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English Review: Journal of English Education Vol 7, No 1 (2018)
Publisher : University of Kuningan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.25134/erjee.v7i1.1494


The technology advancement has forced the teachers ignoring their generation to migrate from off line into digital platform since the use of technology in education has changed the face of education massively. This project tried to capture an effort in bridging the technology gap among teachers across generation by forming a digital squad to provide digital teaching media assistance to teachers. It consists of several English education pre-service students in a private university who have high interest and skill on technology. This study explored the facts on the squad activities, the teacher participants’ responses to the events organized by digital squad, and the obstacles in conducting the project. The results showed that the workshops organized by the squad gained positive feedback from the teacher participants. However, the classic problems frequently appear during the activities involving technology are the internet connection and the various technological competence among the participants. Finally, it is suggested to employ younger generation to bridge the technology gap among language teachers across generation in education setting, since the younger generation is usually techno savvy and the older generation should be willing to embrace the technology development in order to survive in millennial classroom.Keywords: digital squad; workshop; language teachers; generation; technology; teaching media.
Indonesian EFL Journal Vol 8, No 1 (2022)
Publisher : University of Kuningan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.25134/ieflj.v8i1.5583


This research was conducted to investigate the implementation of BookWidgets to facilitate the students’ engagement in synchronous learning through web-conferencing. The subject were students of Al-Madina Vocational High School from 11 OTKP, which involved 29 students. The objective of this implementation was to foster the students’ engagement during synchronous class, to find out the way BookWidgets facilitated the students’ engagement, and to reveal the most dominant students’ engagement types when BookWidgets was integrated. This study was a nested mix-method, employing observation, interview, and survey to gather the qualitative and quantitative data. It was applied for four meetings. The result of this research showed that this implementation could engaged students behaviorally, emotionally, and cognitively. They presented positive behaviors, involvement, effort, positive emotion, achievement, and good self-regulation during their learning. The interesting features had created meaningful learning for students in terms of verbal participation, students’ feeling and students’ academic investment. The easy use features of BookWidgets made students enthusiastic and reduced the boredom which made them motivate and engage in following the synchronous learning. Based on the statistical data, BookWidgets facilitated behavioral engagement with 78%, emotional engagement with 76%, and cognitive engagement with 75%. From this result, it could be seen that BookWigets mostly facilitated the behavioral engagement. Two or more engagement types were possible to occur simultaneously, but the level of each engagement could be different.Keywords: students’ engagement; synchronous learning; BookWidgets.
English Review: Journal of English Education Vol 7, No 2 (2019)
Publisher : University of Kuningan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.25134/erjee.v7i2.1775


Higher order thinking skills are the next cognitive ability to evaluate, analyze and create. It is a must for English teachers across generation (Baby Boomers, Generation X, and Generation Y) to grasp and implement the idea of HOTS in their classrooms. Teaching English in EFL setting certainly forces the teachers to have expertise in planning the learning activities that would foster students’ thinking skills, especially their HOTS. This study aims at investigating the perceptions, the practice, and the constraints in endorsing higher order thinking skills in teaching foreign language. This case study involved seven senior high school English teachers from three generations (Baby Boomers, generation X, and generation Y). Data were collected through open-ended questionnaire, classroom observation, and document analysis for triangulation purpose. Data were then categorized and classified to form themes for the study. The results showed that teachers from all generation are aware of HOTS and they are applying it in their teaching in a different way. However, some obstacles are still found in incorporating HOTS in their classroom.
Pemanfaatan Media Pembelajaran Interaktif bagi Guru Pendidikan Agama Islam di Era Milenial Halimah Halimah; Vina Aini Salsabila; Nia Kurniawati
Indonesian Journal of Community Services Vol 3, No 2 (2021): November 2021
Publisher : Universitas Islam Sultan Agung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30659/ijocs.3.2.161-173


Pelaksanaan kegiatan pelatihan yang dilaksanakan pada tanggal 22 Juni 2021 di Auditorium Gedung Guru Cugenang, Cianjur, Jawa Barat ini memiliki dua tujuan yaitu 1) untuk mengenalkan dan menggunakan beberapa media pembelajaran digital interaktif dan 2) untuk mengintegrasian media ajar digital dan model belajar yang dapat menumbuhkan 4C yang dilaksnakan selama satu hari setara dengan 5 jam pelajaran. Metode yang digunakan dalam pelatihan ini adalah 1) tahap persiapan, 2) tahap pelaksanaan, serta 3) tahap evaluasi dan pelaporan. Berdasarkan kegiatan pelatihan yang telah dilaksanakan maka dapat dipahami beberapa hal. Pertama, pelatihan ini efektif dalam meningkatkan pengetahuan dan memotivasi dosen untuk memahami dan melaksanakan kewajibannya tidak hanya dalam aspek pengajaran tetapi juga mulai menggeliatkan kegiatan di bidang penelitian dan pengabdian kepada masyarakat. Kedua, pelatihan ini merupakan salah satu praktik nyata pembelajaran bagi mahasiswa yang terlibat dalam kegiatan dan memberi mereka pengalaman kegiatan kemsyarakatan. Mahasiswa tidak hanya dibekali pengetahuan namun juga dibimbing untuk mengimplemnetasikan di masyarakat. Ketiga, bagi guru khususnya guru PAI pelatihan ini dapat meningkatkan pengetahuan dan memotivasi guru untuk senantiasa mengembangkan kompetensinya sehingga guru dapat merancang dan menyajikan sebuah pembelajaran yang efektif dan kreatif yang mengarahkan siswa untuk memiliki kemampuan pendidikan Abad 21 yaitu kemampuan berpikir kritis, berkolaborasi, berkomunikasi dan berkreasi. The training activity, which was held on June 22, 2021 at the Auditorium of the Cugenang Teacher Building in Cianjur, West Java, had two objectives: 1) to introduce and use several interactive digital learning media, and 2) to integrate digital teaching media and learning models that can foster 4C. The training activity was carried out in one day, which is equivalent to 5 hours of lessons. The methods used in this training are 1) the preparation stage, 2) the implementation stage, and 3) the evaluation and reporting stage. Several things can be deduced from the training activities that have been completed. For starters, this training is effective in increasing knowledge and motivating lecturers to understand and carry out their responsibilities not only in the teaching aspect, but also in beginning to expand activities in the fields of research and community service. Second, this training is one of the genuine learning practices for students who participate in activities and gain experience in community activities. Students are not only given knowledge, but they are also shown how to apply it in the community. Third, this training can increase knowledge and motivate teachers to constantly develop their competencies. Therefore, teachers can design and present effective and creative learning that directs students to have 21st Century educational skills, such as the ability to think critically, collaborate, communicate, and be creative.
Vidya Karya Vol 27, No 1 (2012)
Publisher : FKIP ULM

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20527/jvk.v27i1.979


This study tried to investigate the practice in teaching mathematics through English to young learners in EFL setting in a private elementary school in Cianjur. This study was conducted as an effort to find out the fact behind the practice of using English as instruction language at school especially at International Standard School. The findings revealed that in practice the concept of bilingual teaching was not done properly. The activity was dominantly in Indonesia while English was used only at the beginning to introduce the students to new mathematics terms in English. While the text book and exercise book are written in English, the test is in Indonesia. Most students considered it difficult to understand mathematics in English.  However, from the questionnaires it was found that the students’ attitude toward their native and national language is not positive. Most of them see English as the most important and prestigious language. In contrary, Sundanese is considered less popular and the most difficult language for them.
Utilizing Video Subtitling in Writing Procedure Text Halimah Halimah; Mela Zahra; Nia Kurniawati
Ethical Lingua: Journal of Language Teaching and Literature Vol. 8 No. 2 (2021)
Publisher : Universitas Cokroaminoto Palopo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30605/25409190.288


This study aims to investigate how the utilization of video subtitling in writing procedure text, what are difficulties the teacher and students encountered, and the benefits the students gained by implementing video subtitling in writing procedure text. This study is a descriptive qualitative study. To collect and analyze the data, the researcher used observation, interview, and questionnaire. This study was conducted in SMK Bhineka Nusantara Cianjur. The participants were an English teacher and ten students of tenth grade. The data from those instruments were transcribed and categorized accordingly. The findings show that the teacher applied several main steps in using video subtitling activity: introducing the application namely TikTok, explaining the purpose of TikTok application in teaching and writing procedure text, showing the simulation in translating the sentences and making subtitle with the application, downloading and installing the application, downloading the tutorial video, making the subtitle and inserting the subtitle to the video. The application helps the teacher in assisting remote classroom activity and delivered the material under the pandemic situation. In this case the students were enthusiastic when the teacher implemented the application and they felt familiar with it. However, the teacher and the students encountered some difficulties in writing procedure text using video subtitling: ineffective learning process monitoring by the teacher, internet connection problem, and difficult editing process. Albeit there were some difficulties, the students also gained number of benefits of using video subtitling in writing procedure text: more interesting learning activity, producing organized text and stimulating creativity, and vocabulary acquisition.
Jurnal JOEPALLT (Journal of English Pedagogy, Linguistics, Literature, and Teaching) Vol 6, No 2 (2018)
Publisher : Universitas Suryakancana

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (428.343 KB) | DOI: 10.35194/jj.v6i2.413


Speaking skill is believed as an essential part of language instruction at every level because it supports learning in multiple ways. Debate is considered as the best method to enhance students‟ speaking skills that used to construct the argument, create the logic idea, work in group, sharing knowledge and arrange the information to be delivered in debating. This is a qualitative research focuses on AREL to enhance the students‟ speaking skills in debating. The aims of this research are finding out the implementation of AREL in debating; investigating how AREL reflected on students speaking performance and revealing the obstacles faced by teacher and students in applying AREL. The research was conducted in a senior high school and involved tenth-grade students who became a delegation in each class as the candidates to compete in the debate competition in Cianjur. The instruments used for this research were observation, questionnaire, and interview. Moreover, there were stages in implementing AREL included: introducing debate of WSDC, implementing AREL (Assertion, Evidence, Reason, and Link-back), giving a stimulant, and constructing the argument. By using AREL in debating, the students became confident to speak English and got a lot of benefits from the debate not only for their speaking skills but also advancing their critical thinking. They showed their ability to explore the argument by giving a logical reason and strong evidence in order to elaborate on their argument. It was also reflected in the students speaking performance including conversational discourse, pronunciation, accuracy and fluency, affective factors, and the interaction effect. However, AREL is difficult to apply for students with insufficient ability in reading information and constructing or arranging their speech. In addition, the students were still in tenth grade and it was also such an obstacle because their speaking skill is still low. Furthermore, the students have more obstacles in their speaking skills such as memorization, anxiety, less vocabularies, and grammatical error.
(A Quasi-Experimental Study at the Tenth Grade Students of SMA Negeri 1 Cibeber) Muhamad Ilham Hikmawandini; Nia Kurniawati
Jurnal JOEPALLT (Journal of English Pedagogy, Linguistics, Literature, and Teaching) Vol 5, No 2 (2017): Joepallt
Publisher : Universitas Suryakancana

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (401.501 KB) | DOI: 10.35194/jj.v5i1.182


THE USE OF NUMBERED HEADS TOGETHER TECHNIQUEIN TEACHING SIMPLE PAST TENSE   Muhamad Ilham HikmawandinyNia Kurniawati Abstract  The research was aimed at discovering whether Numbered Heads Together technique is effective to improve students’ ability in simple past tense and finding out the student’s responses toward this technique. The quasi-experimental design was utilized in order to collect the data. This quantitative research involved two classes of tenth grade at one senior high school in Cianjur in which one class was assigned as the experimental class and the other one was assigned as the control class. The instruments used were pre-test, post-test, and questionnaire attitudes towards the Numbered Heads Together technique. The pre-test was conducted in which the pre-test mean scores were the bases in identifying the initial learning framework of the participants. After conducting the selected lessons that employed the Numbered Heads Together technique in experimental class and employed Grammar Translation Method in control class, the students of both classes were given a post-test. The gain score of the two classes were compared by using Independent t-test. Results showed that the significance value was less than the significance level which was 0.032 < 0.05. It means that the Numbered Heads Together technique is effective to improve the students’ ability in simple past tense. Based on the questionnaire analysis, the findings showed that most of the students agreed that employing the Numbered Heads Together technique helps them to be more confident in term of participating because of group encouragement and benefits them to understand the hard concept of the learning material. Thus it can be concluded that the students’ responses toward the Numbered Heads Together technique were positive. Keywords: Numbered Heads Together, cooperative learning, simple past tense 
JE (Journal of Empowerment) Vol 2, No 1 (2021): JUNI
Publisher : Uiversitas Suryakancana

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35194/je.v2i1.1229


ABSTRAK Literasi dini dipandang sebagai fondasi yang sangat penting dalam perkembangan kognitif manusia, dalam pengajaran literasi Pada Anak Usia Dini (PAUD), perlu diperhatikan bahan, media, dan cara penyampaian agar anak usia dini mudah untuk memahami dan menanamkan nilai-nilai kehidupan yang terdapat dalam pembelajaran, yang dituntut untuk dapat berinovasi dan kreatif dalam menyampaikan bahan pembelajaran literasi, dalam tumbuh kembang dan karakter anak usia dini. Kegiatan ini bertujuan untuk memberikan pendampingan pada guru-guru PAUD di desa Sukawangi, Warungkondang. Adapun metode  kegiatan ini dilaksanakan pelatihan tentang teknik pengajaran literasi dini untuk anak-anak PAUD. Teknik yang digunakan pada para guru adalah mendongeng dengan menggunakan media boneka jari dan buku besar. Pengabdian ini bertujuan membuat guru menjadi kreatif dan anak usia dini lebih aktif terlibat pembelajaran serta mengenal kearifan lokal Cianjur. ABSTRACTEarly literacy is seen as a very important foundation in human cognitive development, in teaching literacy in PAUD, it is necessary to pay attention to materials, media, and delivery methods so that early childhood is easy to understand and instill the values of life contained in learning, which is required to be able to innovate and be creative in delivering literacy learning materials, in the development and character of early childhood. This activity aims to provide assistance to PAUD teachers in Sukawangi village, Warungkondang. The method of this activity is training on early literacy teaching techniques for PAUD children. The technique used by the teachers is storytelling using finger puppets and large books. This service aims to make teachers creative and early childhood more actively involved in learning and get to know Cianjur local wisdom. 
Guessing Game on Teaching Vocabulary for Intermediate Language Learners Lea Octavia Dewi; Halimah Halimah; Nia Kurniawati
Acitya: Journal of Teaching and Education Vol 3 No 2 (2021): Acitya: Journal of Teaching and Education
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Kalimantan Timur

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (507.23 KB) | DOI: 10.30650/ajte.v3i2.2265


This study aims 1) to find out the effectiveness of Guessing Game implementation on teaching vocabulary, and 2) to find out the students’ perceptions of Guessing Game on teaching vocabulary. This study applied pre-experimental research method with one-shot case study design, where in this study the researcher only have one group without any control groups to make a comparison. The participants of this study are the entire students of the second grade in SMK PGRI 1 Pariwisata Cianjur consist of 58 students. Meanwhile in this study the researcher took the sample from the second grade of Banking Class in SMK PGRI 1 Pariwisata Cianjur that consists of 12 students. In collecting the data, the researcher used two instruments; test and close-ended questionnaire. The study conducted two times and ended by giving a test. Then, the result of the test showed that students’ average score is 81. It indicates that Guessing Game is effective on teaching vocabulary because the score is upper than the minimum completeness criteria (KKM). In addition, from the result of questionnaire the researcher categories the questions into three categories related to the implementation of Guessing Game; 1) Guessing Game is a joyful teaching technique, 2) Guessing Game is able to increase students’ confidence, and 3) Guessing Game is able to assist students memorize the vocabulary in longer time. Then, the result showed 100% students agree about that. Therefore, those data indicates that Ha of this study is accepted that Guessing Game is effective to increase students’ vocabulary mastery.