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Legume Nodulating Bacterium, Achromobacter xylosoxidans Found in Tropical Shrub Agroecosystem, Sumatera, Indonesia Wedhastri, Sri; Fardhani, Dinar Mindrati; Kabirun, Siti; Widada, Jaka; Widianto, Donny; Evizal, Rusdi; Prijambada, Irfan Dwidya
Indonesian Journal of Biotechnology Vol 18, No 2 (2013)
Publisher : Universitas Gadjah Mada

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Legume nodulating bacteria (LNB), known also as rhizobia, are soil bacteria, which are able to form rootnodules and fi x nitrogen in the leguminous plants. The LNB availability in the soil depends on the type ofagroecosystem, where plant grows. In this study, we isolated LNB from the shrub agroecosystem in Sumatera,Indonesia, and obtained four selected bacterial strains. Among them, the isolate UGM48a formed root nodulein Macroptilium atropurpureum and showed highest number of nitrogenase activity. UGM48a also contains nifHand nodA genes. An analysis of the PCR-amplifi ed 16S rDNA and BLASTn analysis showed that UGM48adisplayed 96% similarity with Achromobacter xylosoxidans. In addition, UGM48a were successfully nodulatedGlycine max (L.) merr var. wilis. This is the fi rst report detecting A. xylosoxidans as nodule-forming species forGlycine max possesing the positive copy of nodA gene.Keywords : Legume Nodulating Bacteria, shrub agroecosystem, Achromobacter xylosoxidans, nodA, Glycine max
Jurnal Agrotek Tropika Vol 2, No 3 (2014)
Publisher : Departement of Agrotechnology, Agriculture Faculty, Universitas Lampung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (33.496 KB) | DOI: 10.23960/jat.v2i3.2111


Tanaman kakao merupakan salah satu tanaman yang penting bagi perekonomian desa Penyandingan Kabupaten Pesawaran, hal ini dikarenakan sumber pendapatan utama mereka berasal dari bertani kakao. Penelitian dilaksanakan pada sebagian lahan pertanaman kakao (Theobroma cacao L) di Kelompok Tani Sumber Rezeki Desa Penyandingan, Kecamatan Punduh Pidada Kabupaten Pesawaran pada bulan Juni 2013. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah megevaluasi kesesuaian lahan pertanaman kakao secara kualitatif dan kuantitatif .Evaluasi kesesuaian lahan kualitatif dilakukan berdasarkan persyaratan tumbuh tanaman kakao menurut kriteria Djaenudin dkk. (2000), dan evaluasi kesesuaian lahan kuantitatif dilakukan adalah menganalisis kelayakan finansial dengan menghitung NPV, Net B/C, IRR, dan BEP. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa lahan pertanaman kakao di Desa Penyandingan masuk kedalam kelas kesesuaian lahan cukup sesuai dengan faktor pembatas C-organik (S2nr), dan secara finansial layak untuk dilanjutkan dengan nilai NPV sebesar Rp 215.272.155 ha -1 , Net B/C sebesar 2,08% thn -1 , IRR sebesar 25% thn -1 , dan BEP (titik impas) akan dicapai pada tahun ke 14, bulan ke 5, hari ke 26.
Jurnal Agrotek Tropika Vol 2, No 2 (2014)
Publisher : Departement of Agrotechnology, Agriculture Faculty, Universitas Lampung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (71.493 KB) | DOI: 10.23960/jat.v2i2.2096


Dalam budidaya tebu salah satu masalah utama yang dihadapi adalah pengendalian gulma.Pengendalian gulma sejak awal pertanaman tebu merupakan upaya untuk menunjang pertumbuhan tanaman tebu.Fase kritis tanaman tebu terhadap gulma berlangsung selama tiga bulan awal pertumbuhan tebu.Pengaplikasian herbisida pratumbuh merupakan salah satu cara pengendalian guna menekan tingkat kompetisi tersebut.Tujuan penelitian (1) untuk mengetahui daya kendali herbisida ametrin terhadap pertumbuhan gulma golongan daun lebar dan rumput serta gulma dominan pada budidaya tebu lahan kering (2) pengaruh herbisida ametrin terhadap pertumbuhan tanaman tebu, dan (3) tingkat toksisitas herbisida ametrin terhadap tanaman tebu.Percobaan dilakukan di Desa Hajimena Kecamatan Natar Kabupaten Lampung Selatan dan Laboratorium Ilmu Gulma Fakultas Pertanian Universitas Lampung dari bulan Oktober 2012 sampai Januari 2013. Perlakuan terdiri dari ametrin 1,5 kg ha- 1; ametrin 2,0 kg ha-1; ametrin 2,5 kg ha-1; ametrin 3,0 kg ha-1; penyiangan mekanis; dan kontrol. Perlakuan diterapkan pada petak percobaan dalam rancangan acak kelompok (RAK).Setiap perlakuan diulang empat kali.Homogenitas ragam diuji dengan uji Bartlet dan aditivitas diuji dengan uji Tukey, selanjutnya data dianalisis dengan sidik ragam dan perbedaan nilai tengah diuji dengan Uji Beda Nyata Terkecil (BNT) pada taraf 5 %.Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa (1) herbisida ametrin dosis 2,5 k kg ha-1 mampu menekan pertumbuhan gulma total dan daun lebar pada pertanaman tebu hingga 12 minggu setelah aplikasi (MSA), (2) pada 12 MSA perlakuan dosis 3,0 kg ha-1 menghasilkan pertumbuhan tebu yang lebih baik dalam populasi dibandingkan penyiangan mekanis, dan (3) herbisida ametrin dengan dosis 1,5 kg ha-1 hingga 3,0 kg ha-1 tidak meracuni tanaman tebu.
Efikasi Herbisida Isopropilamina Glifosat Dalam Mengendalikan Gulma Perkebunan Karet (Hevea Brasiliensis) Belum Menghasilkan Pamungkas, Hendi; Sembodo, Dad R.J.; Evizal, Rusdi; Pujisiswanto, Hidayat
Jurnal Penelitian Pertanian Terapan Vol 18, No 2 (2018)
Publisher : Politeknik Negeri Lampung.

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (22.827 KB) | DOI: 10.25181/jppt.v18i2.596


Karet (Hevea brasiliensis) merupakan tanaman perkebunan penting di Indonesia karena produknya digunakan sebagai bahan baku industri karet dan sumber devisa negara. Keberadaan gulma pada lahan karet menyebabkan terjadinya persaingan sarana tumbuh dan mempengaruhi pertumbuhan tanaman karet. Salah satu bahan aktif herbisida yang umum digunakan untuk mengendalikan gulma pertanaman karet TBM adalah isopropilamina glifosat. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk (1) mengetahui dosis herbisida isopropilamina glifosat yang efektif mengendalikan gulma pada pertanaman karet TBM, (2) mengetahui perubahan komposisi gulma akibat aplikasi herbisida isopropilamina glifosat, (3) mengetahui apakah terjadi fitotoksisitas tanaman karet akibat aplikasi herbisida isopropilamina glifosat. Penelitian ini dilakukan di kebun karet rakyat di desa Marga Agung, Kecamatan Jati Agung, Kabupaten Lampung Selatan dan Laboratorium Gulma Fakultas Pertanian Universitas Lampung pada November 2016 hingga Maret 2017. Penelitian ini menggunakan rancangan acak kelompok (RAK) dengan empat ulangan dan enam taraf perlakuan yaitu dosis herbisida isopropilamina glifosat 796,5 g/ha (P1), 1062 g/ha (P2), 1327,5 g/ha (P3), 1593 g/ha (P4), penyiangan mekanis (P5), dan tanpa pengendalian/control (P6). Homogenitas ragam data diuji dengan uji Bartlett, additivitas data diuji dengan uji Tukey, dan perbedaan nilai tengah perlakuan diuji dengan uji Beda Nyata Terkecil (BNT) pada taraf 5%. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa: (1) herbisida isopropilamina glifosat dosis 796,5 – 1593 g/ha efektif mengendalikan gulma total, gulma rumput hingga 12 MSA dan gulma teki hingga 4 MSA, serta dosis 1593 g/ha efektif mengendalikan gulma daun lebar hingga 8 MSA, (2) dosis 1327,5 – 1593 g/ha efektif mengendalikan gulma Ottochloa nodosa hingga 12 MSA dan Commelina diffusa hingga 4 MSA, (3) dosis 796,5 – 1593 g/ha efektif mengendalikan gulma Cyperus brevifolius hingga 4 MSA, serta dosis 1593 g/ha efektif mengendalikan gulma Asystasia gangetica hingga 8 MSA, (4) dosis 796,5 – 1593 g/ha menyebabkan terjadinya perubahan komposisi gulma pada 4, 8, dan 12 MSA, (5) dosis 796,5 – 1593 g/ha tidak meracuni tanaman karet. Kata kunci: Gulma, herbisida, isopropilamina glifosat, karet
Kajian Kitosan Sebagai Agens Pengendali Penyakit Busuk Buah Kakao (Phytophthora megakarya L.) Septiana, Septiana; Dirmawati, Suskandini Ratih; Evizal, Rusdi
Jurnal Agro Industri Perkebunan Volume 6 No. 2, Oktober 2018
Publisher : Politeknik Negeri Lampung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (0.036 KB) | DOI: 10.25181/jaip.v6i2.977


Indonesia is a cocoa producing country with production of 425 thousand tons per year. However, production continues to decline, among others, caused by Phytopthora megakarya cause of fruit rot disease of cocoa, therefore it is necessary effective control of cacao fruit rot disease. This study aims to determine the effect of chitosan concentration on the growth of P. megakarya cause of fruit rot disease in vitro. The research was conducted at Plant Disease Laboratory, Department of Agrotechnology, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Lampung, from November 2012 to January 2013. V8 media research as a medium of growing P. megakarya.  The workshops are arranged in a complete randomized design (CRD) consisting of (1) V8 media without chitosan (2) V8 media 0,2%, (3) V8 media 0,4%, (4) V8 media 0,6%, (5) ) V8 media 0,8% (6) medium V8 fungicided copper oxide 56%, and replicated six times. The results showed that the colonies growth of P. megakarya 6 days after incubation in V8 media 0,4%, 0,6%, 0,8% more depressed than growth on the V8 without chitosan media.   Keywords: concentration, disease control, in vitro, V8 media
Growth Performance of Mature Trees Resulted from Intra and Inter-specific Grafting on Robusta Coffee Evizal, Rusdi; Sugiatno, Sugiatno; Utomo, Setyo Dwi; Pujisiswanto, Hidayat; Widagdo, Setyo; Prasmatiwi, Fembriarti Erry; Stiawan, Aresta Dwi
PLANTA TROPIKA: Jurnal Agrosains (Journal of Agro Science) Vol 6, No 2 (2018)
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.18196/pt.2018.083.77-83


To improve yield and cup quality, mature coffee tree as rootstock could be grafted with scion of selected genotype. This research aimed to study growth performance of mature trees resulted from intra and inter-specific grafting on Robusta coffee. The research was arranged in Randomized Complete Block Design with 3 replications. There were 12 treatments of entrees/under-stump genotype for coffee grafting including 8 treatments of intraspecific local Robusta/Robusta grafting and 4 treatments of interspecific coffee grafting of Robusta/Liberica and Arabica/Robusta. The results showed that intraspecific grafting of Robusta/Robusta, Robusta/Liberica, and Arabica/Robusta resulted in grafting mortality of 9.8%, 10.9%, and 24.8%, respectively. Until 28 weeks after grafting, branch growth variables were significantly affected by scion/rootstock of Robusta/Robusta, Robusta/Liberica, and Arabica/Robusta grafting. Grafted Arabica/Robusta coffee showed the poor growth performance. In second year of Robusta/Robusta and Robusta/Liberica growth, generative growth of cherry inflorescence per branch and number of cherries per inflorescence were not affected by scion and rootstock genotypes. Leaf and branch growth were very important variables correlating with other variables.
Efikasi Herbisida Isopropilamina Glifosat Dalam Mengendalikan Gulma Perkebunan Karet (Hevea Brasiliensis) Belum Menghasilkan Pamungkas, Hendi; Sembodo, Dad R.J.; Evizal, Rusdi; Pujisiswanto, Hidayat
Jurnal Penelitian Pertanian Terapan Vol 18, No 2 (2018)
Publisher : Politeknik Negeri Lampung.

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (423.129 KB) | DOI: 10.25181/jppt.v18i2.1071


Rubber (Hevea brasiliensis) is an important plantation crop in Indonesia because its products are used as raw material for rubber industry and source of stock-exchange. The existence of weeds on the rubber land causes competition of growing facilities and affect the growth of rubber plants. One of the most common herbicide active ingredients that used to control immature plant weeds is isopropylamine glyphosate. This research aims to (1) find out the dose of isopropylamine glyphosate herbicide that effectively control weeds in immature rubber cultivation, (2) to know the change of weed’s composition due to the application of isopropylamine glyphosate herbicide, (3) to know whether the phytotoxicity of rubber plants occurs due to isopropylamine glyphosate herbicide application. This research was conducted in smallholder rubber plantation in Marga Agung Village, Jati Agung Subdistrict, South Lampung Regency and Weed Laboratory of Agriculture Faculty of Lampung University from November 2016 until March 2017. This research used randomized block design (RAK) with four replicates and six treatment levels dose of herbicide isopropylamine glyphosate herbicide 796,5 g/ha (P1), 1062 g/ha (P2), 1327.5 g/ha (P3), 1593 g/ha (P4), mechanical weeding (P5), and without restraint/control (P6). The homogeneity of various data was tested by Bartlett test, the data additivity was tested by Tukey test, and the difference of median treatment was tested by Least Significant Different (LSD) test at 5% level. The results showed that: (1) isopropylamine glyphosate herbicide dose 796,5 – 1593 g/ha effectively controlling total weeds, grass weeds up to 12 weeks after application and nut grass weeds up to 4 weeks after application, and dose 1593 g/ha effectively controlling leaf weeds up to 8 weeks after application, (2) dose 1327,5 – 1593 g/ha effectively controlling Ottochloa nodosa weeds up to 12 weeks after application and Commelina diffuse up to 4 weeks after application, (3) dose 796,5 – 1593 g/ha effectively controlling Cyperus brevifolius weeds up to 4 weeks after application, and doses of 1593 g/ha effectively controlling Asystasia gangetica weeds up to 8 weeks after application, (4) doses of 796,5 – 1593 g/ha resulted in changes in weed’s composition at 4, 8, and 12 weeks after application, (5) doses 796,5 – 1593 g/ha does not poison the rubber plant.
Pengaruh Aplikasi Glifosat terhadap Efikasi dan Komposisi Gulma Pertanaman Kelapa Sawit Tanaman Menghasilkan Muda Oktavia, Kurnia; Pujisiswanto, Hidayat; Evizal, Rusdi; Susanto, Herry
Jurnal Agro Industri Perkebunan Volume 7 No. 1, 2019
Publisher : Politeknik Negeri Lampung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (0.036 KB) | DOI: 10.25181/jaip.v7i1.978


This study aimed to obtain the effective dose of isopropylamine glyphosate herbicide for controlling weeds in oil palm plantation andto study the change of weed composition after glyphosate application in early producing oil palm plantation.The research was conducted in smallholder oil palm plantation located in Srimulyo Kenanga Sari Village, Seputih Surabaya Sub-district, Central Lampung Regency and Weed Science Laboratory of Agriculture Faculty, Lampung University from November 2017 to January 2018. This research used randomized block design (RBD) with 4 replications and 7 treatments of 5  isopropylamine glyphosate herbicide doses (1.080, 1.440, 1.800, 2.160, and 2.520 g.ha-1), mechanical weeding, and control. The data homogeneity tested by Bartlett test, the data additivity tested by Tukey test, and the difference of median value tested by the Least Significant Difference (LSD) at 5% level. The results showed that all of isopropylamine glyphosate herbicide doses were effective in controlling total weeds, grassy weeds (Axonopus compressus, Ottochloa nodosa, Imperata cylindrica) and nutsedges (Cyperus rotundus) for 4—12 weeks after application (WAA) and broadleaf weeds (Praxelis clematidea) for 4 WAA. Glyphosate application changed weed composition at 4, 8, and 12 WAA of observations from grassy weeds to broadleaf weeds.   Keywords: composition, efficacy, herbicide, glyphosate, oil palm, weeds
Respon Pertumbuhan Kelapa Sawit Bibit ( Elaeis guineensis Jacq.) Terhadap Jenis fungi mikoriza arbuskula pada Dua Tingkat Pemupukan NPK Damayanti, Novri Dwi; Rini, Maria Viva; Evizal, Rusdi
Jurnal Penelitian Pertanian Terapan Vol 15, No 1 (2015)
Publisher : Politeknik Negeri Lampung.

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (229.869 KB) | DOI: 10.25181/jppt.v15i1.109


Oil palm (Elaeis guineensis Jacq.) is one of the important excellent crop plantations which have significance for the development of national farm and country source of foreign exchange earnings.Oil palm cultivation is mostly done on the ground of ultisol that have constraints phosphorus deficiency that needed improvement in the quality of the nursery with the utilization of arbuscular mycorrhiza fungi (AMF). The study aimed: (1) determine the best type of AMF in enhancing the growth of oil palm seedlings, (2) determine dose of NPK fertilize most appropriate for the oil palm seedling, (3) determine whether the response of oil palm seedlings to type AMF influenced by dose NPK fertilizer, and (4)determine the best dose of NPK fertilizer for each type of AMF. The treatment design is a factorial (6x2) arranged in randomize completely block design with 5 replications. The first factor is the type of AMF, design as without AMF, Glomus sp. Isolate MV 23, Glomus sp. Isolate MV 26, Entrophospora sp. Isolate MV 22, Entrophospora sp. Isolate MV 25, Entrophospora sp. Isolate MV 28.The second factor is number of NPK fertilize design as p1 (100 % from recomendation) and p2 (50 % from recomendation). Means homogeneity among the treatments were tested using Barlett test and the aditivity data were tested with Tukey test. Separation of means value were analyzed using Least Significant Difference (LSD) at 5% significance level. The results showed the interaction between the type and dose of NPK fertilizer AMF is can be concluded that (1) oil palm seedlings response to AMF inoculation type is determined by the dose of NPK fertilizer on the variable plant height, dry weight of root, and number of primary roots, 2) the optimum dose for each type of AMF are used based on the data root dry weight is a combination of 100% NPK fertilizer with each type of AMF, excepton the AMF types Entrophospora sp. Isolates MV 22. Keywords: Growth Response, Oil Palm Seedling, Arbuscular Mycorrhizal
Inorganic Fertilizer Application and Organonitrofos Sugarcane (Saccharum officinarum L.) in Dry Land Gedong Meneng Zulkarnain, Eldineri; Evizal, Rusdi; Lumbanraja, Jamalam; Rini, Maria Viva; Satgada, Catur Putra; Agustina, Wiwik; Amalia, Hanum Riajeng; Awang, Tegar Rafshodi
Jurnal Penelitian Pertanian Terapan Vol 17, No 1 (2017)
Publisher : Politeknik Negeri Lampung.

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (153.18 KB) | DOI: 10.25181/jppt.v17i1.43


Organonitrofos is one type of organic fertilizer capable of providing macro nutrients that more than other organic fertilizers, particularly nitrogen and phosphorous from the compost of a mixture of fresh manure and rock phosphate using Microbial N2-fixer and P-solubilizer. Research purpose was to study the effect of organonitrophos combined with inorganic fertilizer on the growth, production, yield of sugarcane, and determining the most effective combination of agronomically and economically in up landsugarcane. Research consisted of 5 treatments with 3 replications arranged in a randomized complete block design. The treatment were A (300 kg ha-1 Urea, 150 kg ha-1 TSP, 300 kg ha-1 KCl), B (300 kg ha-1 Urea, 150 kg ha-1 TSP, 300 kg ha-1 KCl, 5,000 kg ha-1 Organonitrophos), C (150 kg ha-1 Urea, 75 kg ha-1 TSP, 150 kg ha-1 KCl, 10,000 kg ha-1 Organonitrophos), D (10,000 kg ha-1 Organonitrophos), and E (without fertilization). The results showed that the dose of fertilizer recommendation (300 kg ha-1 urea, 150 kg ha-1 TSP, 300 kg ha-1 KCl) supplemented with 5 ton ha-1 Organonitrofos compared to the doses of fertilizer recommendation (300 kg ha-1 Urea, 150 TSP kg ha-1, 300 kg ha-1 KCl) was not significantly different on growth, yield, productivity of sugarcane and sugar. While the addition of 10 ton ha-1 Organonitrofos at half dose of recommendation (150 kg ha-1 urea, 75 kg ha-1 TSP, and 150 kg ha-1 KCl) produced 106.11 tons ha-1of sugarcane and 7, 95 ton ha-1sugar being lower than the dose of fertilizer recommendation that produced 133.02 tons ha-1sugarcane and 10.72 ton ha-1 sugar resulting macro nutrients derived from half dose of fertilizer recommendation are not able to increase the productivity of sugarcane and sugar.Dose of fertilizer recommendation plus 5 ton ha-1 Organonitrofos was an effective dose of fertilizer agronomically while fertilizer dosage recommendation was the most efficient dose of fertilizer economically.Keywords :dry land, fertilizer, inorganic, Organonitrophos, sugar cane
Co-Authors ,, Ivayani . Tohari Abdul Kadir Salam Afandi Afandi Agus Karyanto Ainin Niswati Akmal Junaidi Albab, Bagja Rudhia Ulil Ali Fitrah Hansyah Ali Kabul Mahi Anggraini, Nova Aresta Dwi Stiawan Asyifa Rahmita Zahra Catur Putra Satgada Catur Putra Satgada, Catur Putra Christina Desiana Cipta Ginting, Cipta Dad . R. J Sembodo Dad R. J. Sembodo Dad R.J. Sembodo Dad R.J. Sembodo, Dad R.J. Dad Resiworo J. Sembodo Dad Resiworo J. Sembodo, Dad Resiworo Dad Resiworo Jekti Sembodo Dad Resiworo Jekti Sembodo Darso Waluyo Dedy Miswar Dedy Prasetyo Dedy Prasetyo Dinar Mindrati Fardhani Diyantri Agustina Donny Widianto Donny Widianto Eldineri Zulkarnain Eldineri Zulkarnain, Eldineri Ermia Citra Esatika Evi Oktavia Fajriyanto Fembriarti Erry Prasmatiwi Fitri Yelli Girindra Yoga Aditya Hanisah Hanisah Hanum Riajeng Amalia Hanum Riajeng Amalia, Hanum Riajeng Hendi Pamungkas Herry Susanto Herry Susanto Herry Susanto Hery Novpriansyah Hidayat Pujisiswanto Hidayat Pujisiswanto Hidayat Pujisiswanto Hidayat Pujisiswanto Hidayat Pujisiswanto Hidayat Saputra, Hidayat Irene Zaqyah IRFAN D. PRIJAMBADA Irfan D. Prijambada Irfan Dwidya Prijambada Irfan Dwija Prijambada Irvan Saputa Irwan Sukri Banuwa Ivayani Ivayani JAKA WIDADA Jaka Widada Jaka Widada Jamalam Lumbanraja Jamalam Lumbanraja Jatmiko Umar Sidik Kukuh Setiawan Kurnia Oktavia Lestari Wibowo Lestari Wibowo M. A. Syamsul Arif Machya Kartika Tsani Mahi, Ali Kabul Maria Viva Rini Maria Viva Rini Maria Viva Rini Maria Viva Rini Maria Viva Rini Maya Puspitasari Minarsih Minarsih Muhajir Utomo Mujim, Subdi Nanik Sriyani Nanik Sriyani Nanik Sriyani Nanik Sriyani Niar Nurmauli Ningrum, Anggi Vidya Novi Rosanti Novri Dwi Damayanti Novri Dwi Damayanti Nurjannah Yuliana Hastuti Nurjannah Yuliana Hastuti Nurul Hidayati Khasanah Nurul Hidayati Khasanah Nyimas Sa'diyah Nyimas Sadiyah Oktavia, Kurnia Otik Nawansih Otik Nawansih Pamungkas, Hendi Prijambada, Irfan Dwidja Puput Azizah Rahmat Safe’i Rommy Qurniati S Sugiatno Sanjaya, Purba Sari, Rina Yunika Sarno Sarno Sarno Sarno Sebilia Zenda Septiana Septiana Septiana Septiana SEPTIANA SEPTIANA Septiana, Liska Mutiara Setyo Dwi Utomo Setyo Dwi Utomo Setyo Dwi Utomo Setyo Widagdo Setyo Widagdo Setyo Widagdo Setyo Widagdo Setyo Widagdo SITI KABIRUN Siti Kabirun Siti Munawaroh Slamet Budi Yuwono Solikhin Solikhin Sri Ramadiana Sri Wedhastri Sri Wedhastri Sri Yusnaini Sri Yusnaini Stiawan, Aresta Dwi Sudi Pramono Sugiatno Sugiatno Sugiatno Sugiatno SUGIATNO SUGIATNO Sugiatno Sugiatno Sugiatno Sugiatno Sugiatno Sugiatno Sugiatno Sugiatno Suskandini Ratih Dirmawati Tamaluddin Syam Tamaluddin Syam, Tamaluddin Tegar Rafshodi Awang Tegar Rafshodi Awang, Tegar Rafshodi TOHARI TOHARI Tohari Tohari Tohari Tohari Winda Rahmawati Winson Hotmawan Saragih Wiwik Agustina Wiwik Agustina, Wiwik