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Meta Analysis: The Effectiveness Of Using Project Based Learning Methods In Vocational Education Fadillah, Rahmat; Ambiyar, Ambiyar; Giatman, Muhammad; Fadhilah, Fadhilah; Muskhir, Mukhlidi; Effendi, Hansi
Jurnal Pedagogi dan Pembelajaran Vol 4, No 1 (2021)
Publisher : Universitas Pendidikan Ganesha

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.23887/jp2.v4i1.32408


There are many types of learning models, but not all learning models can accommodate the needs of vocational education and the challenges of the 4.0 industrial revolution, namely encouraging critical thinking and developing practical skills. The purpose of this study was to measure the effectiveness of using project based learning methods in vocational education. The research method used is a meta-analysis method with secondary data types. The research data was obtained based on the results of the post-test control class and the experimental class from several research articles that used the project based learning method in vocational education. A total of 23 articles were reviewed so that the calculation result data was 1.09 using the effect size (ES) formula. The results obtained indicate that the use of project based learning methods in vocational education has a high effect to be applied in learning. Thus, the project based learning method in technology and vocational education is very effective and appropriate to use in learning to produce students who are ready to compete in the world of work and can open business opportunities.
Evaluasi Penerapan Keselamatan dan Kesehatan Kerja Pada Penambangan Batubara CV. Air Mata Emas, Desa Tumpuk Tengah , Kecamatan Talawi, Kota Sawahlunto, Provinsi Sumatera Barat. asnel muhammad; fadhilah fadhilah
Journals Mining Engineering : Bina Tambang Vol 6, No 5 (2021): Journals Mining Engineering: Bina Tambang
Publisher : Departemen Teknik Pertambangan FT UNP

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24036/bt.v6i5.115190


CV.Airmata Emas is a company engaged in coal mining with underground mining (room and pillar) and has great risks and dangers, it is necessary to apply occupational safety and health management by working according to SOPs and JSAs that have been companies that have set. Hazards and risks can occur during buffering and lorry operation activities, it is necessary to carry out a risk analysis for data on potential hazards, then weighting to determine the appropriate control method according to the conditions. To get the value of each risk as well as the implementation of Occupational Safety and Health and the application of JSA and Occupational Safety and Health SOPs obtained using questionnaires, interviews, and observations of work activities.                   The results showed that the questionnaire regarding Occupational Safety and Health (K3) on knowledge with a value of 75.33, on attitudes with a value of 83.73, and on actions with a value of 79.82. JSA and SOP have been applied in mining activities. Based on the results of the questionnaire, the JSA value was 67.33 and the SOP was 68. Risk analysis using the questionnaire results obtained that the risk that often occurs in the buffering process is slipping and falling because the road is slippery and occurs when measuring the place where the support wood will be installed in the hole that The risk level is L (Low) with a proportion of 25%, falling on broken and weathered support wood on the walls and roof of the hole when transporting the supporting wood from the lorry to the front work using a handcart, the risk level L (Low) is obtained with a percentage of 5 %, fell on the supporting wood on the wall and roof of the hole when installing the supporting connector (paran) which obtained a risk level of L (Low) with a percentage of 5%. The risk that often occurs in the process of operating the lorry is falling and slipping when carrying out an inspection at the workplace which has a risk level of L (Low) with a percentage of 40%. Control using control methods (hierarchy of control) namely elimination, substitution, Engineering Control, Administration Control, and PPE.
Assessing the Acceptance of Blended Learning Implementation in Universitas Lancang Kuning using the Technology Acceptance Model Rizki Novendra; Ambiyar Ambiyar; Fadhilah Fadhilah; Syahril Syahril; Sutejo Sutejo; Yogi Ersan Fadrial
Jurnal Pendidikan MIPA Vol 22, No 2 (2021): Jurnal Pendidikan MIPA
Publisher : University of Lampung

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Abstract: The Covid 19 pandemic has forced learning activities to be carried out online. In response to this, Universitas Lancang Kuning, which has implemented the Blended Learning application, wants to measure the level of use and understand the factors that influence the acceptance of the system in an agency. The study was conducted at the Unilak Fasilkom with 92 samples. Data obtained by distributing questionnaires based on indicators and variables of the technology acceptance modelling method. The results of this study indicate that the multiple regression analysis of the variables that have an influence on the real condition of information users is the variable Benefits of using information systems (X1), User Ease of Information Systems (X2), and User Attitudes towards Information Systems (X3) have a significant influence on real condition of information system users (Y). Meanwhile, the behavior of information system users (X4) has no effect. Keywords: technology acceptance model, blended learning, covid 19 pandemic.Abstrak: Pandemi Covid 19 memaksa kegiatan belajar untuk dilaksanakan secara daring. Menanggapi hal tersebut Universitas Lancang Kuning yang telah menerapkan aplikasi pembelajaran Blendeed Learning ingin melakukan pengukuran terhadap tingkat penggunaannya dan memahami faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi di terimanya sistem pada suatu instansi. Penelitian dilaksanakan pada Fasilkom Unilak dengan 92 sampel. Data diperoleh dengan menyebarkan angket yang berdasarkan indicator serta variable dari metode technology acceptance modelling. Hasil dari penelitian ini menyaakan bahwa analisis regreasi berganda variabel yang memiliki pengaruh terhadap kondisi nyata pengguna informasi adalah variabel Manfaat penggunaan sistem informasi (X1), Kemudahan Pengguna Sistem Informasi (X2), dan Sikap Pengguna Terhadap Sistem Informasi (X3) memiliki pengaruh yang signifikan terhadap kondisi nyata pengguna sistem informasi (Y). Sedangkan perilaku pengguna sistem informasi (X4) tidak memiliki pengaruh.Kata kunci: technology acceptance model, blended learning, TAM, pandemic covid-19.DOI:
Penentuan Kuantitas Mahar Adat Perkawinan di Desa Neurok Kecamatan Geulumpang Tiga Kabupaten Pidie Dalam Perspektif Fiqh Syafi’iyyah fadhilah fadhilah; Fakhrurrazi
Al-Fikrah Vol 10 No 2 (2021): Jurnal Al-Fikrah
Publisher : Institut Agama Islam Al-Aziziyah Samalanga

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Penelitian ini mengkaji mengenai penentuan kuantitas mahar dalam adat perkawinan di Desa Neurok Kecamatan Geulumpang Tiga Kabupaten Pidie dalam perspektif Fiqh Syafi’iyyah bertujuan untuk mengetahui penentuan kuantitas mahar dalam adat perkawinan di Desa Neurok dan kesesuaian dengan hukum Islam. Mahar merupakan pemberian wajib calon suami kepada calon istri sebagai aplikasi perintah syar’i. penetapan pemberian mahar dalam Islam tidak ditentukan jumlah dan bentuknya. Namun, hal ini berbeda dengan praktik yang dilakukan oleh masyarakat Desa Neurok Geulumpang Tiga yang menetapkan jumlah mahar. Untuk menjawab permasalahan tersebut penulis menggunakan jenis penelitian field research, dengan pendekatan kualitatif. Teknik pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan wawancara, observasi dan dokumentasi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa masyarakat Desa Neurok mempunyai tradisi yang relatif sama dengan daerah lainnya di Kabupaten Pidie dalam penetapan mahar perkawinan, tidak jarang tradisi penetapan jumlah mahar ini menimbulkan permasalahan, karena pihak laki-laki merasa diberatkan dengan aturan tersebut. Penetapan mahar dalam adat perkawinan masyarakat Desa Neurok ditetapkan oleh keluarga (orang tua) dan dirinya sendiri dalam menentukan besarnya mahar dipengaruhi oleh faktor yang diperhitungkan, yaitu status pekerjaan wanita yang akan dilamar. Kalau perempuan itu sudah bekerja, misalnya sebagai PNS, wajar maharnya tinggi dikarenakan orang tuanya sudah mengeluarkan biaya untuk pendidikan anak perempuannya hingga mendapatkan pekerjaan. Jika dilihat dari segi keturunan, apabila perempuan tersebut keturunan orang kaya maka maharnya tinggi, begitu juga dengan kecantikan dan tingkat pendidikan yang ditempuh oleh perempuan tersebut. Namun apabila perempuan tersebut orang biasa maka maharnya biasa saja menurut status sosial yang disandangnya. Jumlah mahar biasa ditentukan dari sepuluh sampai dua puluh lima mayam..   Kata Kunci: Penentuan Kuantitas Mahar, Adat Perkawinan, Fiqh Syafi’iyyah,
VIDEO TUTORIAL SEBAGAI MEDIA PEMBELAJARAN DI ERA NEW NORMAL COVID 19 Tyas Asih Surya Mentari; Giatman Giatman; Fadhilah Fadhilah
Media Bahasa, Sastra, dan Budaya Wahana Vol 26, No 2 (2020): Volume 26 Nomor 2 Tahun 2020
Publisher : Universitas Pakuan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (334.905 KB) | DOI: 10.33751/wahana.v26i2.2769


Abstrak:Di era baru masa pandemi covid-19 diwajibkan setiap mahasiswa untuk melaksanakan kegiatan perkuliahan secara online atau daring. Teknologi Informasi dan Komunikasi sangat dibutuhkan dalam menunjang pembelajaran di masa era baru di masa pandemi covid-19. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menghasilkan rancangan media pembelajaran berupa media e-learning berbasis video tutorial yang praktis untuk mata kuliah Tata Rias Foto/TV/Film pada materi rias karakter. Jenis penelitian ini adalah penelitian pengembangan dengan menggunakan model IDI (Instructional Development Institute). Penelitian ini melihat apakah media e-learning berbasis video tutorial yang dirancang ini praktis, kemudian dilakukan uji coba kepada pengguna, yaitu dosen dan mahasiswa. Aspek yang diuji cobakan kepada dosen untuk melihat aspek akses e-learning, aspek materi, aspek penyajian, aspek media e-learning berbasis video tutorial. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa media e-learning berbasis video tutorial oleh dosen sudah praktis, sedangkan kepada mahasiswa untuk melihat minat mahasiswa, proses penggunaannya, peningkatan keaktifan mahasiswa dan waktu mahasiswa dalam mempelajari Mata Kuliah Rias foto/TV/Film dan Karakter pada materi rias karakter di Jurusan Tata Rias dan Kecantikan FPP UNP dengan menggunakan media E-Learning Berbasis Video tutorial. Hasil praktikalitas oleh mahasiswa sudah praktis. Berdasarkan data di atas dapat disimpulkan bahwa media e-learning berbasis video tutorial telah praktis dan dapat digunakan dalam pembelajaran di Jurusan Tata Rias dan Kecantikan FPP UNP dan dapat dikembangkan serta digunakan pada mata kuliah yang berbeda.Kata Kunci: Media Pembelajaran, E-learning, Video Tutorial, Praktis. Abstract:In the new era of the Covid-19 pandemic, all students are required to do online or online lecture activities. Information and communication technology is urgently needed to support learning in the new era during the Covid-19 pandemic. This study aims to produce a learning media design in the form of e-learning media based on practical video tutorials for Photography / TV / Film Make-up subject on character make-up material. This type of research is development research using the IDI (Instructional Development Institute) model. This study examines whether the designed video tutorial-based e-learning medium is practical, then tests are performed on users, that is, teachers and students. The aspects that were tested in the teachers were to see aspects of access to e-learning, material aspects, presentation aspects, aspects of e-learning media based on video tutorials. The results showed that the e-learning medium based on tutorial videos by the teachers was practical, while for the students, seeing the interest of the students, the process of its use, increased the activity of the students and the time of students in the studio of the Department of Photography / TV / Film and Makeup Courses of Characters of Makeup and Beauty, FPP UNP using e-learning media based on video tutorials. The results of practicality by students are practical. Based on the above data, it can be concluded that e-learning media based on video tutorials are practical and can be used in learning in the Department of Makeup and Beauty, FPP UNP and can be developed and used in different subjects.Keywords: e-learning, Learning media, practical video tutorials.
Serambi Tarbawi Vol 5, No 2 (2017): Serambi Tarbawi
Publisher : Universitas Serambi Mekkah

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (399.786 KB) | DOI: 10.32672/tarbawi.v5i2.1274


Penerapan manajemen kesiswaan pada sekolah merupakan salah satu keharusan untuk meningkatkan mutu pendidikan. Kurangnya sarana dan prasarana di sekolah menjadi kendala yang utama dalam mengefektifkan manajemen kesiswaan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui perencanaan, pelaksanaan, pengawasan, dan evaluasi program manajemen kesiswaan. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode deskriptif dengan pendekatan kualitatif. Perencanaan manajemen kesiswaan disusun oleh kepala sekolah bersama wakil kepala bidang kesiswaan meliputi program Penerimaan Siswa Baru, daya tampung siswa baru, dan proses seleksi siswa baru. Semua perencanaan tersusun disusun dan terdokumentasi.  Pelaksanaan manajemen kesiswaan disesuaikan dengan perencanaan yang disusun, baik menyangkut dengan penerimaan siswa baru maupun kegiatan-kegiatan kesiswaan. Pengawasan  manajemen kesiswaan berpedoman pada sistem manajemen, yaitu mengupayakan setiap kegiatan yang telah direncanakan, dilaksanakan dan pengawasan dengan baik. Kepala sekolah dan guru melakukan pengawasan terhadap penerapan manajemen kesiswaan.  Baik kepala sekolah maupun guru melaksanakan peran dan tanggungjawabnya berdasarkan tugas pokok dan fungsinya untuk keberhasilan manajemen kesiswaan. Kegiatan dan aspek penilaian manajemen kesiswaan berpedoman pada rencana yang disusun.
Serambi Tarbawi Vol 3, No 2 (2015): Serambi Tarbawi
Publisher : Universitas Serambi Mekkah

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (242.982 KB) | DOI: 10.32672/tarbawi.v3i2.1246


Media pembelajaran bagi anak di Taman Kanak-kanak adalah untuk memberikan wawasan tentang dasar-dasar media pengajaran dan memberikan pengetahuan praktis tentang cara-cara merancang pembuatan ,memilih bahan, menggunakan alat peraga (media pengajaran) beserta peraturannya. Hal ini mutlak perlu bagi seorang guru, sebab dalam proses belajar mengajar sebagai salah satu wujud kompetensi, guru harus mampu menggunakan media pengajaran dengan tepat dan sesuai dengan apa yang dijelaskan oleh guru yang berhubungan dengan pendidikan, karena pendidikan ini sangat perlu diterapkan di ajar pada anak-anak. pendidikan itu sendiri mempunyai arti yaitu Pendidikan dari segi bahasa berasal dari kata didik, dan diberi awalan men-, menjadi mendidik, yaitu kata kerja yang artinya memelihara dan memberi latihan (ajaran). Pendidikan yaitu pendewasaan diri melalui pengajaran dan latihan sejak dini. Maka untuk itu dalam judul ini membicarakan tentang pendidikan menggunakan alat pandang dengar (audio visual aid) adalah media pengajaran  dan media pendidikan yang mengaktifkan mata dan telinga dalam waktu proses belajar mengajar. Bahan cetak, metode bermain anak yaitu motivasi intrinsik, pengaruh positif, bukan dikerjakan sambil lalu, cara/tujuan, kelenturan. Contoh kelakuan dan suri tauladan adalah alat peraga yang hidup bagi peserta didik.
The Influence of Live Streaming Shopping on Purchase Decisions through Customer Engagement on Instagram Social Media Galih Ginanjar Saputra; Fadhilah Fadhilah
Budapest International Research and Critics Institute-Journal (BIRCI-Journal) Vol 5, No 2 (2022): Budapest International Research and Critics Institute May
Publisher : Budapest International Research and Critics University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33258/birci.v5i2.5049


Various digital platforms continue to innovate as a form of solution offered to business people. Live Streaming Shopping is now a new trend in marketing strategies using online platforms. The live feature on Instagram social media allows business people to offer products in real time, provide detailed information about products, answer questions from potential buyers or conduct other interactions with potential buyers. This study aims to analyze the influence of live streaming shopping on Instagram social media on customer engagement, to analyze the influence of customer engagement on purchasing decisions, and to analyze the influence of live streaming shopping on purchasing decisions through customer engagement on Instagram social media. This research was conducted on respondents who have followed and made purchases through live streaming shopping on Instagram social media. This type of research is carried out using explanatory research, with quantitative methods. Furthermore, the data were analyzed using Path Analysis technique or path analysis to determine the direct and indirect effects of the variables studied. This study provides several theoretical and managerial implications for business actors.
Pengaruh Keterikatan Kerja dan Dukungan Rekan Kerja terhadap Kinerja Tugas Farah Putri Wenang Lusianingrum; Lina Affifatusholihah; Fadhilah Fadhilah
Inovbiz: Jurnal Inovasi Bisnis Vol 8, No 1 (2020)
Publisher : Politeknik Negeri Bengkalis

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (339.975 KB) | DOI: 10.35314/inovbiz.v8i1.1261


This study tries to explain the antecedents of task performance using Self Determination Theory from autonomy and relatedness elements that are often ignored in the work environment. The autonomy element is represented by work engagement and the relatedness element is represented by the coworker support. The purpose of the study was to examine the effect of work engagement and coworker support on task performance. Thus, quantitative research methods were chosen because according with the research objectives. Yogyakarta Provincial Government employees who have worked for 2 years as many as 150 people are respondents in this study. The results of the study prove that work engagement and coworker support contribute to the improvement of employee task performance.
Evaluasi Penerapan Sistem Manajemen Keselamatan Pertambangan (SMKP) Pada PT. Dasrat Sarana Arang Sejati, Parambahan, Desa Batu Tanjung, Kec. Talawi, Kota Sawahlunto, Sumatera Barat Reza Faizal Ganiari; Fadhilah Fadhilah
Journals Mining Engineering : Bina Tambang Vol 7, No 1 (2022): Journals Mining Engineering: Bina Tambang
Publisher : Departemen Teknik Pertambangan FT UNP

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24036/bt.v7i1.117667


Abstract. PT. Dasrat Sarana Arang Sejati is an underground coal mining company located in Batu Tanjung Village, Talawi District, Sawahlunto City, West Sumatra. PT. Dasrat Sarana Arang Sejati is working on improving its Mining Safety Management System. Therefore, it is necessary to evaluate the results of the implementation of SMKP. This study aims to determine the results of the evaluation of the implementation of the mining safety management system (SMKP), efforts to improve the implementation of SMKP based on the formation of organizations and personnel, statistics on work accidents Frequency Rate and Severity Rate as well as Pareto diagrams, and the potential hazards that can occur and what solutions can be applied. against several potential hazards at mining sites in the form of Job Safety Analysis (JSA) and Standard Operational Procedures(SOP). The results of the questionnaire analysis of the evaluation level of the implementation of the overall mining safety management system at PT. Dasrat Sarana Arang Sejati True based on the Likert scale calculation is 89.5%. the need for the establishment and stipulation of the K3 Section, the KO Section, the appointment of Mining Special Technical Personnel, and the Mining Safety Committee, the frequency of accidents in 2021 is 19.75 without losing work days and work accidents on the work front occurring 5 (five) times out of a total of 10 (ten) times, the resulting JSA and SOP are in the form of installing roof supports and controlling polluting gases from underground mines.