Eceng gondok (Eichornia crassipes (Mart.) Solm) merupakan gulma perairan yang mengganggu ekosistem. Eceng gondok mengandung protein dan serat kasar yang tinggi. Kandungan serat kasar sulit dicerna, oleh karena itu, eceng gondok perlu diolah menjadi pakan ternak rendah serat kasar dengan cara fermentasi. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mendeskripsikan kualitas hasil fermentasi eceng gondok pada berbagai lama waktu fermentasi dan konsentrasi bioaktivator. Jenis penelitian yang digunakan adalah eksperimental dengan 2 perlakuan yaitu konsentrasi bioaktivator dan lama fermentasi. Variasi konsentrasi ragi tempe sebagai bioaktivator meliputi 0 g/kg (V0), 14 g/kg (V1), 17,5 g/kg (V23), 21 g/kg (V3) dan 24,5 g/kg (V4). Variasi lama fermentasi yaitu 5 hari (L5) dan 10 hari (L10). Selanjutnya, proses fermentasi untuk setiap perlakuan adalah 10 kg Eceng gondok dengan 5 kali ulangan keseluruhan sampela berjumlah 50. Parameter yang diukur meliputi kadar protein, serat kasar dan kandungan energi, serta struktur fisik. Hasil analisis menggunakan Anava dua arah menunjukkan bahwa perlakuan V1L5 (14 g/kg dengan waktu fermentasi 5 hari) menghasilkan kandungan protein kasar 11,09%, kadar serat kasar 21,16% serta kandungan energi 1064,27 Kcal/kg menunjukkan kualitas terbaik. Hasil fermentasi eceng gondok secara fisik berstruktur remahan, berwarna coklat kehitaman, dan berbau khas tempe. Berdasarkan hasil tersebut disarankan untuk mengolah eceng gondok menjadi pakan ternak dengan melakukan fermentasi menggunakan ragi tempe 14g/kg berat basah eceng gondok selama 5 hariWater hyacinth (Eichornia crassipes (Mart.) Solm) is an aquatic weed that disrupts the ecosystems. Water hyacinth contains high protein and fiber. However, the content of crude fiber is difficult to be digested; therefore, water hyacinth needs to be transformed into low crude fiber animal feed by fermentation processes. The purpose of this study was to describe the quality of fermented hyacinth on various duration of fermentation and various concentration of bioactivator. The study was an experimental study with two treatments, i.e. variation of bioactivator concentration and fermentation duration. The concentration of bioactivator (yeast of tempe) were 0 g/kg (V0), 14 g/kg (V1), 17.5 g/kg (V23), 21 g/kg (V3) and 24.5 g/kg (V4), whereas the duration of fermentation were 5 days (L5) and 10 days (L10). The fermentation process for each treatment was 10 kg Hyacinth with 5 replications; hence the total number of samples was 50. Parameters measured in this study included the levels of protein, crude fiber, energy content and physical structure. The results of the analysis using two-way ANOVA showed that the best quality was resulted from the V1L5 treatment (14 g/kg and the duration of fermentation was 5 days), namely 11.09% crude protein, 21.16% crude fiber content and energy content of 1064.27 Kcal/kg. The physical structure of fermented hyacinth were crumbs, blackish brown, and it had the distinctive smell of tempe. Based on these results it is advised to process water hyacinth into animal feed by fermentation using yeast of tempe 14g/kg wet weight of water hyacinth for 5 days.