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Edu Masda Journal Vol 6, No 1 (2022): Edu Masda Journal Volume 6 Nomor 1
Publisher : STIKes Kharisma Persada

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.52118/edumasda.v6i1.149


The prescription overview is an important aspect of prescribing that it can helps reduce medication errors. Medication errors caused by health workers might be occurred due to errors in the prescribing process, error in reading prescription, dispensing error, administration error, patient non-compliance of using medication. Irrational use of antibiotics can lead into antibiotics resistance. This study aims to determine the overview of prescriptions and administrative aspects analysis of the electronic prescriptions containing antibiotics at the Mose Sawah Baru Pharmacy, South Tangerang from July to December 2020. The study was descriptive study and data collected was retrospective. 152 electronic prescriptions were collected by using systematic random sampling method. The results showed that the patient's characteristics based on gender 63.16% were women; based on age 66.45% were for adults (26 – 45 years); based on drug prices, 45.39% were below Rp.25.000,- electronic prescriptions. Characteristics of antibiotics based on drug class, the most penicillin groups were 36 (23.68%); based on drug name, amoxicillin were the most antibiotic drug prescribed (23,02%); based on the dosage form, capsules form were them most prescribed (37.50%). Administrative analysis of prescription completeness according to Permenkes RI No.73 of 2016, shown  prescriptions that complete in administrative aspects were 67 e-prescription (44.08%).ABSTRAKGambaran resep merupakan aspek penting dalam peresepan karena dapat membantu mengurangi terjadinya medication error. Medication error yang disebabkan oleh tenaga kesehatan karena terjadi kesalahan dalam proses peresepan, saat pembacaan resep, pemberian obat yang tidak tepat, kesalahan pemberian obat maupun ketidakpatuhan pasien dalam penggunaan obat. Penggunaan antibiotik yang tidak rasional dapat menimbulkan resistensi terhadap antibiotik. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui gambaran resep dan analisis administrasi kelengkapan resep eletronik yang terdapat obat antibiotik di Apotek Mose Sawah Baru Tangerang Selatan Bulan Juli sampai Desember tahun 2020. Penelitian yang dilakukan bersifat deskriptif dengan pengambilan data secara retrospektif. Metode pengambilan sampel dilakukan dengan menggunakan metode systematic random sampling, dan didapatkan sebanyak 152 resep elektronik. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa karakteristik pasien berdasarkan jenis kelamin, perempuan sebanyak 63,16% ; berdasarkan usia, usia dewasa (26 – 45 tahun) sebanyak 66,45%; berdasarkan harga obat, harga obat dibawah 25,000 rupiah paling banyak dirsepkan sebanyak 45,39%. Karakteristik antibiotik berdasarkan golongan obat, golongan penisillin sebanyak 23,68%; berdasarkan jenis obat, amoksisillin diresepkan terbanyak 23,02%; berdasarkan bentuk sediaan, sediaan kapsul paling banyak diresepkan dengan 37,50%. Analisis administrasi kelengkapan resep menurut Permenkes RI Nomor 73 tahun 2016, menunjukan resep yang memiliki kelengkapan administratif sebanyak 44,08%.
Hubungan Kepemimpinan Dan Motivasi Kerja Dengan Kinerja Karyawan Di Puskesmas Benda Baru Kota Tangerang Selatan Tahun 2020 Tri Okta Ratnaningtyas; Sheila Meitania Utami; Tifani Monika; Nurwulan Adi Ismaya
Edu Masda Journal Vol 4, No 2 (2020): Edu Masda Journal Volume 4 Nomor 2
Publisher : STIKes Kharisma Persada

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.52118/edumasda.v4i2.106


Human resources are a very important factor in an organization both large and small scale organizatio formulation ns. In an organization or company, leadership is one of the things needed to influence performance results. The purpose of this study was to analyze the relationship between leadership and work motivation with employee performance at the Benda Baru Health Center in South Tangerang City in 2020. This study used an observational analytic research type with a quantitative approach and a cross-sectional design. The population in this study amounted to 48 people and the sample size equal to the total population of 48 people. The instruments and data collection techniques used were questionnaires which filled in directly and independently by respondents via google forms. Based on the research results it is known that the leadership variable has a significant relationship with employee performance with p-value = 0.006 and the work motivation variable has a significant relationship with employee performance with a p-value = 0.010. Based on the results of this study it can be concluded that there is a significant relationship between leadership and work motivation with employee performance on employees at the Puskesmas Benda Baru Kota South Tangerang in 2020.Keywords: LeadershipWork motivationPerformanceEmployeesABSTRAK Sumber daya manusia merupakan faktor yang sangat penting dalam sebuah organisasi baik organisasi dalam skala besar maupun skala kecil. Dalam suatu organisasi atau perusahaan, kepemimpinan merupakan salah satu hal yang diperlukan untuk mempengaruhi hasil kinerja. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah menganalisis hubungan kepemimpinan dan motivasi kerja dengan kinerja karyawan di Puskesmas Benda Baru Kota Tangerang Selatan tahun 2020. Penelitian ini menggunakan jenis penelitan analitik observasional dengan pendekatan kuantitatif dan desain cross sectional. Populasi dalam penelitian ini berjumlah 48 orang dan besar sampel sama dengan total populasi yaitu 48 orang. Instrumen dan teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan adalah kuesioner yang diisi secara langsung dan mandiri oleh responden melalui google formulir. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian diketahui bahwa variabel kepemimpinan memiliki hubungan yang signifikan dengan kinerja karyawan dengan p-value = 0,006 dan variabel motivasi kerja memiliki hubungan yang signifikan dengan kinerja karyawan dengan p-value = 0,010. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian ini dapat disimpulkan bahwa terdapat hubungan yang signifikan antara kepemimpinan dan motivasi kerja dengan kinerja karyawan pada karyawan di Puskesmas Benda Baru Kota Tangerang Selatan tahun 2020.Kata Kunci:KepemimpinanMotivasi kerjaKinerjaKaryawan
Gambaran Standar Perencanaan dan Pengadaan Obat di Instalasi Farmasi RSU Kota Tangerang Selatan Tahun 2017 Nurwulan adi Ismaya; Tri Okta Ratnaningtyas; Rani Riskha Wahyuni
Edu Masda Journal Vol 3, No 1 (2019): Edu Masda Journal Volume 3 Nomor 1
Publisher : STIKes Kharisma Persada

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.52118/edumasda.v3i1.25


Selection and Procurement are the crucial things in drug management system and they become primary things to do to avoid drug emptiness. The objective oh this research is to know the effectiveness and effeciency of drug  management in Selection and Procurement stage at South Tangerang City General Hospital  in 2017.  The methods of this research is descriptive research design with retrospective data retrieval. Data in the form of qualitative and quantitative accompanied by interviews with related parties. Selection and Procurement Phase in the measurement of its efficiency by using the indicator that issued by MOH RI (2002). The results showed that in the selection stage of drug management at Tangerang Selatan Public Hospital in 2017 showed it has not been effective, it has seen from the measurement on the indicator of conformity of the drug item with the DOEN showed the value of 20.90% below the standard value of 49%. Then at the Procurement stage showed effective results, it has seen from the Frequency of procurement of medicinal items each year showed frequency results as much as 1-19x / year (Medium standard), the frequency of error invoice / order letter as much as 2 times the value of comparison 1-9 times, and the frequency of delayed payment by the hospital 15 times from the comparison value 0-25 times. Drug procurement in South Tangerang General Hospital has been effective, it showed from the Frequency of procurement of medicinal items per year, the frequency of error invoice / order letter, and the frequency of delayed payment by the hospital. Based on this results, the Drug Procurement in South Tangerang General Hospital has been effective, but the selection hasn’t  effective yet.
Hubungan Kecemasan dengan Kualitas Tidur Pada Mahasiswa Tingkat Akhir Tri Okta Ratnaningtyas; Dwi Fitriani
Edu Masda Journal Vol 4, No 1 (2020): Edu Masda Journal Volume 4 Nomor 1
Publisher : STIKes Kharisma Persada

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.52118/edumasda.v4i1.49


Students are one of the early adult groups who have a lot of activities, so that students become a group that is at risk of having poor sleep quality. One of the causes of poor sleep quality is anxiety factor. This research was conducted to identify the relationship between anxiety with sleep quality in the final level students at STIKes Kharisma Persada. The research design in this study used analytic observational research with a quantitative approach and cross sectional design, with sample was 133 respondents taken by using a simple random sampling. Data collection was performed using a questionnaire and data analysis used chi square statistical test. Based on the results of the research showed that most respondents were 21 years old, female, most respondents experience anxiety with mild levels of autonomic stimulation, mild muscle and bone effects, mild situational anxiety, and experiences in dealing with mild anxiety, have good sleep quality based on aspects of subjective sleep quality, sleep latency, sleep duration, sleep efficiency, sleep disorders, and the use of good sleeping pills and most of the respondents have sleep quality which is based on aspects of the disruption of activity. Based on the results of bivariate analysis with chi square test, it is known that there is a relationship between anxiety and sleep quality with p value = 0.014. There is a relationship between anxiety and sleep quality in final level students.
Hubungan Stres Dengan Kualitas Tidur Pada Mahasiswa Tingkat Akhir Tri Okta Ratnaningtyas; Dwi Fitriani
Edu Masda Journal Vol 3, No 2 (2019): Edu Masda Journal Volume 3 Nomor 2
Publisher : STIKes Kharisma Persada

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.52118/edumasda.v3i2.40


Students are one of the early adult groups who have a lot of activities, so that students become a group at risk of having poor sleep quality. One of the causes of poor sleep quality is due to stress factor. This research was conducted to identify the relationship of stress with sleep quality in the final level students at STIKes Kharisma Persada.  This research used analytic observational research with quantitative approach and cross sectional design. Population in this research were all final level students of STIKes Kharisma Persada, totaling 203 people. Sample in this research was 133 respondents were taken by sampling technique that is simple random sampling. Data collection using questionnaires and data analysis using chi square statistical tests. Based on the results of this research showed the majority of respondents aged are 21 years and female sex. Based on the results of univariate analysis of stress variables, it is known that most respondents who experience stress have difficulty relaxing at a mild level and most respondents experience stress with excessive reactions at moderate levels. Meanwhile, the results of univariate analysis of sleep quality variables are known that most respondents have good sleep quality based on aspects of subjective sleep quality, sleep latency, sleep duration, sleep efficiency, sleep disorders, and use of sleeping drugs and most of the respondents have moderate sleep quality based on the aspect of activity interruption. Based on bivariate analysis with chi square test, it is known that there is a relationship between stress and sleep quality with p value = 0.016. There is a relationship between stress and sleep quality in final level students. 
Evaluasi Penggunaan Obat Sitostatika Ditinjau Dari Berbagai Literatur Nurwulan Adi Ismaya; Riris Andriati; Tri Okta Ratnaningtyas; Nur Hasanah; Dewi Yulianti
Edu Masda Journal Vol 5, No 1 (2021): Edu Masda Journal Volume 5 Nomor 1
Publisher : STIKes Kharisma Persada

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.52118/edumasda.v5i1.113


Cancer is a non-communicable disease, or NCD (Noncommunicable diseases). It becomes a second causative factor of mortality in global. In some cases and scientific journals that show a high problem of drug use in cancer patients. The purpose of this research is to identify the use of sitostatica drugs which are reviewed from a variety of literature. This study uses literature study research. Literature study is a research conducted by researchers by collecting a number of library data relating to the problem and research objectives. Result showed there are the most inaccurate drug diagnosis criteria for patients are 16 cases (22.86%). Inaccuracy in most doses is 21 cases (29.18%). the most inaccurate dose inaccuracy is 127 cases (36.38%), inaccurate indications include the need to add drugs the most is 26 cases (25.49%), drugs without the most indications are 11 cases (10.78%) , inaccurate duration of administration of the most drugs is 15 cases (23.43%), the criteria for alerting for the most side effects are 208 cases (59.59%) the right criteria for the administration method is 100%, the patient is 100% right, and the right submission (dispensing) and information at 100%.
Edu Masda Journal Vol 5, No 2 (2021): Edu Masda Journal Volume 5 Nomor 2
Publisher : STIKes Kharisma Persada

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.52118/edumasda.v5i2.127


One of disease that continues to be a major global health issue is Tuberculosis. This research aims to evaluate a rational of anti-tuberculosis drugs with patient in pulmonary TB at South Tangerang City General Hospital in 2020. The research design was carried out using a descriptive research method. Descriptive research method is carried out with aapproach retrospective. A total sampling technique was used to collect data from 124 patients. According to the study's findings, the age characteristics of the majority of tuberculosis patients were in late adults 36-45 years as many as 28 patients (22.58 percent), and the majority of gender characteristics were male as many as 83 patients (66.93%), diagnoses and diseases The most co-morbidities of tuberculosis patients were pulmonary TB + Type 2 DM patients with a total of 19 patients (15.32%), the category of treatment for the most tuberculosis patients was in category 1, which was 105 patients (84.67%). Presentation of drug rationale includes 100% correct diagnosis, 100% correct indication, 100% correct drug, 88.70% correct dose, 100% correct route of administration, 98,38% correct time interval, and 100% correct patient. It is possible to conclude that the evaluation of the use of anti-tuberculosis drugs in pulmonary TB patients at South Tangerang City General Hospital's Inpatient Installation is not rational.ABSTRAKSalah satu penyakit menular yang masih menjadi masalah utama kesehatan yaitu Tuberkuloasis. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisa kerasionalan obat anti tuberkulosis pada pasien TB paru Rawat Inap di Rumah Sakit Umum Kota Tangerang Selatan Tahun 2020. Penelitian ini adalah penelitian deskripti dengan pendekatan kuantitatif. Data yang digunakan adalah data retrospektif yaitu data tahun 2020 dan pengambilan sampel dilakukan dengan menggunakan teknik total sampling dengan jumlah 124 pasien. Hasil penelitian ini, usia pasien tuberkulosis terbanyak yaitu pada dewasa akhir 36-45 tahun sejumlah 28 pasien (22,58%), pasien terbanyak adalah laki-laki 83 pasien (66,93%), diagnosa dan penyakit penyerta terbanyak pasien tuberkulosis yaitu terdapat pada pasien TB Paru + DM Tipe 2 dengan jumlah 19 pasien (15,32%), kategori pengobatan pada pasien tuberkulosis terbanyak yaitu pada kategori  1  yaitu sebanyak 105 pasien  (84,67%). Presentasi kerasionalan obat meliputi tepat diagnosis 100%, tepat indikasi 100%, tepat obat 100%, tepat dosis 88,70%, tepat cara pemberian 100%, tepat interval waktu pemberian 98,38%, dan tepat pasien 100%. Dapat disimpukan bahwa penggunaan obat anti tuberkulosis pada pasien TB paru rawat inap RSU Kota Tangerang Selatan belum rasional. 
Kejadian Diare Pada Siswa Kelas III, IV, dan V Di SDN Ciputat 02 Kota Tangerang Selatan Tahun 2018 Tri Okta Ratnaningtyas; Nurwulan Adi Ismaya; Nurhafeni Nurhafeni
Edu Masda Journal Vol 2, No 2 (2018): Edu Masda Journal Volume 2 Nomor 2
Publisher : STIKes Kharisma Persada

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.52118/edumasda.v2i2.19


ABSTRAKDiare merupakan penyakit endemis di Indonesia dan juga merupakan penyakit potensial kejadian luar biasa yang sering disertai dengan kematian. Jumlah kasus diare di wilayah kerja Puskesmas Ciputat untuk semua umur ditemukan dan ditangani sebanyak 2.020 kasus. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui faktor-faktor yang berhubungan dengan kejadian diare pada siswa kelas III, IV, dan V di SDN Ciputat 02 Kota Tangerang Selatan tahun 2018. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif  dengan desain cross sectional. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah semua siswa kelas III, IV, dan V di SDN Ciputat 02 Kota Tangerang Selatan. Sampel dalam penelitian ini sebesar 76 responden yang diambil dengan menggunakan teknik pengambilan sampling yaitu rambang proposional. Pengumpulan data menggunakan kuesioner dan analisa data menggunakan uji chi square. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa responden yang memiliki pengetahuan baik tentang cuci tangan sebesar 69,7%, yang memiliki pengetahuan baik tentang diare sebesar 63,2%, yang memiliki pengetahuan baik tentang konsumsi makanan jajanan sebesar 63,2%, yang memiliki sikap cukup baik tentang cuci tangan sebesar 43,4%, yang memiliki sikap baik tentang diare sebesar 53,9%, yang memiliki sikap kurang baik tentang konsumsi makanan jajanan sebesar 42,1%, yang memiliki perilaku baik tentang cuci tangan sebesar 57,9%, dan yang memiliki perilaku cukup baik tentang konsumsi makanan jajanan sebesar 43,4%. Berdasarkan uji statistik menunjukkan p = 0,000 kurang dari α = 0,005 artinya ada hubungan antara pengetahuan, sikap, dan perilaku dengan kejadian diare pada siswa kelas III, IV, dan V di SDN Ciputat 02 Kota Tangerang Selatan tahun 2018. Kata kunci: Pengetahuan, Sikap, Perilaku, Dan Kejadian Diare  ABSTRACTDiarrhea is an endemic disease in Indonesia and it remains a high burden disease which is leading cause of death. There is a 2.020  cases of diarrhea  found  in the Ciputat Health Center for all ages. The aim of this researched is to determine factors associated with the incidence of diarrhea in class III, IV, and V of students in Ciputat Elementary School 02 South Tangerang City in 2018. This researched used quantitative approached with cross sectional design. Population in this researched are all students in third, fourth, and fifth grade of Ciputat Elementary School 02 South Tangerang City. The sample in this study amounted to 76 respondents who are taken using a sampling technique that is proportional rambang. Data collection is using questionnaires and data analysis using chi square test. Based on the results of the researched showed that respondents who have good knowledge about hand washing by 69,7%, who have good knowledge about diarrhea by 63,2%, who have good knowledge about snack food consumption by 63,2%, who have a fairly good attitude about hand washing by 43,4%, who have good attitude about diarrhea by 53,9%, who have poor attitude about snack food consumption by 42,1%, who have good behavior about hand washing by 57,9%, and who have good enough behavior about food consumption by 43,4%. Based on statistical tests showed that p = 0,000 less than α = 0,005, means that there is a relationship between knowledge, attitude, and behavior with the incidence of diarrhea in class III, IV, and V of students in Ciputat Elementary School 02 South Tangerang City in 2018. Keywords: Knowledge, Attitude, Behavior, And  Incident Of Diarrhea
Interpretasi Kepuasan Konsumen Terhadap Pelayanan Obat Tanpa Resep Terhadap Kepuasan Konsumen Nurwulan Adi Ismaya; Siti Novy Romlah; Rofiqo Syafa’a Fatulloh; Tri Okta Ratnaningtyas; Nur Hasanah
Edu Masda Journal Vol 4, No 2 (2020): Edu Masda Journal Volume 4 Nomor 2
Publisher : STIKes Kharisma Persada

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.52118/edumasda.v4i2.101


Satisfaction is a Function of Performances And Expectations.  These research aim to determine the level of customer satisfaction with drug services without a prescription at the Pharmacy K-24 Raya Puspitek and Identifying the level of patient satisfaction by distributing 5-dimensional questionnaires, they are : reliability, responsiveness, assurance, empathy, and tangibility. There are 100 respondents.The questionnaire was distributed based on education and gender. The result showed there are 73% male and 27% female from 100 respondents. While respondents based on undergraduate education as much as 34% which is greater than the others. The result of customer satisfaction found 54% satisfied in Reliability, 47,5% satsified in Responsiveness, 53% satisfied in Emphaty, 49,5% satisfied in Assurance, 53,5% satisfied in Tangible.Overall Pharmacy service quality in K-24 Raya Puspitek Pharmacy is in good or satisfy level.
Edu Dharma Journal :Jurnal penelitian dan pengabdian masyarakat Vol 5, No 2 (2021): Edu Dharma Journal: Jurnal Penelitian Dan Pengabdian Masyarakat
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Kesehatan Widya Dharma Husada Tangerang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.52031/edj.v5i2.176


ABSTRACTBased on data from SKKRI (Indonesian Adolescent Reproductive Health Survey) teenagers claimed to have supports who had prenuptial sexual intercourse aged 14-19 years (women 34.7%, men 30.9%) 24-19 years old (female 48.6%, male 465%). The persistence of this study was to find out the relationship of knowledge, the role of mass media and the role of family with prenuptial sex behavior in students of grade XI SMK Muhammadiyah Lebaksiu. This study used cross sectional method with the purpose of significant the liaison of independent variables and dependents, data composed by using questionnaires. The number of samples was 133 grade XI students at SMK Muhammadiyah Lebaksiu. Results of the study students who had had prenuptial sex as many as 106 respondents (79.7%) and students who had never had prenuptial sex as many as 27 respondents (20.3%). Statistical  results presented that there is a liaison between mass media (p.value = 0.013) and the family (p.value = 0.020) with prenuptial sex behavior. From the results of this research, it is expected that educational institutions provide information related to the knowledge and impact of prenuptial sex behavior and for students are expected to use their communication media more wisely and to always be open with their parents.ABSTRAKBerdasarkan data Survey Kesehatan Reproduksi Remaja Indonesia remaja mengakui memiliki teman yang sudah pernah melakukan hubungan seksual pranikah usia 14-19 tahun (laki-laki 30,9%, perempuan 34,7%,) usia 24-29 tahun (laki-laki 465%, perempuan 48,6%,). Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui hubungan pengetahuan, peran media massa dan peran keluarga dengan perilaku seks pranikah pada siswa-siswi kelas XI SMK Muhammadiyah Lebaksiu. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode cross sectional dengan tujuan mengetahui hubungan variabel independen dan dependen, data dikumpulkan menggunakan kuesioner. Sampel  sebanyak 133 siswa kelas XI di SMK Muhammadiyah Lebaksiu. Dari hasil penelitian diperoleh diperoleh hasil siswa yang yang sudah pernah melakukan seks pranikah sebanyak 106 responden (79,7%) dan siswa yang belum pernah melakukan seks pranikah sebanyak 27 responden (20,3%). Dari hasil  uji statistik didapatkan hasil yang menunjukan terdapat hubungan antara peran media massa (p.value = 0,013) dan peran keluarga (p.value = 0,020) dengan perilaku seks pranikah. Dari hasil penelitian ini diharapkan institusi pendidikan memberikan informasi terkait pengetahuan dan dampak dari perilaku seks pranikah serta bagi siswa-siswi diharapkan untuk menggunakan media komunikasinya lebih bijak dan agar selalu terbuka dengan orang tuanya.