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Jurnal Gema Ngabdi Vol. 1 No. 1 (2019): Jurnal Gema Ngabdi
Publisher : Universitas Mataram

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29303/jgn.v1i1.6


Improving nutritional value of feed using Leucaena leucocephala is attainable for everyone as it could easily grow in agriculture land and often found as tree fences in farmers’ residential area. Leucaena leaves contain high valuable nutrition, which favored by the cattle and likewise the increase live weight cattle thoroughly. A community-service based program was carried out at farmer group of Pade Genem in Sekarbela district, Mataram. This program aimed to provide training for cattle farmers on how to feed cattle using leucaena, introducing the methods of reducing anti-nutritional factors that naturally producing by leucaena, as well as planting strategy for feeding and environmental greening. Participative approach was used in the education and training activities through counseling, discourse and illustration methods. Success of program is indicated by enthusiasm and involvement of participants, as well as implementation and adoption
Pelatihan Pengolahan Pakan Asal Limbah Pertanian di Desa Moyo Mekar Moyo Hilir Sumbawa Muhamad Amin; SD Hasan; Oscar Yanuarianto; Suhubdy Suhubdy; Syamsul Hidayat Dilaga
Jurnal Gema Ngabdi Vol. 3 No. 1 (2021): Jurnal Gema Ngabdi
Publisher : Universitas Mataram

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29303/jgn.v3i1.119


As an effort to improve the knowledge and skills of rural breeders, community service activities have been carried out with the topic "Training on Feed Processing from Agricultural Waste in Moyo Mekar Village of Moyo Hilir Sumbawa." This service activity was held on the grounds that breeders in Moyo Mekar Village often experience difficulties to meet the needs of their livestock for forage, especially during the dry season, so this sometimes has an unwanted negative impact, such as the occurrence of cases of death and disease in livestock as a result of the declining condition of the livestock. This is due to the ignorance of the breeders in their efforts to overcome the shortage of forage during the dry season. This community service activity has been carried out using three methods, namely lecture, written and demonstration methods. With the lecture method, it was conveyed about the understanding and explanation of how to preserve and treat agricultural waste. Through the written method, it is conveyed by giving brochures to the breeder members. Meanwhile, with the demonstration method, the breeders directly practice ways of preserving and treating agricultural waste. Based on the results of monitoring during the activity, the results of questions and answers and the enthusiasm of the participants, it was seen that the new breeders realized how important the role of nutrition was for livestock, the availability of applying preservation and feed processing technology, and it could also be seen that they had no difficulty in adopting the material provided, then Overall this activity can be said to be quite successful. Recognizing the limitations of the breeders in terms of preservation and processing of feed which is an alternative for providing feed in the dry season, it is suggested that this kind of activity should be continued so that the expected livestock production can be achieved. 
Budidaya Lamtoro Sebagai Bank Pakan Sumber Protein di Kecamatan Moyo Utara Kabupaten Sumbawa Oscar Yanuarianto; Muhamad Amin; Syamsul Hidayat Dilaga; Dahlanuddin Dahlanuddin
Jurnal Gema Ngabdi Vol. 3 No. 1 (2021): Jurnal Gema Ngabdi
Publisher : Universitas Mataram

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29303/jgn.v3i1.135


: Currently, the Lamtoro plant has become the prima donna of forage for ruminants in NTB Province. This plant is able to grow in relatively dry land and can be a source of protein for ruminants, maintenance and maintenance is relatively easy because it does not require a lot of water. On the other hand, the use of lamtoro as a source of protein for ruminant feed is an efficient step in meeting animal feed needs. Through the utilization of lamtoro, the use of less productive land can be utilized as well as a reforestation tree to prevent erosion, on the other hand, the use of lamtoro can increase farmers' income because the cost of foraging for food in the dry season can be minimized, the quality of feed given to livestock is maintained so that livestock productivity is maintained. The dry season remains high, therefore the Maju Bersama Group in the Filter Village of North Moyo District as one of the livestock groups in North Moyo District where the population does a lot of raising ruminant livestock, it is deemed necessary to carry out community empowerment service activities through counseling on “Lamtoro Cultivation As a Protein Source Feed Bank in North Moyo District, Sumbawa Regency. " Providing counseling in the form of demonstrations, speeches (lectures and questions and answers), and distribution of leaflets attended by 20 participants including members of farmer groups and local residents. The results of the counseling were considered very useful. This could be seen from the enthusiasm of the extension participants who attended both the question and answer session and the demonstration session. The output of this counseling result is an ISSN service journal and a brochure
Pelatihan Teknik Pembuatan Pakan Sapi Bali di Kelompok Peternak Patut Patuh Patju Kelurahan Ampenan Selatan Kecamatan Ampenan Kota Mataram Muhamad Amin; Sofyan D Hasan; Syamsul Hidayat Dilaga; Oscar Yanuarianto; Dahlanuddin Dahlanuddin
Jurnal Gema Ngabdi Vol. 4 No. 1 (2022): JURNAL GEMA NGABDI
Publisher : Universitas Mataram

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29303/jgn.v4i1.161


As an effort to improve the knowledge and skills of farmers in rural areas, service activities have been carried out with the topic "Training on Bali Cattle Feed Making Techniques in the Patut Patuh Patju Farmer Group, South Ampenan Village, Ampenan Sub-district, Mataram City". This service activity was held on the grounds that farmers in Ampenan Selatan Village often have difficulty meeting the needs of their livestock for forage, especially during the dry season, so this sometimes has an unwanted negative impact such as the occurrence of cases of death and disease in livestock as a result of declining livestock conditions. This is due to the ignorance of the farmers in an effort to overcome the shortage of forage during the dry season. This community service activity will be carried out with three methods, namely the lecture, written and demonstration methods. With the lecture method delivered on the understanding and explanation of silage and Ammoniation Fermentation (Amofer). Through the written method, it was delivered by giving a brochure containing how to make silage and make Amofer rice straw. Meanwhile, with the demonstration method, the farmers immediately practiced the preservation and processing method with Silage and Amofer technology. Based on the results of monitoring during the activity, the results of the questions and answers and the enthusiasm of the participants, it was seen that the farmers had just realized the importance of the role of nutrition for livestock, were willing to apply feed preservation and processing technology, and it could also be seen that they had no difficulty in adopting the material provided. So overall this activity can be said to be quite successful. Recognizing the limitations of breeders in terms of conservation and feed processing which is an alternative for providing feed in the dry season, the service team suggests that this kind of activity should be continued so that the expected livestock production can be achieved.
Penggunaan Daun Lamtoro Sebagai Pakan Untuk Penggemukan Sapi Bali Syamsul Hidayat Dilaga; Muhamad Amin; Oscar Yanuarianto; Sofyan Sofyan; Dahlanuddin Dahlanuddin
Jurnal Gema Ngabdi Vol. 4 No. 2 (2022): JURNAL GEMA NGABDI
Publisher : Universitas Mataram

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29303/jgn.v4i2.262


Farmers are not used to giving leucaena leaves to the cattle they keep. This is because lack of information about benefits of leucaena is not widely known. Whereas leucaena leaves have high nutritional value and palatable. Cattle body weight can grow well, so farmers get an advantage when using leucaena as feed.Extension activity was conducted in Kelompok Tani Ternak Aik Kolong, Mura Village, District of Brang Ene, West Sumbawa Regency. Selection of places at the request of community leaders from this place. After the extension activities, farmers have begun to understand and realize that the maintenance cattle for fattening efforts absolutely need quality feed intake. Farmers will seed and a plant leucaena seed given in the cage area, yard, or in their fields after the rainy season arrives. This was conveyed in discussions (Q&A) events that developed during extension activities and technical guidance conducted in a simulation. In the end of activities, the farmers still hope that this kind of activity is more often done, so that their skills and knowledge on how to raise cattle fattening can be applied in the Group in particular and in Mura Village-Brang Ene, West Sumbawa Regency generally.
TEKNIK PEMBUATAN KONSENTRAT SECARA MANUAL UNTUK PAKAN SAPI SUMBAWA Syamsul Hidayat Dilaga; Muhamad Amin; Oscar Yanuarianto; Ryan Aryadin Putra; Suhubdy Suhubdy
Jurnal Pepadu Vol 3 No 3 (2022): Jurnal PEPADU
Publisher : Universitas Mataram

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (259.748 KB)


Penyuluhan tentang teknik pembuatan konsentrat secara manual untuk pakan Sapi Sumbawa dimaksudkan guna meningkatkan pengetahuan dan keterampilan peternak di pedesaan. Kegiatan ini dilakukan karena peternak di Desa Penyaring, Kecamatan Moyo Utara, Kabupaten Sumbawa sering mengalami kesulitan dalam memenuhi kebutuhan ternaknya akan pakan bermutu sesuai dengan jenis dan tujuan pemeliharaan. Apalagi pada usaha penggemukan, boleh dikata jarang mereka memberi pakan konsentrat kepada sapinya. Mereka beranggapan dengan memberi dedak padi dalam komponen pakan hijauan sama artinya dengan menambahkan konsentrat. Padahal dedak padi hanyalah merupakan salah satu bahan baku penyusun konsentrat. Akibatnya, pertambahan bobot badan ternak tidak sesuai dengan harapannya. Untuk itulah dilakukan penyuluhan ini yang dalam pelaksanaannya menggunakan pendekatan/metode ceramah dan demonstrasi. Hasil yang diperoleh adalah peternak peserta penyuluhan antusias untuk menerapkannya pada usaha ternaknya mengingat semua bahan baku utama yang digunakan untuk membuat konsentrat ada terdapat di lokasi mereka, seperti misalnya dedak padi, jagung, dan tongkol jagung. Hal ini mereka kemukakan setelah melihat kenyataan pakan konsentrat yang dibuat itu begitu diberikan kepada sapi sumbawa langsung dimakan sampai habis. Kesimpulan pakan konsentrat yang telah dibuat sangat disukai (palatable) oleh Sapi Sumbawa. Demikian pula biaya pembuatan terjangkau oleh peternak, dan mudah cara pembuatannya, sehingga tidak perlu membeli di toko yang menjual pakan konsentrat untuk sapi.