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Pengaruh Serbuk Ban Bekas Sebagai Campuran Agregat Halus Pada Campuran Aspal Porous Martina, Nunung; Hasan, Muhammad Fathur Rouf; Setiawan, Yanuar
Wahana Teknik Sipil: Jurnal Pengembangan Teknik Sipil Vol 24, No 2 (2019): Wahana Teknik Sipil
Publisher : Politeknik Negeri Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32497/wahanats.v24i2.1731


The porous asphalt mixture is a new generation of flexible pavement that is able to pass water in the upper layer (wearing course) both vertically and horizontally. The porous asphalt layer effectively provides more safety, especially when it rains to avoid aquaplaning which causes roughness of the surface to be more rough. Therefore, at this time there are many studies on the use of alternative materials to replace the limited natural materials with materials that can be utilized. The results showed that porous asphalt mixture with used tire crumb as a fine aggregate mixture had an increase in flow value of 6.32% with a decrease in stability value by 27.52% and a decrease Marshall Quotient value at 31.82%. The testing of roughness is increased by 17.71% and Mu-Meter 24.14%. This research is effective in overcoming environmental problems which include processing tire waste of 3.03 tons for 1 km of road pavement construction work.
Construction and Material Journal Vol 1, No 3 (2019): CONSTRUCTION AND MATERIAL JOURNAL VOL. 1 NO. 3 NOVEMBER 2019
Publisher : Politeknik Negeri Jakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar


AbstractThis research uses Bio-pozzolan which consist of ASP and lime as a substitute for cement which is expected to be used in the manufacture of mortar. Mortar mixtures were tested with a total of 70 specimens, including compressive strength of 45 specimens according to SNI 03 – 6825 – 2002, flexural strength of 15 specimens according to ASTM C 580 – 02, and changes in length of 10 specimens according to ASTM C 157 – 93. Mortar specimens with a comparison ratio of 1 PC : 3 Aggregate, the adhesive material is partially replaced with a Bio-pozzolan adhesive consisting of ASP and lime. The amount of cement substitution with Bio-pozzolan is 17,5% of the weight of cement. In this research the variation of bio-pozzolan as follows; variation 1 (0% Bio-pozzolan), variation 2 (50% lime: 50% RHA), variation 3 (60% lime: 40% RHA), variation 4 (70% lime: 30% RHA), variation 5 (80% lime: 20% RHA). The results showed the composition of Bio-pozzolan variation 2 produces compressive strength with a value of 20,889 MPA, flexural strength is 6,3735 MPA, and a value of change in length with the lowest shrinkage expansion. This Bio-pozzolan Mortar variation 2 is included into the mortar type M.Keywords : Rice Husk Ash, Quicklime, Mortar, compressive strength, flexural strength, length change.AbstrakPenelitian ini menggunakan Biopozzolan yang terdiri dari abu sekam padi (ASP) dan kapur sebagai pengganti sebagian semen yang diharapkan dapat dimanfaatkan dalam pembuatan mortar. Campuran mortar yang diuji dengan total benda uji sebanyak 70 buah, meliputi kuat tekan 45 benda uji sesuai standar SNI 03 – 6825 – 2002, kuat lentur 15 benda uji sesuai standar ASTM C 580 – 02, dan perubahan panjang sebanyak 10 benda uji sesuai standar ASTM C 157 – 93. Benda uji berupa mortar dengan perbandingan komposisi 1 Pc ; 3 Psr, bahan perekat isi diganti sebagian dengan perekat Biopozzolan yang terdiri dari ASP dan kapur. Jumlah substitusi semen dengan biopozzolan sebesar 17,5% dari berat semen. Pada pebelitian ini Biopozzolan divariasikan sebagai berikut; variasi 1 (0% Biopozzolan) , variasi 2 (50% Kapur : 50% ASP), variasi 3 (60% Kapur : 40% ASP), variasi 4 (70% Kapur : 30% ASP), variasi 5 (80% Kapur : 20% ASP). Hasil penelitian didapatkan komposisi Biopozzolan variasi 2 menghasilkan kuat tekan dengan nilai 20,899 Mpa dan kuat lentur dengan nilai 6,3735 MPa serta nilai perubahan panjang dengan muai susut paling rendah. Mortar Biopozzolan variasi 2 ini termasuk tipe M.Kata kunci : Abu Sekam Padi, Kapur, Mortar, kuat tekan, kuat lentur, perubahan panjang.
IDENTIFICATION OF GROUNDWATER DISTRIBUTION USING SELF POTENTIAL METHOD Hasan, Muhammad Fathur Rouf; Swastika, Tri Widya; Martina, Nunung; Wulandari, Linda Sari
Applied Research on Civil Engineering and Environment (ARCEE) Vol 1, No 01 (2019): Civil and Environment Development

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32722/arcee.v1i01.1953


Drought is one of the biggest problems for the community, this problem will be slightly resolved by the compilation of regions with groundwater sources. This research has been carried out in the karst area, Druju Village, Sumbermanjing District, Wetan Regency, Malang. The purpose of this study is to determine the distribution of underground air and the pattern between underground rivers in the Wonorejo draw well and spring sources in the Kaligoro River, Wonorejo Hamlet.The method that used is the Self Potential (SP) method to set the moving electrode (leap frop) with 104 measurement points. The results of this study indicate the value of electric potential shown between 0-13.5 mV, and assume that a low potential value (0-1 mV) is an indication of groundwater distribution. Areas with low potential values are found in the empathy area. When taking a distribution of water on the surface of the land that appears through the Kaligoro River, it does not need to go out in one stream with an underground river flowing in the wells of the residents. The area with the lowest potential value is a reference in making wells
JMM (Jurnal Masyarakat Mandiri) Vol 5, No 5 (2021): Oktober
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Mataram

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (456.593 KB) | DOI: 10.31764/jmm.v5i5.5253


Abstrak: Inovasi dalam melakukan pengemasan produk menjadi salah satu upaya untuk meningkatkan nilai jual produk. Tujuan kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat adalah untuk melakukan sosialisasi diversifikasi produk kepada pelaku Usaha Mikro Kecil Menengah (UMKM). Metode pelaksanaan kegiatan sosialisasi dilakukan secara personal ke tiap-tiap rumah warga pemilik UMKM dengan tujuan menghindari kerumunan. Peserta kegiatan terdiri dari 5 Dosen kelompok wirausaha, 3 Mahasiswa Jurusan Teknik Sipil PNJ, dan mitra pengabdian yang berjumlah 20 orang pelaku UMKM di RT 004 RW 014 Jatisampurna Kota Bekasi. Hasil dari pelaksanaan kegiatan sosialisasi ditemukan lebih dari 80% peserta mengalami kendala seperti keterbatasan penguasaan teknologi informasi. Kondisi ini disebabkan karena peserta didominasi oleh warga lanjut usia, sehingga membutuhkan bantuan dan dukungan dari anak-anak mereka yang notabene generasi millenial dan tanggap teknologi. Setelah peserta memiliki produk yang berkualitas untuk dipasarkan secara luas, kami menyarankan untuk melakukan kegiatan berikutnya yaitu pelatihan dan pendampingan pembuatan sertifikat Halal MUI dan BPOM.Abstract:  Innovation in product packaging is one of the efforts to increase the selling value of the product. The purpose of community service activities is to disseminate product diversification to Small and Medium Enterprises (SME's). The method of implementing socialization activities is carried out personally to each home of the SME’s owner to avoid crowds. The participants of the activity consisted of 5 lecturers of the entrepreneurial group, 3 students of the Civil Engineering Department of PNJ, and service partners totaling 20 SME’s actors in RT 004 RW 014 Jatisampurna, Bekasi City. The results of the socialization activities found that more than 80% of the participants experienced problems such as limited mastery of information technology. This condition is because the participants are dominated by the elderly, so they need help and support from their children who are millennials and are technology-responsive. After the participants have quality products to be marketed widely, we suggest carrying out the next activity, namely training and assistance in making MUI and BPOM Halal certificates.
Analisis Mutu Beton Bertulang Pekerjaan Retaining Wall Jalan Tol pada Proyek Z Germanus Tirta Tambing; Nunung Martina; Muhammad Fathur Rouf Hasan
CIVED Vol 8, No 3 (2021): September 2021
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Padang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24036/cived.v8i3.114209


Pelaksanaan pembangunan konstruksi yang tidak menggunakan aspek pengendalian dapat menyebabkan terjadinya kegagalan konstruksi, sehingga penetapan standar kualitas terhadap hasil pekerjaan konstruksi melalui pengendalian mutu sangat diperlukan. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah melakukan analisis mutu beton bertulang pekerjaan dinding penahan tanah ‘Proyek Z’. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif yaitu pengumpulan data lapangan terhadap pekerjaan dinding penahan tanah yang berupa data pengujian baja tulangan dan data pengujian kuat tekan beton kemudian dilakukan perhitungan bobot mutu sesuai standar yang sudah ditetapkan. Hasil dari analisis dan pembahasan penelitian ini diperoleh nilai kuat leleh rata-rata baja tulangan kelas BjTS 420B untuk ukuran D13 yaitu 474,74 MPa, ukuran D16 yaitu 455,62 MPa, dan ukuran D19 yaitu 487,68 MPa serta nilai kuat tarik baja tulangan kelas BjTS 420B yang diperoleh untuk ukuran D13 yaitu 579,03 MPa, ukuran D16 yaitu 592,03 MPa, dan ukuran D19 yaitu 625,08 MPa kemudian berdasarkan pengujian benda uji beton kelas C-1 dengan mutu rencana f’c 20 MPa diperoleh nilai kuat tekan karakteristik beton yaitu 22,209 Mpa. Berdasarkan hasil analisis penelitian ini, dapat dikatakan bahwa bobot mutu beton bertulang pekerjaan dinding penahan tanah pada ‘Proyek Z’ sudah sesuai dengan persyaratan yang ada dan memenuhi standar mutu rencana.
KESESUAIAN BIAYA DAN WAKTU PROYEK “Z” DENGAN KONSEP NILAI HASIL Mega Isnaeni; Nur Aziza Putri; Nunung Martina; Muhammad Fathur Rouf Hasan
Konstruksia Vol 13, No 1 (2021): Jurnal Konstruksia Vol 13 No. 1 Tahun 2021
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Jakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (297.028 KB) | DOI: 10.24853/jk.13.1.137-151


Proyek Z mengalami keterlambatan pekerjaan di tengah jalannya proyek sehingga berpotensi mengalami kerugian. Oleh sebab itu, pengendalian biaya dan waktu diharapkan mampu memberikan masukan dalam pelaksanaan proyek yang akan datang agar dapat sesuai dengan waktu perencanaan. Tujuan dari proyek akhir adalah menganalisis pengendalian biaya dan waktu pada Proyek Z yang diketahui mengalami keterlambatan di tengah jalannya proyek. Metode analisis yang digunakan yaitu konsep nilai hasil dengan indikator yang digunakan BCWS, BCWP, dan ACWP. Hasil analisis dan pembahasan menunjukkan bahwa biaya pekerjaan minggu ke-9 s/d minggu ke-17 serta minggu ke-21 s/d minggu ke-25 perlu dikendalikan dengan pertumbuhan rata-rata 0,208% - 0,602%. Dari segi waktu perlu dilakukan percepatan pada minggu ke 9-17 serta minggu ke 21-41 dengan pertumbuhan rata-rata 0,545– 13,918%. Faktor pengendalian dapat dilakukan dengan menambah tenaga kerja, peralatan serta waktu lembur sehingga mempercepat proses pelaksanaan pekerjaan.
Analisis Quantity Take-Off Menggunakan BIM Pada Proyek Jalan Tol “X” Karina Travis; Nunung Martina; Safri
Journal of Applied Civil Engineering and Infrastructure Technology Vol 2 No 2 (2021): Desember 2021
Publisher : Indonesian Society of Applied Science

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.52158/jaceit.v2i2.244


In large and complex construction projects, Building Information Modelling (BIM) is important in the globalization of construction technology. Through the implementation of BIM, it is hoped that the “X” Toll Road Project can minimize errors. The problems that occurs in the field is that the QTO calculation using AutoCAD with Microsoft Excel tools in the initial estimate is less accurate so that it results in a miss calculation in the implementation, BIM is expected to be a solution to this problem. A case study was conducted to compare the quantity take-off in toll road construction on Overpass Interchange “X” and Access Roads using BIM and conventional. Data analysis was obtained from carrying out quantity take-off work using BIM and Conventional CAD as well as conducting interviews with BIM experts. Based on the research conducted, there are differences in the calculation of the take-off quantity between BIM and conventional, the percentage difference in the calculation obtained is the difference in earthworks ±4,375%, structural excavation difference ± 1,7%, pavement difference ± 4.4%, structural concrete difference ± 0.1%, and other work 0% difference. BIM can streamline more actual volume, but it takes a long time for beginners to get accurate. BIM is influenced by the level of modeling detail, if the modeling is not modeled properly, it will give wrong volume calculation results. Compared to conventional methods, using BIM at the beginning of planning is very effective in preventing re-design as well as inefficient designs and miss calculations.
Construction and Material Journal Vol. 1 No. 3 (2019): Construction and Material Journal Vol. 1 No. 3 November 2019
Publisher : Politeknik Negeri Jakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32722/cmj.v1i3.2422


AbstractThis research uses Bio-pozzolan which consist of ASP and lime as a substitute for cement which is expected to be used in the manufacture of mortar. Mortar mixtures were tested with a total of 70 specimens, including compressive strength of 45 specimens according to SNI 03 – 6825 – 2002, flexural strength of 15 specimens according to ASTM C 580 – 02, and changes in length of 10 specimens according to ASTM C 157 – 93. Mortar specimens with a comparison ratio of 1 PC : 3 Aggregate, the adhesive material is partially replaced with a Bio-pozzolan adhesive consisting of ASP and lime. The amount of cement substitution with Bio-pozzolan is 17,5% of the weight of cement. In this research the variation of bio-pozzolan as follows; variation 1 (0% Bio-pozzolan), variation 2 (50% lime: 50% RHA), variation 3 (60% lime: 40% RHA), variation 4 (70% lime: 30% RHA), variation 5 (80% lime: 20% RHA). The results showed the composition of Bio-pozzolan variation 2 produces compressive strength with a value of 20,889 MPA, flexural strength is 6,3735 MPA, and a value of change in length with the lowest shrinkage expansion. This Bio-pozzolan Mortar variation 2 is included into the mortar type M.Keywords : Rice Husk Ash, Quicklime, Mortar, compressive strength, flexural strength, length change.AbstrakPenelitian ini menggunakan Biopozzolan yang terdiri dari abu sekam padi (ASP) dan kapur sebagai pengganti sebagian semen yang diharapkan dapat dimanfaatkan dalam pembuatan mortar. Campuran mortar yang diuji dengan total benda uji sebanyak 70 buah, meliputi kuat tekan 45 benda uji sesuai standar SNI 03 – 6825 – 2002, kuat lentur 15 benda uji sesuai standar ASTM C 580 – 02, dan perubahan panjang sebanyak 10 benda uji sesuai standar ASTM C 157 – 93. Benda uji berupa mortar dengan perbandingan komposisi 1 Pc ; 3 Psr, bahan perekat isi diganti sebagian dengan perekat Biopozzolan yang terdiri dari ASP dan kapur. Jumlah substitusi semen dengan biopozzolan sebesar 17,5% dari berat semen. Pada pebelitian ini Biopozzolan divariasikan sebagai berikut; variasi 1 (0% Biopozzolan) , variasi 2 (50% Kapur : 50% ASP), variasi 3 (60% Kapur : 40% ASP), variasi 4 (70% Kapur : 30% ASP), variasi 5 (80% Kapur : 20% ASP). Hasil penelitian didapatkan komposisi Biopozzolan variasi 2 menghasilkan kuat tekan dengan nilai 20,899 Mpa dan kuat lentur dengan nilai 6,3735 MPa serta nilai perubahan panjang dengan muai susut paling rendah. Mortar Biopozzolan variasi 2 ini termasuk tipe M.Kata kunci : Abu Sekam Padi, Kapur, Mortar, kuat tekan, kuat lentur, perubahan panjang.
Construction and Material Journal Vol. 3 No. 1 (2021): Construction and Material Journal Vol. 3 No. 1 Maret 2021
Publisher : Politeknik Negeri Jakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32722/cmj.v3i1.3506


The construction field in Indonesia has been developing briskly. It can be proved by the discovery of the new method in the construction field, the Building Information Modelling (BIM) method. This BIM method is claimed to help finish the work more effective and less cost compare using the previous methods. It is because each application should be made manually and separately. Unlike the conventional method, the BIM method has the applications integrated into one, so it can accelerate the work progress and minimalize human resources. This research discusses the contrast of the construction planning process, especially when making the work method, and shop drawing, which reviewed from cost, quality, and time aspect. This research also examines the advantages and disadvantages of using the BIM method because it is categorized as a new method. The questionnaire and the interview method are used to collect the data. This research subject is the drafters and engineers already experienced in the construction field by applying the BIM method. The case of this study is Toll Road Jakarta – Cikampek II Selatan (Paket 3), with comparing the cost and time efficiency between conventional and BIM methods. The results show that the work will be done 43.82% faster using the BIM method than the conventional one. However, the required cost will be more expensive by using the BIM method because it will be allocated to invest in the software license. Keywords: Cost, Quality, and Time; Building Information Modelling (BIM); Conventional Methods.  
Identification of Groundwater Distribution Using Self Potential Method Muhammad Fathur Rouf Hasan; Tri Widya Swastika; Nunung Martina; Linda Sari Wulandari
Applied Research on Civil Engineering and Environment (ARCEE) Vol. 1 No. 01 (2019): Civil and Environment Development

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32722/arcee.v1i01.1953


The drought is one of the biggest problems for the community, this problem will be slightly resolved if the regions have a groundwater sources. This research has been carried out in the karst area, Druju Village, Sumbermanjing District, Wetan Regency, Malang. The purpose of this study is  to determine the distribution of groundwater in the Wonorejo Village, Malang District. The method that used is the Self Potential (SP) method using leap frog configuration with 104 measurement points. The results of this study indicate the value of electric potential shown between 0-13.5 mV, and assume that a low potential value (0-1 mV) is an indication of groundwater distribution. Areas with low potential values are found in four area. The area with the lowest potential value can be used as a reference in making wells. The possibility of groundwater distribution in this research area is not in one line / flow. However, it is possible that in areas outside the research location, groundwater flow is in one lane. Thus, to prove this assumption it is necessary to carry out further research in a wider area and the use of other geophysical methods to obtain more varied subsurface information.