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Pelatihan Pengkayaan Pakan Pada Kelompok Pembudidaya Udang Sistem Backyard Di Kabupaten Barru Hamsah Hamsah; Asni Anwar; Murni Murni; Abdul Malik; Andi Khaeriyah; Muhammad Ikbal; Darmawati Darmawati
To Maega : Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat Vol 4, No 3 (2021): Oktober 2021
Publisher : Universitas Andi Djemma

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35914/tomaega.v4i3.787


AbstrakMasyarakat di wilayah pesisir Desa Madello Kecamatan Balusu Kabupaten Barru memanfaatkan pekarangan rumah sebagai tempat budidaya udang vaname skala pembenihan melalui sistem backyard.  Kendala utama yang sering dialami oleh kelompok pembudidaya udang “Pantai Palie” Desa Madello adalah rendahnya kelulushidupan udang yang umumnya terjadi pada fase mysis ke fase pascalarva, sehingga perlu penerapan teknologi tepat guna untuk meningkatkan hasil panennya. Salah satu upaya yang dilakukan untuk menyikapi masalah tersebut adalah menerapkan penggunaan prebiotik mannanoligosakarida (Bio-MOS) pada pakan alami Artemia sp. sebagai pakan larva udang untuk meningkatkan nilai nutrisi pakan. Metode pelaksanaan kegiatan dilakukan dengan metode diskusi, koordinasi, penyuluhan, pelatihan dan pendampingan kepada mitra. Berdasarkan hasil kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat, kelompok pembudidaya udang “Pantai Palie” menjadi mengetahui dan terampil melakukan pengkayaan pakan alami Artemia sp. dengan Bio-MOS, sehingga dapat meningkatkan kelulushidupan udang pada stadia mysis ke pascalarva.  Saran yang diberikan dalam kegiatan ini adalah sebaiknya dilakukan pendampingan lanjutan terkait penggunaan Bio-MOS pada pakan Artemia sp. serta pelatihan manajemen usaha untuk meningkatkan kualitas sumberdaya manusia sebagai pengelola pada usaha pembenihan sistem backyard di Desa Madello,Kabupaten Barru.Kata Kunci: udang vaname, backyard, Artemia sp., mannanoligosakarida (Bio-MOS).AbstractCommunities in the coastal area of Madella Village, Balusu District, Barru Regency use their home yards as a place for cultivation vanname shrimp on a hatchery scale through the backyard system.  The main obstacle that is often experienced by the "Palie Beach" shrimp farming group is the low survival rate of shrimp, which generally occurs from the mysis phase to the postlarva phase, so it is necessary to apply appropriate technology to increase crop yields. One of the efforts made to address this problem is to apply the use of prebiotic mannanoligosaccharides (Bio-MOS) in natural feed Artemia sp. as feed for shrimp larvae to increase the nutritional value of feed. The method of implementing the activities is carried out using the methods of discussion, coordination, counseling, training and mentoring to partners. Based on the results of community service activities, the "Palie Beach" shrimp farming group became aware of and skilled in enriching the natural feed of Artemia sp. with Bio-MOS, so that it can increase the survival of shrimp from the mysis stage to post-larvae. The advice given in this activity is that further assistance should be carried out regarding the use of MOS in Artemia sp feed as well as business management training to improve the quality of human resources as managers in a backyard hatchery business in Madello Village, Barru Regency.Key Word: vanname shrimp, backyard, Artemia sp., mannanoligosaccharides (Bio-MOS).
JICSA : Journal of Islamic Civilization in Southeast Asian Vol 11 No 2 (2022)
Publisher : Universitas Islam Negeri Alauddin Makassar

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24252/jicsa.v11i2.35409


This study aims to find out how to foster the self-sufficiency of students at the Ummul Mukminin 'Aisyiyah Islamic Boarding School for the South Sulawesi Region. It also explores what kind of student’s self-sufficiency. The research used a descriptive qualitative method approach, namely the data collected through informants' answers were selected and sorted which were then analyzed semantically. The results showed that the orientation of fostering the self-sufficiency of students at the Islamic Boarding School for Puteri Ummul Mukminin 'Aisyiyah in the South Sulawesi Region was directed at 2 aspects, namely physical and spiritual aspects. These two aspects will be well-formed if they are carried out with good and consistent management and are fully supported by the parents of the students themselves.