AbstrakKemampuan berpikir kritis dengan tahapan focus, reason, inference, situation, clarity, dan overview serta kemampuan daya juang (adversity quotient) memiliki peranan sangat penting dalam aktivitas memecahkan masalah matematika. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan kemampuan berpikir kritis siswa dalam menyelesaikan masalah ditinjau dari adversity quotient (AQ). Penelitian deskriptif kualitatif ini dilakukan di sebuah SMP di Jember, Indonesia, pada bulan September 2021. Pengumpulan data menggunakan metode angket Adversity Response Profile (ARP), tes tertulis berpikir kritis, serta wawancara. Hasil pemberian angket ARP kepada 31 siswa kelas IXB, diketahui ada 10 siswa dengan tipe climber, 18 siswa dengan tipe camper, dan 3 siswa dengan tipe quitter. Dari tipe AQ tersebut dipilih enam siswa dengan 2 siswa tipe climber, 2 siswa tipe camper, dan 2 siswa tipe quitter untuk mengikuti tes tertulis dan wawancara. Triangulasi menggunakan triangulasi metode, yaitu mencari kesesuaian antara data dari hasil tes tertulis dengan wawancara. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa siswa dengan tipe climber memenuhi seluruh kriteria berpikir kritis FRISCO, yaitu focus, reason, inference, situation, clarity, dan overview. Siswa dengan tipe climber mampu menyelesaikan permasalahan yang diberikan dengan tepat waktu dan mengecek kembali jawaban. Siswa dengan tipe camper dapat memenuhi 5 dari 6 kriteria berpikir kritis FRISCO, yaitu focus, reason, inference, situation dan clarity. Siswa dengan tipe camper mampu menyelesaikan permasalahan yang diberikan tepat waktu. Kekurangannya adalah siswa camper tidak melakukan overview, yaitu tidak mengecek kembali jawaban sesudah menyelesaikan masalah. Adapun siswa dengan tipe quitter hanya mampu memenuhi 2 dari 6 kriteria berpikir kritis FRISCO, yaitu mereka hanya mampu melakukan focus, dan clarity, serta kesulitan memahami permasalahan sehingga tidak dapat menyelesaikan masalah tersebut. Dari hasil ini, maka guru perlu memberikan motivasi kepada siswa untuk mempunyai daya juang tinggi agar memiliki kemampuan berpikir kritis tinggi dalam memecahkan masalah matematika.AbstractCritical thinking skills which include the stages of focus, reason, inference, situation, clarity, and overview as well as the ability to fight (adversity quotient) have a very important role in solving mathematical problems. This study aims to describe students' critical thinking skills in solving problems in terms of the adversity quotient (AQ). This descriptive qualitative research was conducted at a junior high school in Jember, Indonesia, in September 2021. The data was collected using the Adversity Response Profile (ARP) questionnaire, a written critical thinking test, and interviews. The results of giving ARP questionnaires to 31 students of class IXB, it is known that there are 10 students with the climber type, 18 students with the camper type, and 3 students with the quitter type. From the AQ type, six students were selected with 2 climber type students, 2 camper type students, and 2 quitter type students to take written tests and interviews. Triangulation uses the triangulation method, which is to find a match between the data from the results of the written test and the interview. The results showed that the climber type students met all of the FRISCO critical thinking criteria, namely focus, reason, inference, situation, clarity, and overview. Students with the climber type are able to solve the problems given in a timely manner and recheck the answers. Camper type students can fulfill 5 of 6 FRISCO critical thinking criteria, namely focus, reason, inference, situation and clarity. Camper type students are able to solve the problems given on time. The drawback is that camper students do not do an overview, that is, they do not re-check the answers after solving the problem. As for students with the quitter type, they are only able to meet 2 of the 6 criteria for FRISCO critical thinking, namely they are only able to focus and clarity, and have difficulty understanding problems so they cannot solve the problems. From these results, the teacher needs to motivate students to have a high adversity quotient in order to have high critical thinking skills in solving mathematical problems. Keywords: Adversity Quotient, Critical Thinking, Mathematical Problem Solving.