Sunaryo Joko Waluyo
Akademi Keperawatan Insan Husada Surakarta

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Jurnal Online Keperawatan Indonesia Vol 4 No 1 (2021): Jurnal Online Keperawatan Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.51544/keperawatan.v4i1.1988


Background, The Covid-19 (Coronavirus Disease-2019) pandemic has spread to almost all parts of the world since the end of 2019. The Indonesian government has provided various strategies to prevent the spread of the Coronavirus, which comprehensively affects all levels of Indonesian society. One of the Indonesian government policies that has a wide impact is government regulation in the field of education, both in the professional area and in the field of administration and the environment. With the pandemic, the implementation of educational activities has changed in various forms of learning activities, both theoretical and practical learning, all of which must run online. Purpose, This study aims to determine the effectiveness of learning lab skills using Online Learning Video Media on the Skill Lab Practicum Module for fourth-semester students of the Diploma Three Nursing Study Program, Insan Husada Polytechnic Surakarta. Methods, Lab skill practicum is called a control group. This study is a quasi-experimental study with a post-test only control design, the samples were selected and grouped into the experimental group, and the control group, the group that was treated with the provision of online learning videos, was called the experimental group, while the group that was not given online learning videos and only received the module. The experimental group was 47 students, and the control group was 46 students. Result, (1) There is a difference in the test scores of respondents who learn using the video skill lab media with those who use the skill lab practicum module media. (2) The average value of respondents who received learning using video media was 86.02, higher than respondents who received learning using the practicum module, which was 81.38 Conclusion, The skill lab learning model using video is more effective than using the practicum module for practicum learning on nursing actions for physiological reflex examinations
Jurnal Online Keperawatan Indonesia Vol 4 No 1 (2021): Jurnal Online Keperawatan Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.51544/keperawatan.v4i1.1988


Background, The Covid-19 (Coronavirus Disease-2019) pandemic has spread to almost all parts of the world since the end of 2019. The Indonesian government has provided various strategies to prevent the spread of the Coronavirus, which comprehensively affects all levels of Indonesian society. One of the Indonesian government policies that has a wide impact is government regulation in the field of education, both in the professional area and in the field of administration and the environment. With the pandemic, the implementation of educational activities has changed in various forms of learning activities, both theoretical and practical learning, all of which must run online. Purpose, This study aims to determine the effectiveness of learning lab skills using Online Learning Video Media on the Skill Lab Practicum Module for fourth-semester students of the Diploma Three Nursing Study Program, Insan Husada Polytechnic Surakarta. Methods, Lab skill practicum is called a control group. This study is a quasi-experimental study with a post-test only control design, the samples were selected and grouped into the experimental group, and the control group, the group that was treated with the provision of online learning videos, was called the experimental group, while the group that was not given online learning videos and only received the module. The experimental group was 47 students, and the control group was 46 students. Result, (1) There is a difference in the test scores of respondents who learn using the video skill lab media with those who use the skill lab practicum module media. (2) The average value of respondents who received learning using video media was 86.02, higher than respondents who received learning using the practicum module, which was 81.38 Conclusion, The skill lab learning model using video is more effective than using the practicum module for practicum learning on nursing actions for physiological reflex examinations
Pendidikan Kesehatan Dengan Simulasi Senam Kaki Pada Penyakit Diabetes Melitus Sunaryo Joko Waluyo
Jurnal Keperawatan GSH Vol. 7 No. 1 (2018): Januari 2018
Publisher : Akademi Keperawatan Giri Satria Husada Wonogiri

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar


Menurut data Riskesdas, 2013, Prevelansi penderita Diabetes Melitus di Propinsi Jawa Tengah pada tahun 2011 sebanyak 509.319 orang dan pada tahun 2013 menjadi 722.329 orang, peningkatan ini terjadi dengan bertambahnya umur, namun mulai umur lebih dari 65 tahun cenderung menurun(Zukhri, 2015). Menurut Dinas kesehatan RI (2009) DM tipe II menempati lebih dari 90% kasus di negara maju sedangkan di negara berkembang hampir seluruh pendeita DM tergolong sebagai DM tipe II, dimana 40% diantaranya berasal dari kelompok masyarakat yang mengubah gaya hidup tradisional menjadi modern. Hasil pengamatan dan wawancara yang dilakukan pada warga desa gentan Diabetes Mellitus/ penyakit gula adalah kumpulan gejala penyakit yang timbul pada seseorang yang disebabkan oleh adanya peningkatan kadar glukosa darah akibat penurunan sekresi insulin yang dapat dilatar belakangi oleh kerusakan sel beta pankreas dan resistensi insulin). DM tipe II merupakan DM terbanyak di Indonesia yang biasanya terjadi pada orang dewasa, tapi juga terjadi pada anak-anak dan remaja. Pada DM tipe II, tubuh mampu memproduksi insulin tapi insulin ini tidak cukup atau tubuh tidak mampu untuk merespon efek insulin (dikenal sebagai resistensi insulin) yang menyebabkan penumpukan glukosa dalam darah.Banyak orang dengan DM tipe IItidak menyadari bahwa mereka menderita DM karena gejala baru muncul setelah bertahun-tahun. Penderita biasanya didiagnosis setelah ada komplikasi dari DM.. Salah satu komplikasi yang sering terjadi pada pasien diabetes melitus adalah masalah kaki. Misalnya luka pada kaki yang tidak kunjung sembuh, infeksi bakteri atau jamur, dan yang paling parah adalah pembusukan jaringan sehingga perlu dilakukan amputasi. Perawatan Kaki pada Penyakit Diabetes Melitus (DM). Pemberian Pendidikan kesehatan melalui Simulasi Senam Kaki pada penderita diabetes melitus bermanfaat untuk mencegah komplikasi. Teknik pelaksanaan melalui pendidikan kesehatan dengan metode Simulasi Senam Kaki pada penderita penyakit diabetes melitus. Tempat pelaksanaan dilakukan di desa Gentan kecematan Baki kabupaten Sukoharjo, dilaksanakan pada tanggal 20 Juli 2017. Hasil dari pendidikan kesehatan 90% peserta mampu memperagakan cara perawatan kaki pada penderita diabetes melitus secara benar . Based on data from Riskesdas, 2013, the prevalence of Diabetes Mellitus in Central Java Province in 2011 was 509,319 people and in 2013 to 722,329 people, this increase occurred with age, but more than 65 years of visual decline (Zukhri, 2015). According to the Health Service of Indonesia (2009) DM type II occupies more than 90% of cases in developing countries while all DM patients are classified as type II DM, where 40% of the community groups that change traditional lifestyles become modern. The results of observations and interviews conducted on Diabetes Mellitus patients / Sick Diseases is a collection of symptoms that occur in a person caused by emotions that can cause localized by insulin and insulin insulin. DM type II is the largest DM in Indonesia that usually occurs in adults, but also occurs in children and adolescents. In type II DM, the body is capable of producing insulin but this insulin is insufficient or unusable to respond to the effects of insulin (known as insulin resistance) that causes the buildup of glucose in the blood. Many people with type II DM do not know that they are having DM after year-year. Patients are usually diagnosed after there are complications of DM .. One of the problems that often occur in patients with diabetes mellitus is a foot problem. It's just that, no problems, bacterial or fungal infections, and the most severe is the decay of tissue that needs to be done amputation. Foot Care on Diabetes Mellitus Disease (DM). Provision of health education through Foot Gymnastics Simulation in diabetic patients is useful to prevent complications. Technique of execution of education by Foot Gym Simulation method in diabetes mellitus. The place of execution was carried out in Gentan village of Baki kecamatan of Sukoharjo district, conducted on July 20, 2017. The result of health education 90% of the participants were able to demonstrate the proper way of foot care in diabetes mellitus..