Leni Irianti
Prodi Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris Fkip Universitas Galuh Ciamis

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Gender Based Students’ Learning Autonomy in English Flipped Classroom Leni Irianti; Syafryadin Syafryadin; Elda Resi Moneta Wibowo; R.Bunga Febriani
Linguists : Journal Of Linguistics and Language Teaching Vol 7, No 1 (2021): JULY
Publisher : Islamic State Institute of Bengkulu (IAIN) Bengkulu

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29300/ling.v7i1.3961


This research is aimed at finding out the effectiveness on applying flipped classroom to enhance learning autonomy and how its impact on gender based students’ learning autonomy. The researchers was applied convergent parallel mixed methods design. The populations of this study were senior high school in Pangandaran and the researchers selected a particular class. The class which participated is X MIPA 4 which consist of 11 male and 19 female as the experimental group and X MIPA 1 as the control one which consist of 12 male and 18 female. The totals of participants are 60 students. The data collected from pre-post Learning Autonomy Questionnaire (LAQ) and pretest-posttest as quantitative data and interview as qualitative data. The questionnaire was analyzed by using SPSS 16.0 for Windows. The result showed there is a significant difference in students’ learning autonomy between students who are taught by means of flipped classroom and those who are not. Moreover, female indicates more autonomy than male in both class even before or after the treatment. Pretest-posttest indicated although the score of autonomy is increased, it does not have significant impact on their narrative reading comprehension test. On the other hand, based on the interview both female and male students respond positively about applying flipped classroom to enhace their learning autonomy even though there is no huge difference for male. In conclusion, flipped classroom has given a good impact in students’ learning autonomy even for female or male students although not give significant impact in students’ learning outcomes especially in narrative reading comprehension.  
Jurnal Inovasi Pengabdian Masyarakat Pendidikan Vol 1, No 1 (2020)
Publisher : Universitas Bengkulu

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (398.239 KB) | DOI: 10.33369/jurnalinovasi.v1i1.13219


Model pembelajaran Flipped Classroom merupakan salah satu model pembelajaran yang sangat tergantung kepada teknologi. Saat ini teknologi memegang peranan penting dalam peningkatan kualitas siswa dalam proses pembelajaran. Hasil pelatihan ini menunjukkan bahwa para guru bahasa Inggris sangat antusias mengikuti pelatihan. Selain itu, para guru bahasa Inggris mendapatkan ilmu yang bermanfaat. Guru-guru dalam hal ini memegang peranan penting sebagai fasilitator dalam meningkatkan kualitas siswa, yaitu melatih siswa untuk mandiri dan siap bersaing di era dunia digital.
Investigating Pre-Service English Teachers’ Perception on the Use of Multimedia in EFL Teaching and Learning Process: Pedagogical Implication Didih Faridah; Leni Irianti; Reska Laila Fachriyani
Jadila: Journal of Development and Innovation in Language and Literature Education Vol. 1 No. 2 (2020): Jadila: Journal of Development and Innovation in Language and Literature Educat
Publisher : Yayasan Karinosseff Muda Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.52690/jadila.v1i2.102


This paper reports on investigating pre-service English teachers’ perceptions on the use of multimedia in EFL teaching and learning process: pedagogically implication. This research aimed to investigate the pre-service English teachers’ perception toward the use of multimedia in EFL teaching and learning process and to observe kind of multimedia are used by the pre-service English teachers’ in EFL teaching and learning process. The participant of this research was the 63 senior students of English Department Galuh University. The questionnaire and interview were the instruments used in this research to collect the data. Survey monkey application was used in analyzing the questionnaire by displaying it into the figure and data interpretation based on the answer from a close-ended questionnaire, while the data from telephone interviews were analyzed by displaying data interpretation from the interviewees. After having the findings, the research showed that the students had a positive attitude towards multimedia. Most of the participants agreed that they like multimedia because it helped them in the teaching and learning process. In this era, we can easily found multimedia. PowerPoint, YouTube Videos, Podcast, Canva, PowToon, Picture, CALL, MALL, Digital Comic, Song, PowToon, and Movie are some the kinds of multimedia that can be used by pre-service English teachers' as the solution to make the learning process more interesting and enhance the students' language pedagogy. This research concludes that using multimedia in the teaching and learning process was important to improve their achievements, understanding, performances, and to achieve objectives of language pedagogy.
Flipped Learning In Listening Class: Best Practice Approaches and Implementation Leni Irianti; Fera Sulastri
English Language and Literature International Conference (ELLiC) Proceedings Vol 2 (2018): 2nd ELLiC Proceedings: 'Education 4.0: Trends and Future Perspectives in English Educa
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (432.674 KB)


This recent study analyzes the feasibility of the best practices concerning how flipped classroom is implemented in listening class, either online or offline. Recently, one of the digital literacy models is Mobile Assisted Language Learning (MALL) based teaching technique is well known as flipped learning classroom. It believes as a branch of blended-learning. The emergence of this new model is the vice versa from the conventional teaching process. In Flipped Classroom, the course is divided into two parts, inside and outside classroom. This model has been widely adopted in many levels of education field all over the world. Therefore, this study tries to implement flipped classroom model in university level. The course subject of this study is listening comprehension. English listening comprehension in university has its own issue. Listening has become one of the most significant concerns in teaching English as a foreign language. It was figured out that there were some problems occur in listening class. Thus, this recent study is aimed at giving precise insight toward the flipped classroom model in listening class. The research method used is case study research design. The population is the students at one of the private universities and one state university in East Priangan Indonesia. The sample is 21 students at the third semester of English Department. The questionnaires and interview were used to verify the data. The result of this study is to give precise insight implementing flipped classroom model in online and offline. It also explained the successful running of flipped classroom under the MALL
BRIGHT : A Journal of English Language Teaching, Linguistics and Literature Vol 2, No 1 (2019)
Publisher : STKIP PGRI Tulungagung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29100/bright.v2i2.890


In Listening class the learner are demanded to be a critical thinker who can identify something explicitly stated in spoken text. Identifying the main idea means the students were able to engage the students’ in listening, such as they are able distinguishing the main idea from supporting details, distinguishing fact, example, and opinion. This study aims at examining the lesson plan of listening especially in identifying the main idea in spoken text, whether the lesson plan has fulfill the indicators of understanding main idea in spoken text or not. This study also attempts to analyze the students’ feedback to the lesson plan regarding to their learning improvement. Thus, this study also identifies the gap between the lesson plan and the impact toward the students’ performance in listening. The researcher uses a survey checklist focusing on the key elements of the self-evaluation of a teacher’s lesson and questionnaire for students’ appraisal. Their responses are analyzed by using a document analysis and questionnaire description. Based on data analysis, the present lesson plan meets out its objectives to certain point but not completely. The result shows that most of the statements based on the key elements of the lesson plan fall into the category of “moderate” it is suggested that the lesson plan should be revised so that it fulfills the objectives of the course completely. Considering the students’ course evaluation the lesson should be updated.
JALL (Journal of Applied Linguistics and Literacy) Vol 5, No 2 (2021)
Publisher : Universitas Galuh

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.25157/jall.v5i2.5132


This study highlights on the use of code switching in speaking class and its impact toward the students’ language development in target language. Code switching is a regular phenomenon in multilingual conversations. The purposes of the study are to discover the use and the roles of code switching in EFL classrooms, how the roles contributed to the students’ language development in the EFL context, and how the code switching influences the process of teaching in EFL classroom. The study gathered the data based on a qualitative research design. There were two instruments used in this study; classroom observations and questionnaire. The study was a case study in the teaching and learning process of Speaking for classroom instruction at the fourth semester students of English department in Galuh University, Ciamis. The findings of the study exposed that using code switching while teaching and learning process is valuable in the Speaking English as foreign language, in this case in the subject of Speaking for classroom instruction. The code switching as one of the kinds of multilingualism is essential and unavoidable in language classrooms.
JALL (Journal of Applied Linguistics and Literacy) Vol 4, No 1 (2020)
Publisher : Universitas Galuh

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar


This study presents the use of the flipped classroom model in reading comprehension. This study is aimed to investigate the teacher’s way of implementing flipped classroom in teaching reading narrative text and reveal students’ perception toward the teaching model. A qualitative case study was applied as the research design of this study. The subject of this study was chosen purposively, consisting of twenty-three students from the tenth grade (X AK-1) and one English teacher in one of the vocational high schools in Cilacap, Indonesia. The writers applied the triangulation technique as where the data were analyzed through multiple resources to get more reliable data. The result of the study was showed that the teacher implemented four main stages in teaching reading narrative text using the flipped classroom model. Meanwhile, regarding the students’ perception, students perceived all the stages and activities in the flipped classroom model positively. The students viewed that flipped classroom as a fun learning model, which helped them became a more active learners, and help them overcome their shortcomings. Finally, other researchers are suggested to explore deeply into the implementation of the model that targets other topics and skills, apply other framework suggested by other experts, and explore the students’ perception using an open questionnaire to reveal the reason underlying the perception.Keywords: Flipped Classroom, Teaching Reading, Narrative Text
Translating Comic Strips as a Strategy to Enrich Students’ Vocabulary Mastery Lilies Youlia Priatin; Leni Irianti; Zia Nurfauziah
International Journal of Innovation and Education Research Vol. 1 No. 1
Publisher : Universitas Bengkulu

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33369/ijier.v1i1.13918


This study aims to figure out the effectiveness in enriching students’ vocabulary mastery by implementing comic translation teaching technique. The method of the research is mixed method design with the type of true-experimental pre-test post-test control group design for the quantitative data and close-ended questionnaire for the qualitative data. The population of this study were the students of eight grade in one of the junior high schools in Tasikmalaya. the sample 30 students as the experimental group and 30 students as the control group. The two research instruments used were test and questionnaire. The vocabulary test in the form of finding the difficult word and making it a sentence was used to get the data of students’ level of vocabulary mastery, while questionnaire was used to know students’ perception toward the technique. Based on the data analysis, it is found that comic translation could improve students’ vocabulary mastery. This technique met the criteria of success since average of students’ score got 80 and students showed positive perception toward this technique.The preliminary study indicated that students’ problem in learning vocabulary was the limited vocabulary knowledge, thus, they performed low in language tasks. Comics were used as media in teaching vocabulary since it is an authentic material that contains rich vocabulary exposure for the students. It is suggested for the teacher to implement comic translation as an extensive vocabulary exposure activity during lesson.
EFL Students’ Perception of Using Grammarly in Undergraduate Paper Writing Raihan; R. Bunga Febriani; Leni Irianti
International Journal of Innovation and Education Research Vol. 2 No. 1
Publisher : Universitas Bengkulu

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33369/ijier.v2i1.29089


This research discusses about EFL Students’ Perception of Using Grammarly in Undergraduate Paper Writing. The objective of this study was aimed to elaborate the challenges faced by students’ in writing a research paper by using Grammarly and investigated the students’ perception of using Grammarly in undergraduate paper writing. This study used descriptive qualitative method, involved 23 students’ of English Education who used Grammarly in writing a paper. Brief rating scales questionnaires were used to gather the data. The results showed that students’ responded positively to the use of Grammarly in undergraduate paper writing. Most of the students agreed that using Grammarly makes the process of writing more clearly, easy, and fascinating. Grammarly can help students’ in correcting the grammatical errors and plagiarism in their writing. However, writing a paper should be with the correct and good grammar so that the reader can easily to found out the meaning and also more understandable the paper. The researcher suggested for the next research to focus on the teacher perception of using Grammarly to assist the students’ in writing a research paper.