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Kepribadian orangtua lintas generasi di Indonesia: Tinjauan big five theory Nadila Apriola Susanto; Ahmad Sulaiman
Cognicia Vol. 7 No. 4 (2019): Desember
Publisher : Fakultas Psikologi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22219/cognicia.v7i4.10491


Individu adalah bagian dari masyarakat. Sebab itu, kepribadian individu juga dipengaruhi oleh konteks sosial masyarakat di mana individu itu hidup. Dalam 50 tahun terakhir misalnya, kita mengamati lompatan-lompatan teknologi yang mengubah pola relasi sosial dan kebiasaan-kebiasaan dasar masyarakat. Apalagi di Indonesia dimana industrialisasi dan modernisasi terjadi bersamaan. Meski demikian, nampaknya belum cukup bukti penelitian yang menguji asumsi tersebut. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melihat gambaran kepribadian orangtua dari empat generasi. Skala kepribadi Big Five diadministrasikan kepada 80 subjek yang merupakan orangtua yang berasal dari empat generasi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan perbedaan yang signifikan pada aspek kepribadian emotional stability dan openness to experience. Hal itu mengindikasikan bahwa semakin muda generasi, orangtua semakin memiliki keterbukaan terhadap perubahan yang lebih tinggi namun stabilitas emosional yang lebih rendah. Implikasi perubahan tersebut pada pola pengasuhan akan dibahas lebih lanjut.
Token ekonomi dengan media flashcard untuk meningkatkan kemampuan membaca permulaan pada anak disleksia Susanti Prasetyaningrum; Sri Yunita Mauliza; Ahmad Sulaiman
Cognicia Vol. 10 No. 1 (2022): Maret
Publisher : Fakultas Psikologi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22219/cognicia.v10i1.20098


Dyslexia is a specific form of learning disorder related to difficulty reading and difficulty in writing expression. Most dyslexia children show low ability in overall phonological processing, leading to slower reading development than other children. Therefore, intervention methods are needed that are tailored to the characteristics of dyslexic children, one of which is a flashcard medium with the principle of economic tokens. The purpose of this study was to find out the effectiveness of flashcard media with the principle of economic token to the ability to read early in dyslexic children. The study uses a quantitative approach of single-case experimental design. The subjects in the study were a second grader aged 7 years and exhibited dyslexia characteristics as well as experiencing barriers in initial reading. Then the instrument used to measure the ability to early level reading ability EGRA (Early Grade Reading Assessment). The results of this study show that flashcard media with the principle of economic tokens is effective for improving the early level reading ability in dyslexia children. Keywords: Dyslexia, early level reading ability, flashcard, token economy  
Minimalisme dan zuhud: Perbandingan gaya hidup barat dan islam serta manfaatnya bagi kesehatan mental Rizky Susanti; Ahmad Sulaiman
Cognicia Vol. 10 No. 1 (2022): Maret
Publisher : Fakultas Psikologi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22219/cognicia.v10i1.20672


Materialist lifestyle produces consumptive behavior which ultimately has a broad impact on a person. The most dangerous impact is on mental health where individuals are more susceptible to depression when they do not feel they have enough. Responding to this condition, modern western society has created minimalist lifestyle. This lifestyle is characterized by a deliberate restriction of ownership of things. As for Islam, there is the concept of zuhud which means turning a Muslim away from all worldly things. Although by naked eye, minimalist behavior has similarities with zuhud, there are fundamental differences between the two. The purpose of this study was to identify the differences between minimalism and zuhud and their effect on mental health. Using the literature review method, this study reveals that zuhud guarantees a more stable and authentic mental health, especially for Muslims. The greater positive influence is caused by the reference point of the performer of zuhud in the hereafter rather than the world, and zuhud having an integrative-interconnective relationship with other rites in Islam.   Keywords: islamic psychology, mental health, minimalism, zuhud
Islam dan Pembebasan: Elemen-elemen Teologis dalam Menciptakan Transformasi Sosial Ahmad Sulaiman; Supriyantho Supriyantho; Fantika Febry Puspitasari
NALAR Vol 3, No 2 (2019): Nalar: Jurnal Peradaban dan Pemikiran Islam
Publisher : IAIN Palangka Raya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (409.319 KB) | DOI: 10.23971/njppi.v3i2.1478


Di tengah sengkarut ekonomi global yang menyebabkan kesenjangan yang tajam, masyarakat dan elit-elit politik di dunia seolah telah kehilangan daya kritis untuk melawan penindasan dan penghisapan berkedok pembangunan. Di situlah Islam, sebagai agama yang transformatif, seharusnya mampu hadir sebagai penawar. Secara normatif, Islam bukanlah agama yang menafikan tanggung jawab sosial. Malahan dalam firman-Nya, Allah Swt menyatakan seorang muslim sebagai pendusta agama apabila sementara ia beribadah, ia mengacuhkan kondisi prihatin fakir dan yatim di sekitarnya (107: 3). Doktrin utama Islam, doktrin tauhid juga mengisyaratkan kesatuan manusia (The unity of man) sebagai hamba yang tunduk patuh kepada kesatuan Tuhan (The unity of God) dan karenanya menolak upaya penuhanan lainnya. Tulisan ini mengajukan sebuah konsepsi mengenai Islam selaku teologi kritis yang memiliki pesan utama agar penganutnya melakukan perubahan sosial. Konsepsi itu memperlihatkan Islam yang membebaskan melalui lima elemen teologis, yaitu: doktrin, kisah, subjek, kesadaran, dan pendidikan yang membebaskan. Amid the turmoil of the global economy which led to sharp disparities, the people and political elites in the world seemed to have lost the critical power to oppose the oppression and exploitation under the guise of development. That is where Islam, as a transformative religion, should be able to come as an antidote. Normatively, Islam is not a religion that denies social responsibility. In fact, in his word, God declared a Muslim a religious liar if while he worshiped he ignored the conditions of concern for the needy and orphans around him (107: 3). The main doctrine of Islam, the doctrine of monotheism also implies human unity (The unity of man) as a servant who obeys to the unity of God (The Unity of God) and therefore rejects other full efforts. This paper proposes a conception of Islam as a critical theology which has the main message that followers adhere to social change. This conception shows a liberating Islam through five theological elements namely doctrine, story, subject, consciousness, and liberating education.Kata Kunci: Teologi Pembebasan, Pendidikan Kritis, Transformasi Sosial, Islam
Jurnal Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan Vol. 5 No. 2 (2020)
Publisher : Badan Standar, Kurikulum, dan Asesmen Pendidikan, Kemendikbudristek

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24832/jpnk.v5i2.1736


Indonesia berupaya meningkatkan pemerataan pendidikan melalui sistem zonasi yang mengatur penerimaan peserta didik didasarkan pada jarak sekolah dengan tempat tinggal calon peserta didik. Penerapan sistem tersebut pada Penerimaan Peserta Didik Baru (PPDB) tahun 2019 menuai pro-kontra yang tajam di tengah masyarakat. Untuk memahami pro-kontra tersebut, studi ini bertujuan mengkaji secara komprehensif latar historis penerapan sistem zonasi di beberapa negara, tujuan, keuntungan dan tantangan, serta solusi mengatasi persoalan penerapan sistem zonasi. Studi ini menggunakan metode narrative review dengan menghimpun, membuat sintesis, dan menganalisis hasil dari berbagai sumber dan data yang relevan. Hasil kajian mengungkapkan bahwa keberhasilan pelaksanaan sistem zonasi di negara-negara lain ditopang oleh keselarasan dengan kebijakan nasional pendidikan pendamping, seperti akselerasi pembangunan infrastruktur dan SDM guru. Penerapan sistem zonasi tidak hanya bertujuan untuk pemerataan kualitas pendidikan, namun juga mendorong partisipasi aktif sekolah dan wali murid dalam perencanaan Pendidikan. Tantangan utama dalam penerapan kebijakan zonasi adalah kurangnya kesiapan pemangku kepentingan yang terimbas. Selain itu, penerapan sistem zonasi di Indonesia memerlukan pembenahan utamanya dalam pelaksanaan di tingkat lokal. Solusi untuk merespon tantangan tersebut adalah dengan mengkampanyekan kebijakan sistem zonasi lebih dini dan melakukan penajaman kebijakan operasional di daerah. Kesimpulan, Penerapan sistem zonasi menimbulkan tanggapan positif dan negatif bagi para pemangku kepentingan pendidikan, terutama siswa, orangtua, dan guru. Agar sistem zonasi dapat diterima masyarakat dan implementatif dalam jangka panjang, pemerintah hendaknya menerjemahkan tujuan dan sasaran kebijakan sesuai dengan kondisi lokal, mengomunikasikan kebijakan zonasi secara akurat, dan melibatkan masyarakat melakukan pemantauan dan evaluasi. Indonesia strives for enhancing educational equality through a zoning system that regulates student admission based on the distance between school and student’s residence. However, the implementation of the system in 2019 caused pros and cons amongst Indonesian society. This study comprehensively reviews the historical backgrounds, objectives, advantages and challenges, as well as their solutions of implementing the zoning system. This study used the narrative review method by collecting, synthesizing, analyzing and analyzing the results from various sources and relevant data.The results revealed that the successful of zoning system implementation in other countries were supported by their alignment with other national education policies, such as infrastructure acceleration and teacher development. The implementation of the zoning system is not only for improving education quality, but also encouraging the active participation of schools and parents in education planning. The main challenge in implementing zoning system is the lack of readiness of affected stakeholders. In addition, the implementation of the zoning system requires improvement, particularly in its implementation at the local level.The solution to respond to these challenges is by earlier socialization of zoning system and sharpening operational policies in the regions. To conclude,the application of the zoning system has caused positive and negative responses for education stakeholders. To achieve the acceptable and implementable of zoning system in the long term, the government should translate policy goals and objectives according to local conditions, communicate zoning policies accurately, and involve the community.
Progressivism, Collegialism and Autonomy in Muhammadiyah: Threats and Solution Fantika Febry Puspitasari; Supriyanto Supriyanto; Ahmad Sulaiman
Cakrawala: Jurnal Studi Islam Vol 15 No 2 (2020)
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Magelang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (369.505 KB) | DOI: 10.31603/cakrawala.4066


Muhammadiyah is one of the world's largest Islamic movement organizations, contributing to a variety of important areas of life for Indonesians. Muhammadiyah promotes three main characteristics based on community development: progressiveism, collegialism, and autonomy. Unfortunately, as Islamic populism grew stronger, Muhammadiyah became engulfed in a political vortex, endangering the stability of its cadres and giving the public the impression that the government could control the organization. This article evaluates the threats that cause these values to deteriorate and offers treatment options. The solutions offered to maintain the principles of progressiveism, collegialism, and autonomy are to rejuvenate the leadership, build distance from politics, develop community funds, and build supporting business units, according to literature studies and observations in several areas. Furthermore, political education as an effort to formulate political theology for Muhammadiyah members is required so that the big ship of Muhammadiyah does not become divided due to differences in political views and can increasingly contribute to politics at the local-national level without jeopardizing its integrity as a movement organization.
Pelatihan Help-Seeking Need Analysis pada Siswa Ahmad Sulaiman; Cahyaning Suryaningrum
Altruis: Journal of Community Services Vol. 1 No. 1 (2020): Altruis
Publisher : University of Muhammadiyah Malang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22219/altruis.v1i1.11491


Help-Seeking merujuk pada intensi, aksi dan evaluasi untuk mendapatkan pertolongan belajar dari sumber external. Help-Seeking menjadi penting karena ia mengizinkan siswa untuk mengatasi kesulitan belajar yang tidak dapat ia selesaikan sendiri. Sayangnya, alih-alih memiliki sikap yang positif terhadap Adaptive Help-Seeking, siswa-siswa kebanyakan mengandalkan Executive Help-Seeking atau permohonan tolong akademik yang sekedar bertujuan untuk menggugurkan tugas dan kesulitan belajar seperti dengan melimpahkan tugas dan kesulitas belajar itu kepada orang lain. Untuk mengatasi hal itu, dilakukan pelatihan Help-Seeking Need Analysis. Program itu bertujuan untuk membekali siswa dengan pengetahuan mengenai Help-Seeking baik yang adaptive dan executive. Dengan mengembangkan skema mengenai Adaptive Help-Seeking, diharapkan siswa mampu mengadopsi pola pencarian tolong akademik yang adaptif. Metode pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan penyebaran skala Adaptive Help-Seeking yang telah divalidasi. Hasil analisis terhadap data menunjukkan bahwa siswa yang telah dilatih mengembangkan sikap yang lebih positif terhadap Adaptive Help-Seeking. 
Using Freire to critique Ikatan Mahasiswa Muhammadiyah’s pedagogical framework Ahmad Sulaiman
TA`DIBUNA Vol 8, No 2 (2019)
Publisher : LPPM Universitas Ibn Khaldun, Bogor

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (267.496 KB) | DOI: 10.32832/tadibuna.v8i2.2054


Neo-liberalization is a systematic and global movement of exploitation. However, neo-liberalization is fragile because of its reliance on culture. Since culture grants power to neo-liberalization, culture also paradoxically has the potential to diminish neo-liberalization. In Indonesia, Islam is the ultimate moral and cultural force and, therefore, it can be a powerful resistant instrument again neo-liberalization. This paper will first identify Islam as an ideology of resistance and, therefore, a source for a pedagogy of resistance among Muslims. Subsequently, it will bring into scrutiny the critical pedagogy framework of one of the prominent Indonesian youth Muslim associations called Ikatan Mahasiswa Muhammadiyah (IMM) or Muhammadiyah Student Association. The examination incorporates the lenses of Freire (1970), one of the most influential critical education literature in the 21st century. This paper shows that while IMM can rearticulate critical pedagogy in its context so the transformation can be more easily accepted by the masses, IMM may fail to bring the liberation to a broader, global context where oppressions are deeply rooted. AbstrakNeoliberalisasi adalah gerakan eksploitasi yang sistematis dan global. Namun, neoliberalisasi itu rapuh karena bergantung pada budaya. Satu sisi budaya menguatkan neoliberalisasi, secara paradoks budaya juga berpotensi melemahkan neoliberalisasi. Di Indonesia, Islam adalah kekuatan moral dan budaya tertinggi dan, karena itu, Islam dapat menjadi instrumen yang kuat untuk melawan neoliberalisasi. Artikel ini pertama-tama akan mengidentifikasi Islam sebagai ideologi perlawanan dan karena itu, menjadi sumber pedagogi perlawanan di kalangan umat Islam. Selanjutnya, tulisan ini akan memeriksa kerangka pedagogi kritis dari salah satu asosiasi pemuda muslim Indonesia terkemuka yang disebut Ikatan Mahasiswa Muhammadiyah (IMM). Penelitian ini menggunakan perspektif Freire (1970), salah satu rujukan pendidikan kritis paling berpengaruh di abad ke-21. Artikel ini menunjukkan bahwa IMM dapat mengartikulasikan pedagogi kritis dalam konteksnya sehingga transformasi dapat lebih mudah diterima oleh massa, hanya saja IMM mungkin akan gagal membawa pembebasan ke konteks global yang lebih luas di mana penindasan mengakar.
Eksplorasi Komitmen Organisasi Karyawan pada Amal Usaha Pendidikan Muhammadiyah: Studi Indigenous Psychology Muhammad Fath Mashuri; Ahmad Sulaiman
Jurnal Psikologi Islam dan Budaya Vol 4, No 1 (2021): JPIB : Jurnal Psikologi Islam dan Budaya
Publisher : Faculty of Psychology, Sunan Gunung Djati Islamic State University of Bandung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15575/jpib.v4i1.11944


Individuals who choose to work in Muhammadiyah’s philanthropy movement in education should be obliged to serve and support the organization. This, of course, cannot be separated from the degree of commitment of each individual. This study aims to explore the work commitment of individuals who work in Muhammadiyah educational charities using the indigenous psychology approach in which it is possible to construct the concept of commitment through a bottom-up approach. Respondents were teachers/ employees at Muhammadiyah’s philanthropy movement in education. The number of respondents was 169 people from several provinces in Indonesia. The results show that several factors make employees/ teachers/ lecturers at Muhammadiyah Business Charity in the field of education commit to their organization, namel: (1) organizational factors; (2) intrapersonal factors; (3) interpersonal factor; and (4) religiosity factors.
Promoting Collaborative Consultation to Improve the Quality of Inclusive Education in Indonesia Ahmad Sulaiman
Academic Journal PERSPECTIVE: Education, Language, and Literature Vol 6, No 2 (2018)
Publisher : Lembaga Penelitian (The Institute of Research) Universitas Swadaya Gunung Jati

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (54.564 KB) | DOI: 10.33603/perspective.v6i2.1357


Indonesia’s education sector has been experiencing development, but the inclusive segment needs more support since the number of disabled students are rising while the readiness of schools to nurture them seems underperformed. The main problem is the discrepancy between school educators’ competence and the special needs of students. In the west, it is common for school to have a collaborative consultation to overcome such problem. It interconnects collaborators in an equal position to reciprocally develop the best solution for existing problems. This paper aims to promote the term for education stakeholders in Indonesia.