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Jurnal Komunikasi Universitas Garut: Hasil Pemikiran dan Penelitian Vol 3, No 1 (2017): April 2017 Jurnal Komunikasi Universitas Garut : Hasil Pemikiran dan Penelitian
Publisher : Universitas Garut

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.10358/jk.v3i1.252


Abstrak. Kebijakan pembangunan ekonomi di Kota Batam mengalami perubahan dari FTZ ke KEK. Hal ini jelas mempengaruhi masyarakat untuk mengetahui tentang perubahan apa saja yang terjadi terkait implementasi kebijakan. Media massa menjadi sarana informasi yang strategis baik bagi pemangku kebijakan dalam menyampaikan informasi maupun masyarakat dalam mengkonsumsi informasi. Publik dalam mengkonsumsi informasi maupun pemberitaan media massa memiliki indikator utama yaitu kredibilitas pemberitaan.Kredibilitas media massa menjadi aspek utama yang harus dimiliki oleh instansi media massa. Kepercayaan publik terhadap suatu pemberitaan sangatlah dipengaruhi oleh faktor kredibilitas media massa terkait. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mengetahui tingkat kredibilitas harian Batam Pos, Tribun Batam, Koran Sindo, Haluan Kepri dan Pos Metro.Jenis Penelitian ini adalah penelitian eksploratif dengan paradigma kuantitatif dan metode survei.Penelitian eksploratif merupakan kegiatan penjelajahan suatu permasalahan/topik untuk memahami permasalahan/topik tersebut. Penelitian kuantitatif merupakan penelitian yang diperoleh dengan mengukur nilai satu atau lebih variabel dalam sampel. Lokasi dan objek penelitian dipilih secara purposive (sengaja) dimana Kota Batam merupakan kota yang diberikan keistimewaan status kawasan yakni KEK. Berdasarkan temuan hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa media cetak Haluan Kepri berada pada kategori media massa yang memiliki kredibilitas sangat tinggi. Batam Pos, Tribun Batam dan Koran Sindo berada pada kategori kredibilitas tinggi. Sedangkan Pos Metro berada pada kategori kredibilitas sedang. Kata Kunci: Kredibilitas, Media, Berita, Implementasi KEK, Abstract. The policy of economic development in Batam City has changed from FTZ to KEK. This clearly affects the public to know about any changes that occur regarding the implementation of the policy. Mass media becomes a strategic information tool for both stakeholders in conveying information and the public in consuming information. Public in consuming information and mass media coverage have the main indicator that is credibility of news. Credibility of mass media become main aspect that must be owned by mass media institution. Public confidence in a report is influenced by the credibility factor of the related mass media. The purpose of this research is to know the level of daily credibility of Batam Pos, Tribun Batam, Koran Sindo, Kepuan Kepri and Pos Metro.Jenis This research is explorative research with quantitative paradigm and survey method. Explorative research is explorative activity of a problem / topic to understand the problem/topic The. Quantitative research is a study obtained by measuring the value of one or more variables in the sample. Location and object of research is selected purposively (deliberately) where Batam City is a city given the privilege of region status that is KEK. Based on the findings of research results indicate that print media Kepuan Kepri is in the category of mass media that has very high credibility. Batam Pos, Batam Tribun and Koran Sindo are in the category of high credibility. While Post Metro is in the category of moderate credibility. Keyword : Credibility, Media, News, Implementation of KEK
Jurnal Komunikasi Islam Vol. 6 No. 2 (2016): December
Publisher : Program Studi Komunikasi dan Penyiaran Islam Fakultas Dakwah dan Komunikasi UIN Sunan Ampel Surabaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (212.219 KB) | DOI: 10.15642/jki.2016.6.2.44-66


The purpose of this study : (1). To know communication behavior of Sundanese immigrant in majelis ta’lim Babul Akhirat community, (2) To know the adaptation of economic, social and cultural of Sundanese immigrant in majelis ta’lim Babul Akhirat community, (3). To know the relationship between communication behaviour Sundanese immigrant with the adaptation of economic, social, and cultural in majelis ta’lim Babul Akhirat community. This study uses a quantitative paradigm that is descriptive and correlational. There are two variables used in this research that is communication behavior and adaptation of economic, social and cultural of Sundanese immigrant in majelis ta’lim babul akhirat community. Communication behavior of ethnic Sundanese entrants focused on finding information related to the economy, social and cultural information in the context of adaptation through the majelis ta’lim Babul Akhirat community. Research was conducted on the Sundanese immigrants who are members of the majelis ta’lim Babul Akhirat community where the secretariat at Bengkong Aljabar, Batam and were selected purposively. Sampling method using census numbered 82 people. This study uses Rank Spearman statistical analysis technique that is using SPSS 19.0 for windows. The results showed (1). Communication behavior of Sundanese immigrant in majlis taklim was 43% at the high category. (2). Adaptation of the economy was 40% into so often category, social adaptation was 42% into often category, cultural adaptation was 39% into often category. (3). There is a positive and significant  relationship between Sundanese immigrant communication behavior with economic, social, and cultural adaptation in majelis ta’lim Babul Akhirat community.
Commed : Jurnal Komunikasi dan Media Vol. 4 No. 1 (2019): COMMED : Jurnal Komunikasi dan Media
Publisher : Prodi Ilmu Komunikasi Universitas Putera Batam

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (765.205 KB) | DOI: 10.33884/commed.v4i1.1439


Political branding is the use of a strategic way of consumer branding to build a political image. Ridwan Kamil won the election of governor of West Java in 2018. Different campaign strategies carried out by Ridwan Kamil were not only using the face to face communication model, but also direct communication. Social media has a role for Ridwan Kamil to communicate with his public during the campaign period to convey political messages. Ridwan Kamil's political branding during the campaign period of the 2018 elections in West Java's social media Twitter was formed through many aspects which included of appearance, personality and political messages. In addition to these aspects, other aspects that specifically shape political image through social media are the delivery of relations with constituents, the originality of leaders, responsiveness of technology, personal values ​​channeled, as well as key political messages. The key political message of Ridwan Kamil is done by providing development information, development plans, activity reports and conveying political values/ideologies. In addition, appearance as a candidate's identity also reflects the whole messages of political branding through the meaning of the costumes used. Ridwan Kamil indeed so far bears the celebrity social media political branding strategy carried out by Ridwan Kamil describing himself as a candidate figure who is open (minded?), close to the community, credible, and populist (egalitarian).Political Branding, Campaign, Twitter, election governor of West Java, Ridwan Kamil
Jurnal Komunikasi Universitas Garut: Hasil Pemikiran dan Penelitian Vol 2, No 2 (2016): Oktober 2016 Jurnal Komunikasi Universitas Garut : Hasil Pemikiran dan Penelitia
Publisher : Universitas Garut

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.10358/jk.v2i2.558


Abstrak Tujuan penelitian ini: (1) Untuk mengetahui proses pembentukan jaringan komunikasi dalam etnis Sunda imigran dari Babul Akhirat Community, (2) Untuk mengetahui struktur jaringan komunikasi pada komunitas etnis Sunda Babul Akhirat (3) Untuk mengetahui hubungan antara jaringan komunikasi (yaitu tindakan berdasarkan tingkat-sentralitas lokal dan sentralitas global) dan tingkat adaptasi ekonomi etnis Sunda di masyarakat. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian deskriptif dan korelasi didasarkan pada paradigma penelitian kuantitatif. Desain penelitian jaringan komunikasi adalah jaringan yang lengkap dan fokus penelitian ini adalah pada tingkat sistem. Dalam penelitian ini, peneliti disebut pendekatan nominalis dengan melihat populasi penelitian. Aktor tekad dalam penelitian ini didasarkan pada strategi posisional. Oleh karena itu, populasi penelitian ini adalah etnis Sunda yang tergabung dalam komunitas Babul Akhirat, di Kecamatan Bengkong, Kota Batam, di mana aktor menjadi anggota populasi adalah anggota komunitas Babul Akhirat. Sampling yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah sampel dari kelompok-kelompok kecil, yang semua anggota komunitas Babul Akhirat sebesar 82 anggota. Penelitian ini menggunakan beberapa teknik analisis data, termasuk (1) Analisis sociometric, (2) Analisis Struktur Jaringan Komunikasi dengan menggunakan UCINET VI, dan (3) Analisis statistik (mis Rank Spearman). Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan (1) Jaringan komunikasi dari etnis Sundanes imigran dibentuk dalam asosiasi komunitas etnis Sunda yang berorientasi pada nilai-nilai Islam yang disebut dengan komunitas Babul Akhirat, (2) Jaringan komunikasi ekonomi memiliki struktur jaringan radial, dan (3) Jaringan komunikasi dan tingkat adaptasi ekonomi membentuk korelasi yang sangat signifikan positif. Kata Kunci: Jaringan Komunikasi; Adaptasi Ekonomi; Etnis Pendatang Sunda Abstract The purpose of this study: (1) To know the process of establishing a communications network in Sundanese immigrant from Babul Hereafter Community, (2) To determine the structure of the communication network in the ethnic community Sunda Babul Hereafter (3) To determine the relationship between communication networks (ie action based on the level -sentralitas centrality of local and global) and the level of economic adaptation in society Sundanese. This research is descriptive and correlation based on the paradigm of quantitative research. The study design is a communication network complete network and the focus of this research is at the system level. In this study, the researchers called a nominalist approach with a view of the study population. Actor determination in this study are based on a positional strategy. Therefore, this study population was ethnic Sundanese joining in the community Babul Hereafter, in the District Bengkong, City of Batam, where actors become members of the population are members of the community Babul Hereafter. Sampling used in this study is a sample of small groups, which all community members Babul Hereafter by 82 members. This study uses several techniques of data analysis, including (1). Sociometric analysis, (2). Structure Analysis of Communication Networks using UCINET VI, and (3). Statistical Analysis (eg Spearman Rank). The results showed (1) The communication network of ethnic Sundanes immigrants established in the community association Sundanese oriented Islamic values called community Babul Hereafter, (2) The communication network of economic structure radial network, and (3) Network communication and the level of economic adaptation to form a very significant positive correlation. Keywords: Communication Network; Economic Adaptation; Sundanese Ethnicity of Immigrants
Pembinaan Public Speaking Pada Lapas Anak Kelas IIB Kota Batam Ageng Rara Cindoswari; Sholihul Abidin
Jurnal Media Pengabdian Komunikasi Vol 1, No 2 (2022): Jurnal Media Pengabdian Komunikasi
Publisher : Universitas Garut

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (317.503 KB) | DOI: 10.52434/medikom.v1i2.22


Abstract The limited resources of teaching staff and coaching materials are problems that arise in the coaching process that occurs in class IIB children's prisons in Batam City. On the other hand, the ability to speak in public becomes a sufficient skill and expertise to generate income. Some of the professions that are in great demand in the world of work include professions related to the ability to speak in public, for example work as a public relations officer, marketing officer, journalist, presenter, so that coaching related to public speaking for the inmates of the IIB Children's Prison in Batam City is necessary. conducted. The purpose of this service is to provide public speaking coaching for class IIB prison children. The method of devotion carried out through coaching is carried out 3 times face-to-face where at each meeting participants will be provided with skills in public speaking, namely about the practice of knowledge and writing speeches. The results of this activity are (1) The development of public speaking at the children's prison in Batam went smoothly, which was greeted with high enthusiasm and motivation to learn, (2) The material presented in the coaching is in accordance with the needs of the participants as skill capital when they are free later, (3) The inmates' ability to speak in public is quite good after attending the coaching meeting. Key words: Public speaking; talk; coaching; child wipes.  Abstrak Keterbatasan sumber daya tenaga pengajar dan materi pembinaan menjadi persoalan yang menonjol pada proses pembinaan terjadi pada lapas anak kelas IIB di Kota Batam. Di sisi lain, kemampuan berbicara di depan umum dewasa ini menjadi keterampilan dan keahlian yang cukup menjanjikan untuk menghasilkan pendapatan. Beberapa profesi yang sangat diminati dalam dunia kerja diantaranya adalah profesi yang berkaitan dengan kemampuan berbicara di depan umum contoh saja pekerjaan sebagai humas, marketing officer, jurnalis, presenter, sehingga pembinaan terkait dengan public speaking pada warga binaan lapas anak IIB di Kota Batam perlu dilakukan. Tujuan pengabdian ini adalah untuk memberikan pembinaan public speaking pada anak lapas kelas IIB. Metode pengabdian yang dilakukan melalui pembinaan dilakukan sebanyak 3 kali tatap muka di mana pada masingmasing pertemuan peserta akan dibekali pengetahuan dan keterampilan dalam public speaking yakni seputar praktek pidato dan penulisan naskah berpidato. Hasil kegiatan ini adalah (1) Pembinaan public speaking pada lapas anak di kota batam berjalan dengan lancar, dimana disambut dengan antusiasme dan motivasi belajar yang tinggi, (2) Materi yang disajikan pada pembinaan sesuai dengan kebutuhan peserta sebagai modal keterampilan ketika bebas kelak, (3) Kemampuan berbicara didepan umum yang dimiliki oleh warga binaan cukup baik setelah mengikuti serangkaian pertemuan pembinaan.Kata-kata kunci: Public speaking; pidato; pembinaan; lapas anak. 
PENINGKATAN LITERASI DIGITAL DAN PENGELOLAAN MEDIA SOSIAL SEBAGAI PENCEGAHAN PENYEBARAN HOAX PADA SISWA/I DI SMA IMMANUEL KOTA BATAM: Digital Literacy Improvement and Social Media Management as Prevention of the Spread of Hoax to Students in Immanuel High School Batam City Ageng Rara Cindoswari; Angel Purwanti; Andi Maslan; Qori Framana; Stevander Glenn Jeremiah Leong; Liberniat Gea; Auric Auric; Era Azriani
PUAN INDONESIA Vol. 5 No. 1 (2023): Jurnal Puan Indonesia Vol 5 No 1 Juli 2023

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37296/jpi.v5i1.166


The high exposure to information and the rapid circulation of hoax information in Indonesia, especially during the Covid 19 pandemic, indicate the importance of digital literacy education for all parties. Literacy education for students needs to be carried out considering that students are the highest internet users in Indonesia. Literacy education activities are highly recommended to be carried out in formal institutions/organizations or the school environment. SMA Immanuel is one of the educational institutions in the city of Batam that requires assistance regarding digital literacy at SMA Immanuel. This training was carried out to provide (1). Knowledge and understanding of digital literacy and digital security (2). Understanding of hoax news and skills in avoiding the spread of hoax news, and (3). Skills in wise social media management. This coaching method are using lecture, discussion, and practice methods with a duration of 1 hour per session for 4 alternate meetings and is scheduled to involve 7 service members. This coaching is conducted in online meetings using the Zoom application. This coaching will be given to Immanuel school students in the city of Batam, totaling around 10-15 people which will be carried out in the January-June 2022 range. The results of the activity show that there is a significant increase in skills both in digital literacy skills, handling hoaxes, and also social media management.
Jurnal Teknik Ibnu Sina (JT-IBSI) Vol. 7 No. 02 (2022): Jurnal Teknik Ibnu Sina (JT-IBSI)
Publisher : Fakultas Teknik Universitas Ibnu Sina

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36352/jt-ibsi.v7i02.523


Penetrasi penggunaan medsos TikTok oleh masyarakat mendorong media massa ikut mengimbangi pemanfaatan medsos guna menyasar netizen. Tidak sedikit media-media online nasional maupun lokal yang memiliki medsos TikTok sebagai sarana dan media komunikasi institusi kepada publik. Di Kota Batam sendiri masih belum banyak media online yang memanfaatkan platform TikTok sebagai akun medsos resmi institusi. Berdasarkan hasil observasi yang dilakukan terhadap media online lokal di Kota Batam, terdapat dua media yang memanfaatkan platform medsos TikTok yaitu tribunbatam dan batamnews. Kedua media ini memiliki akun medsos TikTok dengan jumlah followers atau pengikut yang cukup banyak. Hingga 12 November 2021, akun tik tok tribunbatam memiliki 666,2 ribu pengikut serta sudah terverifikasi. Sedangkan batamnews memiliki pengikut sebanyak 71,8 ribu pengikut. Kedua media ini merupakan representasi media online lokal di batam yang telah memanfaatkan tik tok sebagai salah satu platform medsos resmi. Klasifikasi konten Tribun Batam dan Batam News adalah konten informasi terkini. Informasi yang banyak dijadikan konten adalah konten artis, berita gossip, berita-berita popular (viral), yang dikemas dalam bentuk gambar bergerak, video-video pendek sementara untuk sumber data kontennya variatif dari produksi sendiri serta sumber-sumber lain. Baik tribun batam maupun batam news sama-sama memanfaatkan media sosial tiktok sebagai alat pendukung website berita.