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Al Daulah : Jurnal Hukum Pidana dan Ketatanegaraan Vol 6 No 2 (2017)
Publisher : Jurusan Hukum Tatanegara Fakultas Syari'ah dan Hukum UIN Alauddin

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24252/ad.v6i2.4879


Pembangunan bidang ekonomi sangat ditunjang oleh alat trasnportasi dan sarana serta prasarana dan kemajuan hukum suatu negara merupakan cita-cita semua bangsa, yang merupakan kekuatan utama dalam mendorong perkembangan suatu negara, terutama Indonesia. Sebagai negara demokrasi dan negara hukum. Bahwa Negara kesatuan Republik Indonesia adalah Negara kepualauan berciri nusantara yang disatukan oleh wilayah perairan dan udara dengan batas-batas, hak-hak dan kedaulatan yang ditetapkan oleh undang-undang. Dalam kemajuan suatu negara terutama negara kepulauan seperti Indonesia alat transportasi merupakan suatu hal yang sangat penting untuk menjangkau setiap pulau atau daerah tersebut dengan cepat, hal ini tentu membutuhkan suatu perhatian dan peraturan dari pemerintah untuk mengatur sehingga penerbangan menjadi hal yang menyenangkan bagi semua penggunanya.olehnya pemerintah melalui Menteri Perhubungan No 89 Tahun 2015 tentang penanganan keterlambatan penerbangan (Delay) pada Badan usaha angkutan udara Niaga berjadwal di Indonesia.
Al Daulah : Jurnal Hukum Pidana dan Ketatanegaraan Vol 7 No 2 (2018)
Publisher : Jurusan Hukum Tatanegara Fakultas Syari'ah dan Hukum UIN Alauddin

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24252/ad.v7i2.7019


Kota Makassar adalah kota metropolitan dengan jumlah penduduk yang tiap tahun mengalami perkembangan dari segi urbanisasi, mengingat Makassar sebagai Ibukota Provinsi Sulawesi Selatan.Dengan jumlah penduduk yang semakin padat dan meningkat sehingga berpengaruh kepada kebutuhan dari tingkat ekonomi yang semakin kompleks. Selain itu, ritel moderen memberikan kontribusi positif yang juga menimbulkan dampak sosial ekonomi yang sangat besar. Hal ini disebabkan pasar tradisional yang umumnya merupakan usaha kecil mengalami kemunduran akibat keberadaan ritel moderen yang secara perlahan tapi pasti mengancam kelangsungan pasar tradisional. Melalui Perda No 15 Tahun 2009 tentang perlindungan pemberdayaan pasar tradisional dan penataan pasar moderen dapat memberikan pengaturan bagi kedua pasar tersebut. Upaya yang dilakukan oleh pemerintah kota Makassar adalah dengan mendata dan memberikan informasi terhadap keberadaan dan jam operasional pasar moderen, namun hasilnya belum sesuai dengan harapan semua pihak dalam mengaplikasi peraturan tersebut karena pengaturan zona belum diatur secara jelas. Penelitian ini menggunakan jenis penelitian empiris dengan pendekatan yang terkait peraturan perundang-undangan dan jurnal yang telah dipublikasi serta turun ke lapangan melakukan pengamatan dan wawancara responden. Hasil yang ditemukan bahwa Perda No 15 Tahun 2009 belum berjalan efektif karena belum mengatur zona terkait. Masalah zona antara pasar moderen dan pasar moderen yang lain dan jarak antara pasar moderen dengan pasar tradisional serta belum mengatur jam operasi pasar moderen yang menyebabkan tingginya ekspansi pasar moderen di Kota Makassar.
Jurisprudentie: Jurusan Ilmu Hukum Fakultas Syariah dan Hukum Vol 6 No 1 (2019)
Publisher : Jurusan Ilmu Hukum Fakultas Syariah dan Hukum uin alauddin

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24252/jurisprudentie.v6i1.9356


Abstract               The application of e-commerce in realizing a populist economy in the industrial revolution 4.0 is expected that people can be more creative in creating business activities so that they can generate profits and employment and not depend on the government, through e-commerce and industrial revolution 4.0 is expected to generate employment for all layers of society in the field of industry and creativity in terms of business can be further improved. In Law No. 5 of 1999 concerning the prohibition of Monopolistic Practices and unfair business competition, the existence of this law is expected to be economic independence and the absence of a barrier in terms of business for the community so that fair competition in terms of business can be created well.Keywords: e commerce, industrial revolution, creative economy AbstrakPenerapan e-commerce dalam mewujudkan ekonomi kerakyatan pada revolusi industri 4.0 diharapkan masyarakat dapat lebih kreatif dalam menciptakan kegiatan usaha sehingga dapat menghasilkan keuntungan dan lapangan kerja serta tidak tergantung pada pemerintah, lewat perapan e-commerce serta revolusi industri 4.0 diharapkan dapat menghasilkan lapangan kerja kepada semua lapisan masyarakat dalam bidang industri serta kreatifitas dalam hal berusaha dapat lebih di tingkatkan lagi. Dalam Undang-Undang No 5 Tahun 1999 tentang larangan Praktek Monopoli dan persaingan usaha tidak sehat, dengan adanya undang-undang ini diharapkan kemandirian ekonomi serta tidak adanya sekat dalam hal berusaha bagi masyarakat sehingga persaingan yang sehat dalam hal usaha dapat tercipta dengan baik. Kata Kunci : e commerce, revolusi industri, ekonomi kreatif    
Implementasi Hukum Persaingan Usaha di Masa Pandemi bagi UMKM di Kota Makassar Asmah; Melantik Rompegading
Jurnal Persaingan Usaha Vol 1 No 1 (2021): Jurnal Persaingan Usaha
Publisher : Komisi Pengawas Persaingan Usaha

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (214.972 KB) | DOI: 10.55869/kppu.v1i1.8


Pandemi covid 19 membuat dunia usaha mengalami situasi tidak menentu terutama dari sektor UMKM. Berbagai upaya telah dilakukan oleh Pemerintah untuk mendukung eksistensi UMKM. Pelaksanaan hukum persaingan usaha dengan Undang-Undang Nomor 5 Tahun 1999, dan Undang- Undang Nomor 20 Tahun 2008 tentang usaha kecil dan menengah harus tetap diwujudkan, sehingga dunia usaha di Kota Makassar bisa menghasilkan kemandirian, kesejahteraan, serta menciptakan lapangan kerja. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui implementasi hukum persaingan dimasa pandemi Covid-19, khususnya bagi Usaha Mikro, Kecil, dan Menengah (UMKM) di Makassar. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode penelitian normatif empiris dengan perbandingan beberapa kasus, buku, dan jurnal terkait tulisan, serta analisis tentang kasus dampak pandemi Covid-19 terhadap UMKM di kota Makassar. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa implementasi hukum persaingan usaha dimasa pandemi COVID-19 khususnya bagi UMKM Di Kota Makassar berada di bawah kontrol Komisi Pengawas Persaingan Usaha (KPPU) sebagai bentuk pengawasan terhadap kemitraan antara pelaku UMKM dan pemodal usaha besar agar terhindar dari perjanjian yang dilarang dengan menjalin kerjasama dengan dinas perdagangan dan koperasi, rutin melakukan kontrol lapangan, serta melakukan sosialisasi terhadap persaingan usaha yang sehat.
Jurnal Yudisial Vol 12, No 2 (2019): ACTA NON VERBA
Publisher : Komisi Yudisial RI

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29123/jy.v12i2.280


ABSTRAKKomisi Pengawas Persaingan Usaha (KPPU) dalam Putusan Nomor 09/KPPU-L/2013 menyatakan bahwa terlapor I, terlapor II, terlapor III, terlapor IV, terlapor V, terlapor VI, terlapor VII, terlapor VIII, terlapor IX, dan terlapor X terbukti secara sah dan meyakinkan melakukan persekongkolan tender. Pengadilan Negeri Makassar menjatuhkan Putusan Nomor 238/PDT. SUS-KPPU/2014/PN.MKS yang amarnya menolak permohonan keberatan para pemohon. Pada tingkat kasasi, Mahkamah Agung dalam Putusan Nomor 430 K/PDT.SUS-KPPU/2015 menguatkan Putusan Nomor 238/PDT.SUS-KPPU/2014/PN.MKS dan Putusan Nomor 09/KPPU-L/2013. Rumusan masalah penelitian ini adalah bagaimana analisis penerapan sanksi hukum dalam kasus persekongkolan tender pada Putusan Nomor 430 K/PDT.SUS-KPPU/2015 tingkat kasasi di Mahkamah Agung. Metode yang digunakan adalah normatif empiris. Kesimpulan penelitian ini adalah pertimbangan hakim pada Putusan Nomor 430 K/PDT. SUS-KPPU/2015, yang pada dasarnya menguatkan Putusan Nomor 238/PDT.SUS-KPPU/2014/PN.MKS dan Putusan Nomor 09/KPPU-L/2013 yang menyatakan bahwa terlapor telah terbukti memenuhi unsur-unsur Pasal 22 Undnag-Undang Nomor 5 Tahun 1999 terkait persekongkolan tender, sehingga merefleksikan nilai-nilai dan norma-norma yang terkandung dalam proses penegakan hukum di bidang persaingan usaha, dengan memberikan jaminan kesempatan berusaha yang sama bagi setiap pelaku usaha melalui pencegahan terjadinya praktik persekongkolan tender.Kata kunci: sanksi, persekongkolan, KPPU.  ABSTRACTThe Business Competition Supervisory Commission (KPPU) in Decision Number 09/KPPU-L/2013 states that reported party I up to reported party X were proven legally and convincingly to conduct tender conspiracy. Makassar District Court imposed Decision Number 238/PDT.SUS-KPPU/2014/PN.MKS that refused the petition of petitioners' objections. At the cassation level, the Supreme Court in Decision Number 430 K/PDT.SUS-KPPU/2015 reinforces Decision Number 238/PDT.SUS-KPPU/2014/PN.MKS and Decision Number 09/KPPU-L/2013. The formulation of this research problem is how the analysis of the application of legal sanctions in the case of tender conspiracy in Decision Number 430 K/PDT.SUS-KPPU/2015 cassation level in the Supreme Court. The method used in this analysis is normative. The conclusion of this research is that consideration of the judge on the Decision of the Supreme Court Number 430 K/PDT.SUS-KPPU/2015 that reinforces Decision Number 238/PDT.SUSKPPU/2014/PN.MKS and KPPU Decision Number 09/KPPU-L/2013, which states that the reported party has been proven to fulfill the elements of Article 22 of Law 5 of 1999 related to the tender conspiracy. So that it reflects, the values and norms that contained in the process of law enforcement in the field of business competition, by providing guarantees of equal business opportunities for each business actor through the prevention of the practice of tender conspiracy. Keywords: sanctions, conspiracy, KPPU.
Pembatasan Sosial Berskala Besar dan Pemulihan Ekonomi Nasional di Masa Pandemi Covid-19: Strategi Implementasi Peraturan Perundang-Undangan Asmah Asmah; Dian Eka Kusuma Wardani; Raodiah Raodiah
SIGn Jurnal Hukum Vol 3 No 2: Oktober 2021 - Maret 2022
Publisher : CV. Social Politic Genius (SIGn)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37276/sjh.v3i2.158


This study aims to determine the Government’s strategy in making regulations related to health problems and economic problems for the community. In addition, this study also wants to know the impact of Makassar Municipality’s strategy in implementing regulations to increase the productivity and competitiveness of the community and business actors during the Covid-19 pandemic. This study uses two types of research: normative research and empirical research. In-depth interviews, literature review, and documentation are data collection techniques used in this research. The data that has been collected is then processed and analyzed using qualitative descriptive analysis techniques. The results show that the Government’s priority in dealing with the Covid-19 problem is establishing Government Regulation No. 21 of 2020 to address national health issues. Meanwhile, the Government’s priority in dealing with community economic problems is establishing Law No. 7 of 2021. In this case, the Government relaxes VAT payments and SPT reporting to individuals and business actors. Furthermore, the impact of the Mayoral Regulation of Makassar Municipality No. 51 of 2020 is the decline in people’s economic income during the Covid-19 pandemic. However, with the Mayoral Regulation of Makassar Municipality No. 51 of 2020, people can still carry out economic activities by complying with health protocols. Therefore, it is recommended that the people of Makassar Municipal continue to carry out economic activities by complying with health protocols even though they are currently entering the new normal period. In addition, business actors who have received relaxation of VAT payments and SPT reporting and their businesses have reached a stable condition to fulfill their obligations again by paying taxes. Paying taxes is a form of community participation in national development.
The Communal Dimension of Intellectual Property Rights: An Integrative Legal Perspective on the Future of Geographical Indications Melantik Rompegading; Asmah
Rechtsidee Vol 11 (2022): December
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Sidoarjo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21070/jihr.v11i0.844


This study aims to analyze the communal dimensions of geographical indication intellectual property rights with an integrative legal perspective. This research is a normative legal research. The results of the study confirm that the character of geographic indication rights which have a communal basis is actually relevant to the legal character of the Indonesian people who view intellectual property as joint property and can be used jointly. Therefore, the character of geographical indication rights that have a communal basis in the future can be regulated through legal instruments regarding Traditional Cultural Expressions which also contain provisions regarding geographic indication rights. This actually requires the role of the state as a trigger for the birth of a conducive economic climate by optimizing intellectual property in the form of geographical indications. Future arrangements for geographic indication rights in an integrative legal perspective can be carried out by optimizing the role of the government (bureaucracy) as a social changer. The role of the bureaucracy is based on laws and policies made by the central government and local governments. It is necessary to provide incentives for communities or legal entities that have an orientation to optimize geographic indications. The existence of incentives from the government should also be optimized in the realm of local government so that people are motivated to optimize geographical indications which can be used as a means to improve the economic level of the community.
Training of Integrated Family and Anti-Drug Ambassador for Mothers of Bhayangkari Ranting Manggala Asmah; A. Melantik Rompegading; Fentry Hernaningsi Ruing
Law Doctoral Community Service Journal Vol. 2 No. 1 (2023): Law Doctoral Community Service Journal
Publisher : Fakultas Hukum, Universitas Warmadewa

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.55637/ldcsj.2.1.6272.8-13


Bhayangkari is an organization of police wives where all members who are members of it have various roles not only as wives but also as role models for their families and their environment. Therefore, the participation of Bhayangkari mothers apart from supporting their husband’s activities and career as a police officer, is also required to always develop their knowledge, and one of them is knowledge about the importance of an integrated family and the importance of understanding the dangers of drugs that are currently rife among children. -children and youth. The main problem in this PKM is the high number of cases of drug abuse among teenagers in the jurisdiction of the Manggala Police, Makassar City, South Sulawesi. Based on data obtained from Basic Education Data of the Directorate General of Early Childhood Education, Basic Education and Secondary Education of the Ministry of Education and Culture, in the Manggala sub-district there are 42 Elementary Schools, 20 Junior High Schools, 13 Senior High Schools, 7 Vocational High Schools, and 3 SLB.[1] The busyness and lack of understanding and supervision of parents at home, the busyness of teachers in schools providing materials related to the education curriculum, and the limited cadres of BNN South Sulawesi Province as narcotics extension agents, has encouraged the determination of the proposing team to activate Bhayangkari Ranting Manggala women to participate active as new anti-drug ambassadors who will be scattered in various schools in Manggala District to save young people from an early age. The solution offered is to provide training for Bhayangkari Ranting Manggala mothers by bringing in experts and resource persons not only in the field of narcotics but also psychiatrists who understand growth and development as well as problems and special approaches for children and adolescents. The Makassar Police Narcotics Research Unit and representatives of the South Sulawesi Province National Narcotics Agency (BNN) will also actively participate by providing outreach or counseling on P4GN (Prevention of Eradication of Drug Abuse and Circulation). The target achievements of this PKM activity are: 1) Bhayangkari members of the Manggala branch are ready to go directly to become integrated family ambassadors and anti-drug ambassadors to schools in the Manggala sub-district, at recitations, at mosque youth, and church youth, and in various youth organizations which is in the Manggala sub-district environment. The motto of this activity is: “If not us, then who will? If not now when?” 2) The existence of an annual Work Program of the Manggala Polsek related to anti-narcotics counseling, and 3) the election of Manggala as an integrated and anti-drug family driving sub-district by the government and authorized agencies. 4) Reducing the number of cases of drug abuse in the jurisdiction of the Manggala Police. [1] Data Pokok Pendidikan Direktorat Jenderal Pendidikan Anak Usia Dini, Pendidikan Dasar dan Pendidikan Menengah Kementerian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan,
Analisis Yuridis Putusan Nomor 29/PDT.SUS-KPPU/2019/PN BLK Terkait Persekongkolan Tender Asmah Asmah
Jurnal Supremasi Volume 13 Nomor 1 Tahun 2023
Publisher : Universitas Islam Balitar, Blitar

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35457/supremasi.v13i1.2638


Considering the objection to Decision Number 17/KPPU-I/2018 at the Bulukumba District Court which was carried out by business actors to declare null and void or at least cancel the decision Number 17/KPPU-I/2018 in its entirety, it is important to do research to find out the judge's consideration of the tender conspiracy case. Through normative legal research, it resulted that the judgments of the panel of judges in examining and deciding the case Decision Number 29/Pdt.Sus-KPPU/2019/Pn Blk essentially strengthens and takes over all considerations of the ICC Commission Council Decision, however, the panel of judges then decided to reduce the fine from IDR 586,903,909 to IDR 800 million with the judgment that the sanctions imposed by the Respondent against the objected Petitioner have not fulfilled a sense of justice because it was considered too big/unequal compared to the level of the Petitioner's mistake, therefore it is necessary to give the Petitioner sanctions that are more corrective, preventive and educative.
Legal Protection Against Consumers at Drugs That Do Not Have a Distribution Permit Ermita Faradilla; A. Asmah; Hiksyani Nurkhadijah
Golden Ratio of Law and Social Policy Review (GRLSPR) Vol. 1 No. 2 (2022): January - June
Publisher : Manunggal Halim Jaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (319.924 KB) | DOI: 10.52970/grlspr.v1i2.191


This study aims to determine how the legal protection for drug consumers without a distribution permit at the Makassar Drug and Food Control Center and to find out what factors cause drugs without distribution permits. This study uses empirical legal research methods, namely legal research that seeks to see the law in a real sense or can be said to see, examine how the law works in society. Empirical research methods can be said that legal research is taken from the facts that exist in a society, legal entity, or government agency. The results of this study indicate a form of legal protection for drug consumers without a distribution permit at the Makassar Drug and Food Control Center by carrying out pre-market and post-market supervision, both supervisions carried out from the inspection substance group, namely inspection and action group by conducting intelligence operations and providing criminal sanctions. and administration for perpetrators. The factors that cause drugs that do not have a distribution permit are abuse factors, lack of education about the dangers of drug abuse, business actors who do not have the expertise and authority. Recommendations for research by BPOM as an authorized institution should further improve its supervision in this case. The cooperation between the local government and the community is also expected to take part and be actively involved in the implementation of the supervision of drugs and foods that do not have distribution permits.