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Analysis on Centrifugal Pump Performance in Single, Serial, and Parallel Faisal Ansori; Edi Widodo
JEMMME (Journal of Energy, Mechanical, Material, and Manufacturing Engineering) Vol. 3 No. 2 (2018)
Publisher : University of Muhammadiyah Malang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22219/jemmme.v3i2.6958


The pump is a tool to provide the mechanical energy to the liquid in the pump constant fluid density and large. In terms of mechanism, the pump is divided into three types, namely, rotary pumps, pump the shaft/piston and centrifugal pumps. The use of the pump are the most widely used either in the household or in the environment industry. In the centrifugal pumps, there are losses – losses among other head losses. To find the head losses among other data needs head on the pump, the pump and the discharge flow rate of the pump. Head is defined as energy per unit weight of the fluid. The head of the unit (H) meters or feet is fluid. In the pump, the head is measured by calculating the difference between the total pressure of the suction pipe and the pipe press, when measurement is done at the same height. For single full pump openings 0,00246 m³ \ s, valve openings ¾ 0,00210 and aperture of ½ 0,00177 m³ \ s can be concluded the discharge of water at the pump the larger the opening of the valve the greater the discharge of its water. Moreover, vice versa, if the opening of the valve is getting smaller then the water debit is getting smaller. For full opening valves 3,11 m / s, for openings ¾ 2,65 m / s and ½ 2,23 m / s open valve openings. For the flow, velocity can be concluded the greater the opening of the valve the flow velocity is smaller and vice versa the smaller the opening of the valve the greater the flow rate. single centrifugal pump full valve openings 0.409 kg / cm², the opening of the valve ¾ 0,209 kg / cm² and the opening of the valve ½ 00,069 kg / cm² can be concluded the smaller the opening of the opening valve the smaller the head as well, and the greater the open valve opening, the more big head also in the can.
ANALISIS HEAD POMPA SENTRIFUGAL PADA RANGKAIAN SERI DAN PARALEL Eko Prasetio Putro; Edi Widodo; A'rasy Fahruddin; Iswanto Iswanto
Media Mesin: Majalah Teknik Mesin Vol 21, No 2 (2020)
Publisher : Program Studi Teknik Mesin, Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.23917/mesin.v21i2.10671


Dalam penelitian ini adapun tujuan yang diharapkan terkait dengan analisis perhitungan head pompa sentrifugal pada rangkaian seri dan paralel yaitu untuk mengetahui perbandingan nilai head total pompa dari dari masing-masing rangkaian, serta untuk mengetahui perbandingan dari hubungan head (m) terhadap bukaan valve dan juga hubungan head loss terhadap bukaan valve. Proses pengujian dilakukan dengan menggunakan dua pompa sentrifugal tipe 1 ½ BA-6 dengan jenis fluida kerja yang dipakai ialah air pada temperatur ±30⁰C. Dari hasil penelitian yang telah dilakukan didapatkan suatu hasil data analisis dari perhitungan head total pompa,  dimana nilai head total pompa seri untuk bukaan katup penuh sebesar 38,79 m dengan debit aliran 0,00325 , bukaan katup 2/3 nilai head total sebesar 46,14 m dengan debit aliran 0,00323  dan bukaan katup 1/3 nilai head total sebesar 50,16 m dengan debit aliran 0,00306 . Sedangkan pada pompa paralel diperoleh nilai head total dari bukaan katup penuh sebesar 27,7 m dengan debit aliran 0,00375 , bukaan katup 2/3 nilai head total sebesar 32,6 m dengan debit aliran 0,00374  dan bukaan katup 1/3 nilai head total sebesar 37,9 m dengan debit aliran 0,00367 . Dari hasil data yang diperoleh dapat diambil kesimpulan bahwa adanya kenaikan nilai head total terhadap variasi pengaturan bukaan valve yang mana nilai head total tertinggi terdapat pada bukaan valve 1/3. Dan dari kedua jenis rangkaian terlihat adanya penurunan nilai head total seiring juga dengan bertambahnya nilai debit/kapasitas pada pompa. Sehingga hubungan antara head total dengan debit adalah berbanding terbalik, dimana nilai head  terendah diperoleh pada debit yang paling besar. 
Rancang Bangun Mesin Pencoak Pipa (Pipe Notcher) Multi Dimensi Iswanto Iswanto; Herman Herman; Edi Widodo; A'rasy Fahruddin
Jurnal Mettek: Jurnal Ilmiah Nasional dalam Bidang Ilmu Teknik Mesin Vol 6 No 2 (2020)
Publisher : Program Studi Magister Teknik Mesin Universitas Udayana

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24843/METTEK.2020.v06.i02.p05


Mesin pencoak pipa (pipe notcher) yang ada di pasaran saat ini harganya cukup mahal sehingga banyak bengkel-bengkel kecil masih menggunakan cara konvensional untuk melakukan pencoakan pipa. Cara yang biasa digunakan adalah dengan menggunakan gerinda tangan, sehingga membutuhkan waktu yang lama dan hasilnya kurang presisi. Untuk itu pada penelitian ini dirancang mesin pencoak pipa dengan memanfaatkan sabuk amplas sebagai V-belt yang dihubungkan dengan poros dan digerakkan oleh motor listrik. Kemudian benda kerja didekatkan pada poros matras dan selanjutnya ditekan maju sampai terbentuk profil yang diinginkan. Rancang bangun mesin pencoak pipa multi dimensi ini terbagi dalam tiga tahap. Tahap pertama konsep desain dan perencanaan komponen, dilanjutkan dengan tahap pembuatan dan terakhir adalah pengujian mesin. Dari hasil rancang bangun diperoleh bahwa mesin pencoak pipa multi dimensi ini menggunakan motor listrik 0,5 HP dan putaran 1400 rpm sedangkan rangka mesin menggunakan besi siku ukuran 4 x 4 cm. Setelah dilakukan pengujian, mesin dapat bekerja dengan baik. Untuk mencoak pipa dengan diameter 3/4 inch dibutuhkan waktu selama 0,335 menit, sedangkan untuk pipa ukuran 1 inch membutuhkan waktu selama 1,075 menit. Sedangkan profil yang dibuat menggunakan mesin ini mampu membentuk sudut antara 0° sampai dengan 30°. Pipe notcher on the market today are quite expensive so that many small workshops still use the conventional method for cutting special pipe profiles. The method commonly used is to use hand grinding, so it takes a long time and the results are less precise. For this reason, in this study was designed a pipe notcher machine using the sandpaper belt as a V-belt connected to a shaft and driven by an electric motor. Then the workpiece is brought closer to the mattress axis and then pressed forward until the desired profile is formed. The design of this multidimensional pipe notcher engine is divided into three stages. The first stage is the design concept and component planning, followed by the manufacturing stage and the last stage is machine testing. From the design results, it is found that this multi-dimensional pipe notcher machine uses an electric motor 0.5 HP and a rotation of 1400 rpm while the engine frame uses 4 x 4 cm angle iron. After testing the machine can work properly. To check a 3/4 inch pipe it takes 0.335 minutes, while for a 1 inch pipe it takes 1.075 minutes. Meanwhile, the profiles made using this machine are capable of forming angles between 0 ° to 30 °.
Comparative Analysis of the Head Loss of Two Centrifugal Pumps in a Fluid Test Laboratory Ridho Choirul Anam; Edi Widodo; Iswanto; A’rasy Fahruddin
R.E.M. (Rekayasa Energi Manufaktur) Jurnal Vol 5 No 1 (2020): Juni 2020
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Sidoarjo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21070/r.e.m.v5i1.409


The purpose of this study was to determine the characteristics of the two centrifugal pumps using the same circuit and to obtain the resulting value, namely head, discharge, pump power, efficiency of the two pumps. And variations in valve opening settings used are full valve openings, valve openings 2/3, and valve openings 1/3 which have different coefficients at each valve opening. This research method was carried out experimentally. The fluid used is water, fluid pressure measurement using a pressure gauge to measure the pressure side (discharge) and a vacuum pressure gauge to measure the pressure which is relatively lower than the atmospheric pressure for the pump on the suction side (suction) and using a flow meter to determine the volume or discharge water used. The results of this centrifugal pump test equipment research found that the working pump shows that the resulting discharge affects the head value, pump power, and pump efficiency obtained, the higher the total head value, the smaller the resulting discharge. However, this centrifugal pump test equipment can be used for fluid practicum activities in the mechanical engineering department in the mechanical laboratory.
The Characterization of Oriza sativa Husk and Royal Ponciana pods Bricquettes edi widodo; Mohammad Dani Iswanto; Prantasi Harmi Thahjanti; Rachmat Firdaus
R.E.M. (Rekayasa Energi Manufaktur) Jurnal Vol 5 No 2 (2020): Desember 2020
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Sidoarjo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21070/r.e.m.v5i2.1214


Rice mills produce abundant husk waste. The husks are used as a mixing material for bricks because they are flammable and have capability to form hot coals with high calor. This potential is used to develop the husks into briquettes. This study used rice husks (oriza sativa) and flamboyant pods (Royal ponciana) as the main ingredients for forming briquettes. This pods was chosen because had not optimally used. The composition of rice husk briquettes and flamboyant fruit skins made of 16.7%: 83.3%, 33.4%: 66.6%, 50%: 50%, 66.6%: 33.4%, 83.3 %: 16.7%. The briquettes formed were measured the calorific value, mass reduction using the TGA (Thermogravimetric analysis) thermal measurement method, and measured the values ​​of moisture, ash, volatile, and fixed carbon content. The results of the measurement of the lowest calorific value in rice husk briquettes were 83.3% with a value of 4,551 cal / gram, while the highest value was 5,945 cal / gram in rice husk briquettes percentage of 16.7%. The result of TGA measurement of the largest mass reduction was briquettes with a percentage of husk 83.3% having the highest mass reduction of 11.1 mg. The results of the measurement of water content obtained 7.04%, 24.70% volatile, 9.98% ash content, 58.28% fixed carbon
The Manufacturing Planning of Installation Series-Parallel Combination Centrifugal Pump Testing Equipment Edi Widodo; Rizky Dwi Jayanto
R.E.M. (Rekayasa Energi Manufaktur) Jurnal Vol 6 No 1 (2021): June
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Sidoarjo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21070/r.e.m.v6i1.1547


This study discusses the planning in making a centrifugal pump installation with a combination of two series, namely series and parallel. The concept of discussion refers more to the upgrading of the installation system and calculates the estimated processing time needed to test the performance of the results of the installation that has been made. From the results of the research, it was found that for the preparation of series series installation it takes ± 8.5 minutes including the cutting process of materials and component installation, while the time required in making the installation of parallel circuits ± 28 minutes so that the total manufacturing of the two types of series takes 36, 5 minutes. In terms of performance generated from each installation obtained at full aperture where for the series of head series the value obtained is 37.6 m with a flow capacity of 3.25 l / s while for the head value on the parallel pump obtained by 27.7 m with a capacity flow of 3.75 l / s and this pump operates at 2900 rpm. So it can be seen from the results of the head and flow capacity obtained values ​​indicate good pump performance and ready to be used as a practical tool in the laboratory.
Optimasi Holding Time Untuk Mendapatkan Kekerasan Baja S 45 C Edi Widodo; Miftahul Huda
R.E.M. (Rekayasa Energi Manufaktur) Jurnal Vol 1 No 1 (2016): June
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Sidoarjo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21070/r.e.m.v1i1.167


Baja S 45 C merupakan bahan yang banyak dipakai menjadi berbagai bagian komponen mesin. Dengan luasnya penggunaan bahan, diperlukan karakter sesuai untuk mendapatkan fungsi maksimal dalam berbagai aplikasi perkakas. Perlakuan heat treatment yang tepat merupakan langkah dalam mendapatkan sifat mekanik yang diinginkan. Langkah penelitian, bahan specimen S 45 C diuji dan dipanaskan dengan temperature 850 0. Selanjutnya pendinginan cepat dengan media Oli SAE 90 pada wadah terbuka. Parameter waktu pendidinginan dilakukan untuk mendapatkan hasil yang berbeda dari nilai kekerasan yang diperoleh. Kekerasan bahan dicatat dengan alat uji kekerasan Brinell test. Dari hasil penelitian, grafik rata-rata hasil uji menunjukkan bahwa nilai kekerasan mulai berkurang dari holding time 10 menit, kemudian holding time 20 menit, dan kekerasan tertinggi diperoleh pada holding time 30 menit. Hal ini disebabkan pada waktu holding yang pendek pembentukan martensit terjadi belum sempurna. Disebabkan penurunan suhu terpotong pada menit ke sepuluh. Pada holding yang paling lama yaitu 30 menit memberikan waktu yang cukup dalam pembentukan struktur Kristal yang seragam dan lebih teratur.
Analisa Laju Pelapisan Chromming Terhadap Corrosion Rate Baja ST 40 Edi Widodo
R.E.M. (Rekayasa Energi Manufaktur) Jurnal Vol 1 No 2 (2016): December
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Sidoarjo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21070/r.e.m.v1i2.378


Korosi pada logam mengakibatkan penurunan mutu bahan logam, akibat reaksi elektrokimia antara permukaan logam dengan lingkungan sekitarnya.Baja ST 40 merupakan logam yang umum dipakai dalam industri dan peralatan rumah tangga. Pelapisan khrom secara elektroplating pada bahan ini dapat meningkatkan kekerasan dan mencegah terjadinya kontak langsung material dengan lingkungan luar, dengan demikian reaksi oksidasi penyebab korosi dapat dihindari. Laju pelapisan memberikan pengaruh terhadap kualitas permukaan logam, meliputi kekerasan dan ketahanan terhadap korosi. Laju pelapisan dengan khrom diukur dengan parameter perubahan suhu dan arus selama proses elektroplating. Spesimen dari masing parameter memberikan rata-rata laju pelapisan. Laju pelapisan tertinggi dicatat pada kondisi pelapisan selama 10 menit dengan rata-rata laju pelapisan dari tiga spesimen sebesar 5,3 gram. Sedangkan laju terendah pada pelapisan selama 25 menit dengan rata-rata laju pelapisan sebesar 2,5 gram. Laju korosi logam baja ST 40 diperoleh nilai terbesar pada spesimen dengan waktu pelapisan 5 menit, sebesar 235,37 mpy. Sedangkan laju korosi terendah pada spesimen ke dengan lama pelapisan 20 menit sebesar 50,02 mpy.
Analisa Pengaruh Variasi Diameter Pipa Tekan PVC Pada Pompa Rotari Untuk Kecepatan Gaya Dorong Air Rega Yuan Pradhana; Edi Widodo
R.E.M. (Rekayasa Energi Manufaktur) Jurnal Vol 2 No 1 (2017): June
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Sidoarjo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21070/r.e.m.v2i1.846


This research is aimed to analyze the effects of the PVC rotary pipe’s diameter to the velocity of the viscous forces. The diameter of the PVC rotary pipe used in this research are (1 ½”, 1”, ¾”, ½” inch). The procedure of this reasearch is begin with designing the pipe’s installation, then continued with the pipe installation, then continued with data recording. After the data is collected from the experiment, analyzing the data is needed. Also, calculate if there’s any effects of the velocity of the viscous forces due to the changing of the dependent variables (which is the diameter of the PVC rotary pipe). In the process of the fluid conduction inside the pipe, head losses are usually happened. The manual calculation needed to complete the research are, surface area calculation, fluid velocity calculation, reynold number calculation and coeff. Losses calculation. After all of the calculation are collected, the result of the research will be obtained. After that, discussion and conclusion can be produced.
Karakterisasi Laju Korosi Baja ST 40 Berlapis Polyester Putty Dalam Lingkungan Air Payau Muhammad Jamaluddin Anwar; Edi Widodo
R.E.M. (Rekayasa Energi Manufaktur) Jurnal Vol 2 No 2 (2017): December
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Sidoarjo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21070/r.e.m.v2i2.951


The attack caused damage of corrosion (rust) is the general problem that causes the degradation of the material as the interaction with the environment and shorten the lifetime of material. Steel ST 40 is a common material used in the industrial, shipping, engineering products, home wares and others. Prevent the occurrence of direct contact with the outside environment by using a coating of polyester putty, serves to prevent the occurrence of oxidation reactions of the nature of corrosion. Coating using polyester putty give influence on the material test of resistance to corrosion. The missing mass on the specimen using a coating of polyester putty of mass loss reached 2,090 mg. whereas in the specimen undergoes the smallest mass loss of 1,090 mg. Whereas in the material without upholstery polyester putty of mass lost most of the specimens that do not use coating polyester putty with the missing mass reach 4,390 mg. Whereas in the specimen menggalami the smallest mass loss of 3,560 mg. On the specimen that is experiencing the highest rate of corrosion occurred in unpublished material using polyester putty of 26.11 Mpy whereas the smallest lajukorosi reached 21.52 Mpy. While the biggest missing mass on a material without polyester putty of 0.98 Mpy, the rate of corrosion of the smallest reach 0.56 Mpy.