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WALISONGO Vol 19, No 1 (2011): Walisongo, Ekonomi
Publisher : IAIN Walisongo Semarang

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Abstract   Basic issue on waqaf is the management, especially on the management of cash money. The institutions having in charge for managing the waqaf of cash money, have some management specific characteristics and patterns. This study focused on the management of waqaf on cash money in three institution, TWI, PKPU, and BMM. Applying qualitative method, it is found that waqaf of cash money still has some problems to solve: the lack of dissemination about waqaf of cash money among society members, the lack of professional nāẓir, no effective fundraising system, the weak managerial system, the low commitment on risk management, the unprotected purchasing power of money, and the variability on the distribution priority. *** Permasalahan dasar waqf adalah menajemen, khususnya manajemen uang tunai. Lembaga yang berperan untuk mengelola waqf uang tunai memiliki beberapa karakteristik dan pola manajemen yang spesifik. Kajian ini memfokuskan pada manajemen waqf uang tunai di tiga lembaga: TWI, PKPU, dan BMM. Dengan menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif ditemukan bahwa waqf uang tunai masih meninggalkan beberapa persoalan yaitu: kurangnya diseminasi tentang waqf uang tunai di kalangan masyarakat, kurangnya jumlah nadzir yang profesional; tidak adanya sistem pencarian dana yang efektif, lemahnya sistem manajemen, kekuatan pembelian uang yang tidak terlindungi, dan variabilitas prioritas distribusi.   Keywords: manajemen, pengumpulan dana, modal, manajemen risiko,distribusi
REDEFINISI HUKUM ISLAM DALAM KERANGKA DEMOKRASI - Eksperimentasi Muḥammad Shaḥrūr Fanani, Muhyar
AL-AHKAM Volume 24, Nomor 2, Oktober 2014
Publisher : AL-AHKAM

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Artikel ini mendiskusikan paradigma baru dari hukum Islam yang ditawarkan oleh Muḥammad Shaḥrūr, salah seorang dari pemikir Muslim kontemporer dari Syiria. Fokus kajian dalam tulisan ini adalah mengkritisi upaya redefinisi terhadap konsep-konsep dasar Hukum Islam oleh Shaḥrūr. Menurut Shaḥrūr redefinsi konsep-konsep dasar dalam Hukum Islam harus dilakukan sebagai starting point dalam membangun paradigma baru hukum Islam yang lebih berbasis antroposentris, -bukan teosentris. Hukum Islam adalah hukum sipil, demokratis dan positif. Oleh karenanya sangat mem­butuhkan definisi-definisi yang lebih realistis, elastis, dan implementatif. Bagi Shaḥrūr, eksistensi paradigma baru, yaitu demo­kratisasi Hukum Islam ini terasa sangat urgen di tengah kondisi dunia Muslim saat ini yang berada pada era negara bangsa, kon­stitusionalisme dan demokrasi, cepat berubah, dan semakin jauh dari masa tirani sama sekali.***This article discusses the new paradigm of Islamic law which is offered by Muḥammad Shaḥrūr, one of the contemporary Muslim thinkers from Suria. The focus of study on this paper is an attempt to criticize the redefinition of the basic concepts of Islamic law in Shaḥrūr view. According to Shaḥrūr, redefinition basic concepts in Islamic law must be done as a starting point to develop a new paradigm of Islamic law which is based on anthropocentric approaches, not theocentric approaches. Islamic law is civil law, democratic and positive. Therefore, it requires more realistic, elastic, and implementable definition. For Shaḥrūr, the existence of a new paradigm, such as the democratization of Islamic law is very urgent in the midest of the Muslim world today on the era of the nation state, constitutionalism and democracy, rapidly changing, and increasingly distant from the tyranny period.***Keywords: hukum Islam, paradigma baru, uṣūl al-fiqh, ḥudūd
Jurnal Ilmu Ushuluddin Vol 13, No 1 (2014): Jurnal Ilmu Ushuluddin
Publisher : Fakultas Ushuluddin dan Humaniora IAIN Antasari

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.18592/jiu.v13i1.699


This paper attempts to discuss the various issues on the Islamic theology sciences. As implied in its name, ushuluddinsciences should be the core and kernel of Islamic sciences. In fact, the muslim community were far a way from theushuluddin sciences. It is caused that the theories in ushuluddin sciences are always referring to a past era and wasrarely associated with contemporary social problems. The efforts to develop the Islamic sciences are supposed to leave inadvance of the ushuluddin sciences. This paper intends to study the direction of the study sciences ushuluddin inresponse to the challenges of the times. If the ushuluddin sciences want to continue to exist, then the first thing that musttobe done is to change the scientific paradigm shift from which only oriented itself into a community-oriented.
REDEFINISI HUKUM ISLAM DALAM KERANGKA DEMOKRASI Eksperimentasi Muḥammad Shaḥrūr Fanani, Muhyar
Al-Ahkam Volume 24, Nomor 2, Oktober 2014
Publisher : Faculty of Shariah and Law, State Islamic University (UIN) Walisongo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (315.729 KB) | DOI: 10.21580/ahkam.2014.24.2.144


This article discusses the new paradigm of Islamic law which is offered by Muḥammad Shaḥrūr, one of the contemporary Muslim thinkers from Suria. The focus of study on this paper is an attempt to criticize the redefinition of the basic concepts of Islamic law in Shaḥrūr view. According to Shaḥrūr, redefinition basic concepts in Islamic law must be done as a starting point to develop a new paradigm of Islamic law which is based on anthropocentric approaches, —not theocentric approaches. Islamic law is civil law, democratic and positive. Therefore, it requires more realistic, elastic, and implementable definition. For Shaḥrūr, the existence of a new paradigm, such as the democratization of Islamic law is very urgent in the midest of the Muslim world today on the era of the nation state, constitutionalism and democracy, rapidly changing, and increasingly distant from the tyranny period
Jurnal Ilmiah Ilmu Ushuluddin Vol 13, No 1 (2014): Jurnal Ilmiah Ilmu Ushuluddin
Publisher : Fakultas Ushuluddin dan Humaniora UIN Antasari Banjarmasin

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (2320.59 KB) | DOI: 10.18592/jiu.v13i1.699


This paper attempts to discuss the various issues on the Islamic theology sciences. As implied in its name, ushuluddinsciences should be the core and kernel of Islamic sciences. In fact, the muslim community were far a way from theushuluddin sciences. It is caused that the theories in ushuluddin sciences are always referring to a past era and wasrarely associated with contemporary social problems. The efforts to develop the Islamic sciences are supposed to leave inadvance of the ushuluddin sciences. This paper intends to study the direction of the study sciences ushuluddin inresponse to the challenges of the times. If the ushuluddin sciences want to continue to exist, then the first thing that musttobe done is to change the scientific paradigm shift from which only oriented itself into a community-oriented.
Analisis Komparatif atas Hasil Tracer Study Program Studi Hubungan Internasional dan Administrasi Negara Fanani, Muhyar; Sofian, Akhriyadi; Atmaja, Kaisar; Supriadi, Endang
JSW (Jurnal Sosiologi Walisongo) Vol 1, No 2 (2017)
Publisher : Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik UIN Walisongo Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21580/jsw.2017.1.2.2595


One of the indicators of a developed faculty is the numbers of department organized by the faculty. In order to develop the faculty, the Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, the State Islamic University Walisongo had planned to prepare a new department. Applying the method of survey as a preliminary study, this research was purposed as tracer study. The research questions are those related to job acceptance of the alumni and how long the alumni to get job after they finish their study, it was revealed that the Department of International Relations and the Department of Public Administration have been assumed to be priorities. This study focused on six famous and highest rank state universities in Java having mentioned departments. Based on this research result, it was recommended to heads of the State Islamic University Walisongo to set up the Department of International Relations and the Department of Public Administration as the effort for developing the Faculty of Social and Political Sciences.
Walisongo: Jurnal Penelitian Sosial Keagamaan Vol 19, No 1 (2011): Ekonomi Islam
Publisher : LP2M - Universitas Islam Negeri (UIN) Walisongo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21580/ws.19.1.217


Basic issue on waqaf is the management, especially on the management of cash money. The institutions having in charge for managing the waqaf of cash money, have some management specific characteristics and patterns. This study focused on the management of waqaf on cash money in three institution, TWI, PKPU, and BMM. Applying qualitative method, it is found that waqaf of cash money still has some problems to solve: the lack of dissemination about waqaf of cash money among society mem­bers, the lack of professional nāẓir, no effective fundraising system, the weak managerial system, the low commitment on risk management, the unprotected purchasing power of money, and the variability on the distribution priority.***Permasalahan dasar waqf adalah menajemen, khususnya manajemen uang tunai. Lembaga yang berperan untuk mengelola waqf uang tunai memiliki beberapa karakteristik dan pola manajemen yang spesifik. Kajian ini memfokuskan pada manajemen waqf uang tunai di tiga lembaga: TWI, PKPU, dan BMM. Dengan meng­gunakan pendekatan kualitatif ditemukan bahwa waqf uang tunai masih meninggalkan beberapa persoalan yaitu: kurangnya diseminasi tentang waqf uang tunai di kalangan masyarakat, kurangnya jumlah nadzir yang profesional; tidak adanya sistem pencarian dana yang efektif, lemahnya sistem manajemen, kekuatan pembelian uang yang tidak terlindungi, dan variabilitas prioritas distribusi.
Jurnal Ilmiah Ilmu Ushuluddin Vol 13, No 1 (2014): Jurnal Ilmiah Ilmu Ushuluddin
Publisher : Fakultas Ushuluddin dan Humaniora UIN Antasari Banjarmasin

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (2320.59 KB) | DOI: 10.18592/jiu.v13i1.699


This paper attempts to discuss the various issues on the Islamic theology sciences. As implied in its name, ushuluddinsciences should be the core and kernel of Islamic sciences. In fact, the muslim community were far a way from theushuluddin sciences. It is caused that the theories in ushuluddin sciences are always referring to a past era and wasrarely associated with contemporary social problems. The efforts to develop the Islamic sciences are supposed to leave inadvance of the ushuluddin sciences. This paper intends to study the direction of the study sciences ushuluddin inresponse to the challenges of the times. If the ushuluddin sciences want to continue to exist, then the first thing that musttobe done is to change the scientific paradigm shift from which only oriented itself into a community-oriented.
At-Taqaddum Volume 3, Nomor 2, November 2011
Publisher : Quality Assurance Institute (LPM) State Islamic University Walisongo Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1564.464 KB) | DOI: 10.21580/at.v3i2.499


This paper discusses the application of internal quality assurance system in the madrasah (Islamic School). This paper concludes that the quality assurance system is a systematic effort to improve the quality of education in a sustainable cycle that is manifested in the form of quality assurance activities to prevent unnecessary mistakes. Quality assurance system has some of the principles underlying the system works. Those Principles are a). Identify customers and their needs. b). Creating quality measurements. c). Plan process to achieve goals. d). The existence of a continuous of progress. In order to create continuous improvement, the head of madrasah (Islamic School) need to apply Deming's wheel consisting of plan, do, check, and act. For those madrasah which has many limitations, the PDCA is run by following the advice of Joseph Juran, namely: First, run a Kaizen, ie step by step improvement. Second, choose a low-cost measures. A good plan should be drawn off from the vision and mission of the madrasah which then are translated into a quality policy and objectives (targets) while considering the quality of customer needs. From the quality objectives specified performance indicators so as to facilitate evaluation. When the indicator has not been as planned, it means that there must be a record of improvement. PDCA cycle never ends, because the continuous improvement should be always sought.
Analisis Komparatif atas Hasil Tracer Study Program Studi Hubungan Internasional dan Administrasi Negara Fanani, Muhyar; Sofian, Akhriyadi; Atmaja, Kaisar; Supriadi, Endang
JSW (Jurnal Sosiologi Walisongo) Vol 1, No 2 (2017)
Publisher : Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik UIN Walisongo Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21580/jsw.2017.1.2.2595


One of the indicators of a developed faculty is the numbers of department organized by the faculty. In order to develop the faculty, the Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, the State Islamic University Walisongo had planned to prepare a new department. Applying the method of survey as a preliminary study, this research was purposed as tracer study. The research questions are those related to job acceptance of the alumni and how long the alumni to get job after they finish their study, it was revealed that the Department of International Relations and the Department of Public Administration have been assumed to be priorities. This study focused on six famous and highest rank state universities in Java having mentioned departments. Based on this research result, it was recommended to heads of the State Islamic University Walisongo to set up the Department of International Relations and the Department of Public Administration as the effort for developing the Faculty of Social and Political Sciences.