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Jurnal Pembelajaran Matematika Vol 1, No 3 (2013): Pembelajaran Matematika
Publisher : Jurnal Pembelajaran Matematika

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Abstract: The objective in the research is to find out: (1) the learning approach giving better learning achievement, whether learning with contextual approach with problem solving approach or with direct learning; (2) the student learning style providing better learning achievement, whether visual, auditory, or kinesthetic learning styles; (3) in each learning approach, who having learning achievement better, the students with visual, auditory or kinesthetic learning style; and (4) in each learning style, which one providing better learning achievement, the learning with contextual approach with problem solving approach or with direct learning. The population of research was all IX (ninth) graders of Junior High School in Bojonegoro Regency consisting of 55 school. The sample was taken using stratified cluster random sampling. The sample of research consisted 305 students divided into experiment I, experiment II, and control groups.The conclusion of research was: (1) the learning with contextual approach giving better mathematics learning achievement than the problem solving approach and direct learning. (2) The students with visual learning style had learning achievement better than those with auditory one. But, there was no difference of learning achievement between the students with visual and those with kinesthetic learning style and there was no difference of learning achievement between the students with auditory and those with kinesthetic learning style. (3) In learning with contextual approach, all learning styles had the same learning achievement, while in the learning with problem solving approach, the students with visual learning styles had different learning achievement, the students with visual learning style had the same learning achievment with the students with kinestetic learning styleand the students with auditory learning style had the same learning achievment with the students with kinestetic learning style. Indirect learning, there was no difference of learning achievement between the students with visual, auditory and kinesthetic learning styles. (4) In the students with visual,auditory and kinesthetic learning style, there was no difference of learning achievement between the students with contextual approach,problem solving approach and direct learning.Keywords: contextual, problem solving, learning style.
AL-AHKAM Volume 23, Nomor 1, April 2013
Publisher : AL-AHKAM

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Penelitian ini bermaksud untuk menganalisis latar belakang sejarah lahirnya UU No. 21 Tahun 2008 tentang Perbankan Syari’ah dalam sudut pandang relasi antara hukum dan politik kekuasaan. Kajian ini dianggap menarik dalam konteks negara Indonesia sebagai negara hukum yang mayoritas penduduknya beragama Islam, sehingga secara etis hukum Islam menjadi bagian yang penting dalam perkembangan hukumnya. Secara politis, pemerintah Indonesia juga memiliki latar belakang sejarah hubungan yang harmonis dengan kekuatan Islam. Penetapan UU No. 21 Tahun 2008 tentang Perbankan Syari’ah tidak bebas dari konstelasi dan konfigurasi politik yang terjadi pada saat itu. Namun demikian, meski dihiasi oleh konfigurasi politik yang ketat, penetapan UU No. 21 Tahun 2008 tentang Perbankan Syari’ah ini memiliki dasar yuridis, sosiologis, dan filosofis yang dapat dipertanggung­jawabkan. Penetapan undang-undang ini mem­buktikan bahwa hukum Islam telah menjadi salah satu sumber hukum Nasional dan memiliki peluang untuk berkontribusi secara maksimal dalam pembangunan hukum Nasional di masa yang akan datang.***This study intends to analyze the historical background of the enactment of Law No. 21 of 2008 concerning Islamic Banking in the perspective of relationship between law and political power. This study are considered attractive in the context of Indonesia as a state law that the majority of the population is Muslim, which is ethically Islamic law becomes an important part in the law development. Politically, the Indonesian government also has a historical background of the harmonious relationship with the Islamic forces. Determination of law No. 21 of 2008 concerning Sharia banking is not free from the constellation and political configurations that occured at that time. However, despite decorated by strict political configuration, the determination of this statue has a accountability of its juridical basis, sociological, and philosophical. Determination This law proves that Islamic law has become one of the sources of national law and has the opportunity to contribute to the development of national laws optimally in the future.***Keywords: Hukum Islam, konfigurasi politik, UU No. 21 Tahun 2008, perbankan syari’ah
Eklektisisme dalam Taqnîn Hukum Keluarga di Dunia Islam Ghofur, Abdul; Sulistiyono, Sulistiyono
ISLAMICA: Jurnal Studi Keislaman Vol 8, No 2 (2014): Islamica
Publisher : Program Pascasarjana UIN Sunan Ampel Surabaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (337.861 KB) | DOI: 10.15642/islamica.2014.8.2.261-291


The Qur’ân was revealed with justice and equality for human beings regardless of their sex, race, social class and ethnicity, as cardinal principles and intrinsic values in Islamic sharî‘a. If this is the case, modern Muslim society with Islamic law is necessarily of equality and justice. However, their family laws which are grounded on assumptions of past centuries and have little bearing on contemporary realities have not reflected gender relations. Inequality that occurs within the context of Muslim family laws is one of the subtle but most pervasive areas of discrimination against women. It has resulted in a different set of dynamics that help create new demands in favor of change of laws. This study explores the reform strategy through legal mobilization in the Muslim family laws around the world. The findings of the study reveal that the substantive and pluralistic legal mobilization is important to Muslims, and the reinterpretation and renewal of laws have been mobilizing debates among both proponents and opponents, framed by orientations to the modernists who advocate reinterpretation of the original sources and the traditionalists who insist on literal adherence to the received doctrinal corpus.
Dampak Kemitraan Bank Syariah Mandiri Cabang Gresik Terhadap Kinerja Bmt (Studi Kasus BMT Mandiri Sejahtera Kabupaten Gresik) Ghofur, Abdul
Jurnal Ekonomi dan Bisnis Islam Vol 1, No 2 (2015): Juli - Desember 2015
Publisher : Departemen Ekonomi Syariah Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Airlangga

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This study aimed to obtain the impact of Bank Syariah Mandiri branch partnership Gresik on the performance of BMT Mandiri Sejahtera consists of Financial Performance them and social performance. The financial performance of which is Return on Assets (ROA),Return on Equity (ROE), Non Performing Financing (NP), Financing to Deposit Ratio (FDR) and social performance is Zakat, Infak, and shodaqoh (ZIS) and Qardul Hasan. These results indicate a positive impact on performance BMT Mandiri Sejahtera after partnering with Syariah Mandiri Bank of Branch Gresik. Keyword : partnership, performance, BMT Mandiri Sjahtera 
Al-Ahkam Volume 23, Nomor 1, April, 2013
Publisher : Faculty of Shariah and Law, State Islamic University (UIN) Walisongo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (345.228 KB) | DOI: 10.21580/ahkam.2013.23.1.73


This study intends to analyze the historical background of the enactment of Law No. 21 of 2008 concerning Islamic Banking in the perspective of relationship between law and political power. This study are considered attractive in the context of Indonesia as a state law that the majority of the population is Muslim, which is ethically Islamic law becomes an important part in the law development. Politically, the Indonesian government also has a historical background of the harmonious relationship with the Islamic forces. Determination of law No. 21 of 2008 concerning Sharia banking is not free from the constellation and political configurations that occured at that time. However, despite decorated by strict political configuration, the determination of this statue has a accountability of its juridical basis, sociological, and philosophical. Determination This law proves that Islamic law has become one of the sources of national law and has the opportunity to contribute to the development of national laws optimally in the future.
Solidarity: Journal of Education, Society and Culture Vol 4 No 1 (2015): SOLIDARITY
Publisher : Solidarity: Journal of Education, Society and Culture

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Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menjelaskan proses, faktor-faktor pendorong, dan dampak komodifikasi Sintren Kumar Budoyo dalam arus modernisasi. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode penelitian kualitatif dengan pendekatan studi kasus. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa, proses komodifikasi Sintren Kumar Budoyo merupakan suatu siklus, mulai dari proses produksi, distribusi, dan konsumsi, yang disokong oleh seniman, pemerintah, dan masyarakat apresiator. Faktor-faktor pendorong komodifikasi Sintren Kumar Budoyo meliputi faktor internal dan faktor eksternal. Faktor internal terdiri atas perubahan spirit dalam berkesenian sintren, dan kreativitas pengembangan estetika berkesenian sintren. Faktor eksternalnya adalah pengaruh media dan budaya modern, serta permintaan konsumen. Dampak komodifikasi Sintren Kumar Budoyo meliputi dampak sosial ekonomi dan dampak sosial budaya. Pada dampak sosial ekonomi, komodifikasi Sintren Kumar Budoyo menyebabkan meningkatnya pendapatan seniman. Dampak sosial budaya tercermin pada kaburnya identitas dan nilai-nilai sejarah sintren, serta pergeseran fungsi sintren. This study is to explain the process, stimulation factors, and impact of commodification Sintren Kumar Budoyo in relation of modernization. It used qualitative research method with a case study approach. The results showed that, process of commodification Sintren Budoyo Kumar is a cycle, from production, distribution, and consumption, which supported by artists, government, and appreciators society. Stimulation factors of the commodification Sintren Kumar Budoyo include internal factors and external factors. The internal factors consist of changes in art sintren spirit, and creativity development sintren art aesthetic. External factor is the influence of media and modern culture, also consumer demand. Commodification impact of Sintren Kumar Budoyo include socio-economic and socio-cultural impact. On the socio-economic impacts, commodification of Sintren Kumar Budoyo led to increase revenue artists. While the socio-cultural impact is reflected in the blurring of identities and values sintren history, as well as a shift function sintren.  
Dinamika Kajian Pendidikan Bahasa Arab Dalam Sripsi Mahasiswa Program Studi Pendidikan Bahasa Arab Antara Tahun 2010-2014 Fakultas Ilmu Tarbiyah Dan Keguruan IAIN Surakarta Ghofur, Abdul
ARABIYATUNA : Jurnal Bahasa Arab Vol 1, No 1 (2017)
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Agama Islam (STAIN)Curup

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29240/jba.v1i1.173


This research departs from academic anxiety, the thesis is only used as an annual ritual for the graduation requirements of students, regardless of competence standards, methodological, and actuality issues about education, especially ignored Arabic. In this case thesis student of Arabic Education Study Program (PBA) IAIN Surakarta year 201-2015. The few questions that will be answered in this study are: what are the Arabic educational clusters that have been studied; What percentage, which clusters are already saturated and need to be abandoned to avoid repetition; What clusters are still open opportunities to serve as a topic of study in the future; How its adaptability to the new educational issues being in the community, and what are the methodological problems that are often found. This study includes literary because the data and primary sources are derived from written materials derived from the thesis of students Prodi PBA FITK IAIN Surakarta 2010-2014. This research is descriptive qualitative, data collection using documentation technique. The written data collected and categorized and then analyzed inductively by content analysis method (content analysis). Data analysis technique is an interactive analysis model, namely: data reduction data, and drawing conclusions. The result of this research shows that from 98 thesis amount, "Typology of Study" data of Thesis student of PBA FITK IAIN Surakarta 2010-2014, a normative study is 72 (73.47%), and the sociology of education is 16 (16.33%). For the actuality of the issue, students of PBA FITK are about the problem of applying methods and approaches in learning Arabic. While issues related to current issues concerning the education of Arabic language, such as translation, content analysis, and character thinking, have not been raised much. While methodologically, the most errors that are found from the students thesis Prodi PBA is in aspects of the theoretical framework, data analysis, and other grammar.
Rekontruksi Penguatan Pesantren dalam Pengembangan Civil Society di Era Globalisasi Ghofur, Abdul
Dimas: Jurnal Pemikiran Agama untuk Pemberdayaan Vol. 16 No. 1 Tahun 2016
Publisher : LP2M of Institute for Research and Community Services - UIN Walisongo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (117.76 KB) | DOI: 10.21580/dms.2016.161.892


The role of pesantren in the development of civil society in this era of globalization needs to be re-examined. Along with the various challenges in this era, certain steps required to reconstruct the strengthening of the role of pesantren. Pesantren which has been able to play a role of educating the students should be developed with greater emphasis on strengthening civil society more comprehensively. Based on data and analysis, the authors conclude that: First, schools in addition to religious education institutions, also has the potential for the development of civil society in public education by taking various measures. Second, the schools in conducting educational development of civil society in the community can take two ways: (1) perform variety useful and beneficial activities to the surrounding community (2) to make educational planning directed at the ability and skills of the students respond to the needs and demands communities of origin. Third, the main role of schools in developing Islamic religious education should continue to be empowered and developed primarily related to entrepreneurship and independence, as well as efforts to integrate the religious knowledge and development of civilization in this era of globalization. Peran pesantren dalam pengembangan civil society di era globalisasi ini perlu untuk dikaji ulang. Seiring dengan adanya berbagai tantangan di era ini, langkah-langkah tertentu diperlukan untuk merekontruksi penguatan peran pesantren ini. Pesantren yang selama ini mampu berperan mendidik para santri hendaknya dikembangkan dengan lebih menekankan pada penguatan civil society secara lebih komprehensif. Berdasarkan  data dan analisis,  penulis menyimpulkan bahwa: Pertama, pesantren di samping sebagai lembaga pendidikan agama, juga memiliki potensi untuk melakukan pengembangan pendidikan civil society di masyarakat dengan melakukan berbagai upaya. Kedua, pesantren dalam melakukan pengembangan pendidikan civil society di masyarakat dapat menempuh dua cara: (1) melakukan berbagai akvititas yang berguna dan bermanfaat bagi masyarakat di sekitarnya (2) dengan membuat perencanaan pendidikan yang diarahkan pada kemampuan dan ketrampilan para santri dalam merespon kebutuhan dan tuntutan masyarakat asalnya. Ketiga, peran utama pesantren dalam melakukan pengembangan pendidikan agama Islam hendaknya terus diberdayakan dan dikembangkan terutama terkait enterpreneurship dan kemandirian, serta upaya memadukan antara pengetahuan agama dan kemajuan zaman di era globalisasi ini.
PESANTREN BERBASIS WIRAUSAHA (Pemberdayaan Potensi Enterpreneurship Santri di Beberapa Pesantren Kaliwungu Kendal) Ghofur, Abdul; Asiyah, Nur; Shofiyullah, M
Dimas: Jurnal Pemikiran Agama untuk Pemberdayaan Vol. 15 No. 2 Tahun 2015
Publisher : LP2M of Institute for Research and Community Services - UIN Walisongo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (474.099 KB) | DOI: 10.21580/dms.2015.152.744


Pemberdayaan masyarakat pesantren berbasis wirausaha ini pada prinsipnya untuk menjembatani permasalahan yang sering dialami santri, khususnya alumninya. Banyak alumni pondok pesantren, meski secara keilmuan relatif berhasil dan diakui di masyarakat, bahkan cenderung ditokohkan di daerahnya masing-masing, namun dalam segi perekonomian, mereka mengalami masalah. Oleh sebab itu diupayakan langkah tertentu, khususnya pemberdayaan potensi entrepreneurship. Pelaksanaan pemberdayaan potensi entrepreneurship yang dilakukan di tiga pondok pesantren di wilayah Kecamatan Kaliwungu Kabupaten Kendal, yaitu PP Miftahul Falah, PP ARIS dan PP ASPIR, setidaknya, dapat menggapai beberapa poin yang dapat menjembatani beberapa permasalahan di atas. Pertama, dengan mengikuti kegiatan ini, para peserta tergugah untuk melakukan kreasi, inovasi dalam merespon kebutuhan masyarakat sebagai sumber perekonomian. Kedua, ada kesadaran dari para peserta bahwa setiap barang dapat dimanfaatkan secara optimal. Ketiga, pentingnya pemanfaatan waktu secara lebih intensif untuk menghasilkan sebuah barang yang bernilai ekonomis dan dapat menjadi peluang income bagi mereka. Keempat, ada kesadaran dari para peserta akan arti pentingnya pemanfaatan lahan-lahan kosong agar lebih berdayaguna dan lebih produktif.
Al-Ahkam Volume 27, Nomor 1, April 2017
Publisher : Faculty of Shariah and Law, State Islamic University (UIN) Walisongo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (238.463 KB) | DOI: 10.21580/ahkam.2017.27.1.1349


This paper discusses the contribution of maṣlaḥah mursalah Imam Maliki to the development of sharia economic law. Maṣlaḥah mursalah is one of the methods of determining Islamic law initiated by Imam Malik. Based on the author's search, there are at least two conclusions about the contribution of the maṣlaḥah mursalah Imam Malik method to the development of Shariah economic law. First, maṣlaḥah mursalah as one of the approach model in ijtihād becomes very vital in the development of sharia economic law and siyāsah iqtiṣādiyyah (economic policy). Because the new problems in the emerging economics in this global world continue to grow, which textually found no proposition in the Qur'an and al-Sunnah. Secondly, the need for fatwas, especially in the fatwa of DSN-MUI, which is based on maṣlaḥah mursalah (kemaslahatan) becomes very urgent. The demands of the times have required the Muslim jurists to see the complexity of the contemporary problem and choose a more convenient (taysir) and avoiding difficulties (al-ḥaraj); And the emergence of new cases requires the existence of ijtihād by considering this maṣlaḥah mursalah aspect.[]Tulisan ini membahas tentang kontribusi maṣlaḥah mursalah Imam Maliki bagi pengembangan hukum ekonomi syari’ah. Maṣlaḥah mursalah merupakan salah satu metode penetapan hukum Islam yang digagas oleh Imam Malik. Berdasarkan penelusuran penulis, setidaknya ada dua kesimpulan mengenai konstribusi metode maṣlaḥah mursalah Imam Malik terhadap pengembangan hukum ekonomi Syari’ah. Pertama, maṣlaḥah mursalah sebagai salah satu model pendekatan dalam ijtihād menjadi sangat vital dalam pengembangan hukum ekonomi syari’ah dan siyāsah iqtiṣādiyiyah (kebijakan ekonomi). Sebab persoalan baru di bidang ekonomi yang muncul dalam dunia global ini terus berkembang, yang secara tekstual tidak ditemukan dalilnya di dalam al-Qur’an dan al-Sunnah. Kedua, kebutuhan fatwa, terutama dalam fatwa DSN-MUI, yang didasarkan atas maṣlaḥah mursalah (kemaslahatan ) ini menjadi sangat urgen. Tuntutan perkembangan zaman mengharuskan para ahli hukum Islam melihat kompleksitas masalah kontemporer dan memilih pandangan yang lebih memudahkan (taysir) dan menghindari kesulitan (al-ḥaraj); dan munculnya kasus-kasus baru mengharuskan adanya ijtihād memper­timbangkan aspek maṣlaḥah mursalah ini.