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Aplikasi Android Lyn di Surabaya Menggunakan Algoritma Djikstra Firmansyah, Adi
Inform : Jurnal Ilmiah Bidang Teknologi Informasi dan Komunikasi Vol 1, No 2 (2016)
Publisher : Universitas Dr. Soetomo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (654.163 KB) | DOI: 10.25139/inform.v1i2.850


Warehouse Relayout Design with Weighted Distance Method to Minimize Time Travel Firmansyah, Adi; Lukmandono, Lukmandono
Petra International Journal of Business Studies Vol 3 No 1 (2020): JUNE 2020
Publisher : Master of Management Study Program, Faculty of Business and Economics - Petra Christian University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.9744/ijbs.3.1.1-8


Global competition between companies is becoming increasingly stringent, resulting in companies having to understand their customers better. Customers no longer only need quality products, but also need excellent and timely service. To meet the desires of these consumers, the company must create an effective and efficient work system. PT IJS is a warehouse engaged in logistics services in the Perak area of Surabaya. One of the services provided by PT IJS is bonded warehouse logistic services. A bounded warehouse owned is currently not able to provide maximum service because there are still many late deliveries that do not send goods to the port, and there is a closing time that is detrimental to the customer. The length of the delivery process is due to several factors, one of which is a less effective warehouse layout. Travel time is the time required for a vehicle to carry out activities loading goods PT. IJS from arrival to exit the warehouse. The method weighted distance is a mathematical model used to evaluate the layout based on proximity factors. The design of the layout design by using the technique weighted distance produces an alternative layout that shows calculation travel time a shorter
Aplikasi Android Lyn di Surabaya Menggunakan Algoritma Djikstra Firmansyah, Adi
Inform : Jurnal Ilmiah Bidang Teknologi Informasi dan Komunikasi Vol. 1 No. 2 (2016)
Publisher : Universitas Dr. Soetomo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (654.163 KB) | DOI: 10.25139/inform.v1i2.850


Abstract -The android lyn booking application with Android was developed to help make it easier for Surabaya residents to reach their desired destination by public transport lyn.Lyn android app is considered very important at this time because it allows lyn users to the desired destination location.In this thesis will be built lyn application that aims to facilitate residents Surabaya.The android technology used to find the appropriate lyn public transport desired.This app also comes with d the closest distance from the lyn. Lyn. The distance lyn can be from the Dijkstra algorithm to determine the shortest distance from the lyn route.Using Javascript programming language and Apache Cordova as a library and using web service and MySQL as data management.With the creation of this application can help search lyn in the city of Surabaya
Tibuana Vol 3 No 01 (2020): Tibuana Vol.3 No.1 Tahun 2020
Publisher : UNIPA PRESS

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36456/tibuana.3.01.2199.37-46


PT IJS is a company engaged in logistics services in the Perak area of ​​Surabaya. PT IJS was founded in 1984 when the need for container depots was urgently needed around the Tanjung Tanjung port area to unravel the shipping queues and shorten licensing. One of the services provided by PT IJS is bounded warehouse rental services. Bounded warehouse owned by PT IJS is currently not able to provide maximum service because there are still many late deliveries which do not result in the sending of goods to the port and there is a closing time that is detrimental to the customer. The length of the delivery process is due to several factors, one of which is a less effective company layout. Travel time is the time required for a vehicle to carry out goods loading activities at PT. IJS from arrival to exit company. Based on travel time calculations when using the initial layout, the travel time value of T = 2002 seconds. The weighted-distance method is a mathematical model used to evaluate the layout based on proximity factors. The design of the relayout design using the weighted-distance method produces alternative layouts that produce shorter travel time calculations, alternative layout with T = 1849 seconds.
Tipologi Konflik Berbasis Sumber Daya Pangan di Wilayah Perkebunan Sawit . Sumardjo; Sutisna Riyanto; Amiruddin Saleh; . Dahri; Adi Firmansyah
Jurnal Ilmu Pertanian Indonesia Vol. 19 No. 3 (2014): Jurnal Ilmu Pertanian Indonesia
Publisher : Institut Pertanian Bogor

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This research aims: 1) to analyze typology characteristic and conflict mapping in oil palm plantations; 2) to analyze the effectiveness of conflict resolution processes that have taken; 3) to formulate a conflict resolution strategy that is appropriate to the conflict type through collaborative approach base on potential resource and local knowledge. Primary data collected by interviews with local government officials, key figures, and village leaders. Secondary data obtained from village offices, BPS, texbooks, journals, or data from the internet that contains research results related. Data collection techniques used are a combination of the method of triangulation to obtain accurate data. The data collected and processed in a descriptive analysis of quantitative data supporting. Conflict analysis method used in this study is an analysis of the mission and vision conflict phenomena, analyzes aspects of change, stakeholders analysis, perception analysis, analysis of issues, interests analysis, strategy analysis, analysis of engagement, analysis of potential allies, risk analysis, action analysis, and valuation analysis. The results of this study indicate that the conflict in the Sosa, North Sumatera, has come to the level of "tension" or "crisis". Base on study, there are three main issues that people felt in the area around oil palm plantations, covering: issues of land, inadequate farming, the number of unemployment, as well as the limitations of basic facilities in some villages. Third problem is not handled correctly when very likely to trigger conflict, both between citizens and the business community as well as between fellow citizens of the community.
Inovasi Pemberdayaan Masyarakat Berbasis Sumber Daya Pangan di Sekitar Wilayah Operasional PT. Pertamina Asset 3 Subang Field . Sumardjo; Adi Firmansyah
Agrokreatif: Jurnal Ilmiah Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat Vol. 1 No. 1 (2015): Agrokreatif Jurnal Ilmiah Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat
Publisher : Institut Pertanian Bogor

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29244/agrokreatif.1.1.8-19


Around the company's operations are often found powerlessness problems of society. The company through the CSR program are required to contribute to addressing the problems, so that potential conflicts can be managed. The program objectives are: designing community development that can become self-sufficient rural development model as a development movement program that can mobilize local resources; promoting independence of society through the productive activities, and develop a model of the institutionalization of the development of self-reliance. The program has been implemented by the PRA method, which location in Subang and Karawang. Programs have been conducted on four target groups, namely mushroom group (10 members), the group of sheep (25 members), food group (35 members), and Assolahiyah group (66 members). Community empowerment program has resulted in innovation, as follows: (1) Zero waste systems in mushroom group, the group has use of straw for mushroom growing media; (2) Processing of various types of food made from mushrooms, such as mushroom noodles and mushroom bread; (3) Utilization of sheep dung into organic fertilizer; (4) Utilization of straw for animal feed; (5) An innovative enclosure design to minimize the smell of dung, environmental pollution, and easy to clean; and (6) The integration of nonformal education with entrepreneurship education. Conclusion: based on the development of group target (independence, participation, and networking), group Assolahiyah is a fastest, and the lowest is food group; and participatory program, is effectively encouraging the growth and development of innovation/new practices which generated by community. 
STUDI HISTOLOGIS USUS HALUS SAPI ACEH (Histological Study Small Intestine of Aceh Cattle) Adi Firmansyah; Dian Masyitha; Zainuddin Zainuddin; Fitriani Fitriani; Ummu Balqis; Fadli A Gani; Azhar Azhar

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21157/jim vet..v3i4.7235


ABSTRAKTelah dilakukan penelitian tentang struktur histologis usus halus sapi aceh yang terdiri atas duodenum, jejunum dan ileum. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengetahui struktur histologi usus halus sapi aceh. Sampel penelitian diambil dari 3 ekor sapi aceh yang telah dewasa kelamin dan berjenis kelamin jantan yang dipotong di Rumah Potong Hewan Lambaro Aceh Besar. Terhadap sampel penelitian dilakukan proses mikroteknik untuk selanjutnya dilakukan pewarnaan Hematoksilin-eosin (HE). Pengamatan terhadap struktur histologi menggunakan mikroskop cahaya binokuler pembesaran 40x, 100x, dan 400x. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan, struktur histologi duodenum, jejunum dan ileum sapi aceh tersusun atas empat lapisan, yaitu tunika mukosa, tunika submukosa, tunika muskularis, dan tunika serosa. Tunika mukosa duodenum, jejunum dan ileum tersusun oleh epitel silindris selapis dan terdapat sel goblet. Ketebalan tunika mukosa duodenum yaitu: (396,68±6,5 µm), Jejunum (339,46±13 µm), dan Ileum (451,92±6,5 µm). Tunika submukosa terdiri dari jaringan ikat longgar, buluh darah dan saraf. Tunika submukosa duodenum terdapat kelenjar brunner dan pada ileum terdapat nodulus limfoideus dengan ketebalan duodenum yaitu: (344,4±10 µm), Jejunum (227,98±7,8 µm), dan ileum (330,35±5,7 µm). Tunika muskularis tersusun oleh otot polos sirkular dan longitudinal dengan ketebalan masing-masing yaitu, duodenum (973,47±5,5 µm), Jejunum (475,5±9,8 µm)  dan ileum (670,51±13 µm). Tunika serosa merupakan lapisan paling luar dari usus halus dengan ketebalan berturut-turut yaitu, (335,34 ±7,4 µm) duodenum, (231,33±6,9 µm) jejunum dan (354,67±11 µm) ileum.Kata kunci: Usus halus, duodenum, jejunum, ileum, sapi aceh ABSTRACTA Study to detect the microscopic structure of small intestine (duodenum, jejunum and ileum) of aceh cattle. The aims of this research was to know the histological structure of the small intestine in aceh cattle. The samples were collected from 3 of male aceh cattle in Lambaro Aceh Besar abattoir. The tissue samples were processed by microtechnique and Hematoksilin-eosin (HE). Microscopic analysis was performed using binocular light microscope 40x, 100 x, and 400x. The study showed that the wall of the duodenum, jejunum, and ileum are made up of four layers, that was tunica mucosa, submucosa, muscularis, and serosa. Tunica mucosa duodenum, jejunum and ileum consisted of ephitelium simple columnar cells and goblet celss. The thick of tunica mucosa duodenum are (396,68±6,5 µm), jejunum (339,46±13 µm), and ileum (451,92±6,5 µm).  The submucosa contain connective tissue, arteriole, venole and nervous. The submucosa duodenum conside of glands brunners and ileum of nodulus limfoideus and thick of tunica submucosa duodenum are (344,4±10 µm),  jejunum (227,98±7,8 µm), and ileum (330,35±5,7 µm). Tunica muscularis consists of two layers of smooth muscle inner circular and longitudinal. The thick of tunica mucularis are (973,47±5,5 µm) duodenum, (475,5±9,8 µm) jejunum and (670,51±13 µm) ileum. The tunika serosa forms the outermost layer with thick (335,34 ±7,4 µm) duodenum, (231,33±6,9 µm), jejunum and (354,67±11 µm) ileum.Keyword: Small intestine, duodenum, jejunum, ileum, sapi aceh
Manajemen Kesehatan Ternak Sapi Potong di Desa Sugihwaras, Kecamatan Sukakarya, Kabupaten Musirawas, Sumatera Selatan Muhammad Asdar Abdullah; Adi Firmansyah
Jurnal Resolusi Konflik, CSR dan Pemberdayaan (CARE) Vol. 2 No. 2 (2017): Jurnal Resolusi Konflik, CSR dan Pemberdayaan
Publisher : Center for Alternative Dispute Resolution and Empowerment (Care), Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian Masyarakat, IPB

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PT. Pertamina EP Asset 2 Field Pendopo bekerjasama dengan pemerintah desa, Dinas Peternakan dan Perikanan, serta LPPM IPB melakukan program manajemen kesehatan ternak pada tahun 2016 yang dilaksanakan di Desa Sugihwaras. Program ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan populasi, produksi dan produktivitas sapi potong. Pelaksanaan kegiatan ini dilakukan dengan metode partisipatif dengan menempatkan kelompok peternak di Desa Sugihwaras sebagai subjek dalam setiap aktivitas kegiatan. Metode partisipatif dilakukan melalui beberapa tahap, dimulai dari perencanaan, implementasi, monitoring dan evaluasi. Kegiatan ini secara langsung melibatkan dua kelompok peternak yang bertujuan untuk membuat kelompok menjadi mandiri. Penyakit merupakan salah satu hambatan yang perlu diatasi dalam budidaya ternak sapi potong. Melalui program pelatihan manajemen kesehatan ternak dan bantuan obat, diharapkan dampak dari penyakit yaitu kematian ternak dapat diminimalkan. Program ini telah mencapai beberapa hasil yaitu kelompok peternak telah mampu membedakan ternak yang sehat maupun yang sakit, cara pencegahan penyakit (preventif) dan pengobatan penyakit (kuratif), seperti vaksinasi, pemberian obat cacing dan vitamin.
Model Pemberdayaan Masyarakat Melalui Pengembangan Budidaya Sapi Bali dengan Memanfaatkan Silase Limbah Pucuk Tebu di Wilayah Operasi PT Pertamina EP Asset 2 Prabumulih Field Sahrul Utomo; Adi Firmansyah
Jurnal Resolusi Konflik, CSR dan Pemberdayaan (CARE) Vol. 2 No. 2 (2017): Jurnal Resolusi Konflik, CSR dan Pemberdayaan
Publisher : Center for Alternative Dispute Resolution and Empowerment (Care), Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian Masyarakat, IPB

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Pada tahun 2016 – 2020 program community development yang dicanangkan oleh PT. Pertamina EP Asset 2 Prabumulih Field serta Field lainnya di bawah PT. Pertamina Asset 2 antara lain adalah program pemberdayaan masyarakat berbasis pertanian terpadu (integrated farming) dengan komoditi unggulan yang disesuaikan dengan potensi lokal. Melalui Program CSR, PT. Pertamina EP Asset 2 bekerja sama dengan CARE LPPM IPB melakukan pemberdayaan masyarakat melalui pengembangan budidaya sapi bali dengan mengolah limbah pucuk tebu menjadi silase sebagai pakannya, di Desa Tanjung Bulan, Sumatra Selatan. Budidaya sapi ini bertujuan agar masyarakat mendapatkan sumber penghasilan tambahan selain penghasilan utama yaitu tanaman karet dan memberikan ketrampilan tentang manajemen budidaya sapi yang benar kepada peternak. Pelaksanaan kegiatan ini dilakukan dengan metode partisipatif masyarakat agar masyarakat dapat terlibat dalam budidaya ternak sapi dan terampil dalam membuat pakan awetan berupa silase. Budidaya sapi dengan manajemen yang baik dapat meningkatkan performa ternak secara optimal dan pemanfaatan silase bertujuan untuk memanfaatkan limbah pertanian yang belum termanfaatkan karena limbah pertanian mudah mengalami kebusukan. Budidaya sapi dan pemanfaatan silase untuk pakan adalah hal yang tidak dapat dipisahkan karena silase dapat meningkatkan performa ternak Sapi Bali
Kajian Manfaat Lingkungan dan Sosial Penanaman Tanaman Buah-Buahan Di Hutan Kota Ranggawulung, Subang Yulia Puspadewi Wulandari; Adi Firmansyah
Jurnal Resolusi Konflik, CSR dan Pemberdayaan (CARE) Vol. 2 No. 2 (2017): Jurnal Resolusi Konflik, CSR dan Pemberdayaan
Publisher : Center for Alternative Dispute Resolution and Empowerment (Care), Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian Masyarakat, IPB

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Peningkatan konsentrasi karbon di atmosfer menjadi salah satu masalah lingkungan yang serius dapat mempengaruhi sistem kehidupan di bumi. Hutan Kota Ranggawulung yang berada di Kabupaten Subang memiliki peran besar sebagai salah satu ekosistem penyangga wilayah. Keberadaannya bukan hanya berperan sebagai penghasil oksigen, penyerap karbon maupun meningkatkan penyimpanan cadangan air tanah tetapi secara lebih umum menciptakan lingkungan nyaman bagi masyarakat.  PT. Pertamina EP Aset 3 (PEP) Subang Field bersinergi dengan Dinas Lingkungan Hidup dan Balai Pelatihan dan Pengembangan Pertanian Kabupaten Subang sejak tahun 2016 berupaya mengembangkan model kemitraan sinergis dengan melibatkan masyarakat di sekitar Hutan Kota Ranggawulung melalui berbagai aktivitas konservasi. Pada tahun 2016 dan 2017, PEP Subang Field telah melakukan penanaman tanaman buah-buahan di Kawasan Hutan Ranggawulung. Tercatat 1.345 bibit tanaman buah-buahan ditanam tersebar pada areal seluas 12,9 ha. Ada 7 jenis buah-buahan yang ditanam antara lain mangga, manggis, sirsak, jambu, nangka, srikaya, belimbing. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mengkaji manfaat penanaman buah di Hutan Kota Ranggawulung dari sisi lingkungan dan sosial ekonomi. Penelitian dilakukan pada bulan Juli 2017 di Hutan Kota Ranggawulung. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa penanaman tanaman buah di Hutan Kota Ranggawulung memberikan manfaat lingkungan dan sosial. Dari sisi lingkungan, penanaman tanaman buah memberikan manfaat penyerapan CO2 dan penyediaan oksigen. Hasil analisis kemampuan bibit buah-buahan yang ditanam saat ini (usia 2 tahun) terhadap penyerapan CO2 yang dihitung melalui pendekatan persamaan Allometrik (Chave et al, 2005) dan perhitungan stok karbon pada tanaman menunjukkan kemampuan penyerapan sebesar 0,045 ton.  Adapun kemampuan tanaman buah yang ditanam dalam penyediaan oksigen saat ini adalah 4.910 g/hari. Hal ini setara dengan penyediaan kebutuhan oksigen untuk 5-6 orang dalam satu hari. Manfaat sosial kegiatan ini sebagai upaya pemberdayaan masyarakat sekitar Hutan Kota Ranggawulung berupa peningkatan kapasitas 20 orang petani penggarap, peningkatan kohesi sosial diantara petani penggarap, terbentuknya kelembagaan baru berupa kelompok petani penggarap, serta terjalinnya kemitraan antara petani penggarap, instansi pemerintah dan perusahaan