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Jurnal Ilmiah Pendidikan Citra Bakti Vol 7 No 1 (2020)
Publisher : STKIP Citra Bakti

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (437.086 KB) | DOI: 10.38048/jipcb.v7i1.65


Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui efektifitas bimbingan persiapan UN terhadap hasil UN matematika di SMP Bintang Timur Ruteng. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kuantitatif dengan desain eksperimen pada sampel tunggal. Populasi penelitian adalah 32 siswa peserta UN asal SMP Swasta Bintang Timur, tahun ajaran 2017/2018. Sampling bersifat jenuh, di mana seluruh 32 anggota populasi dilibatkan sebagai sampel. Hipotesis penelitian diuji dengan uji , di mana vs Nilai adalah nilai rataan UN matematika SMP Swasta Bintang Timur tahun ajaran 2016/2017, dengan varians 53,67; yang dipakai sebagai nilai acuan untuk membandingkan efek bimbingan khusus UN terhadap hasil UN tahun berikutnya, yaitu tahun 2017/2018. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa nilai rataan UN tahun 2017/2018 adalah 50,39 dengan varians 234,42. Diperoleh statistik sedangkan . Sehingga ditolak, tetapi diterima. Artinya, ada pengaruh positif dan sangat signifikan bimbingan khusus terhadap hasil UN matematika. Dalam hal ini, bimbingan khusus penyelesaian soal UN efektif meningkatkan hasil UN matematika di SMP Bintang Timur Ruteng.
PENDAMPINGAN BELAJAR ANAK USIA DINI SELAMA PANDEMI COVID-19 MELALUI PERMAINAN KONSERVASI MATEMATIKA Valeria Suryani Kurnila; Hildegardis Mulu; Viviana Murni; Sebastianus Fedi; Eufrasia Jeramat; Bedilius Gunur
JMM (Jurnal Masyarakat Mandiri) Vol 4, No 6 (2020): DESEMBER
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Mataram

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (300.703 KB) | DOI: 10.31764/jmm.v4i6.2718


Abstrak: Kegiatan  pengabdian ini merupakan tindak lanjut dari kegiatan pengabdian yang telah dilakukan pada tahun 2019 di Kelompok Basis Gereja Santu Fransiskus Kegiatan ini dikemas dalam bentuk permainan konservasi matematika yang bertujuan untuk meningkatkan kemampuan konservasi bilangan bagi anak usia dini yang berusia 4-5 tahun. Kemampuan konservasi adalah salah satu tahap perkembangan anak yang menyatakan sesuatu (suatu objek) tetap konstan meskipun ditempatkan dalam berbagai posisi yang berbeda. Permainan konservasi matematika bagi anak usia 4-5 tahun di prioritaskan pada konservasi bilangan, sebagai salah satu hal  penting saat mereka mengenal bilangan. Kegiatan pengabdian dilakukan saat pandemi COVID 19 sedang melanda seluruh dunia melalui tahapan observasi, perencanaan, tindakan dan evaluasi. Sehingga pelaksanaannya dilakukan dengan kunjungan rumah dan tetap memperhatikan protokol kesehatan. Kegiatan ini dilakukan selama 3 bulan. Berdasarkan hasil kegiatan, kemampuan konservasi bilangan anak usia 4-5 tahun meningkat, yang ditunjukkan oleh semakin meningkatnya jumlah konserver setelah kegiatan tersebut dilaksanakan.Abstract: This community service activity was a follow-up of the activities that had been conducted in 2019 at Kelompok Basis Gereja Santu Fransiskus. The activity was  carried out in the form of a mathematical conservation game that aimed to improve the ability to conserve numbers for young children aged 4-5 years. The ability of conservation is one of children's development stage which indicates that something (an object) remains constant even though placed in a variety of different positions. The mathematics conservation games for children aged 4-5 years were prioritised on conservation of numbers, as one of the important things when they recognise numbers. The community service activities were done during the COVID 19 pandemic through the stages of observation, planning, action and evaluation, so the activities were conducted with a home visit method and under strict health protocols. This program was conducted for 3 months. Based on the results of the activity, the conservation ability of numbers of children aged 4-5 years increased, which is indicated by the increasing number of concervers after the activity was carried out.
Mathematics anxiety maneuver in the process of creative thinking: A review of students in explaining the proving in front of the class Kristianus Viktor Pantaleon; Marselus Ruben Payong; Fransiskus Nendi; Emilianus Jehadus; Valeria Suryani Kurnila
Math Didactic: Jurnal Pendidikan Matematika Vol 6 No 1 (2020)
Publisher : STKIP PGRI Banjarmasin

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33654/math.v6i1.918


This qualitative research aims to reveal in depth the intervention of mathematical anxiety in creative thinking when the subject explains the questions of proof in front of the class. The research subjects were two prospective mathematics teacher students, one was a student with a high level of mathematics anxiety (CT) while the other was a student with a low level of mathematics anxiety (CR), but both subjects had equal mathematical abilities. Data were analyzed qualitatively through five stages: data analysis, data validity checking, data reduction, data presentation, and drawing conclusions. The results of this study indicate that both subjects can produce unique (original) ways of solving problems, but CR is more smooth, detailed, and flexible in thinking. In addition, this study also found that CR is not careful in thinking so that she makes small mistakes that are not intentional.
Analysis of Translation Understanding from Verbal to Visual on Trigonometry Concept Silfanus Jelatu; Valeria Suryani Kurnila
Formatif: Jurnal Ilmiah Pendidikan MIPA Vol 9, No 3 (2019): Formatif: Jurnal Ilmiah Pendidikan MIPA
Publisher : Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian Masyarakat Universitas Indraprasta PGRI

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30998/formatif.v9i3.3663


Constructing representations in the form of visualization can help students connect with problem situations and facilitate students' ability to communicate their understanding of the problem. This implies the ability to translate mathematical concepts. This research is a descriptive study that aims to describe the ability to translate trigonometric ideas from verbal forms to visual forms of students. This research was conducted at mathematics education of STKIP Santu Paulus Ruteng which involved 75 first-level students as a sample. The results of this study indicate that the students’ at the mathematics education department of STKIP Santu Paulus Ruteng, especially in the new semester, were mostly still capable of teaching the translation of trigonometric concepts from verbal to visual forms, some of which were at the PU level with a percentage of 35.2%. In the second level, 30.6% is in the PUSM, SU category, 17.6%, NU is 13.8% and SM is 2.8%. The results of this research can be used as references for high school teachers to find out their graduation profile in terms of translational skills and also input for lecturers to be able to adjust the lecture process based on the characteristics that have been produced
PENGEMBANGAN VIDEO PEMBELAJARAN IPA BERBASIS KONTEKSTUAL DI MANGGARAI UNTUK BELAJAR SISWA PADA MASA PANDEMIC COVID-19 Ricardus Jundu; Fransiskus Nendi; Valeria Suryani Kurnila; Hildegardis Mulu; Gabariela Purnama Ningsi; Ferdinandus Ardian Ali
LENSA (Lentera Sains): Jurnal Pendidikan IPA Vol. 10 No. 2 (2020): November 2020
Publisher : Faculty of Teaching and Education, University of Wiraraja

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24929/lensa.v10i2.112


Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengembangkan video pembelajaran IPA SMP berbasis pendekatan kontekstual sesuai latar belakang siswa di kabupaten Manggarai. Penelitian ini menggunakan model pengembangan ADDIE (analyze, design, development, implementation, and evaluation). Tahapan yang akan dilakukan yaitu tahap analisis yang dilakukan meliputi: analisis pengetahuan atau kompetensi sasaran, karakteristik sasaran, dan peralatan yang menunjang penggunaan media; tahap perancangan yang dilakukan meliputi: pemindahan informasi dari fase analisis ke dalam bentuk dokumen yang menjadi tujuan dibuatnya video pembelajaran; tahap pengembangan yang dilakukan meliputi: kegiatan produksi atau mengembangkan video pembelajaran, inti dari kegiatan ini adalah pengambilan gambar berupa perekaman gambar dengan menggunakan kamera, dimana pengembangan video dilakukan menggunakan beberapa aplikasi yaitu videoscribe, photoshop, dan editor video; tahap implementasi yang dilakukan meliputi video pembelajaran diterapkan pada siswa kelas VII SMP; dan tahap evaluasi meliputi kegiatan: penilaian media berdasarkan evaluasi formatif. Hasil penelitian pengembangan ini yaitu dihasilkannya video pembelajaran IPA SMP kelas VII berbasis pendekatan kontekstual Manggarai yang bisa digunakan guru dalam proses pembelajaran untuk membantu siswa di Manggarai memahami konsep materi berdasarkan hasil validasi ahli materi sebesar 92,5% dan ahli media sebesar 96% serta hasil uji coba pada kelompok kecil yaitu kelayakan isi sebesar 93,33%, penyajian sebesar 93,89%, dan bahasa sebesar 94,28%. Dengan demikian, video pembelajaran ini bisa digunakan siswa untuk membantu proses belajarnya dari rumah sehingga dengan mudah memahami konsep IPA dasar.
MBARU NIANG DALAM PERSPEKTIF ETNOMATEMATIKA DI KAMPUNG RUTENG PU’U Melita Moira Muliani; Alberta Parinters Makur; Valeria Suryani Kurnila; Inosensius Sutam
Journal of Honai Math Vol 3, No 1 (2020): Journal of Honai Math
Publisher : Universitas Papua

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30862/jhm.v3i1.108


This study aimed to reveal how the Manggarai community used mathematical concepts in making the traditional house (Mbaru Niang) roof of Manggarai people and what were the mathematical concepts contained in it. This research used a qualitative approach with ethnographic methods. The selection of subjects in this study used purposive sampling technique. Data obtained by interviewing, observing and documenting. The validity of the data is supported through theory and facts in the field and also through expert judgment. The results showed that in the stages of the process of making the traditional house roof of Manggarai there were 3 activities that had a mathematical nuance namely designing, numerating and measuring and the mathematical concepts contained in the traditional house roof were the concept of the shapes namely triangles, rectangles, trapezoid and circles, the concept of distance, the concept of parallel lines, and lines and the pyramid.
AN ANDROID-BASED APPLICATION TO IMPROVE THE ABILITY TO DRAW AND INTERPRET FBD Yohanes Kurniawan; Silfanus Jelatu; Nugroho Prasetya Adi; Valeria Suryani Kurnila
JOURNAL OF KOMODO SCIENCE EDUCATION Vol. 1 No. 01 (2018): Science Education in 21st century (NOVEMBER)
Publisher : Unika Santu Paulus Ruteng

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (569.721 KB)


The aim of this study is to develop an Android-based learning application that is named worked example mechanics. This application was made for learning classical mechanics class IX Natural Sciences Program in Indonesia. This application is specifically designed to train and improve students' ability to draw and interpret Free Body Diagram (FBD). This application contains classic mechanic material content, animated learning of classical mechanics, drawing exercises and interpreting FBD and a self-evaluation system. This application has passed the feasibility test of both the material and the media by Yogyakarta Negeri University physics learning experts. The app is also useful in enhancing the ability to interpret FBD, in trials at Sekolah Menengah Atas 2 Kupang/SMAN 2 Kupang (State Senior High School 2 Kupang), SMAN 3 Kupang, SMA TIMPOLMAS Kupang and State Alyah Madrasah (MAN) 1 Yogyakarta.
Learning from the Past: Meta-Analysis of Contextual Teaching-Learning of the Past Decade Maximus Tamur; Valeria Suryani Kurnila; Marzuki Marzuki; Emilianus Jehadus; Sabina Ndiung; Jerito Pareira; Syaharuddin Syaharuddin
IJECA (International Journal of Education and Curriculum Application) Vol 4, No 1 (2021): April
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Mataram

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31764/ijeca.v4i1.3981


This meta-analysis was conducted to summarize the evidence linking the influence of Contextual Teaching-Learning (CTL) on students' mathematical abilities. The research data was obtained from the ERIC database, sage publishing, Scopus database, semantic scholarships, and google scholarships. The 26 studies that met the inclusion requirements were analyzed to obtain an estimate of effectiveness and examined the extent to which the effect of CTL was moderated by year of study, level of education, sample size, and publication source. The random-effect model is estimated, and data processing uses the Comprehensive Meta-Analysis (CMA) software. The results showed the overall effect size of the study was 0.88 (large effect). The moderator analysis results revealed that the implementation of CTL was moderated by the variables of education level and publication source. On the other hand, the studies' heterogeneity reflects that there are still other moderating variables associated with the effectiveness of CTL. The study's limitations and implications are discussed as the basic idea for the implementation of further research.