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Spatial Distribution of Birds in Coban Trisula, Bromo Tengger Semeru National Park Iqbal, Kemal; Gama, Zulfaidah Penata; Yanuwiadi, Bagyo
Proceeding International Conference on Global Resource Conservation Vol 6, No 1: Proceeding of 6th ICGRC 2015
Publisher : Proceeding International Conference on Global Resource Conservation

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Bromo Tengger Semeru National Park has vegetation that allows the availability of suitable habitat for various species of birds. Species of birds that can be found in Coban Trisula are very diverse. The purpose of this research was to determine the spatial distribution patterns of birds in Coban Trisula area. This study used point count method. The observation was conducted in February to April 2015. Species data were calculated and presented in the form of tables and figures. The spatial distribution of birds was determined by using an index of dispersion. The results of the study showed that 43 species of birds consists of 6 Order and 17 Family. The spatial distribution result showed that the majority of spatial distribution pattern were in aggregation patterns. In theory, aggregation patterns in species of birds can be concluded that they are sharing foraging area (sharing resources), safe, easy to meet between males and females as well as their natural character.  Keywords: birds; Coban Trisula; spatial distribution
Structure of Arthropoda Community in an Orange Orchard with Conventional Systems in Bedengan, Dau, Malang El Fikri, Galih; Yanuwiadi, Bagyo; Gama, Zulfaidah Penata
Proceeding International Conference on Global Resource Conservation Vol 6, No 1: Proceeding of 6th ICGRC 2015
Publisher : Proceeding International Conference on Global Resource Conservation

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Citrus is a major commodity in Malang. Pests attack can reduce yields of citrus. Farmers reduce pests by pesticides. The presence of pesticides would reduce biodiversity so as to cause an imbalance in the system of the chain food. It is necessary to identify the abundance and diversity of species in an orange orchard with conventional systems. The purpose of this study is to identify the structure of arthropod community and determine the stability of the environment in citrus orchards with conventional systems. This study was conducted in April 2015 - January 2016 in an orange orchard with conventional systems in Bedengan, Dau, Malang. Sampling was done in three times by the method of pitfall traps and yellow trap. Each sample has two treatments, before spraying and after spraying to determine differences in the structure of arthropod community. Results have shown that there are differences in arthropod diversity between two different places. There are some species that are dominant in each of these places. Comparison of diversity between the two places is more significant than the before and after spraying. Order of insects with the largest number of individuals is of the order Diptera 671 individuals. 440 individuals and the order Coleoptera order Hymenoptera 133. The family Formicidae before spraying has a value of 33.38 and 43.20 after spraying. And in orchard2 important value index score was 21.86 and the family Formicidae 21.91, family Culicidae 30.95 and 23.64. And in orchard2 69.52 and 24.01. family Drosopilidae 41.47 and 43.20. While in orchard2 has a value of 30.18 and 59.10. There are differences in diversity between before and after spraying spraying. Animal diversity could rise or fall depending on the behavior of each species.Keywords: Arthropods; citrus orchards with conventional systems; pitfall trap; yellow trap
Studi Toksisitas Bacillus thuringiensis Isolat Lokal Jawa Timur Berdasarkan Ketinggian Tempat Terhadap Larva Aedes aegypti Triprisila, Lidwina Faraline; Suharjono, Suharjono; Gama, Zulfaidah Penata
Biotropika: Journal of Tropical Biology Vol 1, No 3 (2013)
Publisher : Biotropika: Journal of Tropical Biology

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Demam Berdarah Dengue (DBD) masih menjadi masalah bagi kesehatan masyarakat dan merupakan penyakit endemis yang menyebabkan angka kematiannya tinggi hampir di seluruh provinsi di Indonesia.  Pada kurun empat tahun terakhir Jawa Timur memiliki kasus DBD paling tinggi. Ketinggian tempat merupakan faktor yang membatasi penyebaran Aedes aegypti sebagai vektor epidemik penyakit demam berdarah. Salah satu cara yang aman untuk memberantas nyamuk tersebut adalah dengan Bacillus thuringiensis. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mendapatkan isolat dan menguji toksisitas Bacillus thuringiensis yang efektif dalam membunuh larva Aedes aegypti dari beberapa ketinggian tempat di Jawa Timur. Sampel sedimen dan air diambil dari dataran tinggi Blitar dan Bondowoso, dataran sedang di Bangkalan, Ponorogo, Madiun dan Tulungagung serta dataran rendah di Lamongan dan Surabaya. Bacillus thuringiensis diisolasi dengan media selektif. Isolat yang didapatkan diamati karakteristik fenotip (Profil Matching Method), kemudian dilakukan pengujian toksisitas pada larva nyamuk Aedes aegypti instar III. Persentase mortalitas larva dianalisis probit (LC50), ragam (ANOVA) dan uji t (t-test). Dua dari 28 isolat Bacillus thuringiensis yang didapatkan yaitu SK.T dan Mdn I TK2 mampu membunuh larva Aedes aegypti lebih dari 50 %. Isolat Mdn I TK2 pada umur biakan 48 jam dan isolat SK.T pada umur biakan 24 jam pada waktu pendedahan 72 jam secara berturut-turut mampu membunuh larva Aedes aegypti sebesar 100 % dan 68,3 %. Isolat Mdn I TK2 lebih efektif membunuh larva Aedes aegypti dibandingkan isolat SK.T dengan nilai LC50-72jam sebesar 2,17×107 sel/ml.
Uji Toksisitas Bacillus thuringiensis Asal Kota Nganjuk Terhadap Larva Aedes aegypti Pratiwi, Erma Kusuma; Samino, Setijono; Gama, Zulfaidah Penata
Biotropika: Journal of Tropical Biology Vol 1, No 4 (2013)
Publisher : Biotropika: Journal of Tropical Biology

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ABSTRAK   Demam Berdarah Dengue (DBD) merupakan salah satu penyakit endemik di Indonesia dan menyebabkan banyak kematian penduduk, khususnya di Provinsi Jawa Timur. Kota Nganjuk memiliki tingkat kelimpahan larva Aedes aegypti tertinggi di Provinsi Jawa Timur pada tahun 2008-2010. Kota Nganjuk merupakan daerah fokus utama untuk penanganan penyakit endemik DBD di Indonesia. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mendapatkan isolat Bacillus thuringiensis asal Kota Nganjuk yang paling efektif dalam membunuh larva Aedes aegypti. Sampel sedimen dan air diambil dari 10 lokasi di Kecamatan Nganjuk. Bakteri diisolasi menggunakan media selektif B. thuringiensis kemudian dilakukan karakterisasi fenotip (Profil Matching Method), seleksi isolat yang patogen dan uji toksisitas (LC50) pada larva nyamuk Aedes aegypti instar III. Persentase mortalitas larva dianalisis probit (LC50) dan ragam (ANOVA). Hasil isolasi mendapatkan dua isolat B. thuringiensis yaitu K.K1.S.K2 dan W.Swh.S.K2 dari 26 isolat bakteri yang mampu membunuh larva Aedes aegypti instar III lebih dari 50 %. Isolat  K.K1.S.K2 serta W.Swh.S.K2 dengan umur biakan 48 jam pada waktu pendedahan 72 jam efektif membunuh larva Aedes aegypti instar III secara berurutan yaitu 83,3 % dan 76,67 %. Isolat W.Swh.S.K2 hasil isolasi dari sampel sedimen memiliki toksisitas tertinggi dengan nilai LC50 48 jam sebesar 3,53x107 sel/ml.   Kata Kunci : Aedes aegypti, Bacillus thuringiensis, Demam Berdarah Dengue, Uji Toksisitas
Distribusi dan Komposisi Nyamuk di Wilayah Mojokerto Leksono, Amin Setyo; Gama, Zulfaidah Penata; islamiyah, madaniatul
Biotropika: Journal of Tropical Biology Vol 1, No 2 (2013)
Publisher : Biotropika: Journal of Tropical Biology

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Nyamuk merupakan salah satu serangga yang memiliki peran sebagai vektor dari agen penyakit. Penyakit  yang ditularkan oleh nyamuk masih merupakan masalah kesehatan bagi masyarakat, salah satunya yaitu Demam Berdarah Dengue (DBD). Jenis-jenis penyakit lain yang disebabkan oleh nyamuk adalah Filariasis (kaki gajah), Chikungunya dan Encephalitis. Mojokerto termasuk salah satu wilayah di Provinsi Jawa Timur yang endemis Demam Berdarah Dengue (DBD) di Indonesia, sehingga perlu  diketahui tentang  beberapa jenis nyamuk yang merupakan vektor dari beberapa penyakit yang melanda wilayah Mojokerto. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui jenis-jenis dan distribusi spasial nyamuk di wilayah Mojokerto. Pengambilan sampel dilakukan di dua lokasi di wilayah Mojokerto yaitu di Kecamatan Prajurit Kulon, Kota Mojokerto dan Kecamatan Dlanggu, Kabupaten Mojokerto. Metode yang digunakan adalah survei larva nyamuk dan ovitrap. Titik koordinat lokasi pengambilan sampel disimpan menggunakan GPS selanjutnya dilakukan identifikasi di Laboratorium Ekologi dan Diversitas Hewan, Universitas Brawijaya. Analisis data dilakukan secara kuantitatif untuk menentukan Kelimpahan, Kelimpahan Relatif, Frekuensi, Frekuensi Relatif dan INP (Indeks Nilai Penting). Pola persebaran  nyamuk dianalisis dengan Indeks Morisita. Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukkan terdapat lima spesies yaitu Aedes aegypti, Aedes albopictus, Aedes laniger, Culex bitaeniorchynchus dan Culex quinquefasciatus. Spesies Aedes aegypti merupakan spesies yang dominan di Kota Mojokerto dengan Indeks Nilai Penting (INP) sebesar 70.48% diperoleh dari metode survei larva dan 76.88% diperoleh dari metode ovitrap sedangkan spesies Culex quinquefasciatus merupakan spesies yang dominan di Kabupaten Mojokerto sebesar 59.80 % diperoleh dari metode survei larva dan 89.58 % diperoleh dari metode ovitrap. Pola penyebaran nyamuk berdasarkan perhitungan indeks morisita di wilayah Mojokerto adalah seragam.   Kata Kunci : Distribusi, Komposisi, Mojokerto, Nyamuk
Identifikasi dan Analisis Similaritas Bacillus thuringiensis Isolat Lokal Jawa Timur yang Berpotensi Mengendalikan Pertumbuhan Larva Aedes aegypti Rohmanita, Sela Ayu; rohmanita, sela ayu; Gama, Zulfaidah Penata
Biotropika: Journal of Tropical Biology Vol 1, No 5 (2013)
Publisher : Biotropika: Journal of Tropical Biology

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Jawa Timur merupakan daerah yang memiliki kasus demam berdarah tertinggi di Indonesia. Salah satu agen hayati pengendali vektor virus demam berdarah adalah Bacillus thuringiensis, namun penelitian terkait B. thuringiensis isolat lokal asal Jawa Timur belum banyak diungkap. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendapatkan B. thuringiensis isolat lokal Jawa Timur yang berpotensi mengendalikan larva Aedes. aegypti serta mengetahui karakter dan similaritas fenotip antar isolat tersebut dengan B. thuringiensis acuan (Bti.HD567). Tahapan penelitian meliputi isolasi B. thuringiensis dari sedimen dan air dengan menggunakan media selektif B. thuringiensis, karakterisasi fenotip berdasarkan morfologi koloni dan morfologi sel (pewarnaan Gram dan endospora), serta uji toksisitas dari masing-masing isolat B. thuringiensis terhadap larva A. aegypti. Data hasil uji toksisitas selanjutnya diseleksi untuk mendapatkan isolat-isolat yang berpotensi tinggi dalam mengendalikan larva A. aegypti yang kemudian dianalisis menggunakan analisis ragam (ANOVA). Isolat yang berpotensi tinggi dalam mengendalikan larva A. aegypti diidentifikasi dengan API 50 CHB, kemudian dibuat dendogram dengan menggunakan CLAD97. Isolat-isolat yang memiliki potensi tinggi dalam membunuh larva A. aegypti yaitu Mdn1.Tk2, SK.T, Pb2.T, W.Swh.S.K2, K.K1.S.K2, dan Jmbr1.T. Berdasarkan dendogram terdapat tiga kelompok yaitu kelompok 1 (Mdn1.Tk2, K.K1.S.K2), 2 (SK.T, Pb2.T dan W.Swh.S.K2) dan 3 (Jmbr1.T).Isolat Mdn1.Tk2 dan K.K1.S.K2 identik dengan Bti.HD567 (100 %), sedangkan SK.T, Pb2.T, dan W.Swh.S.K2 merupakan Genus Bacillus (98,3 %). Isolat Jmbr1.T tidak termasuk Genus Bacillus.
Soil Arthropod Diversity and Composition Inhabited Various Habitats in Universitas Brawijaya Forest in Malang East Java Indonesia Leksono, Amin Setyo; Putri, Ninda Merisa; Gama, Zulfaidah Penata; Yanuwiyadi, Bagyo; Zairina, Anisa
Journal of Tropical Life Science Vol 9, No 1 (2019)
Publisher : Journal of Tropical Life Science

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A study on soil arthropod abundance, diversity and composition have been done on November 2016 to March 2017 using pitfall traps. The objective of this study is to analyze variations of the soil arthropod abundance, diversity and composition among different habitats in a university forest.  The study was carried out in Universitas Brawijaya Forest (UBF) Malang, East Java (7°49'S, 112°34'E, 1,200 m in altitude), consisted of four locations: an agroforestry (AF), a gallery forest (GF), the pine stands (PS) and a settlement yard (SY). At each site, a total of 10 traps (5 by 2 rows) were placed systematically at 4-m intervals. Glass cups (10 cm in diameter and 7 cm deep) were buried in the ground during 24 hours. There were 2286 individuals of arthropod collected from all sampling locations. Overall the samples collected consist of 41 families of arthropods. The abundance (mean ± SE) of soil arthropod was highest in PS and the lowest in SY. Statistically, variations in abundance among locations were significant (F = 7.39, p < 0.01). The taxa richness of arthropod was highest in GF and the lowest in SY. Statistically, variations in taxa richness among locations were significant (F = 4.26, p < 0.05).  The diversity was the highest in the GF (1.9 ± 0.1) lowest in the SY (0.74 ± 0.1). Statistically, variations in diversity among study sites were significant (F = 26.73, p < 0.001). In general, scavenger dominated the composition of soil arthropods. The highest proportion of scavenger abundance present in SY was 84.9%, while the lowest in the GF was 29.3%. The highest litter transformer composition in GF was 33.9%, and the lowest in SY was 8%. The highest decomposer in PS was 26.9% and the lowest in AF was 12.9%. The highest predator in AF was 20.7% and the lowest in SY was 1%. Compositions of soil arthropod were affected by environmental factors such as soil temperature and light intensity.
High Potential of Liquid Smoke from Coconut Shell (Cocos nucifera) for Biological Control of Rice Bug (Leptocorisa oratorius Fabricius) Gama, Zulfaidah Penata; Purnama, Rizky Mulyo Adi; Melani, Dewi
Journal of Tropical Life Science Vol 11, No 1 (2021)
Publisher : Journal of Tropical Life Science

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.11594/jtls.11.01.11


Rice bug (Leptocorisa oracorius F) is one of the most dangerous pests for paddy commodities (Oryza sativa) in the world. The use of liquid smoke was popular among local farmers to control rice bug. A coconut shell is the main source for making liquid smoke. This research aims to analyse rice bugs' mortality and antifeedant activity when dipped with coconut shell liquid smoke. The liquid smoke's effectiveness was measured by dipping paddy (5 grams in weight) that is previously soaked with coconut shell liquid for 20 seconds. The liquid smoke was prepared in various concentrations, ranging from 0% as a control; 0.50%; 0.75%; 1%; 1.25% and 1,50%. Observations were made at 24, 48, 72, 96, 120, 144 and 168 hours. Data analysis was performed by one-way ANOVA test, using SPSS program followed by a 0.05 Tukey test to determine the significance of the rice bug pest mortality. The study resulted that the mortality values from low concentrations to high concentrations were 40%, 46.67%, 60%, 70%, and 80% over seven days. The antifeedant percentage of liquid smoke increased from low concentrations to high concentrations respectively were 10.14%, 15.15%, 31.03%, 46.15%, and 68.88% during seven days. The concentration of liquid smoke that has the highest mortality was 1.50%. In conclusion, 1.50% of liquid smoke showed the highest percentage of mortality and antifeedant activity with 80% and 68.88%, respectively. In the future, it is hoped to develop this model for commercial consumption and reduce reliance on chemicals to control rice bugs. The use of pesticides can do more harm than good, especially to the environmental system.
Uji Toksisitas Bacillus thuringiensis Asal Kota Nganjuk Terhadap Larva Aedes aegypti Erma Kusuma Pratiwi; Setijono Samino; Zulfaidah Penata Gama
Biotropika: Journal of Tropical Biology Vol 1, No 4 (2013)
Publisher : University of Brawijaya

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ABSTRAK   Demam Berdarah Dengue (DBD) merupakan salah satu penyakit endemik di Indonesia dan menyebabkan banyak kematian penduduk, khususnya di Provinsi Jawa Timur. Kota Nganjuk memiliki tingkat kelimpahan larva Aedes aegypti tertinggi di Provinsi Jawa Timur pada tahun 2008-2010. Kota Nganjuk merupakan daerah fokus utama untuk penanganan penyakit endemik DBD di Indonesia. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mendapatkan isolat Bacillus thuringiensis asal Kota Nganjuk yang paling efektif dalam membunuh larva Aedes aegypti. Sampel sedimen dan air diambil dari 10 lokasi di Kecamatan Nganjuk. Bakteri diisolasi menggunakan media selektif B. thuringiensis kemudian dilakukan karakterisasi fenotip (Profil Matching Method), seleksi isolat yang patogen dan uji toksisitas (LC50) pada larva nyamuk Aedes aegypti instar III. Persentase mortalitas larva dianalisis probit (LC50) dan ragam (ANOVA). Hasil isolasi mendapatkan dua isolat B. thuringiensis yaitu K.K1.S.K2 dan W.Swh.S.K2 dari 26 isolat bakteri yang mampu membunuh larva Aedes aegypti instar III lebih dari 50 %. Isolat  K.K1.S.K2 serta W.Swh.S.K2 dengan umur biakan 48 jam pada waktu pendedahan 72 jam efektif membunuh larva Aedes aegypti instar III secara berurutan yaitu 83,3 % dan 76,67 %. Isolat W.Swh.S.K2 hasil isolasi dari sampel sedimen memiliki toksisitas tertinggi dengan nilai LC50 48 jam sebesar 3,53x107 sel/ml.   Kata Kunci : Aedes aegypti, Bacillus thuringiensis, Demam Berdarah Dengue, Uji Toksisitas
Composition & Ecological Role of Soil Macrofauna in Selorejo and Punten Citrus Farming, Malang - East Java Fitria Karinasari; Zulfaidah Penata Gama; Amin Setyo Leksono
Biotropika: Journal of Tropical Biology Vol 9, No 1 (2021)
Publisher : University of Brawijaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21776/ub.biotropika.2021.009.01.02


Conventional citrus crop farming is a citrus farming system that uses citruscultivation techniques with maximum use of chemicals material to support asustainable agricultural system. Indicators of environmental quality can be known from the composition and ecological role of fauna, one of which is soil macrofauna. This research aims to investigate the diversity and community structure of the soil macrofauna and to identify its role in citrus farming at Selorejo, Dau and Punten Villages, Bumiaji, Malang Regency. This study is a descriptive exploratory study in order to study soil macrofauna capturing at each location for three times. The observation method of soil macrofauna used pitfall traps and hand shorting methods. All data were tabulated used Microsoft Excel. Abiotic factor measurements for two locations have a no different value in each sampling plot. The composition of soil macrofauna is obtained from the important value index (IVI) and the Shannon-Wiener diversity index (H'). Soil macrofauna was obtained from two locations as many as 21 families with the highest importance value index (IVI), namely Formicidae. The results showed that Selorejo citrus farming consists of predator 46%, herbivorous 25%, decomposer 11%, scavenger 7%, and others 11%, while in Punten citrus farming consists of 55% predator, 10%herbivorous,15% decomposer,5% scavenger, and others 15%