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Jurnal Pendidikan Kewarganegaraan Vol 2, No 4 (2012)
Publisher : Jurnal Pendidikan Kewarganegaraan

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 The causes of low student achievement in class-II X SMA PGRI 4 Banjarmasin is because so far in implementing the teaching and learning, the teacher uses only lecture and question and answer method. In addition, also, very rarely use the model of cooperative learning. The purpose of this study were: (1) Want to know the implementation of in the STAD model of learning competency standards of equality of citizens in the class X II SMA PGRl 4 Banjarmasin. (2) Want to find out the learning activities of students in the the learning competency standards of equality of citizens through the implementation of STAD in the classroom model of X-II SMA PGRI 4 Banjarmasin. (3) Want to know the students´ competence in the the learning standards of equality of citizens through the implementation of STAD in the classroom model of X-II SMA PGRI 4 Banjarmasin. To achieve these objectives the research carried out class action in two cycles, each cycle consisting of two or more meetings. Data collection was done by using the test and non test. Tests done by giving a series of questions to students and non-test carried out by means of observation techniques, interviews, documentation and literature.The results of this study demonstrate the application of learning models STAD has been as planned and the management of learning by both teachers included in the qualification. Activities of students and teachers in learning Civic Education using STAD learning model in accordance with aspects of cooperative learning and qualify well. Civic Education students´ learning outcomes in the classical style after using STAD learning model increases and is at a good qualification.Teachers are expected to make a model of learning Student Teams Achievement Division (STAD) as an alternative in an effort to increase the activity and student learning outcomes, since the implementation of STAD a good model of the learning will be more effective and efficient.
Parents´ role in Increasing Motivation Learning Child at Mangkupum village Muara Uya Districk Tabalong Regency Ristiani, Ica; Fatimah, Fatimah; Ruchliyadi, Dian Agus
Jurnal Pendidikan Kewarganegaraan Vol 3, No 5 (2013): Jurnal Pendidikan Kewarganegaraan
Publisher : Jurnal Pendidikan Kewarganegaraan

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Motivation to learn was very concerned with the motivation or encouragement from parents, children will study hard because of the encouragement by the parent so that objectives can be achieved. The role of parents is expected, so that children can increase achievement in public life. The importance of motivation for children to learn at home so that children can master their environment and can increase the child´s ability to think and vice versa if the issues are not examined the children´s ability to understand, integrate and add to less.This study aims to improve the child´s motivation to learn, and what sources of motivation given by parents to children in learning. The study was designed and conducted using qualitative methods. Data was collected through observation, interviews and literature. The analysis results are used in the reduction step is the analysis of the data, presenting data and drawing conclusions. These results indicate that the role of parents in children´s learning motivation in the Mangkupum village still less so that the role of parents is necessary. Although the children were motivated to learn, sometimes children themselves lazy motivated to learn and are very difficult to understand the lessons learned in school that the child needs to repeat the lesson at home. Parents in motivating their children to learn to use a variety of ways, some provide motivation by giving promises of gifts, some are not willing to accustom their children to learn to get the prize. But in essence, the parents expect their children to learn not for want of gifts or benefits alone, but children learn in order to achieve goals and be successful. Based on these results, it can be suggested that the child´s parents to be diligent in learning, parents should always motivate their children by guiding ideals to be achieved her child, thus the child is expected to be motivated to learn.
Implementation of the formation of Character Discipline by Teachers PKn in SMK Bina Stadium Banjarmasin Helda, Siti Rabiatul; Fatimah, Fatimah; Adawiyah, Rabiatul
Jurnal Pendidikan Kewarganegaraan Vol 3, No 5 (2013): Jurnal Pendidikan Kewarganegaraan
Publisher : Jurnal Pendidikan Kewarganegaraan

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In the implementation of character education in SMK Bina Banjarmasin Stadium still have students who are not disciplined it can be seen from the behavior of learners, among others, poor quality of character discipline as there are violations of the code of conduct of the school. For the implementation of the formation of character discipline in schools is indispensable in order to shape the attitudes and behavior of kedisiplin in students as the next generation of the nation. Teachers PKn forming character discipline in schools by providing direction regarding the code of conduct in the school is named in it there is a code of conduct about discipline so that students understand the meaning of discipline itself so that it becomes the students obey the rules and code of conduct in that character. This research aims to know the implementation of teachers PKn in the formation of character, discipline, the role of teachers PKn in the formation of character and discipline factors cause students who do not obey the rules of discipline in SMK Bina Stadium Banjarmasin. The methods used in this study is a qualitative method. Data collection was carried out with interview techniques, observation and documentation. Analysis of the results of research that is used is the analysis of the data reduction steps, data display and verification. Research results show that implementation of the formation of character discipline cannot be separated from the role of teachers PKn, because in the mengimplemetasi formation of the character of the discipline at the school teacher who was instrumental in giving examples of exemplary discipline and be a role model for students in order to have discipline in her character. Factors cause students not discipline is a family environment for the education of the parents and may also of his intercourse environment that may affect child discipline or undisciplined, environment his intercourse because friends can sepergaulan affect in order not to discipline, can also from himself. Based on the results of this study, it is recommended that teachers can further improve the character of the discipline in schools and the students realize that the importance of the establishment of the discipline and the character is constantly working to shape the character of the discipline that not only in schools but also within the family and in the community environment.
Indonesian Journal of Agricultural Science Vol 15, No 2 (2014): October 2014
Publisher : Indonesian Agency for Agricultural Research and Development - MOA

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Early-maturing and high-yielding rice variety is very useful for increasing rice production in Indonesia. The aim of this research was to develop new lines of Indonesian rice containing Hd2 gene using Code variety as a recipient parent and Nipponbare variety as a donor parent through targetted MAB approach using RM1362 and RM7601 in chromosom 7 for foreground selection. After two generations of backcrossing, the positive alleles of Hd2 gene from Nipponbare had successfully trans-ferred into Code. The plant number CdNp_29 in BC2F2 popula-tion had the highest genome recovery of 82.7%. The twelve BC2F3 plants were selected for self-pollination to generate BC2F4. These selected lines that carried the Hd2 gene were screened in the greenhouse for the evaluation of heading date and agronomic traits. All improved lines had Hd2 gene similar to the donor parent Nipponbare. The heading date of the breeding lines ranged from 73 to 89 days (Code 85 days) or fill the third criterion of rice maturity that is 103-104 days compared to Code of 116-119 days, whereas their agronomic performances were similar with that of Code. Application of MABc for im-proving rice early maturity has accelerated the development and selection in early generation of superior lines having genetic background of Code. It is expected that the newly developed lines of Code will be utilized to increase rice production in Indonesia.
Meningkatkan Hasil Belajar Siswa Dalam Pembelajaran IPA Dengan Metode Demonstrasi Dikelas V SDN 10 Biau Fatimah, Fatimah
Jurnal Kreatif Tadulako Online Vol 5, No 4 (2017): Jurnal Kreatif Tadulako Online
Publisher : Jurnal Kreatif Tadulako Online

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Permasalahan dalam penelitian ini adalah rendahnya hasil belajar siswa. Tujuan penelitian adalah untuk meningkatkan hasil belajar siswa pada mata pelajaran IPA di Kelas V SDN 10 Biau.  Desain penelitian yang digunakan adalah Penelitian Tindakan Kelas (PTK) model Kemmis dan Mc. Taggart, terdiri 4 langkah yaitu perencanaan, pelaksanaan, observasi, dan refleksi. Subjek penelitian ini adalah siswa kelas V SDN 10 Biau berjumlah 20 siswa yang terdiri dari 10 orang laki-laki dan 10 orang perempuan. Hasil penelitian diperoleh ketuntasan belajar klasikal siklus I mencapai 40% pada siklus II ketuntasan belajar klasikal menjadi 85%. Sehingga secara umum rata-rata peningkatan yang terjadi dari siklus I ke siklus II sebesar 45%. Hasil observasi aktivitas guru pada siklus I mencapai 57,5% atau berada pada kategori cukup pada siklus II menjadi 92,5% atau berada pada kategori sangat baik, dengan rata-rata peningkatan hasil observasi guru dari siklus I kesiklus II adalah sebesar 35%. Hasil observasi aktivitas siswa pada siklus I mencapai 52,5% kategori cukup meningkat pada siklus II menjadi 95% kategori sangat baik. Sehingga rata-rata peningkatan hasil observasi siswa dari siklus I kesiklus II adalah sebesar 42,5%.50Dengan demikian dapat disimpulkan bahwa pembelajaran dengan penggunaan metode demonstrasi dapat meningkaykan hasil belajar IPA pada pembelajaran perubahan wujud benda. Kata Kunci: Hasil Belajar, Metode Demonstrasi
MIIPS Vol 7, No 2 (2008): Jurnal MIIPS
Publisher : MIIPS

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ABSTRACTThis research aims to describe education fund management in SMK Cokroaminoto 1 of Surakarta, to know effectiveness of education fund management in SMK Cokroaminoto 1 of Surakarta, its problems, and also the effort solve the problem. This research was conducted at SMK Cokroaminoto 1 Surakarta. Data were collected by using interview, document, and observation, and then analyzed qualitative. The technique of data analysis which are used are interactive analysis model which consists of three main components, namely data reduction, data presentation, and conclusion drawing. While, source triangulation and method triangulation are used for examining the data validity.Based on the analysis results and discussion, it can be concluded are as follows a) Fund management in SMK Cokroaminoto 1 of Surakarta can be devided into three phases, namely planning, implementation, and evaluation. In the phase of planning and evaluation is usually held a meeting to determine/ arrange polices and responsibility for implementing work and estimation program. While, the implementation of fund management is done based on the rule which has been made by the supervising and policies of head master. b) Fund management in SMK Cokroaminoto 1 Surakarta has not been fully effective. c) The biggest problems faced by its school is the delay of payment from the parents. 
Jurnal Al-Qadau Vol 1, No 1 (2014): al-qadau
Publisher : Jurnal Al-Qadau

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Perkembangan dunia yang semakin maju disertai dengan era globalisasi dan perkembangan ilmu pengetahuan dan teknologi yang pesat telah membawa pengaruh yang besar, termasuk persoalan-persoalan hukum.  Masyarakat Islam sebagai suatu bagian yang tidak terpisahkan dari dunia, tidak dapat melepaskan diri dari persoalan-persoalan yang menyangkut kedudukan hukum suatu persoalan tersebut. Peristiwa baru memerlukan keputusan hukum melalui ijtihad. Pada posisi ini ijtihad merupakan inner dynamic bagi lahirnya perubahan untuk mengawal cita-cita universalitas Islam sebagai sistem ajaran yang shalihun li kulli zaman wal makan. Tak disangkal bahwa sumber-sumber hukum normatif-tekstual sangatlah terbatas jumlahnya, sementara kasus-kasus baru tidak terbatas. Karenanya, semangat untuk melakukan ijtihad terhadap kasus-kasus hukum baru perlu terus disemangati. Dengan demikian, Ijtihad merupakan satu-satunya jalan untuk mendinamisir ajaran Islam sesuai dengan tuntutan perubahan zaman dengan berbagai kompleksitas persoalannya yang memasuki seluruh dimensi kehidupan manusia.
IDENTIFIKASI SOMATOTYPE, STATUS GIZI, DAN DIETARY ATLET REMAJA STOP AND GO SPORTS Penggalih, Mirza Hapsari Sakti Titis; Pratiwi, Diana; Fitria, Fajri; Sari, Maria Dina Perwita; Narruti, Nadia Hanun; Winata, I Nyoman; Fatimah, Fatimah; Kusumawati, Marina Dyah
Jurnal Kesehatan Masyarakat Vol 11, No 2 (2016): JURNAL KESEHATAN MASYARAKAT (KEMAS) JANUARY 2016
Publisher : Jurusan Ilmu Kesehatan Masyarakat Fakultas Ilmu Keolahragaan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15294/kemas.v11i2.4495


Kelelahan akibat durasi permainan yang panjang dengan intensitas gerakan cepat dan tiba-tiba menjadi masalah yang paling umum terjadi pada atlet stop and go sports . Peran zat gizi dalam upaya pencapaian performa maksimal sering dilupakan. Bersama dengan latihan yang intensif, asupan yang adekuat dapat membentuk somatotype yang juga dapat membantu performa. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mengidentifikasi somatotype serta mengevaluasi asupan makanan dan minuman atlet remaja kategori olahraga stop and go sports di Wisma Atlet Ragunan, Jakarta di bawah Kementerian Pemuda dan Olahraga Republik Indonesia. Sebanyak 28 atlet remaja (14-18 tahun) mengikuti pengukuran somatotype dan komposisi tubuh. Pengukuran asupan makanan dan minuman juga dilakukan dengan metode 24 hours food recall dan semi quantitative fluid frequency. Seluruh atlet kategori stop and go sports memiliki status gizi normal walaupun persentase pemenuhan asupan sebagian besar atlet masih inadekuat. Rerata somatotype ditemukan bervariasi berdasarkan cabang olahraga, yaitu atlet basket tergolong mesomorphic endomorph (4,2-3,4-1,4), atlet sepak bola ditemukan balanced mesomorph (2,6-6,6-2,9) dan atlet voli termasuk central (2,8-2,4-2,8). 
Collembola permukaan tanah kebun karet Lampung Fatimah, Fatimah; Cholik, Endang; Suhardjono, Yayuk R.
ZOO INDONESIA Vol 21, No 2 (2012): Desember 2012
Publisher : Masyarakat Zoologi Indonesia

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Penelitian Collembola tanah dilakukan di Desa Bogorejo, Kecamatan Gedongtatan, Kabupaten Pesawaran pada bulan April 2012 yang lalu. Penelitian yang dilakukan merupakan langkah awal untuk mengamati Collembola pada lantai perkebunan karet khususnya di Lampung. Lokasi yang diamati terbagi menjadi 6 petak dengan komposisi vegetasi yang beragam. Metode koleksi yang digunakan adalah perangkap sumuran, pengambilan contoh serasah dan tanah. Dari penelitian ini diperoleh Collembola sebanyak 13.170 individu dari 40 famili (suku) dan 4 ordo (bangsa). Terdapat perbedaan keanekaragaman spesies antar petak yang diamati diduga terkait dengan perbedaan komposisi vegetasi yang berpengaruh terhadap kondisi serasah dan humus di bawahnya. Beberapa spesies terperangkap dalam jumlah ratusan sampai ribuan, seperti Cerathophysella sp., Acrocyrtus sp. 1, Acrocyrtus sp. 2, Entomobryidae sp. 1, Cryptopygus sp. 1, dan Arrhopalites sp. 1. Beberapa spesies lainnya dijumpai dalam jumlah banyak tetapi kurang dari 100 individu. Lapisan permukaan memiliki angka keanekaragaman dan jumlah spesies lebih tinggi dibanding serasah dan tanah. Beberapa spesies yang terperangkap di perangkap sumuran, juga merupakan spesies yang menghuni vegetasi tumbuhan bawah, seperti anggota Paronellidae dan beberapa Entomobryidae. Ditinjau dari spesies yang dominan, ternyata hanya diwakili oleh beberapa yaitu dari ordo Poduromorpha hanya 2 spesies Hypogastruridae, ordo Entomobryomorpha diwakili oleh anggota famili Entomobryidae (7 spesies), Isotomidae (2 spesies) dan Paronellidae (1 spesies). Sedangkan Symphypleona diwakili 3 famili yaitu Arrhopalitidae, Dicyrtomidae dan Sminthuridae, masing-masing satu spesies.
ELT Forum: Journal of English Language Teaching Vol 3 No 1 (2014)
Publisher : Jurusan IKM FIK UNNES

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This final project is about the implicatures found in the source novel entitled “Negeri Lima Menara” written by Ahmad Fuadi that are translated into English by Angie Kilbane entitled “The Land of Five Towers”. In understanding the novel, implicature seems harder to be understood since implicature means something beyond what is stated; it may emerge many interpretations. Besides, the implicatures in this novel actually contain the point or message of the novel. So, it is essentially needed for the readers to understand those implicatures for understanding the novel. The objectives of this project are to describe the maintenance of implicatures in the English translation of dialogues in the novel “The Land of Five Towers” and to explain the achievement of the equivalence in meaning. This project was designed as descriptive qualitative. It means that descriptive interpretation was used for examining the data on this research so that the conclusions were based on that interpretation. The object of this project is the utterances containing implicatures that were found in both the Indonesian text as the source text and English text as its translation. Documentation method was used to collect the data in this research. The data was in the form of printed text in the novel, both Indonesian and English versions. In analyzing the data, observation method was done in six steps; they were listing, identifying, classifying, tabulating, interpreting, and drawing conclusion. The findings of this project are from 780 utterances that are stated in these novels, 40 of them are found as utterances containing implicatures. Those utterances flout one of the maxims that Grice stated, whether it flouts maxim of quality, quantity, relevance, or manner. The percentages of them are as follows: there are 11 (27.5%) utterances flouting maxim of quality, 7 (17.5%) utterances flouting maxim of quantity. In addition, there are 6 (15%) utterances flouting maxim of relevance and 16 (40%) utterances flouting maxim of manner. Moreover, for keep maintaining the implicatures, they are mostly translated literally and the translator keeps using some cultural and religious terminologies for keep showing the cultural and religious situation in the translated novel. Furthermore, the meaning equivalence is mostly achieved since the original and the translated novels have the same meaning of the implicatures. By considering them, it can be concluded that the implicatures are mostly maintained when they are translated into English because the meanings and conditions of those implicatures can be similarly understood like what are stated in the ST.
Co-Authors A.A. Ketut Agung Cahyawan W Abdul Majid Agung Nugroho Setiawan Agus Kusumaramdhani, Agus Agus Rusgiyono Ahmad Dadang Ahmad Nurkhin Aisyah Aisyah Akrom, Akrom Ali Husni Anggraini Anggraini Anna Auliya Apon Zaenal Mustopa Apriliyanti Apriliyanti Arniah, Arniah As'ad, As'ad As’ad, As’ad Asep Suryana Asti Melani Astari, Asti Melani Aytac, Zeynep Baroya, Mushlihatun Baroya, Mushlihatun Batubara, chuzaemah Candra, Alek Darna Darna Dian Agus Ruchliyadi Diana Pratiwi, Diana Elisabeth Yansye Metekohy Endang Cholik, Endang Erizal Gani Fajri Fitria, Fajri Gatot Murti Wibowo, Gatot Murti Guntur Trimulyono Hadayani Hadayani Hafrison, Mohammad Haratua Tiur Maria S Hastya Maulana Fikri, Hastya Maulana Hudaida Syahrumsyah, Hudaida I Nyoman Winata Ibnu Hadjar, Ibnu Ica Ristiani Ida Hayu DM, Ida Hayu Irwan Irwan Joko Prasetiyono Juliana Juliana Kunardi, Kunardi Kurniawan Rudi Trijatmiko, Kurniawan Rudi Latif, Adam Leksansern, Arisara M. Taufiq M.Pd S.T. S.Pd. I Gde Wawan Sudatha . Margono Margono Maria Dina Perwita Sari, Maria Dina Perwita Marina Dyah Kusumawati, Marina Dyah Masumah, Masumah Mia Kosmiatin Mirza Hapsari Sakti Titis Penggalih, Mirza Hapsari Sakti Titis Moch. Abdul Mukid Muhammad Ilyas Mustanir, Ahmad Nadia Hanun Narruti, Nadia Hanun Nina Hidayanti Nining Wiyati Ninsix, Retti Noviana, Mita Novitasari, Rifni Nurulita, Nurulita Pahlawi, Riza Pasparakis, George Permatasari, Tria Astika Endah Polosoro, Aqwin Rahma Rahma Revinel, Revinel Rizqiya, Fauza Rusdianto Rusdianto, Rusdianto Sardjoko Sardjoko Siti Rabiatul Helda Sofyan Sofyan Sohidin Sohidin, Sohidin Sri Andarini Sri Mulyani Sri Witurachmi Stepanus Sahala Suryono Suryono Sustiprijatno Sustiprijatno, Sustiprijatno Swasono R. Tamat Syaiful Rachman Tajuddin, Muhtar Tasliah Tasliah Teti Indrawati Triyani, Sugeng Urnemi Urnemi, Urnemi Uyar, Tamer Widyastuti Widjaksana Williams, Gareth R YAYUK R. SUHARDJONO, YAYUK R. YM, Elisabeth Yulianti Kalaba Yusuf, Alvina Yasmine Zainul Akhyar Pratama, Aditya Denny