments Prohibition of riba and the formation of a variety of riba: 1) riba Fadl (due tonon-fulfillment of the provisions sawa [ an] bi saawa [in]); 2) riba nasa (due to non-fulfillment of theprovisions mitsl [ an] bi mitsl [in]); and 3) nasiah riba (because akumluasi the form of non-fulfillmentof the relevant provisions sawa [ an] bi saawa [in]) and mitsl [ an] bi mitsl [in]). Another Riba is foundin the history of riba jahiliah and riba qardh. In the context of financial transactions, interest cash/bankincluding nasiah riba.
HUKUM MEWAKAFKAN POLIS ASURANSI Mubarok, Jaih; Hasanuddin, Hasanuddin
At-Taradhi Jurnal Studi Ekonomi Vol 7, No 1 (2016)
Publisher : Islamic Economics and Business Faculty of UIN Antasari

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.18592/at-taradhi.v7i1.1982


Abstract: The endowment policy conducted by three domains: 1)insurance knowledge domain; 2) endowment theory domain; and 3) will theory domain. These three domains of this is expected to helpfnd a solution for the ideas and endowment policy movement in Indonesia in terms of sharia. The study of three domains conducted in order to seek the clarity of legal insurance policy endowment in terms of sharia which showed at least two topics, frst, there is a special element in the insurance, namely welfare. Second, the object of endowment must already be affrmed of wakif during the donated / written endowment; and Musha bih (the object ofthe will) must already belong to Mushi (which intestate) at the time the will is affrmed/written orwhen the nafdaz will (effective), that is when Mushiis died.Abstrak: Kajian wakaf polis dilakukan dengan tiga domain: 1) domain ilmu perasuransian; 2) domain teori wakaf; dan 3) domain teori wasiat. Tiga domain kajian ini diharapkan dapat membantu mencari solusi atas ide dan gerakan wakaf polis di Indonesia dari segi syariah. Tiga domain kajian yang dilakukan dalam rangka mencari kejalasan hukum wakaf polis asuransi dari segi syariah memperlihatkan setidaknya dua topik, yaitu Pertama, dalam asuransi terdapat unsur khusus, yaitu kemashlahatan. Kedua, obyek wakaf harus sudah menjadi milik wakif pada saat akad wakaf diikrarkan/ditulis; dan musha bih (obyek wasiat) harus sudah menjadi milik Mushi (yang berwasiat) pada saat akad wasiat diikrarkan/ditulis atau pada saat wasiat nafdaz (efektif), yaitu Mushi meninggal dunia.Kata Kunci: Waqaf, asuransi, wasiat, polis, syariah.
Implementasi al-Wa‘d dalam Bisnis Syariah Jaih Mubarok & Hasanudin
AHKAM : Jurnal Ilmu Syariah Vol 12, No 2 (2012)
Publisher : Universitas Islam Negeri Jakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15408/ajis.v12i2.968


Abstract: The Implementation of al-Wa’d in Syariah Business. Scholars are in disagreement with one another when it comes to their views on what Islamic law says about the legal requirements of meeting one’s obligations and how or whether protracting that obligation should be punished. Hanan bint Muhammad Husen Jistaniyah, says that iltizâm is the term for obligations that are statements involving will; luzûm is the term for obligations that come from syariah ruling. Wa’d, which forms part of a combination of mu‘âwadhât (tijârî) contracts, can be mulzimised in two ways. First, sides agree that contractual document must express explicitly that wa’d is binding, insofar as that obligation (ittifâqiyya) is fulfilled by both sides when, or on the condition that, it is able to be fulfilled. Second, the regulatory side makes and activates legislature saying that wa’d, which can be found in the combination of mu‘âwadhât (tijârî) contracts, is binding, so both sides are obliged to fulfill qânûniyya, when, or on the condition that, it is able to be fulfilled.Keywords: Contract, Fatwa, Mulzim, Wa’dAbstrak: Implementasi al-Wa‘d dalam Bisnis Syariah. Ulama berbeda pendapat tentang hukum memenuhi janji: dianjurkan (sunah/wajib dîniyya) dan wajib secara hukum (qadhâ’iyya). Menurut Hanan binti Muhammad Husen Jistaniyah, iltizâm adalah term kewajiban yang lahir karena pernyataan kehendak yang bersangkutan, sedangkan luzûm adalah term kewajiban yang lahir karena ketetapan syariah. Wa‘d yang merupakan bagian dari rangkaian akad mu‘âwadhât (tijârî) dapat di-mulzim-kan dengan dua cara. Pertama, pihak-pihak sepakat dan dinyatakan secara eksplisit dalam dokumen kontrak (akta) bahwa wa‘d yang dilakukan bersifat mengikat sehingga wajib dipenuhi oleh pihak-pihak (wajib ittifâqiyya) apabila sebab atau syaratnya telah terpenuhi; atau kedua, pihak regulator membuat dan memberlakukan peraturan perundang-undangan menyatakan bahwa wa‘d yang terdapat dalam rangkaian akad mu‘âwadhât dinyatakan sebagai wa‘d yang bersifat mengikat sehingga para pihak diwajibkan untuk memenuhinya (wajib qânûniyya), apabila sebab atau syaratnya telah terpenuhi.Kata Kunci: Akad, Fatwa, Mulzim, Wa’d.DOI: 10.15408/ajis.v12i1.968
Dinamika fatwa produk keuangan syariah Jaih Mubarok
Ijtihad : Jurnal Wacana Hukum Islam dan Kemanusiaan Vol 13, No 1 (2013)
Publisher : State Institute of Islamic Studies (IAIN) Salatiga

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.18326/ijtihad.v13i1.1-14


Fatwa (opinion of jurist/mufti) is developed by mufti/ulama as an instrument of Islamic law as well as guidance for ummah. Fatwa is considered as an actual instrument of Islamic jurisprudence because of certain reasons: a) qaul ulama (jurist’s opinion) as another source of Islamic law beside Quran and hadits; b) there is one single authority of fatwa institution in Indonesia; and c) it is a Mufti’s response towards real social problems in the society. In fact, some fatwas of National Sharia Board are in harmonize with National Acts (i.e. Act of Central Bank).
At-Taradhi Jurnal Studi Ekonomi Vol 6, No 1 (2015): Ilmu Ekonomi
Publisher : Islamic Economics and Business Faculty of UIN Antasari

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.18592/taradhi.v6i1.705


Abstract: The doctrine of riba is one of the important teachings of related transactions in accordancewith Islamic principles. In sharia science, among sharia-compliant transaction is a transaction that isprotected from the elements of riba, gharar, gambling, dharar, and zhulm. This study successfully dem-onstrated the arguments Prohibition of riba and the formation of a variety of riba: 1) riba Fadl (due tonon-fulfillment of the provisions sawa [ an] bi saawa [in]); 2) riba nasa (due to non-fulfillment of theprovisions mitsl [ an] bi mitsl [in]); and 3) nasiah riba (because akumluasi the form of non-fulfillmentof the relevant provisions sawa [ an] bi saawa [in]) and mitsl [ an] bi mitsl [in]). Another Riba is foundin the history of riba jahiliah and riba qardh. In the context of financial transactions, interest cash/bankincluding nasiah riba.
Hukum Mewakafkan Polis Asuransi Jaih Mubarok; Hasanuddin Hasanuddin
At-Taradhi Jurnal Studi Ekonomi Vol 7, No 1 (2016)
Publisher : Islamic Economics and Business Faculty of UIN Antasari

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.18592/at-taradhi.v7i1.1982


Abstract: The endowment policy conducted by three domains: 1)insurance knowledge domain; 2) endowment theory domain; and 3) will theory domain. These three domains of this is expected to helpfnd a solution for the ideas and endowment policy movement in Indonesia in terms of sharia. The study of three domains conducted in order to seek the clarity of legal insurance policy endowment in terms of sharia which showed at least two topics, frst, there is a special element in the insurance, namely welfare. Second, the object of endowment must already be affrmed of wakif during the donated / written endowment; and Musha bih (the object ofthe will) must already belong to Mushi (which intestate) at the time the will is affrmed/written orwhen the nafdaz will (effective), that is when Mushiis died.Abstrak: Kajian wakaf polis dilakukan dengan tiga domain: 1) domain ilmu perasuransian; 2) domain teori wakaf; dan 3) domain teori wasiat. Tiga domain kajian ini diharapkan dapat membantu mencari solusi atas ide dan gerakan wakaf polis di Indonesia dari segi syariah. Tiga domain kajian yang dilakukan dalam rangka mencari kejalasan hukum wakaf polis asuransi dari segi syariah memperlihatkan setidaknya dua topik, yaitu Pertama, dalam asuransi terdapat unsur khusus, yaitu kemashlahatan. Kedua, obyek wakaf harus sudah menjadi milik wakif pada saat akad wakaf diikrarkan/ditulis; dan musha bih (obyek wasiat) harus sudah menjadi milik Mushi (yang berwasiat) pada saat akad wasiat diikrarkan/ditulis atau pada saat wasiat nafdaz (efektif), yaitu Mushi meninggal dunia.Kata Kunci: Waqaf, asuransi, wasiat, polis, syariah.
Fatwa tentang Pembiayaan Pengurusan Dana Haji dan Status Dana Calon Haji Daftar Tunggu Jaih Mubarok; Maulana Hasanuddin
Al-Iqtishad: Jurnal Ilmu Ekonomi Syariah Vol 5, No 1: January 2013
Publisher : Faculty of Shariah and Law, UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (773.77 KB) | DOI: 10.15408/aiq.v5i1.2553


There are different fatwâ between DSN-MUI and Council Hisbah Persis relating to financing Hajj Arrangements and the status of waiting list hajj candidate. However, in substance, the DSN-MUIFatwâ and is not in contradiction with the Council Hisbah Persis because both fatwas forbid bailout that ta‘alluq between qardh with ujrah. To reach istithâ'ah fi adâ’ al-hajj, a person is prohibited to invade other parties that is istithâ‘ah, MUI fatwa requires that recipients must pay off the fund before the hajj realized. BPIH funds is belong to depositors and is placed at Islamic banks in form of savings or deposit belonging to depositorDOI: 10.15408/aiq.v5i1.2553