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Metrics Based Feature Selection for Software Defect Prediction Radityo Adi Nugroho; Friska Abadi; M. Reza Faisal; Rudy Herteno; Rahmat Ramadhani
Jurnal Komputasi Vol 8, No 2 (2020)
Publisher : Universitas Lampung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.23960/komputasi.v8i2.2670


Nowadays, software is very influential on various sectors of life, both to solve business needs, as well as personal needs. To have a Software with high quality, testing is needed to avoid software defect. Research on software defects involving Machine Learning is currently being carried out by many researchers. This method contains one important step, which is called feature selection. In this study, researchers conducted a feature selection based on the software metric category to determine the level of accuracy of the prediction of software defects by utilizing 13 (thirteen) datasets from NASA MDP namely CM1, JM1, KC1, KC3, KC4, MC1, MC2, MW1, PC1, PC2, PC3, PC4, and PC5. To classify, the researchers involved 5 (five) classifiers, namely Naive Bayes, Decision Trees, Random Forests, K-Nearest Neighbor, and Support Vector Machines. The research result shows that each attribure on software metric categories has effect on each dataset. Naive Bayes Algorithm and Random Forest Algorithm can give better performance than other algorithm in classifieng software defect with feature selection based on metrics. On the other hand, the best metrics category on each classifier algorithm is metric Misc. From average AUC value, it can be concluded that metrics category which can give best performance is metric LoC, followed by metric Misc. Both categories have achieved highest AUC value in Random Forest classifier.
Analisis Komparasi Implementasi Steganografi White-Space dan White-Space Modified pada Artikel Terenkripsi AES dalam HTML5 Rudy Herteno; Dodon Turianto Nugrahadi; Muhammad Sholih Afif; M Reza Faisal; Friska Abadi
Jurnal Komputasi Vol 8, No 1 (2020)
Publisher : Universitas Lampung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.23960/komputasi.v8i1.2525


The level of internet usage continues to increase until now.  information exchange requires security that cannot be predicted by others.  one technique for securing information is steganography.  Steganography techniques are the science and art of hiding information.  This technique can hide the content of information in media that cannot be guessed by ordinary people, so as not to arouse suspicion of the people who see it.  One of the media that can implement the white-space modified steganography method is HTML pages.  in addition, AES (Advanced Encryption Standard) is a lighter encryption security algorithm compared to other algorithms. In this study, plain text that has been encrypted into cipher text is then inserted with white-space and white-space modification steganography techniques. Data changes have occurred but only less than 1 percent.  In experiments that have been implemented on Google Chrome and Mozilla Firefox are the same except in Internet Explorer, which changes the data slightly larger.The implementation of AES encryption and stegano white-space original, has 100% success but the 80% decryption process is successful, but the decryption results contain additional binaries. This happen because the use of tabulation (tabs) instead of spaces in HTML5 articles, and this is often found in HTML articles. while the implementation of AES encryption and stegano whitespace modified, has a success of 100% and the decryption process of 90% succeeded without any changes. 1 article failed because the number of articles is too small compared to the amount of space provided. The conclusion that implementation of AES encryption and white-space modified is more appropriate to be implemented in HTML5 articles, and than the use of tabulation and the number of characters also consequences on the implementation.Keywords: Information, Steganography, White-space modified, Security, AES, Web Browser 
Intrusion Detection System Berbasis Seleksi Fitur Dengan Kombinasi Filter Information Gain Ratio Dan Correlation Nitami Lestari Putri; Radityo Adi Nugroho; Rudy Herteno
Jurnal Teknologi Informasi dan Ilmu Komputer Vol 8, No 3: Juni 2021
Publisher : Fakultas Ilmu Komputer, Universitas Brawijaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.25126/jtiik.0813154


Intrusion Detection System merupakan suatu sistem yang dikembangkan untuk memantau dan memfilter aktivitas jaringan dengan mengidentifikasi serangan. Karena jumlah data yang perlu diperiksa oleh IDS sangat besar dan banyaknya fitur-fitur asing yang dapat membuat proses analisis menjadi sulit untuk mendeteksi pola perilaku yang mencurigakan, maka IDS perlu mengurangi jumlah data yang akan diproses dengan cara mengurangi fitur yang dapat dilakukan dengan seleksi fitur. Pada penelitian ini mengkombinasikan dua metode perangkingan fitur yaitu Information Gain Ratio dan Correlation dan mengklasifikasikannya menggunakan algoritma K-Nearest Neighbor. Hasil perankingan dari kedua metode dibagi menjadi dua kelompok. Pada kelompok pertama dicari nilai mediannya dan untuk kelompok kedua dihapus. Lalu dilakukan klasifikasi K-Nearest Neighbor dengan menggunakan 10 kali validasi silang dan dilakukan pengujian dengan nilai k=5. Penerapan pemodelan yang diusulkan menghasilkan akurasi tertinggi sebesar 99.61%. Sedangkan untuk akurasi tanpa seleksi fitur menghasilkan akurasi tertinggi sebesar 99.59%. AbstractIntrusion Detection System is a system that was developed for monitoring and filtering activity in network with identified of attack. Because of the amount of the data that need to be checked by IDS is very large and many foreign feature that can make the analysis process difficult for detection suspicious pattern of behavior, so that IDS need for reduce amount of the data to be processed by reducing features that can be done by feature selection. In this study, combines two methods of feature ranking is Information Gain Ratio and Correlation and classify it using K-Nearest Neighbor algorithm. The result of feature ranking from the both methods divided into two groups. in the first group searched for the median value and in the second group is removed. Then do the classification of  K-Nearest Neighbor using 10 fold cross validation and do the tests with values k=5. The result of the  proposed modelling produce the highest accuracy of 99.61%. While the highest accuracy value of the not using the feature selection is 99.59%.
Publisher : Lambung Mangkurat University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20527/klik.v8i3.404


 The ULM General Election is held annually in each TPU in each faculty to channel student votes in the election of the Chair and Vice Chair of the ULM BEM. However, the implementation of conventional general elections which require no small amount of money, the process is quite time-consuming and accompanied by the COVID-19 outbreak which can be an obstacle to the smooth running of the general election because it tends to be seen from 2018 to 2019 there is a decrease in the number of participants. This study uses an electronic approach, namely the e-voting system to overcome problems in conventional general elections in order to get improvements in terms of cost savings, shorter time and minimize the spread of the COVID-19 outbreak. To get the value of the profit that can be achieved by investing in the development of the application that the researcher proposes, it is necessary to conduct a feasibility study (Feasibility Analysis) as a tool in getting conclusions about what will be done, and after getting the results of the general election conducted electronically, it will comparisons were made with the implementation of previous years. The implementation cost requires Rp. 10,578,000.00 which when compared to the average data for the previous three years requires Rp. 25,166,666.00, it can be seen that there is an implementation cost savings of Rp. 14,588,666.00, when the implementation cost savings are included. into the economic feasibility study, the ROI and BEP values since the first year the application was implemented showed positive values. Until the third year the ROI and BEP values enter the feasible criteria so that in terms of Economic Feasibility it can be seen that the application is economically feasible. Then, for the implementation time which takes 12 hours, the number of participants is 11830 people, which when compared to the average data for the previous three years was only 7333 people, it can be seen that there was an acceleration as seen from the increase in participants as many as 4497 people. Then, for the fastest encryption algorithm is AES-128-CBC with a total time of encryption and decryption on the amount of data as much as 1000 is 0.0116 seconds.Keywords: Conventional Election, Electronic Election, Feasibility Study, Comparison, Encryption AlgorithmPemilihan Umum ULM setiap tahunnya dilaksanakan dimasing-masing TPU disetiap fakultas untuk menyalurkan suara mahasiswa dalam perihal pemilihan  Ketua dan Wakil Ketua BEM ULM. Namum pelaksanaan pemilihan umum secara konvensional yang membutuhkan biaya yang tidak sedikit, proses yang cukup memakan waktu serta diiringi wabah COVID-19 yang dapat menjadi penghambat kelancaran dari pemilihan umum karena cenderung bisa dilihat dari tahun 2018 ke-tahun 2019 terjadi penurunan pada jumlah partisipan. Pada penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan elektronik yaitu sistem e-voting untuk mengatasi masalah di pemilihan umum secara konvensional agar bisa mendapatan peningkatan dari segi penghematan biaya, waktu yang lebih singkat serta meminimalisir penyebaran wabah COVID-19. Untuk mendapatkan nilai dari profit yang mampu dicapai dengan berinvestasi kedalam pengembangan aplikasi yang peneliti usulkan, maka perlu dilakukan studi kelayakan (Feasibility Analysis) sebagai alat pembantu dalam mendapatkan kesimpulan terhadap apa yang akan dilakukan, dan setelah mendapatkan hasil pemilihan umum yang dilakukan secara elektronik maka akan dilakukan perbandingan terhadap pelaksanaan tahun-tahun sebelumnya. Pada biaya pelaksanaan membutuhkan Rp.10.578.000,00 yang jika dibandingkan dengan rata-rata data tiga tahun sebelumnya membutuhkan Rp.25.166.666,00 maka bisa dilihat bahwa terjadi penghematan biaya pelaksanaan sebesar Rp14.588.666,00, ketika penghematan biaya pelaksanaan dimasukan kedalam studi kelayakan ekonomi, nilai ROI dan BEP sejak tahun pertama aplikasi diimplementasi menunjukkan nilai positif. Sampai tahun ketiga nilai ROI dan BEP masuk ke kriteria layak sehingga dari segi Economic Feasibility bisa diketahui bahwa aplikasi layak secara ekonomis. Kemudian, untuk waktu pelaksanaan yang membutuhkan waktu 12 jam bisa mendapatkan jumlah partisipan sebanyak 11830 orang yang jika dibandingkan dengan rata-rata data tiga tahun sebelumnya hanya 7333 orang maka bisa dilihat bahwa terjadi percepatan yang dilihat dari peningkatan partisipan sebanyak 4497 orang. Lalu, untuk algoritma enkripsi yang tercepat adalah AES-128-CBC dengan total waktu dari enkripsi dan dekripsi pada jumlah data sebanyak 1000 adalah  0,0116 detik.Kata kunci: Pemilihan konvensional, Pemilihan Elektronik, Studi Kelayakan, Perbandingan, Algoritma Enkripsi
Publisher : Lambung Mangkurat University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20527/klik.v6i1.246


In computer science, one of the methods commonly used as a message security algorithm is LSB (Least Significant Bit) steganography. Steganography LSB is generally used without a message security system that avoids the influence of messages from the effort to eliminate the inserted message so that it needs to be developed with a combination of additional methods namely RSA-CRT algorithm. The implementation of the LSB method with the RSA-CRT algorithm can improve the security of the message to be inserted. The secret message is encrypted first using the RSA-CRT algorithm and then inserted in the image. The purpose of this study was to determine the feasibility of RSA-CRT cryptographic algorithms and LSB steganography implemented on android. Testing is done by measuring the processing time on different smartphones and different android versions as well. The result is the Android version and smartphone specifications do not affect the speed of the process of the message security application using RSA-CRT cryptographic algorithms and LSB steganography on Android. Keywords: Cryptography, Steganography, RSA-CRT, LSB, Android. Dalam ilmu komputer salah satu metode yang umumnya digunakan sebagai algoritma pengamanan pesan adalah steganografi LSB (Least Significant Bit). Steganografi LSB umumnya digunakan tanpa adanya suatu sistem keamanan pesan yang menghindari terpengaruh nya pesan dari upaya menghilangkan pesan yang disisipkan sehingga perlu dikembangkan dengan kombinasi metode tambahan yaitu algoritma RSA-CRT. Implementasi metode LSB dengan algoritma RSA-CRT dapat meningkatkan keamanan pesan yang akan disisipkan. Pesan rahasia dienkripsi terlebih dahulu menggunakan algoritma RSA-CRT lalu disisipkan dalam gambar. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah mengetahui kelayakan algoritma kriptografi RSA-CRT dan steganografi LSB di implementasikan di android. Pengujian dilakukan dengan cara mengukur waktu proses di smartphone yang berbeda dan versi android yang berbeda juga. Hasilnya versi android dan spesifikasi smartphone tidak mempengaruhi waktu kecepatan proses aplikasi pengamanan pesan menggunakan algoritma kriptografi RSA-CRT dan steganografi LSB di android. Kata kunci: Kriptografi, Steganografi, RSA-CRT, LSB, Android.
OBJECT COUNTING PADA DATA VIDEO Rudy Herteno; M. Reza Faisal; Radityo A Nugroho; Friska Abadi; Rahmat Ramadhani
Publisher : Lambung Mangkurat University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20527/klik.v7i1.307


One object counting implementation is counting the number of road users from video data sources obtained from CCTV streaming. Video processing on CCTV is usually done on the server side by sending video data. If the need is only to determine the density of traffic, then the method is considered too expensive to be implemented because of the cost of internet connection and bandwidth that must be spent. The solution is to use a small computing device that can process the video first, and the calculation results are sent to the server regularly. In this study, a comparison between the Tensorflow Object Counting learning algorithm and the MOG2 Background Subtractor image processing algorithm with the aim to determine the accuracy of the calculation. The result is known that better accuracy is given by the MOG2 Background Subtractor technique and also the process is carried out using only a small percentage of the amount of memory and processor compared to the Tensorflow Object Counting technique. MOG2 Background Substractor technique is expected to be used on devices that have small data sourcesKeywords : Object Counting, Tensorflow, MOG2 Background SubstractorSalah satu implementasi object counting adalah menghitung jumlah pengguna jalan dari sumber data video yang didapat dari streaming CCTV. Pemprosesan video pada CCTV biasanya dilakukan disisi server dengan mengirimkan data video. Jika keperluannya hanya untuk mengetahui kepadatan lalu lintas, maka cara tersebut dinilai terlalu mahal untuk diimplementasikan karena biaya koneksi internet dan bandwidth yang harus dikeluarkan. Pemecahannya adalah menggunakan perangkat komputasi kecil yang dapat memproses video tersebut terlebih dahulu, dan hasil perhitungannya dikirimkan ke server secara berkala. Pada penelitian ini dilakukan perbandingan antara algoritma pembelajaran Tensorflow Object Counting dan algoritma image processing MOG2 Background Substractor dengan tujuan untuk mengetahui akurasi penghitungan. Hasilnya diketahui akurasi yang lebih baik diberikan oleh teknik MOG2 Background Substractor dan juga proses yang dilakukan hanya menggunakan prosentase jumlah memori dan prosessor yang kecil dibandingkan teknik Tensorflow Object Counting. Sehingga teknik MOG2 Background Substractor ini diharapkan dapat digunakan pada perangkat yang memiliki sumber data kecil. Kata kunci : Object Counting, Tensorflow, MOG2 Background Substractor.
Publisher : Lambung Mangkurat University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20527/klik.v6i2.249


The rapid development of technology, the increase in web-based systems and development of microcontroller device, have an impact on the ability of web servers to respond in serving client requests. This study aims to analyze load balancing methods algoritma round robin and tuning that significant influence for the response time and the number of clients who are able to be handled in serving clients on the web server with microcontroller device. From this study with Stresstool testing the response time was 2064, 2331,4 and 1869,2ms for not using load balancing and 2270, 2306,2 and 2202ms with load balancing from 700 requests served by web servers. It can be concluded that web server response times that use load balancing are smaller than web servers without load balancing. Furthermore, using tuning with the response time obtained at 3103.4ms from 1100 requests. So, with tuning can reduce response time and increase the number of requests. With level significant level calculatio, have it khown that tuning configuration give significant effect  for the response time and the number of clients in microcontroller.Keywords: Web server, Raspberry, Load balancing, Response time, Stresstool.Perkembangan implementasi teknologi yang pesat, seiring dengan perkembangannya sistem berbasis web dan perangkat mikrokontroler, berdampak pada kemampuan web server dalam memberikan tanggap untuk melayani permintaan klien. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis metode load balance algoritma round robin dan tuning yang berpengaruh terhadap waktu tanggap dan banyaknya jumlah klien yang mampu ditangani dalam melayani klien pada web server dengan mikrokontroler. Dari penelitian ini dengan pengujian Stresstool didapatkan waktu tanggap sebesar 2331,4, 2064, 1869,2ms untuk tanpa load balancing dan 2270, 2306,2 dan 2202ms dengan load balancing dari 600 permintaan yang dilayani web server. Dapat disimpulkan bahwa waktu tanggap web server yang menggunakan load balancing lebih kecil dibandingkan web server yang tidak menggunakan load balancing. Selanjutnya menggunakan tuning dengan waktu tanggap sebesar 3103,4ms dari 1100 permintaan. Jadi, tuning dapat mempersingkat waktu tanggap dan meningkatkan jumlah permintaan yang dilayani web server. Selanjutnya dengan penghitungan tingkat pengaruh, bahwa diketahui konfigurasi load balancing algoritma round robin  dan tuning memberikan pengaruh secara signifikan terhadap waktu tanggap dan jumlah permintaan pada mikrokontroler.Kata kunci : Web server, Raspberry, Load balancing, Waktu tanggap, Stresstool, Jmeter, Klien
Pelatihan dan Pendampingan Penggunaan Open Journal Systems (OJS) bagi Guru di SMPN 8 Banjarbaru Dodon Turianto Nugrahadi; Muliadi Muliadi; Rudy Herteno
Bubungan Tinggi: Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat Vol 4, No 2 (2022)
Publisher : Universitas Lambung Mangkurat

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20527/btjpm.v4i2.4788


Guru sebagai individu tenaga pendidik dan profesional khususnya guru Pegawai Negeri Sipil (PNS) diharapkan dapat peningkatan pangkat dan jabatannya. Untuk meningkatkan pangkat dan jabatan tersebut perlu memiliki syarat, yaitu salah satunya karya ilmiah. Karya ilmiah yang memenuhi syarat adalah karya ilmiah yang diterbitkan oleh penerbit dimana harus terdapat dewan redaksinya atau suatu lembaga pemerintah yang disebarluaskan kepada masyarakat. Kurangnya pengetahuan tentang tata cara publikasi karya ilmiah secara online merupakan salah satu penyebab kurangnya karya ilmiah yang dihasilkan guru. Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat (PkM) ini bertujuan untuk memberikan pengetahuan dan keterampilan kepada guru tetnag proses pendaftaran dan submit karya ilmiah melalui Open Journal System (OJS). Pengabdian ini ditunjukan kepada tenaga pendidik, yaitu guru PNS yang memiliki pangkat fungsional dan ingin melakukan kenaikan. Metode yang digunakan untuk pelatihan dan pendampingan ini adalah penyampaian teori dan praktek langsung menggunakan OJS. Target serta luaran dari kegiatan ini adalah: (1) Terlaksananya kegiatan pelatihan pengelolaan dan penggunaan jurnal bagi guru SMPN 8 Banjarbaru (2) Meningkatkan kemampuan guru dalam memahami proses penerbitan karya ilmiah. Berdasarkan hasil evaluasi yang dilakukan setelah kegiatan ini, sekitar 80% peserta dapat melakukan proses pendaftaran dan submit karya ilmiah pada OJS yang telah disediakan.Teachers, as professional educators, are required to increase their rank and position. There are requirements to improve ranks and positions and scientific work. Published scientific papers are works published by a publisher with an editorial board or a government agency and disseminated to the public. Lack of knowledge about the procedures for publishing scientific papers online is one of the causes of teachers' lack of scientific papers. This Community Service aims to provide knowledge and skills to teachers regarding the registration process and submitting scientific papers through the Open Journal System (OJS). This service is aimed at educators, in this case, educators (teachers) who have functional ranks, most of whom currently have not received registration training from OJS publishers. The method used for this training and mentoring is the delivery of theory and direct practise using OJS. The targets and outcomes of this activity are: (1) the implementation of training in the management and use of journals for teachers at SMPN 8 Banjarbaru; (2) Improving teachers' understanding of the process of publishing scientific papers. Based on the evaluation results carried out after this activity, around 80% of participants were able to register and submit scientific papers to the Open Journal System provided.
Publisher : Lambung Mangkurat University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20527/klik.v9i2.484


Prediksi keberlangsungan hidup pasien gagal jantung telah dilakukan pada penelitian untuk mencari tahu tentang kinerja, akurasi, presisi dan performa dari model prediksi ataupun metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian, dengan menggunakan dataset heart failure clinical records. Namun dataset ini memiliki permasalahan yaitu  bersifat tidak seimbang yang dapat menurunkan kinerja model prediksi karena cenderung menghasilkan prediksi kelas mayoritas. Pada penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan level algoritma untuk mengatasi ketidakseimbangan kelas yaitu teknik boosting dengan metode XGBoost lalu digabungkan dengan metode hyper-parameter tuning agar kinerja yang dihasilkan menjadi lebih baik. Selanjutnya model dilatih dengan dataset dan dibandingkan dengan metode lain, hasilnya  menunjukkan bahwa XGBoost dengan tree parzen estimator hyper-parameter tuning mengungguli model lain dan mencapai nilai AUC sebesar 0.94, untuk model XGBoost dengan Random Search memperoleh nilai AUC sebesar 0.933, kemudian untuk model XGBoost dengan Grid Search memperoleh nilai AUC sebesar 0.922, lalu untuk model XGBoost tanpa hyper-parameter tuning memperoleh nilai AUC sebesar 0.904. Keywords: Ketidakseimbangan Kelas, XGBoost, Konfigurasi Hyper-parameter, Gagal Jantung
Implementasi XGBoost Pada Keseimbangan Liver Patient Dataset dengan SMOTE dan Hyperparameter Tuning Bayesian Search Rahmad Ubaidillah; Muliadi Muliadi; Dodon Turianto Nugrahadi; M Reza Faisal; Rudy Herteno
Publisher : STMIK Budi Darma

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30865/mib.v6i3.4146


Liver disease is a disorder of liver function caused by infection with viruses, bacteria or other toxic substances so that the liver cannot function properly. This liver disease needs to be diagnosed early using a classification algorithm. By using the Indian liver patient dataset, predictions can be made using a classification algorithm to determine whether or not patients have liver disease. However, this dataset has a problem where there is an imbalance of data between patients with liver disease and those without, so it can reduce the performance of the prediction model because it tends to produce non-specific predictions. In this study, classification uses the XGBoost method which is then added with SMOTE to overcome class imbalances in the dataset and/or combined with Bayesian search hyperparameter tuning so that the resulting model performance is better. From the research, the results obtained from the XGBoost model get an AUC value of 0.618, for the XGBoost model with Bayesian search the AUC value is 0.658, then for the XGBoost SMOTE model the AUC value is 0.716, then for the XGBoost SMOTE model with Bayesian search the AUC value is 0.767. From the comparison of the four models, XGBoost SMOTE with Bayesian search obtained the highest AUC results and has an AUC difference of 0.149 compared to the XGBoost model without SMOTE and Bayesian search.